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EggaMegaToad on Trust me bro

2 days ago

moo, its fire and you know it lmao

moo1234 on Trust me bro

2 days ago

who let bro cook

Rubydung on Colorless Durdle Deck

2 days ago

Cross-the-roads I am doing alright, thank you for asking. Sorry for the late response and not posting decks in a long time, but I have had many things going on. Both from currently finishing my teaching license and working full time. Additionally, I just haven't made as many decks in the last few years for a few reasons. For one, most of my friends have stopped playing the game, so it is extremely hard to playtest and review decks without an active opponent. Secondly, it is hard to justify the time and money I use to put into it, college tuition and a teacher's pay and all that. Finally, I just haven't really agreed with the post-pandemic balance shifts. I have always enjoyed wacky and unpredictable strategies, However, as of the last 4-5 years it has felt like WotC has been continuously moving the power creep bar more then normal, and I just don't think I would be comfortable playing again until it calms down a little (also, there is just too many sets to keep track of coming out at a time). I do hope to getting back to posting decks again at somepoint, but I do not consider it a high priority.

bob636 on Tasigur EDH

2 days ago

Thanks for the feedback!

This build leans pretty heavily into finding a 2 card combo early to win. Tasigur was chosen because he turns infinite mana into infinite card draw, but without technically drawing those cards. (Looking at you bowmasters)

The 2 infinite mana combos are Isochron + Dramatic Reversal and Hullbreaker + mana rocks. These effectively win the game as long as they generate the right colors, but don't directly win by themselves.

There are 2 kill combos: Thassa's Oracle + Demonic Consultation/Tainted Pact, and Witherbloom + Chain of Smog. The Witherbloom combo is riskier, since it requires discarding your own hand, but this is irrelevant if you have infinite mana and a tasigur. Having multiple options means I dont fold to a single Praetor's Grasp or other exile effect.

Toxrill is just too good not to include. Since Tasigur has a CMC of 6, Toxrill (or any other CMC 7 creature) can be tutored into play with Eldritch Evolution or Neoform.

I'm honestly not sure about the board presence piece. For now I've completely ignored that and leaned into the combo approach. My ideal game plan is to find 1 of the 7-ish combo pieces + 1 tutor and piece together the win from there. The backup plan is to play a value game with necropotence, sylvan library, seedborne, neoform into a fatty, etc.

htownclyde on Ugin's Affinity

2 days ago

Awesome list. Thoughts on Kozilek's Unsealing?

I have playtested it a bit, and it is very explosive when you can Recall off each Enforcer, and net {C}{C} off each Frogmite!

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 days ago

That's awesome!!

philias on Card creation challenge

2 days ago

Flameburst Hydra

Creature: Hydra

this creature gets +1/+1 for each mana in your mana pool

Whenever ~ does combat damage to a player, add

: create a token copy of this creature. Activate this ability using only mana made from creatures.


If this is suitable, than create a Studio Ghibli or Dr. Seuss style card

zapyourtumor on Modern's Break Out Zoo

2 days ago

Theres also maybe potential for Inti, Seneschal of the Sun or Amped Raptor type builds? although raptor not getting a trigger off break out is annoying but you should always have enough other break out hits.

Icbrgr on Modern's Break Out Zoo

2 days ago

I like both of those creatures a lot! Gallia would probably be amazing for feeding goyf and delirium in particular.

Femme_Fatale on List of Bugs and Feature …

2 days ago

N_: Nvm that bug is fixed now, just had to make the v1 tester read it as a different name without the ampersand.

zapyourtumor on Modern's Break Out Zoo

2 days ago

could this deck maybe play Wild Nacatl and/or Gallia of the Endless Dance? I've liked gallia in these shells before as a card advantage engine to discard a land or something for gas

Gleeock on Potol, King of the Rivers

2 days ago

I like it. Feels like it could be a God to some poor tribe. He allows for a lot of variety in the 99 while still leaning into graveyarding

Bingbongboo on Grand Arbiter Augustin IV

2 days ago

I implore you to implement more cowbell

larrrycIII on BFG aka Big Lady

2 days ago

That's one BFG (Big F*ing Gal)

Noire_Samhain on Our turn!!!?? Dork Tribal

2 days ago

Deathrite Shaman is another Mana dork you might like, albeit slightly more limited due to requiring lands in the grave (not too limited though if your playgroup all play some sort of fetchland including the casual ones). Inga and Esika can make everything not a mana dork as well, though for creatures only. Also provides card draw for casting creatures with mana dorks as well.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 days ago

Goblin Party Raid


If target opponent controls more creatures than you, create a number of 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens equal to the difference.

You may instead create a number of 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens equal to twice the difference. If you do, each of those tokens deals 1 damage to you.

A goblin party raid is unlike anything else. Like Devils, they burn everything in their path. Like Kobolds, they slaughter everything in their wake. Truly a sight, and a horror, to behold.

Imagine your opponent has like 22 creatures and you've got 3 and then you top deck this bad boy and slam it down not for 19 but for 38 with a Purpheros or Impact Tremors online.

Doesn't matter if you've survived with 2 life, as long as they're out first. Lol

Challenge: Make me a card you think I'd like :)

Coward_Token on Modern Horizons 3

2 days ago

Wing It: missed opportunity to make an Improvise pun

Silverquill Lecturer: For a do-nothing creature with mediocre stats and a drawback ability, I feel this is overcosted.

Stone Idol Generator: Kinda wish this instead let you pay ten to make an Ancient Stone Idol token (which in turn would make its own token on death)

Muster the Departed: Just please give me white Bitterblossom for 3 T_T

Nightshade Dryad: kinda surprised it's not an Eldrazi or at least Ugin-flavored

Phyrexian Ironworks: don't even need energy support for this to work

Fanged Flames: I get that it's a reference to Ghostfire, but I don't really see the connection between snakes & Ugin

Final Act: Missed opportunity to call it "Begone"

Obstinate Gargoyle: kinda wish this was a 1/1 with undying instead

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

2 days ago

JackNavi Thank you for your comment!

I had no idea Reprieve worked like that. That's nifty! I'll definitely consider it!. As for the other suggestions, I'm not wanting to be too in-depth in the equipment subtheme. I do run a few because I do want to be swinging, but I'm not really sure Helm of the Host or Blade of Selves is the direction I want to take the deck.

As for Serra's Emissary, it just makes me wish Iona, Shield of Emeria was legal >_<

Kapptain on Haunted Shadowheart

2 days ago

I was super inspired by your deck Vess, and did some tinkering. I went all in on playing Gary and reanimating him, getting Razaketh to stick basically feels like a win. my list for reference: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/2EDNL5SfAkiiazWI8QS9Rg

JackNavi on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

2 days ago

Heyo, love the deck and theme. Quick additions from a fellow Angel Beats player: Sigarda's Aid will help out with all of your awesome Equipment. Serra's Emissary can protect your Platinum Angel from Instants and you from Creatures. And I would suggest running Helm of the Host or Blade of Selves for multiples of Giada and for fun! Also, I would run Reprieve in the deck as well, since you have Approach of the Second Sun to really lock in that win! Have fun and I hope to see more!!!!

Apollo_Paladin on Spirit Factory

2 days ago

One of the main weaknesses of any creature-based build is going to be Boardwipe effects. And, especially now that there are exile-based boardwipes floating around in the mainstream (your Sunfalls, your Farewells, etc), you can't even always rely on indestructible effects to get around this like one used to when boardwipes were all just "Destroy all".

That doesn't leave you a ton of options to get around this, but one I would look at for sure is a couple copies of Guardian of Faith. Phasing is the only way tokens can leave the battlefield and not just instantly poof, and he even shares Spirit synergy with the rest of your build. This makes him pretty much the only option for a deck like this to bypass a wipe.

Another one that could be fun here is Divine Visitation with all your token-generating effects, as well as Anointed Procession and/or Mondrak, Glory Dominus for some doubling effects.

Anyway +1 for some neat picks; I hope some of this helps, and good luck either way!

puce on Elves Deck

2 days ago

A casual Elves Deck that also works in later game phases:

  • uses only 1/4 basic lands to make sure there will be enough creatures to play
  • play/ draw additional elves from the library to make sure you don't run out of elves to play
  • survive with a hord of elves + 1 or 2 Wellwisher
  • use counters and other +1/+1 effects to make the elves bigger

WiseTheRumGone on Baral

3 days ago

my first non-precon attempt

legendofa on Card creation challenge

3 days ago

Yeva's Call


If an opponent controls more creatures than you, create a number of 2/2 green Wolf creature tokens equal to the difference between the number of creatures you control and the number of creatures the opponent who controls the most creatures controls.

If an opponent controls a creature with greater power than any creature you control, put a number of +1/+1 counters on target creature you control equal to the difference between that creature's power and the greatest power among creatures that your opponents control.

This templating feels like a digital/Alchemy card, or one of the really old cards that has two short sentences on the card and a full novel for official Oracle text. How do you translate "you get the same number of creatures as whoever has the most" and "you get a creature as big as the biggest creature" into Magic-ese?

Same challenge.

amarthaler on Pauper Murmuring Terrors

3 days ago


Replaced 1x Slagwoods Bridge with 1x Forest

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

3 days ago

abstractfive Thank you for your comment!

I'm very well aware of that. The fetchlands are too good not to run and Angel of Jubilation is the only card in the deck that turns them off. The odds of them interfering with one another in an actual game environment is low. It's a bit of a non-bo but I'm still willing to run them.

abstractfive on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

3 days ago

You cant use cards like Flooded Strand and Angel of Jubilation together. You are paying life to activate the effect of the land.

Apollo_Paladin on Menace to Society ($60 Menace …

3 days ago

Yeah that's not an unfair call at all. I don't generally like giving my opponent choices over my turn if I can help it, but there aren't really a lot of rakdos-colored draw options to pick from either (unless it's red-based discard, then draw) and he's a solid, synergizing body to have on the board.

I'd definitely spring for at least a couple of those Face-Breakers though (unless you just forgot to update your deck). They were a lot more dramatic a change for my deck than I thought they would be when I added them to mine.

Cozmosmash33 on #31 Raphael: 0-5

3 days ago

MAIN STRATEGY: Create tons of soldier tokens, power them up, swing for lethal.

SUB STRATEGY: Control the field with cheap removal.

SUB SUB STRATEGY: Destroy the opponents mana base.

Cozmosmash33 on #7 Joey Wheeler: 3-1

3 days ago

MAIN STRATEGY: Create tons of soldier tokens, power them up, swing for lethal.

SUB STRATEGY: Control the field with cheap removal.

Cozmosmash33 on #26 Seto Kaiba: 1-3

3 days ago

MAIN STRATEGY: Overwhelm opponent with massive Eldrazi.

SUB STRATEGY: Control the field with board wipes, exile's and creature abilities.


3 days ago

Fibonacci Mana Curve is based

Gidgetimer on Caesar and Combat Celebrant Sequencing

3 days ago

The second part of Combat Celebrant's ability is a reflexive trigger. It is created and immediately checked as you are attacking. You can stack the reflexive trigger and Caesar, Legion's Emperor trigger in either order since both have triggered since the last time triggers were put on the stack. This allows you to untap and attack with the Caesar tokens if you would like.

dylan.575 on Inalla and the Goblet of …

3 days ago

Not sure if you want to break up with Inalla... I know that feeling. She's a lot of fun, but it tends to steer away from a functionally playable state. Most of the time, I found myself missing a finisher or unable to execute what was needed due to mana shortages for my fun combos. The times I did win were either with a weenie stomp or when my fun combos actually worked.

Anyway, this week, I updated my Inalla deck and I'd like to share my insights.

Too Many Strategies/Themes All the wizards with unique flavors want a place in this deck. However, thinking about spells and combos quickly dilutes the deck's strategy. So, I decided on the main strategy and an extra theme (like ramp, draw, etc.) to support that strategy. Each theme must consist of between 8-16 cards in the deck. This ensures there's a better chance of drawing the theme cards. The additional category I labeled as 'value' tags. These are cards that help the deck but aren't essential for supporting the main strategy. This is where the first cuts are made.

Take, for example, Beguiler of Wills. I love that card - its ability and art are so cool. However, it's expensive at 6 mana (Inalla trigger for haste), and most of the time, my board state was poor due to having a lot of expensive cards. So, I found myself only stealing a power 2-3 creature. Everyone would know what happens next turn and react accordingly, necessitating more mana for protection. What's the strategy here? Stealing the big bad (eventually) or gathering combo pieces? This led me to cut her. BUT if the strategy/theme involves untap/tap effects like Intruder Alarm & Faces of the Past, this card makes more sense (although it still needs haste from Lightning Greaves).

This puzzling process indeed takes time, and time can sometimes make us lose sight of the original purpose of the deck. Getting caught up in exploring cards and potential combos can make it even harder to create a functional deck. I hope my insights and struggles shed some light on yours. It's a journey to strike the right balance between fun and functionality in deck-building.

moo1234 on Card creation challenge

3 days ago

Old Farmer Dizzywheat

Legendary Creature - Human Peasant

Level Up: |2/3|


Level 1-3: Lifelink, Ox you control get +0/+5 and have lifelink. |4/7|


Level 4+: When ~ dies search your deck for X basic plains cards and put them onto the battlefield where X is ~s level |4/10|

It's harder than I thought to create an actually good level up card, and for no apparent reason I also wanted to make it mono white. Maybe his third ability was originally each level up put the plains onto the battlefield but that feels a little too green for my likening. But quite a few white cards get plains on death.

Next challenge: Create a catch up card, lik Gift of Estates