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CommanderNeyo on TRON Lightning Rod

1 hour ago

Have you considered adding Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip to the deck? It is basically a second Boros Reckoner, but if it flips it doubles up on the damage-dealing of your sticks.

Gidgetimer on EDH Merens Reanimator

5 hours ago

Compy Swarm seems better to me. You want creatures to be dying anyway so you are going to be doubling up on Compy Swarm each of your end steps and it also gives easy sacrifice fodder to keep the experience flowing. Honest Rutstein does the bad half of your commander's ability and then discounts creatures, which you would probably rather reanimate than cast anyway.

Balaam__ on Zombie Lock

6 hours ago

This is dastardly.

Veethevvitch on Evil dead ☠️ (Ode to …

7 hours ago

Xtough Very good suggestions! Thank you, i will have to do some shopping to acquire them but they all seems like solid choices to boost Sheoldred. :) Do you have any more outside of the box suggestions ?

LanceJade on Food, Full Pints, & Fellowship

8 hours ago

I had a deck very similar to this one. What I discovered with time and testing was that it would either do the ring tempts you or the Food token generation but when it tried to do both it would fail. It also lacked a solid win condition, but you already covered that. From what I can see you're deck is doing what mine did and is leaning more toward food generation.

What I liked: I like the sanguine bond/Vito and Exquisite blood combo. I hadn't thought about that for my deck and is a solid win condition if you can get it set up without people noticing. Your manabase also looks pretty solid which is good.

Suggestions: With your deck leaning more toward food I would consider putting in creatures that work with sacrificing/making artifacts. Some cards to consider would be disciple of the vault, Nadier's Nightblade, Amalia Benavides Aguirre and Bartolome del Presidio.

While your manabase looks good, I would suggest Indatha Triome and investing in ramp spells (Many Partings (Which also makes food), Cultivate, Kodama's reach).

Not sure if combos are your thing but Rosie Cotton goes infinite with Scurry Oak and Heard Baloth and a few others while Peregrin Took combos with Experimental confectioner and has a crazy combo with clock of omens, cauldron familiar and witch's oven.

My final suggestion is that if you do go the food route with this deck, you'll probably want to change out your commander. Any Abzan commander would theoretically work, but my best fit was Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant.

Regardless this looks like a good, fun deck.

Kaninchen23 on Marchesa Rose

9 hours ago

She's fun. Not super competitive, but can make for an interactive game.

Goldberserkerdragon on Vohar - Reanimator

13 hours ago

I have a Vohar reanimator deck and it's a blast! A lot of what reanimator wants to do is not have loads of creatures and utilize ways to dump your hand (usually) into the grave. You want enough reanimation spells but with Vohar you will be drawing 2+ a turn with the discarding a big boy to the yard. Ramp is essential not just for getting going, but good for rebuilding. Also late game reanimator just turns into you can cast most things now so just pack a combo or way to win if your beefy monsters aren't smashing through. You can also sac Vohar to recast a Reanimate from the yard, so he's the full package. More card draw/ramp is my solid rec.

hheraa on lonely goth girl

15 hours ago

I have an idea of cards I should cut already, probably gonna get rid of the slow lands and shadowborn demon and a couple others

DemonDragonJ on Patriotic Pride

15 hours ago

I have replaced Requisition Raid with Heliod's Intervention, which unfortunately increased the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.61 to 3.63, but that is an acceptable increase, since the new card is an instant, while the previous card was only a sorcery.

Motolinsky on EDH Merens Reanimator

20 hours ago

Hey Guys! Better Honest Rutstein or Compy Swarm in a 3 Mana Slot? Thx :)

Varen520 on Madness fnm may 31st 2024

1 day ago

may 31st result round 1 against Domain : win 2/0 round 2 against boros burn : loss 1/2 round 3 against homebrew affinity : loss 1/2

Icbrgr on Pioneer Jund

1 day ago


DreadKhan on lonely goth girl

1 day ago

I think I like where you're headed, the extra oomph should allow you to generate your share of wins, especially at the power level you're aiming for. Do you need more advice on what cards to cut?

Merk-A-Do on Hail Caesar - Token Generator

1 day ago

Crow_Umbra, Thank you for your help in understanding this great combo piece. Isshin might not do much with other parts of the deck but this will definitely help change the gameplay.

Dadbod81 on New MH3 Eldrazi Commander

1 day ago

I can really see you getting mana screwed, id pull some of the creatures and swap out for some more mana, even a Thran dynamo might help...

Headers13 on Splitting Headache

1 day ago

capwner, two solid suggestions there! I'm personally not a fan of old art cards so fingers crossed for a reprint of these. I love commanders that are a bit different or builds that don't follow the status quo so Obeka is right up my street.

hheraa on lonely goth girl

1 day ago

hey Khan, I made another draft of the deck with cards I have on the way, take a look and lmk what you think :)

Crow_Umbra on Hail Caesar - Token Generator

1 day ago

You are more or less correct Merk-A-Do. The sequencing is basically:

  1. Declare attacks, picking your attackers & sequencing triggers.
  2. Caesar triggers the first time, & Isshin gives him an additional trigger. Sac a token, then pick 2 Caesar abilities
  3. Caesar triggers 2nd time, sac a creature, then pick 2 more Caesar abilities.

Isshin & Caesar are excellent support pieces in each other's 99s.

Merk-A-Do on Hail Caesar - Token Generator

1 day ago

Wait, so hypothetical situation. Board looks like this: Caesar and Isshin on the battle field. I have 3 1/1 tokens of anything. I declare an attack, sac 2 token to Caesar (due to Issin), and use his 3rd ability. I can do a total of 10 sniping points to opponents. All before my creatures attack? Crow_Umbra and Belfore, if this is the way I'm reading this, then Issin will definitely be going in. Thank you everyone.

PuritanPuree on Witness These Combos

1 day ago

nuperokaso Yeah I was trying to keep the mana base as simple as I could, but you're right, it needs a way to actually end the game. Added Molten Gatekeeper and Reckless Fireweaver to do just that. Gonna have to play with the numbers a bit to figure out the correct ratios of everything.

sirkuttin on AA (affinity artifacts)

1 day ago

I know there are some expensive cards in this deck (work in progress) but thought you would find it interesting. Artifact Weenie

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

1 day ago

Anatak thank you for your comment! I'm glad you've been inspired to make your own Angel deck!

As for Traveler's Amulet, I like it as we can tutor for a basic and help to thin the deck. It isn't absolutely necessary, as you could probably get away with something like Extraplanar Lens if you really wanted to. Plus, it can be recurred with Serra Paragon so we can get more value out of it.

Anatak on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

1 day ago

Allow me to begin by thanking you. I've taken a lot of inspiration from this deck in crafting my own Angel deck.

I wanted to ask: Regarding Traveler's Amulet, is this manner of Artefact worth it in mono-colour deck? It seems like we wouldn't really be gaining much value from it, or am I missing something?

capwner on 1 Land Charbelcher EDH

1 day ago

Oh hell yeah dude this is just the kind of hilariously busted jank I love. +1

lhetrick13 on Anim's Automotives

1 day ago

--------------------- - Thanks again for the upvote! I would greatly appreciate any of your thoughts on the deck. Most all my decks are usually very cut and dry in terms of going for the throat with brute force. This is one of my first attempts at relying more on indirect damage than combat to win the game...needless to say, that is not my forte considering my first and favorite deck I run is Gishath Spared No Expense!!!.

nuperokaso on elemental lorwyn block constructed

1 day ago
  1. Play 4 Reflecting Pool. Works great with Vivids and Primal Beyond. No need to play Prismatic Omen.
  2. Supreme Exemplar is not very good. It works only with Incandescent Soulstoke.
  3. Horde of Notions is the best card you have. You should be playing more of them, most likely 4. If one is answered, you drop a second one. If not answered, he'll overtake over the game.
  4. Play more lands. Your deck is mana hungry, and even with Smokebraider you always have expensive things to cast or activate Horde of Notions.
  5. I would replace one Island with Mystic Gate. You have white and blue spells with double mana and this filter will help you casting them.

MsRhys on Unicorn booster

1 day ago


I really like the concept behind this deck!

As a new player I have a question: I thought in commander all cards in the deck can only have colours the commander has. Your commander here only has white, while there are green cards included. Is this possible? :D

nuperokaso on Bant Exalted Alara

1 day ago
  1. Don't play Borderposts. They offer no benefit for you, but opponent may destroy them with artifact hate. You also risk having an opening hand without basic lands, making them unplayable. Play Arcane Sanctum and Jungle Shrine instead.
  2. Add 2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant. It gives you an evasion against repeated blockers such as Sprouting Thrinax and also can itself provide repeated blockers. The +3+/+3 bonus doubles with Rafiq and Finest Hour.
  3. Your sideboard is bad. There is no reason to play Call to Heel when you can play Hindering Light. You don't have any enters-the-battlefield effects, so you never want to return your own creatures to hand when you can leave them on the battlefield. You have no answer to the Martial Coup.
  4. Check Cascade - Shards of Alara Block - an actual constructed deck from that era. It would destroy you hard with all the card advantage. Your deck also has problems with instant removal, since you always attack with only one creature.

K4nkato on Traverse the Garage

1 day ago

Weekly Results:

Vampires: ✅❌✅

Amalia Combo: ❌✅❌

Dimir Control: ❌✅❌

Rusty rusty! I need so much practice to get back up to snuff. Anyways, I absolutely loved Pillage the Bog, card is fucking insane. It might be worth rebuilding Fang to accommodate that card entirely. If I build a new list around bog I’ll lyk.

nuperokaso on Win Turn 0 vs Yu-Gi-Oh

1 day ago

1 Yawgmoth's Will as a tutor target is a classic - play some rituals, lotuses, play tutor for Will, replay rituals and lotuses, replay the tutor but now you have more mana.

nuperokaso on Win Turn 0 vs Yu-Gi-Oh

1 day ago

If you actually playtest the deck, many times your hand is not that great.

  1. 8 of your tutors put the card only on the top of your library rather than into your hand. I suggest you play Demonic Tutor rather than Imperial Seal.
  2. You have problems with color fixing. You end up being unable to play your cards because you don't have right combination of mana. If your plan is solely to play only one turn, then Lotus Petal is better than Mox Jet or Mox Sapphire.
  3. With Dark Ritual and 8 Lotuses, It's reasonable to get to 5-6 black mana. Some 2 Ad Nauseam and/or Yawgmoth's Bargain would improve your consistency.
  4. Ceremonious Rejection looks bad. If your only plan is to play for one turn, play Pact of Negation. You'll save 1 mana and have more possible targets. It's better if you start the game. If your opponent starts the game, Ceremonious Rejection only works if you have Leyline of Anticipation. And if you have that, you should able to win even with Pact of Negation trigger.
  5. Play 4 Gitaxian Probe and 4 Street Wraith. Your deck doesn't care for life, and you need to get your relevant cards.
  6. If you are allowed to play 4 Black Lotus and 4 Blacker Lotus, then I assume anything is playable. If so, you forgot to include the most powerful card in the entire history - Contract from Below

nuperokaso on Witness These Combos

1 day ago

You need to add some win condition. Even after gaining an infinite amount of life, your only threat are a few creatures. If the opponent eliminates those with Pacifism and similar effects, you will deck yourself.

Crow_Umbra on Hail Caesar - Token Generator

1 day ago

Caesar would trigger an additional time from Isshin, & you would have to sac another creature for the 2nd trigger. The attack trigger based creatures & enchantments you do have are All Stars in Isshin, so giving them a little extra juice couldn't hurt. I do agree with you Merk-A-Do, you might need a few more attack triggers if you wanted to make the most of Isshin.

Regardless, Isshin is still worth a consider since at the very least, he will always be able to work with Caesar. Given his versatility, Caesar can snowball in the 99 of token producing Isshin decks. Caesar & Isshin decks have a decent amount of overlap in terms of token producers & group slug, but I think Caesar decks tend to lean more aristocrats.

Merk-A-Do on Hail Caesar - Token Generator

2 days ago

I like Thalisse, Reverent Medium. I will definitely think about adding it. Regarding Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Its ability won't trigger too many things in the deck. With my commander, Its ability only triggers due to the sac creature so I don't think it will trigger more than once. But definitely thank you for the advice.

Vessiliana on Haunted Shadowheart

2 days ago

Kapptain, thank you for the interest! <3 Yes, I agree. Sticking Razaketh is basically a win, and Gary is super helpful. I will be sure to check out your list!

Balaam__ on Mono Blue* Prowess

2 days ago

Thanks for posting, JustJohn97. I haven’t had extensive hands on time with this deck, but it performs reasonably well in the average matchup. Anything designed to break it would succeed with little effort, but as something I break out once in awhile it’s capable enough. Always looking to fine tune things though, so I’ve added your suggestion to the maybeboard in case of future revisions.

KayneMarco on 50 Shades of Eldrazi

2 days ago

Profet93: actually just updated the maybe list to include mh3 cards earlier today so I will definitely be considering that suggestion.

Master_J on All Loot

2 days ago

OUT: Tree of Tales, Seat of the Synod, Great Furnace, Forest, Island, Mountain

IN: 2x Snow-Covered Forest, 2x Snow-Covered Island, 2x Snow-Covered Mountain

I saw the artifact lands on EDHRec and was looking for more land. Didn't realize Loot, the Key to Everything doesn't count types among your lands.

So I got "Rec'ed" and took them out to get a few snow basics in, hopefully to help enable Field of the Dead easier.

Master_J on Harvest Time

2 days ago

OUT: Out of Time

IN: Calix, Guided by Fate

Taking out a board wipe I never use for something else to give this deck a little more power since my group complains of this deck just walling up with no wincon.

JustJohn97 on Mono Blue* Prowess

2 days ago

This is a very neat deck! You've got a nice split in creature types that you might want to consider Of One Mind as additional card draw. I myself am partial to Pieces of the Puzzle, but I understand if that's a bit too high on the curve. Snap is currently my favorite blue removal card, and it might work well in a prowess deck since it allows you to follow up with additional spells.

Have you been able to test this deck out? I'm curious about Brainstorm in this deck. Since your only way to 'clean the top' is Preordain, do you find yourself getting Brainstorm locked?

Thanks for sharing!

Master_J on Attack Attack!

2 days ago

OUT: Ankle Shanker, Brutal Hordechief

IN: Battle Angels of Tyr, Leonin Warleader

Taking out 2 creatures that never seem to help for 2 others that will hopefully have more impact in my group.