Yarok's Fenlurker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Yarok's Fenlurker

Creature — Horror

When Yarok's Fenlurker enters the battlefield, each opponent exiles a card from their hand.

: Yarok's Fenlurker gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

aholder7 on Assailing Archeology

1 year ago

I like the feel of this deck and it seems fun but I have some questions and comments.

First, is green bringing enough to the table? you are playing 8 green cards if you count the backside of the flip land. They are also cheaper cards which means you would need to assure having access to green early consistently. You are devoting more than just a small splash to it, but all you are getting out of it really is some minor ramp. something like Mind Stone or Talisman of Dominance would probably serve you better. without delerium, traverse could be replaced by a basic. With delerium its a great card but in order to do that you need to get all 4 of your types (Land, Sorcery, Artifact and Creature) into the grave. Artifact and Creature are fairly easy but with as few fetches as you are playing you need to have already gotten a Cathartic Reunion or similar off before you have a consistent chance at delerium.

second i think you need a bit more interaction. you have Bone Shards which is a nice way to also get cards in grave. but as a 3 of, you aren't going to be able to respond to many things. I'd suggest throwing in Lightning Bolts but there are a number of cheap removal options like Disintegrate or Go for the Throat if you prefer those.

I think Jaxis, the Troublemaker is one of your best cards here. 3 mana with no warning to drop a leveler or combustion. if you can keep him around you can provide value by continuing to drop threats.

I don't see you hard casting most of your larger threats so Chainer, Nightmare Adept seems like they'd only be able to be a discard outlet and you have plenty of those.

it sounds like you are enjoying Void Maw so i'll skip commentary on it.

overall i think you lack early game presence or a way to stabilize if you manage your way through it. This is especially true if you are using Bone Shards as a way to get value out of unearth targets instead of putting targets in the grave. some basic cards like Yarok's Fenlurker/Burglar Rat/Dusk Legion Zealot can be a blocker and manage resources a bit.

I also don't think your tutors are entirely required with threats and filtering.


-1 chainer

-3 solemn

-4 rampant growth

-2 traverse

-2 profane tutor

+2 Jaxis

+1 combustible

+4 Mind Stone

+2 Sundering Titan as a scarier unearth target.

+3 Terminate

Moonbath on Mono Black Devotion

2 years ago

Nykthos, Lashwrithe, and Malakir Rebirth are all 3 I've heard of and/or have considered for this deck. Granted Nykthos is pretty pricey xD but it would be such a great acquisition. I really like the other recommendations Brasslord, I am keeping a list of possible cards to look into and try to figure out how they'll fit into my deck and what direction they'll take them.

I also have my eye on Thoughtseize, Leyline of the Void, Phyrexian Obliterator, though those prices are a big obstacle obviously haha Nightmare Shepherd, Fatal Push, Yarok's Fenlurker, Tymaret, Chosen from Death, Bolas's Citadel, and Ayara, First of Lochthwain are all ones that I've seen, heard of, and various ones have been cards I've been told to look into. So I have my work cut out for me to figure out which are worth it and will actually bump this deck up unless I want just a 100 card deck of all of the above lol...

Spirits on Undying Persistence

3 years ago

Forgot my friend Erebos, Bleak-Hearted , definitely one of my fav's and fits your indestructible/god theme too. Phyrexian Arena is a good 6 power draw.

Last couple topics,

I made an assumption and grouped Draw above Damage, and Deathtouch above Token.

Deathtouch 16%, Control 16%, Damage/Life 15%, Recursion 8%, Token 6%, Draw 6%, Discard 2%, Ramp 2%, Land 29%

Further on Card Advantage (which includes draw):

I know why your doing it and the thought process behind it, but here's an alternative perspective.

Your cards like Blood Divination , Costly Plunder , Pitiless Pontiff , Bone Splinters , Final Payment , Severed Strands , Spark Harvest are usually paired with LTB effect (like your damage/life and afterlife abilities), more along lines of Grave Pact (Also Dictate of Erebos , Butcher of Malakir , Dark Prophecy , Nightmare Shepherd , Etc.) or Reveillark / Academy Rector types.

The issue is Blood Divination why not Necropotence ( Greed ) for CMC1 less, and no sacrifice, let's you refill your hand anytime, Grim Haruspex /Etc. Why Spark Harvest / Bone Splinters over Swords to Plowshares or Path to Exile or Mortify or even Bloodchief's Thirst / Generous Gift if your after planeswalkers.

So how are creatures getting into the graveyard, if your not sacrificing them along with other effects, a value engine!! Skullclamp is a necessity, Viscera Seer is strong, Phyrexian Altar (this card is cEDH level though), more things like Priest of Forgotten Gods & Ayara, First of Locthwain . Why sacrifice a deathtouch creature to LTB damage/life when you can Corpse Knight instead and get the value up front? Yahenni, Undying Partisan , Village Rites is ok because its CMC1 and Instant, you don't need tutor in battlecruiser/low (up to power 5), but cards like Diabolic Intent which also feed into things like Mausoleum Secrets are value. Ashnod's Altar , Doom Foretold , Razaketh, the Foulblooded , etc.

Key is value in / value out. Don't waste the value out just to enable your recursion. Value-in, Value-out, then recur. More Immortal Servitude (battlefield), less Soul Salvage (hand). Reanimate / Animate Dead (anyone's graveyards), Unburial Rites , Victimize , Agadeem's Awakening  Flip, Revival / Revenge , Command the Dreadhorde , Blood for Bones .

Luminous Broodmoth / Lurrus of the Dream-Den could be some cool interaction with the graveyard.

Topic Interaction:

Kinda touched on it, in previous. Control 16% is quite a bit, inline with power level. If you replace Ashen Rider , Bone Splinters , Final Payment , Severed Strands , Spark Harvest . Some should become the "sac outlets", like Skullclamp / Viscera Seer and some just better interactions (Instant speed whenever possible). Anguished Unmaking , Utter End , Swords to Plowshares , Merciless Eviction , Plaguecrafter / Demon's Disciple (Better Fleshbag Marauder unless your utilizing the Zombie part), Shriekmaw , Path to Exile , Generous Gift , Deadly Rollick , Dire Tactics , Hagra Mauling  Flip, Unmake there's lots.

Burglar Rat : If you like him! Elderfang Disciple , Yarok's Fenlurker , Rotting Rats (with Unearth).

If you want to jump on a teams chat or anything when you have some time happy to help, just discord chat me, hopefully something that helps you focus this deck to a 4-5

TriusMalarky on Merchant of Death (Modern Mono-Black)

3 years ago

TS/IoK package is the absolute best t1 in black. I'd personally run Fatal Push as my 9th-12th 1-mana spells, and Knight of the Ebon Legion to round out the bottom of the deck.

The best interaction in modern plus a creature that can do quite a lot.

Then you have 2-drops. I'd run Gifted Aetherborn and Yarok's Fenlurker. Your 1x Tymaret is solid as well.

For bigger stuff, you have a variety of choices. IMO, your big stuff is all pretty good. Obliterator, Gatekeeper, Messenger, Kalitas are awesome. Nighthawk is reasonable. If you want card draw, though, just use Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper.

Daedalus19876 on Araumi's Army of Shadows

3 years ago

Lazotep Plating is a COOL idea, I might have to try that! I also keep intending to find a spot for Dreamscape Artist...

I cut Dire Fleet Ravager just because I wasn't certain if I could push through enough life loss in that single turn to not die on the backswing, but I might have to try him again. How have you found it?

I didn't run Obsessive Stitcher because it conflict with my commander's cost, and I found Tideforce Elemental to be a problem because it required the additional blue for the untap.

I'm running Floating-Dream Zubera and Ashen-Skin Zubera over Yarok's Fenlurker because they give me a stronger ability to combine them. It's pretty easy to do both at the same time! Chronic Flooding is interesting.

Overall, this seems like a great list, I can't wait to see where it goes... :D

Daedalus19876 on Aurami's Army of Shadows

3 years ago

Ooooo, I hadn't thought about Yarok's Fenlurker, that's spicy...

I'll check out your list in more detail tomorrow morning!

amicdeep on Gary is back

3 years ago

Hagra Mauling  Flip in the cave slot? especially as Feed the Swarm now slots nicely in the erase slot. i also really like Yarok's Fenlurker and feel its possibly the best 2 drop off of a turn 1 druress id try and find a way to run 4. speaking off, id probably go 4 duress

Spark Harvest is a option for pw removal possibly better than your current option

Demonic Embrace could also work as a 2 off stick it on a Fenlurker or chupacabra after getting value for etb. also the fact you can ditch a land to have big flyer after a board wipe is pretty nice

if Spawn of Mayhem keeps droping it may be worth adding, maybe with soul flayer (sac theme with soul flayer, dire moon, kitesale, spawn and aether born could do some scary stuff)

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