Hollow One

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hollow One

Artifact Creature — Golem

This spell costs less to cast for each card you've cycled or discarded this turn.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

legendofa on madness ruling

2 months ago

When you discard a card with madness, you put it into exile instead of your graveyard, then you get a choice. You can put it into your graveyard, and nothing else happens. Or, you can cast it from exile by paying the madness cost. If you choose to cast from exile, it acts like another other cast spell--it goes to the stack and resolve normally.

This still counts as discarding for stuff like Liliana's Caress or Hollow One, even though it doesn't go to the graveyard. Also, older madness cards, like Brain Gorgers, have slightly outdated wording. New madness cards, like Alms of the Vein, have updated wording.

lhetrick13 on Beyond the Grave (Mardu)

1 year ago

Dead_Blue_ - Good stuff, given me some things to think about!

For Oliva, I liked the Mobilized for War variant as she is cheap for her strength, I like the Flying for evasion, and her ability to discard/pump creatures and add pressure by giving them Haste. The discard is handy for Haakan or just to get creatures in the graveyard for Breathless Knight's benefit. I have an aristocrat/counters vampire themed deck that Olivia Voldaren would likely fit in better with her ability to put +1/+1 counters on herself and steal opponent's creatures that could then be sacrificed for additional benefits. I will add that to the maybe board there!

I know what you mean about the "draining resources" with the discard enablers. It is a double-sided sword as at times, it is helpful but others...not so much. Nameless Inversion is a great card for this deck as its Shapeshifter class allows me to recast it unlimited times as long as Haakon is in play. A single copy of that can literally clear an opponent's creature board in a single turn if I have the mana to burn. Finding the balance of discard spells will be something I will experiment with so thanks for the spell suggestions!

I never even thought about Hollow One for this deck. Shame it is not a Knight but with Collective Brutality, under most circumstances, you could cast Hollow One for free or 1 CMC...that would be pretty nice!

Dead_Blue_ on Beyond the Grave (Mardu)

1 year ago

I think Olivia should be Olivia Voldaren instead and that your removal suite should be completely overhauled. I get it that you want discard enablers but there are many situations where you will not want to drain your own resources to cast spells. I’d probably run Lightning Bolt, Unholy Heat & Terminate over Bone Shards, Lightning Axe & Nameless Inversion

I’d also think 4x Hollow One needs to be a must

Andramalech on Jund at Home

1 year ago

A nice one for sure. Grim Flayer comes to mind as does Skull Prophet, and maybe something a few blocks earlier in Deathcap Cultivator. I see this as a "BG Rocks" disguised with RDW tropes. Then again, Vengevine is an option, and so is Hollow One while you're at it.

But, as a Jund build goes, with nods to some of my favorite MTG-correlated artists like John Avon, I enjoyed this read and enjoyed seeing you put out something fresh. +1!

*once again I fail to see you built this in pauper, #feelsbadman

IHATENAMES on Having lands in graveyard is good

1 year ago

Suggestions. As wallisface was pointing out the synergies are loose they don't quite help each other fast enough for modern. So here are some ideas.

Choose a plan

Go deeper on titania. Run ways to sac lands like Zuran Orb or Greater Gargadon /Scapeshift for powerful boardstates out of no where.

Go deeper on gitrog monster. Run Dakmor Salvage for the mill yourself combo. Maybe even Field of the Dead / Splendid Reclamation for tons of tokens at once.

Or. Lower your curve somehow and go somewhere in between with a different focus maybe Hollow One + Vengvine type of deck with plenty of random discard and use gutrog / titania as the top end of your deck.

Delphen7 on Custom Land Cycle

1 year ago

I agree exiling card is a lot for modern, but I think these would be great in other formats! Standard wouldn't mind untapped typed duals, especially with Dominaria (and Domain) rotating in

TypicalTimmy I'm curious about your thought process on modern use. If you'd be willing to discard a land to get it untapped, wouldn't you be willing to exile it too? I actually think exiling is more fair as discarding helps a decent number of decks (W&6 piles, Murktide, Hollow One, Jund etc).

Oof_Magic on Banlist Open Discussion

2 years ago


I think the notion that cards should be banned primarily for being unfun is against the spirit of the format. That takes away agency from players. There are plenty of annoying cards and decks. Maybe I find Mox Opal annoying but Mycosynth Lattice to be rather fun. Banning a card for being unfun is going to frustrate those that find it fun and the best explanation that could be given is ‘Well your opinion is in the minority.’ Bans should have some sort of backing with data to support it. Maybe it’s the consistency of speed. Maybe it’s the ubiquity of play. The only ban I know of that Wizards did primarily for being unfun would be Aetherworks Marvel. Wizards chucked more data into that announcement than any other to my knowledge. CYA That article was so long because that’s what happens when you turn over every stone and find the only explanation left is ‘y’all don’t like it.’ Any other article would just spit out the data to support the ban and be done with it.

I think it’s dismissive of combo decks to say a card should be banned if it only exists to do broken things. There should be a speed/consistency threshold. To say you can’t make infinite mana? You can’t cheat a big creature into play? Who’s using Ad Nauseam to do anything fair? Is anyone running Vizier of Remedies without Devoted Druid? Puresteel Paladin? Amulet of Vigor? Goryo's Vengeance? Blazing Shoal is, in my opinion, the most unbannable card. Lattice would be but admittedly, Karn would have to take its spot on the bus. Bridge was a strong component of Hollow One when it had Faithless Looting. Then Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis and Altar of Dementia came along and broke it wide open. They tried to weaken it with a Bridge ban but ultimately hit Hogaak anyway. I think they should have unbanned Bridge when they banned Hogaak. Or at least Golgari Grave-Troll?

I suppose a repeatable artifact tutor is okay even if a creature one is not? I stand by saying if something wasn’t a problem until X comes along, X made the problem. Lattice made Karn a one card combo. Karn falls into the same space as Stoneforge Mystic and Birthing Pod. To that end, if Pod means WotC has to check every creature they make, doesn’t Karn mean they have to check artifacts and Mystic mean equipment?

The more I think about Jitte, the more inclined I am to say it should stay banned. Giving every creature deck Jitte is not as conducive to format health as giving white creature decks Stoneforge.

You know what’s unfun to sit across? Urza's Saga. Unban Field of the Dead.

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