Ashen-Skin Zubera

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ashen-Skin Zubera

Creature — Zubera Spirit

When Ashen-Skin Zubera is put into a graveyard from play, target opponent discards a card for each Zubera put into a graveyard from play this turn.

TheoryCrafter on Any advice? (Extortion)

2 years ago

Unless you're really intent on getting one of each of Liliana and Ob Nixilis on the battlefield just to cast The Elderspell to ult one of them you're better off concentrating on the extort ability.

In order to make it more like an extort deck, you'll need more creatures. Pontiff of Blight will give all your creatures extort. Crypt Ghast will allow for some ramp. Though if Crypt Ghast is too expensive, money wise the next option to consider is Dark Ritual.

Since you have Ayara as a sacrifice engine, creatures that cause your opponent to discard when they die include, but are not limited to, Ashen-Skin Zubera and Elvish Doomsayer. Or you can cast cards such as Liliana's Specter which force discard upon entering the battlefield and sacrifice them, feeding into Blood Artist. All of this should give you some control aspects for the deck.

In which case I'd remove all copies of The Elderspell and the Planeswalkers. The 5/5 demon from Nixilis' 2nd ability and Liliana's reusable discard in her 1st ability are good but Ghastlord of Fuge is unblockable, his ability exiles instead of discard and any creatures attacking you will die anyway once they deal damage due to No Mercy, feeding into Blood Artist. Maybe cut just one copy of GoF for another small creature.

Since the affect on No Mercy is not cumulative, you should be okay to remove one.

Thank you for reading me out. I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

Daedalus19876 on To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]

2 years ago

darklord1135: It's just too much mana for the effect, alas. And if I wanted to go for a hand-wipe, I'd be playing Ashen-Skin Zubera and Burglar Rat ;)

GrimlockVIII on Representation: List of Tribal Support in Pauper

2 years ago

@Gattison: Technically, the common Changeling Shapeshifters count as Gods and Demigods, so if you really wanted to for some reason, you could actually get the lifegain bonus from Altar of the Pantheon as long as you have one of those guys out.

Also here's some Zubera support lol:

Ashen-Skin Zubera, Ember-Fist Zubera, Floating-Dream Zubera, and Silent-Chant Zubera

Daedalus19876 on To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]

3 years ago

Kaeladin: Heya! Lemme try and answer all your questions :) Welcome to the best format in Magic -- and I'm glad my primer could inspire you!

1) This deck can do fine in a "no infinite combos" meta, though it depends what precisely that definition entails. I would shift the deck to have more "staxy" elements (so re-adding Ashen-Skin Zubera and Burglar Rat , etc), and focus on killing via Gray Merchant of Asphodel lines (with potentially a few extra clones). However, the deck DOES aim towards infinite combos in its current iteration, and avoiding infinite combos will tend to make you more commander-reliant, which also means you'll need more counters and protection. Note that the wheel + Hullbreacher lines aren't "infinite" but still might make people angry XD

2) The "Fresh Fish For Cheap" list cut most of the $20+ cards, and that's the best place I'd start with. I haven't updated that list, but Araumi hasn't gotten many new toys in Kaldheim/Strixhaven. The biggest additions from MH2 which I want to test are Unmarked Grave , Persist , and Dauthi Voidwalker -- which all should be cheap-ish, I believe. Apart from Hullbreacher and potentially Entomb (which I'd highly suggest keeping), everything above $20 in this list can be cut immediately, without any big problems -- run basics over fetches, and perhaps a few more Fleshbag Marauder effects. Oriq Loremage is great, as is Mystic Reflection .

3) Hrm. The biggest thing is that Araumi can be built in a thousand different ways -- she works well with just about any good ETB creature XD You could do things like include Gyruda, Doom of Depths or Sower of Temptation to steal more cards, clones to double up on good spells, etc. I would emphasize cards which says "for each opponent, do X" or "for each X you control", which "multiply" well with multiple copies. Sac outlets too, especially if you cut Phyrexian Altar -- maybe Legion Vanguard ? I hope this helps, Araumi is SUPER open ended and you can tune her to basically use whatever creatures you enjoy!

Please let me know if there's any other questions you have!

Spell_Slam on Spirit Devouring Greed Combo

3 years ago

I agree with a lot of what CoolCalvin says. You can try to go with a token strategy to really take advantage of Devouring Greed like a combo piece. Getting 10 spirits in play is going to be a challenge, though.

Have you seen Ashen-Skin Zubera and Silent-Chant Zubera ? They could make Devouring Greed more of a value play and are good stand-alone spirits for the early game. Sacrificing 2+ of them is great value.

Daedalus19876 on Araumi's Army of Shadows

3 years ago

Lazotep Plating is a COOL idea, I might have to try that! I also keep intending to find a spot for Dreamscape Artist...

I cut Dire Fleet Ravager just because I wasn't certain if I could push through enough life loss in that single turn to not die on the backswing, but I might have to try him again. How have you found it?

I didn't run Obsessive Stitcher because it conflict with my commander's cost, and I found Tideforce Elemental to be a problem because it required the additional blue for the untap.

I'm running Floating-Dream Zubera and Ashen-Skin Zubera over Yarok's Fenlurker because they give me a stronger ability to combine them. It's pretty easy to do both at the same time! Chronic Flooding is interesting.

Overall, this seems like a great list, I can't wait to see where it goes... :D

Non-Linear on

5 years ago

I am Shirei's biggest fan and would like to make some suggestions if I may,

Coughlincohen on Budget Mono Black Discard ($25)

5 years ago

If anything, I would swap out Ashen-Skin Zubera for Abyssal Nocturnus. You have a lot of quick discard in your deck, Abyssal Nocturnus would be a beatdown card that is a lot quicker than the Zubera.

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