
Welcome all to my next knight deck, Beyond the Grave (Mardu). I actually have two version of this deck posted (Beyond the Grave (Abzan)) as splashing or greatly changes the deck. Splashing provides me access to many good discard and Madness spells like Fiery Temper, Lightning Axe, and Olivia, Mobilized for War.


  1. Breathless Knight is potentially one of the best cards in this deck if Haakon, Stromgald Scourge is doing his thing. The fact that he has flying and lifelink as well is just icing on the cake really.

  2. Dauntless Bodyguard is potentally a great card to have in the deck as I can sacrifice him to save a different knight and if Haakon is doing his thing, simply cast him the next turn to reapply some protection. Considering adding more of him due to this mechanic as it is pretty annoying to get Haakon or Knight Exemplar out only to have them bolted soon after.

  3. Haakon, Stromgald Scourge is the crown jewel in this deck as it can work without him but works soooo much better with him in play. His reanimate ability is pretty unique and fun plus I enjoy playing knights so its a win win situation.

  4. Knight of the Ebon Legion smooths out the mana curve a bit by providing a 1-drop creature option with lots of upside.

  5. Olivia, Mobilized for War fits perfectly in this deck as she provides a discard engine when I cast a creature and allows me to pump creatures by doing so. Ideally having Haakon, Stromgald Scourge + Olivia, Mobilized for War simultaneously is perfect as any creatures discarded to pump another creature can just be cast to continue the cycle.

  6. Stormfist Crusader provides me some much needed extra draws to search the deck or replace my hand from the discarding. The Menace ability also provides some evasion making her a bit harder to deal with when attacking.

Instants & Sorceries

  1. Alms of the Vein has the much desired Madness ability allowing me to cast it for a cheap three direct damage to the opponent while giving me a but a life to spare.

  2. Bone Shards provides me yet another way to discard while also removing a creature/planeswalker from my opponent's board.

  3. Cathartic Reunion is a nice draw engine while also giving me a way to get some cards into discard.

  4. Collective Brutality is a great utility card for me to get cards into my graveyard while also allowing me to pit apart my opponent's hand and board. Being able to cast it turn 3 for only 2 CMC and drop a Maddness card for only 1 CMC while also discarding Haakon is a great way to start the game as I can rid the opponent's had of a spell, remove a creature, and hit for some direct damage all while setting up the deck.

  5. Fiery Temper also comes with Madness giving me a cheap way to either take out a creature or deal some direct damage. The ability to choose depending on the situation is nice compared to Alms of the Vein but lacks the ability to grant me life so it is a trade off.

  6. Lightning Axe is just another cheap creature removal card that provides me a discard. Nothing fancy about it but it does its job well.

  7. Nameless Inversion is the main removal spell. As this is a tribal shapeshifter instant, I can cast this from my graveyard when Haakon, Stromgald Scourge is in play as many times as I can cast it allowing me to remove either multiple weenies like Soul Warden or a key big threat such as Gishath, Sun's Avatar because when is an unchecked Tyrannosaurus-Rex not a threat?

Playtesting Feedback

  • Recently underwent a pretty major revision where I reduced the number of creatures from 23 to only 17, removed Call the Bloodline and Path of Mettle   to make room for Collective Brutality, Cathartic Reunion, and Hour of Revelation. These changes were made as the deck felt more like just a poor tribal knight deck in its first iteration than a graveyard jank tribal that featured Haakon as its main component. These changes should shift the deck a bit more into the mid-range with staling tactics to keep the opponent's board in check while I get Haakon set up. At least in theory...only time will tell if these changes were an improvement!

  • I am considering more drawing potential by adding in more Stormfist Crusader. The other debate is Burning Inquiry vs Cathartic Reunion.


Hope you like the deck, but more importantly, I hope I enjoy the deck! If you do have suggestions, I am all ears as I am always looking for ways to improve the deck and my own deckbuilding skills.


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99% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year
Splash colors R
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Folders Tirza Deck
Ignored suggestions
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