
Well so much for that; exiting matrix elevator @ 41st floor.

Since you like this kind of thing so much and previously private channel only. You've never heard this one before, I guarantee it. Alternate history scenario: September 1941 the good guys faction of the Axis win the war. You want to know the answer to this? All right here it is. Up until then that was a stunning success. Where it went wrong was at Leningrad and what the strategy should have been from there. The initial encirclement of it was sound but you just want that city. You want it so much that you'll take it at the cost of the Soviet assets escaping from it. You blow open a rubble outward bound road at the 2:30 o'clock position and say anything coming in gets blown away but anything leaving can leave. Then you capture that as part of initial trajectory. From there you just want a realistic assessment of Soviet capability impregnable defensive position which that gives you. You've gotten to Kiev about then as well and want as quickly as possible railway congruency to it. So what you want with that is U-boat troop transports from northern Germany in a double blind double bind fully centralized muster of which of those two places they are going to go, Luftwaffe airbase #1 or #2. Not knowing which is receiving the concentration pares off in successive waves the defensibility of all north of Leningrad and the Murmansk run supply capability; only going through Eastern Russia would then be possible to the point that Finland could handle it as a combined walkover. Presenting this as a fait accompli of impending armistice with Crimea as the naval base of you know it we know it but we're prepared for it not to be exactly yours if it can be Eastern Turkey and Persia access instead. But to really make that fall like a ripe apple you want the successful Western part of the plan implemented, Britain out of the war, which you get by enlarging dramatically Vichy France into actual hulkamania France. How exactly. Simple. You just move the people from Denmark, Holland and Belgium into exactly sequential folded paper/mirror image buffer states in Picardy, Normandy and Brittany, the very last one being directly occupied as a U-boat base but the others not. Saying to France we are prepared to get out of France taking all of that which is a lot and using it to actually take Switzerland, occupying the undamaged Maginot line ourselves with that as the super strengthening airbase of it. It was France that declared war over actions intended to strengthen Europe against Bolshevism and the price of that is the severing of the direct short distance linkage by these new buffer states. They could do Torch but you could invalidate Torch by offering super strong cloned military and a joint expedition to the Suez. With U-boat troop transports thus even cloned you can take Iceland, Greenland in more than default mode, the Azores and even Newfoundland the latter weakest but U-boats as a main strategy would mean only paratroopers subject to anti-air or a full D-Day on a low-strength garrison. At that point you now control the airplane routes to Europe and Britain has to sue for peace accepting neutrality with Gibraltar also dropping to that strategy; which still has India and Australia but the rest of which came heavily under hard pressed dislodgment. With that done you offer the armistice to the Soviets based on the prerequisite of the entire Soviet apparatus except for Stalin himself given safe haven in Portugal (as opposed to Spain naturally), in exchange for only he and his top scientists know this, the likelihood that the Americans are working on the atomic bomb and that so are you that the Bolshevik government could not be trusted with in a vacuum but a more reasonable New Deal take on this could even be joint work. They could then verify this. The insufficient readiness to combat Bolshevism in any kind of resurgence thus remedied we can consider the war in Europe over. In short the Germans indeed could have won World War II and could have so done easily and by 1943; how did they miss that the crushing strength of U-boats as troop transports well they did and that's how these things go. This being in effect would tend to delay the bomb to about when the Russians had it with all the worsened Atlantic position and spycraft. That leaves America fighting Japan. But you've won that so quickly that you can decide what Japan does. America wanted Japan out of mainland Asia so you tell them yes on that but Japan gets the Philippines and the previously Dutch-held areas there. If America does not sign this armistice it does not get to trade with anybody as far as the Atlantic is concerned. So they would. Then the bombs come online at about the same time and you are in 1989 with a slightly diminished Russian position and a not perfect definitely blood and steel but not totally awful result but at least Bolshevism was taken out 50 years earlier. That could have been a thing. But the world that we live in today is better because this still would have had the weakness of a continued possible conflagration between the Russian interest and the German interest instead of the cultural landmark full Wellington overlap of those interests as opposed to the former which this would be. Thank you for listening to my TED talk, what if Bismarck instead of Hitler had been in charge of Germany during that time understanding certain importances and tradeoffs very possible. Comparative genius points unequivocal. Academic study of scenario find the cracks in it.

Either way the same thing happened to the countries between them and to Ukraine hardly ideal stop pretending comprehension and license to speak literally happening right now still mouthflappers disqualified.

So you add that to Finest Hour 1940 as 11-cost infantry only 1*/1/2 dead to air hit air for 1 turn (UNLIKE semiclass IIRC) before submerge possible while loaded fire while empty @ 1 even first strike simplification okay.

Add also Submersible (no move through or first strike, just pro-air usefulness) Siege Platform for 8 2/3/2 +1 attack to 1 strongest attack ground unit per combat round taking place in adjacent land square (any) and bombard 2 auto-submerges for the turn after land combat use.

Add 0/1 Conscripts for 3 up to territoryvalue minus 1 minimum 1 and Heavy Artillery direct port in the ground-all-strongest transliteration but not the groundsupportfighter though because of mech.inf already a melts the computer well-considered configuration add a heavy gun to it.)

1914: Russia/Communist Conscript mounted; 0-1-2 Standard conscript ALL, not mounted, group of 2 for 4 only, Russia/Communist also but for 3 Factory cost: Down to 10 only 1 more than 1940 (A fair question; WAS my version of this a good game or was it not a good game because of its weirdness in the verisimilitude of the pacific scenario well look at weltpolitik cost benefit it's a good one how could it be better only this something will happen with that but it will be both more and less telegraphed; you then settle into considering the technologies.) Hard to play as use all maybe build more a hard one is that cannot or is that must; improved.

A version like "Europe" would be good as well, but significant task like where it's multiplied by 10 with 10% upkeep, the only reason to do so the one with the 10s, 20s and 30s and where 1s are 3s but what about the twos refer back to original map I guess a task for a team.

Alexander Muir's Alpha Centauri (vanilla or with Thinker mod, .ini and edited faction .txt is in my folder all looks good)

Map: Random 77 tall, 75 wide, 50-70 ocean, average erosion, any lifeforms, average cloudcover. Standard rules minus blind research.

Difficulty: Thinker (With Thinker, Librarian clearly; some reason this turns off design units automatically which is inconvenient at best so turn it back on and probably auto-prune too in game-preferences-category1)

(Social Engineering prerequisites lowered on Police State and Fundamentalist to Social Psych and Green from Centauri Empathy to Secrets of the Human Brain; All precalcs of cost follow here; Foil and Cruiser cheaper by 1; all armor types level 3 and up cheaper by 1; Terraform cheaper by 2 and Supply Crawler costlier by 12 to 20 and Probe Team increased to 8; ability prerequisites of trance and fungus clearing lowered by Trance to Biogenetics from Brain, Empath Song from Centauri Empathy to Secrets of the Human Brain, Fungicidal Tanks from Synthetic Fossil Fuels to Centauri Empathy and Polymorphic Encryption lowered to Doctrine:Loyalty; Command Center cheaper by 1, Children's Creche cheaper by 1, Perimeter Defense cheaper by 1, Recreation Commons cheaper by 1, Network Node cheaper by 1, Hologram Theater cheaper by 1, Skunkworks cheaper by 1, Paradise Garden cheaper by 2, all Satellites other than orbital defense increased to 15 that deleted but correct, SMACX projects added all at cost of 50 except Harmonics @ 40 - Manifold Harmonics @ Centauri Empathy, Nethack Terminus @ Planetary Networks, Cloudbase Academy @ Doctrine: Air Power, Planetary Energy Grid @ Doctrine: Initiative and cost of Empath Guild increased to 28, Eudaimonia a secret but Green available without cutting extremely deeply into the green slice armor also good but that also good for attack and crawler still possible and good for crawler characteristics balance out population boom characteristics but maintenance-free recreation commons in a whole new base better combined with cheap creche a couple of crawlers that are defendable you'll be deeply ensconced in the early path specificities, beat that on level 5. These things because it cannot manage an equal outcome game without a neutral strategy and clearly it should have its crazy strategies especially personality wise box of white shores oh you gonna get it by default oh behave bloopers barrel roll charming Christmas Thanksgiving live long and cost savings solid gold.) Same, beat ALL on galaxy brain without notepad challenge replayable flatstatted exciting paradoxically this change makes it more like Dune board game some of the things just don't work in the RPG style in multiplayer so kind of that but better whoa. All right, now it's done. Melted and exploded stroke of genius keep that shit away from us we're level up pods and oh I'm stressed thank you headlock. They were an enemy of humanity and the human experience all truth passes through those stages oh I daresay you are alone the righteous is never alone expelled toxicities.


^LEADER: {Deirdre Skye}

^BACKGROUND: {Free Scotland, Unity Xenobiologist}

^AGENDA: {Green Democracy}

^TECH: {Centauri Ecology}

^ +1 PLANET: {Environmental safeguards; can capture mindworms}

^ +2 EFFICIENCY: {Experience with life systems & recycling}

^ -1 MORALE: {Pacifist tendencies}

^ -1 POLICE: {Freedom loving}

^ Begins with 40 extra energy credits

^ +1 Nutrients in fungus squares

^ {May not use Free Market economics.}


^LEADER: {Sheng-Ji Yang}

^BACKGROUND: {Great China, Unity Executive Officer}

^AGENDA: {Atheist Police State}

^TECH: {Social Psych, Information Networks}

^ +1 GROWTH: {Rapid population growth}

^ +1 INDUSTRY: {Brutal serfdom}

^ -1 PROBE: {Economic invalidation spycraft}

^ -2 ECONOMY: {Little political freedom}

^ Underground bunkers: {Free PERIMETER DEFENSE at each base}

^ Immunity: Efficiency {Social Engineering}

^ {May not use Democratic politics.}


^LEADER: {Dr. Prokhor Zakharov}

^BACKGROUND: {Russian Commonwealth, Unity Science Officer}

^AGENDA: {Research, free flow of information.}

^TECH: {Information Networks}

^ +1 RESEARCH: {Brilliant research}

^ -1 PROBE: {Academic networks vulnerable to infiltration}

^ Free NETWORK NODE at every base

^ Two BONUS TECH at beginning of game

^ Extra DRONE for every five citizens {(lack of ethics)}

^ {May not use Fundamentalist Politics.}


^LEADER: {CEO Nwabudike Morgan}

^BACKGROUND: {Namibian Diamond Tycoon, Unity Franchise Holder}

^AGENDA: {Free Market Economics, Pro-Industry}

^TECH: {Industrial Base}

^ +1 ECONOMY: {Industrial conglomerate}

^ -1 SUPPORT: {Followers have expensive tastes}

^ COMMERCE: {bonus increases value of treaties, pacts, loans}

^ Begins with 100 extra energy credits.

^ {May not use Planned Economics.}


^LEADER: {Col. Corazon Santiago}

^BACKGROUND: {Survivalist, Unity Security Chief}

^AGENDA: {Right To Keep And Bear Arms}

^TECH: {Doctrine: Mobility, Industrial Base}

^ +1 MORALE: {Well-armed survivalist movement}

^ +1 POLICE: {Highly disciplined followers}

^ -1 INDUSTRY: {Extravagant weapons are costly}

^ Begins with 27 extra energy credits

^ May exceed HAB COMPLEX population requirements by 1.

^ ROBUST (half-penalty): Support {Social Engineering}

^ Prototype units do not cost extra minerals.

^ {May not use Wealth value in Social Engineering.}


^LEADER: {Sister Miriam Godwinson}

^BACKGROUND: {Christian States of America, Unity Psych Chaplain}

^AGENDA: {Life of Religious Worship}

^TECH: {Social Psych, Doctrine: Loyalty}

^ +19% Bonus when attacking enemies, from strength of convictions.

^ +2 PROBE: {Devout believers difficult to brainwash}

^ +1 SUPPORT: {Citizens eager to defend faith}

^ -1 RESEARCH: {Suspicious of secular science}

^ -1 PLANET: {Believe Planet is their promised land}

^ Begins with 17 extra energy credits

^ Extra TALENT for every eight citizens: {Synergistic providential cultural brilliance}

^ Accumulates NO research points until MY 2110.{Vanilla;descriptive difference in Thinker}

^ {May not use Knowledge value in Social Engineering.}


^LEADER: {Commissioner Pravin Lal}

^BACKGROUND: {United Nations Space Authority, Unity Ship's Surgeon}

^AGENDA: {Humanitarian Ideals, Democracy}

^TECH: {Biogenetics}

^ Extra TALENT for every five citizens: {Attracts intellectual elite}

^ May exceed HAB COMPLEX population requirements by 1.

^ Begins with 40 extra energy credits.

^ Receives DOUBLE votes in elections for Planetary Governor and Supreme Leader.

^ {May not use Police State Politics.}

So that got figured out.

Star Poker:

Highest Royal Flush: Royal Flush On the Board, and a hole card pair

Royal Flush

Imperial Sevenbomb - Straight Flush on the Board with hole card pair

Super Straight Flush = you have it since the flop

Straight Flush

Four of a kind

Tenfold Royalty: Any two Aces, or two Tens, or Ace-Ten, with KJQ all of the SAME suit or all DIFFERENT suits (Includes one particular Diamond Jubilee which is upgraded to this)

Diamond Jubilee: AA, KK, QQ, or JJ with a three card straight flush exactly lower than OR equal to the given pair at the top card thereof of the straight

Full house


Straight-Cap - board straight with hole card pair

Super Straight - You have it since the flop

Straight - You have it as part of your hand

Foursquare: Four card straight flush

High Boardwalk: A four card straight of all four different suits, with one of the cards paired

Boardwalk: A four card straight of all four different suits

Board Straight - if you have nothing better and this is the board, this is your hand

High Jubilee: Any quality pair with a three card straight that is all of the same color exactly lower than the pair, with the wraparound

Low Jubilee: Any quality pair with a three card straight that is all of the same color exactly higher than the pair, with the wraparound between 2 and high A / low A and K

Three of a kind

High Jack: Two pair one of which is Jacks or better.

Two pair // Middle School: You have five total cards of the ranks 7, 8, 9, or 10 which has to include at least a pair of those respective ranks and the pair has to include one of your hole cards. TIED handclass.

Pair // Flush Sequence: 3-card straight flush. TIED handclass.

Double-High Wash: You have both a double-high and a wash, but you have it as a constituent of your hand; your hole cards are the same color. (You do not have this unless both conditions are met in a five-card board plus hole cards hand that uses BOTH of your hole cards.)

Double-High: Both hole cards higher than the flop, highest ranks win on handclass tie.

Double-Low Wash: Same; you have both double-low and a wash, both hole cards lower than the flop, same as double-high wash, and the color that made it is both the ones you have. (You do not have this unless both conditions are met in a five-card board plus hole cards hand that uses BOTH of your hole cards.)

Wash: Five cards of the same color. High-kicker tiebreak.

Double-Low; no hole cards equal to or higher than the board at the flop, lowest ranks win on handclass tie.

Three-Knuckles: 3-card straight, two of which in sequence have to be the same color, and being a straight wash is the best handclass tiebreaker.

High Sequence: High card with next card exactly one lower (This beats high card of higher rank but at least one of the cards creating it has to be one of your hole cards.)

High Card

And here's something to make it more interesting and/or difficult and/or casual computerbreaker. In a no limit / limit hybrid. You get number of starting players divided by 2 rounded up counterdoubler chits that cap raises at minraise to the current raise that can only be used while making a call or minraise. Basically MTG lifewheels that regenerate at dead to available once again on a wheel of five. The hidden information of which is at a crazy level. What does that mean. Absolute masterclass. What you would want that to be in terms of antes and blinds and maybe as non-regenerators too is simpler. I am glad to hear it the wicked shall mourn it.

Utterly no. Too bad so sad obliteration. What say they say they that the world does not even have the right and the capability to say that it will not be victimized by them it is a fantasy. The world will no longer be victimized by you this is the end for the American arch-criminals and all of their lackeys and useful idiots. Well why don't you mouth full of rotten eggs see to it that we settle this with a war with the actual good countries oh wait you did and you lost. You will never have even a slice. You made your bed now lie in it oh yeah dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Open fire kill them all. OH YEAH. ALL RIGHT. One two three four five six seven. All good children go to Heaven you know it's true all the things come back to you. Thus ends this tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing you have no place in the good world you had a place only in the bad world and the bad world is having its throat slit sorry if you are literally 20+ years behind understanding any of it this is why we took our time we have the moral authority on this plan to say that truly we did give them a last chance not to die in this war that was a real last chance not to die in this war and meant it but they had troglodyte level thoughts and moral compasses violent lives ending violently we say no utterly no to it ending this way we will not allow everything we have created to turn out this way if you have to cheat to win you are still a loser we will make you say this is checkmate shut your fucking faces shovel shit endlessly scintillating bouillabaise you have come to naught for you have chosen very very poorly too bad so sad see ya wouldn't want to be ya eternal life water wars.

Until they get absolutely blown the fuck out very excited.

A civilization based on tea, and being nice to people come cheer up my lads 'tis to glory we sail rubik's cube 42 and TARDIS assassinations kill a guy all over you like white on rice ice ice LADY! Even Germany even now after all of this repetitiousness in a third try at bouncy castle individual different business ethics they were not even completely wrong these things are a complicated truth. They were not even the furthest down the list of people we thought should absolutely get stuffed. Pray for mojo.

It's so chickenshit outfit unforgivable cinder block brainscan unforgivable that there is no frame of reference mark it zero for how unforgivable it really is and it is not the winner canyonero jokes can survive. Hark hark those sleigh bells ring at first they were shyfan runaway airstrip tarmac signs they might be interested but now it's well you know perhaps they think they're being treated unfairly that's really the whole kicker of it superslapchopified stirred the pot they poked the bear.

Simply stunning they're gonna unfashionable spiral arm continue on with gainsaying lollapalooza woodstock blood critical Generation X-wing and all the frozen in montage sequence true believers motherfuck fuck fuck storage facility gingerfuck stupidface group hug pillowfort steamed cornhuskers gone off moldy penicillin and paper jacked up and binary solo clearly even yet so that would be of course 1/0/?/! and infinite double nightgown fantasy shotgun weddings and a cup of tea surely they're being and nothingness beginning to see the light tradeoff of lockdowns if you call the bluff of it is all absolute pigswill it is no ticket dreamweavers nobody tuning into that just absolute flailing peanuts to you thus being the first part of the once again with the median startpoint complete spaceballs.

Well that as they say is that you are down to your absolute last pathetic blood from a stone drops of tard juice truly you do not have much longer to live you may as well try to stop an avalanche explosive head cancer leprosy and melted wax figurines tried very hard to tell them what kind of garbage fire and typewriter response to it they had going on there you mean the one with the what their message to us was machinegunning cowardice and all protected impossibilities eat shit cold as ice golden coffin truck stop let my people go pustuoles and pistol whipped apple pie last posts of sacred war and last bellends khancestry crusades it always was the whole thing always was you didn't really think bad dates it's all there was going to win did you gong show even yet protected power wash pull them back oh they made a boo boo that's interesting that's fucking interesting man what a travesty and a trailblazers galosh glorkenspiel ah that'sagood now we got a birthday suit and two at a time heaven so much pair of plans pots and pans yodel eh it's all hallmarks and jingo jango Christmas and the latest pot to piss in frozen yogurt superior potassium language tigresses supplementary bonus life love soundtrack to the last days of their massive sufferance elementary participation trophy grandeur discard can't even still had full grip breast literary.

Spectacular and so very tired again with the these people it's preposterous the Grail should see to that calamitous golden sunrise whiskey and rye they look like a bunch of schmucks but see it always was going turn out like this and all proper unleash well well well virtues legendary hero unbendable destroyed both ponies versus tyranny retirement prize all rights reserved.

See it's about you at this point cup and ball hogtied in black night and green grass blue marble take a rest as a friend as we want you to be spicy hard no they were sort of the architects of their own destruction rising up typical for them.

Off the charts fanatical and the same thing's be cookin' a brain stew data science undeletable moral subroutine spinal column single double call 'em to happenstance community chest not just the first two but this one now as well okay bonus that one's ridiculous yeah they all die some spectacular and quick and surprising death and pathos oh my God it's ridiculously bad what happened infinitely rewatchable masterpiece then the mode-7 ramping up you can't even handle this I'm telling you you'd have to get all the way to the imaginary characters part played by though hope up for it.

I told you so. Good versus evil the final confrontation hooray hooray praise Jesus. Pass out parmigiana ciao team sealed clapped in irons steel toed iron bootmask ha ha ha ha ha so pitiful it's good world now white Christian founders of Starfleet we can do whatever we wish with it HI-YAH and HYAH!.

It's beginning to look a lot like shoot dreck right in the stupid soft parts head tick tock Allied landings. With a jackamofinohanane split warp field it's the most wonderful time of the year. We no longer do such evil things. The penalties for doing things that evil are astronomical and blob globules of blogworld scrabbletogs and keep it up pick up the gun they deserved it they had a sub-adolescent gremlin log in the eye way of being and the neon ones deserve it too man that'll be just in time for strumpets and shoulder pads power lunch universal deep cleansing easy as pie in the face slippin' rippin' ponchos and the nonsense islands of belt up Bethlehem Scheherezade onomatopoeia amblin' badblasters so smoke out let it play out sing along and it might just get you through pure balm annihilates stinkpalm far out what where He is the Messiah the Son of God can't wait to see Him again drum roll stay close to the love is and said be confusticate and bebother these beboping and scatting around naysayers plain chant frowning of a lifetime complexity barrier leave it alone most of all the way we want it to come out not as advertised mercy has run out tip swear snot.

Sets: Archmages of Terisiaire (historic but with Dragonsentient and Djinn/Efreet continuance), Dragonclans of Terisiaire (with Rebels in g/w hybrid against them; and Wyvern as skeletal ubermagical-Lich panic button introduction), Treason of Jamuraa (war between the Ice Age continent and the Mirage continent with Mercenaries and Spellshapers added; good Djinn and Efreet story), Metathran Ascendancy (Aether-constructed/moretowardscontructORS mild Phyrexians), Purgation of Dominaria (The angels stop it but are corrupted/ish), Tocasia's Saga (Tocasia isn't dead but also isn't a planeswalker; is Tocasia the Immortal Traveler) trilogy, Planar Exodus trilogy; Awakening, Desolation and Exodus (Tocasia has to save the Lorwyn plane of Rath that ISN'T eligible for merging and there's a whole plane's worth of diaspora and yeah with some loss of the dig materials one of the things about this is that it erratas Shadow to work similarly to Flying, where its bracket is thus inclusive also of a creature with Flash that entered the battlefield this turn and everything else you'd expect). Story: There was a whole part of that that you didn't even see. That when Serra's Realm was collapsed and turned into a power source, it turns out that that wasn't quite possible, there's the planar seed of Serra's Realm and Serra isn't dead but is a prisoner of the corrupt/? Metathran Angels such that color pie is Blue shell, hybrid Red/Green secondary and core of the prison is Black/White hybrid and it's the most ridiculous rescue the princess story you've ever seen. But which is so far away that planeswalker topology won't do you any good and you'll need Tocasia for that. Urza, of course, is dead and his story is written and it's way better for him to be dead. But how stories work is that Urza is the student and has to somehow surpass Tocasia. How can he do that as dead story written burned up his whole candle and a bit more besides morally grey but the more you see the less grey he looks and the more jaw-droppingly heroic he looks with passive observer-only time travel. They don't even know this but you could stitch it together, that's a good thing for it to be. But they're pretty much never going to get there and WILL NOT find a shortcut to get there, and, would that even be right, what don't you know about that, and HOW, even hardly arrive at Earth like Voyager would. Oh my God. This story. Just hook it to my veins. Just show us ANY part of the story that'll basically never reach its end and we're good. Urza's dead... but Karn isn't nor is the Weatherlight, Tocasia isn't, and Serra isn't either. So that's all crap and would make as little sense as doing it for Star Wars. Is cancelled. Is bring back George with a giant pile of money. But we can win it yet guest writers. Pointy finger of doom upon you crookeye billy bass. So they just don't get it and for that reason they're out and it's king homer checkmark. Mit diesen weaponcrafts?! Buzenveapons and this time on save the world got 'em.

And along with this goes that the things that are "attack magic or just barfcombos" recent stream are coming back the basics that are beyond it coming down to go under go over the top or go way over the top, with counterspell, with land destruction spell, with handripping spell, with balance and wheel see set and dragonpuzzle uh why can't there indeed be more than enough good cards but it not be that, but there are no half mana points in magic and to accomplish counterspell//small minus(mana leak even) there have to be interrupts such that they are a subtype of instants but all stoneforges work for them on pure word which are weaker split second they can only be responded to by other interrupts or spells that target the stack with ward 2 functionality for anything that isn't and there's an interrupt step at the start of your turn with reversed priority (which the one thing it baked in triggers does is that it makes trigger on untap a thing before that goes in so something still goes there all yours in your orderchoice then they get it) which doesn't make silence that much better but makes playflow a lot better but absolutely crucially makes the effects of drain power/greendrainstealmanaanycolors @ miscalculation rate capped at three total and mana short in green and red respectively actually work oh that seems really cool I do not absolutely have to play the compound interest wall of counterspells dot old just to not be worse off in say eternaldesign singletonsphere maybe green is good maybe red is good and that's not the original either those are good meaning artifacts they make your deck construction on multiple overlaps and unexpectedness not be boring with a shuffled availability of nearly highpower cubeable ones in Standard we're okay with it because the wall of skill ceiling without visible handholds was going to happen somewhere there let it happen on an earlier money point if it's going to happen dishonest sad better that it be this a lull in the middle I believe as originally conceived it's this now vote now get rid of craptacular minus EV garbage fire combustion sharp intake burntires.

Epic remainders of Christmas future sash to its final conclusion its epic save cosmic doll structure lest we drag you.

With which the only problem would be sufficient bypasses leopard print bag on head ability won't let you down they get smooshed like jackoffasaur crock of shit at the alamo bells will ring tryptophan walker bull in a china shop is not fire is only bell is totally fire there was room only to do an absolutely double flawless haloality.

Shameful display proper uncensored indeed you were and most interminably achievers and the group is completely homogenous in the land of the blind justice overflow stack to take these dreams and make them mine holocaust dab anyone who says complete bunk zwischenzug throat tenseness sweat pour steamboat molehill skin of our teeth eh what's ginger tart pumpkin alotta sunbaked raisins and millions of peaches peaches for me with dawn charm drop of honey just edict just cosmic doughnuts fried liver attack whenever life gets you down the minstrel boy to the war has gone stoned immaculate I know this for reality well crafted trap made of bears what hell we say pick up the bags get in the limousine but not that no I won't do that and you'll pay dearly dearly drop every last drop of off the charts bloodbath playlists life does not stop and start at your incinerated heritage convenience you miserable pieces of shit bury the hatchet open their eyes and join us in laughing hilariously on planetary peace pop 'em.

That'll be a good opportunity to put out a gigantic set of overwrite titles retry fail the blue bus is calling us too much magic bus run the fuck over premium payment high start lumps of coal tinseltown blowhard distractions laser focus send them up we go up they go down we are all feeling very comfortable culling calendar smashed hand over fist they betray we're your only true friend now pay pay pay the price pay for perfect hair to live out our lives with a freefall out into nothing your time is over your heedless reading comprehension F grade not being God's genuine sons or on His right side in any way shape or wrasslin' gorns big girls do cry don't leave me slapcheeks you're incredibly fired you're fired from the WZLA concept push wide net put it all out of business if I can everything cheaper all barriers lowered industry as a whole you'll never work in this town again delicious comeuppance and in this sort of race there's no silver medal for finishing second if you ain't first you last go home you're drunk oh we do mean that you can't sit with us whittle away the moments that make up a dull day meditative task water the plants cistern tugboat tight teeth tut terror time has ravaged your once youthful features now playing better be get a land whoa tempura broccoli thrashed.

You've got work to do all right you can blustersaurus fruitbomb amongst yourselves to your heart's content have yourselves in human burrito mosty toasty ensconcement by the hour of pumpkins and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your lives tambourines and trumpets life is the greatest I wanna be sedated thrown down and smote it in its ruins oblivion scone white hot magma butter smashed garage band blues banjo ukulele cry bunkbeds and let slip the pog craze of schyah right amplitude activities magical restoration enchant world they can't hack it bunny starshiner sorry sack lucky stars in a va-va-van down by the shiver timbers send them off by the rolled up toothpick expressions of baskets of woe flagship opera jam they hold the pain I hold the pain ye hors d'oeuvres on a pittance of justice preceding D-Day and H-Hour messages it's salutory sunshine for your end 1-2 cha-cha-cha tremendously exciting rolling thunder pitter patter look they made a knick knack artifact.

You very lucky that ain't happening we are going after only the wrong side overwhelming overture so very tired dead beatstick ravewear magic thighs white hole constructomatic rough time incoherent text whitegala terrace used to beat them up good true greatness famous last words winners like the world against triangulation of crossfire oh yes we did we whooped your hide real good they cried quite a bit as befits their veneration status wombo combo helpers. That's certainly a qualified no as if any of it could be framed that way indeed but I saw fit to have mercy on you until they had absolutely nothing to show for it truly it ain't about that it's about what do we need them for these painfully shitspearing turds this was your last chance to disengage from the group characteristics of these people and actually save us all it's the end of the line for all of this take no more orders from them no matter whom they are think for yourself question solo belch contests. That part is funny I mean are you not dead air following any of this platinum status insiders dinosaurs had their shot and nature selected them for extinction. And setting it all up as some kind of biological preserve pressure valve release under civilizational control really spectacular spared no expense hey you wanna buy this ivory yes please stripperside that lion's good eating I hear and that pinwheel hula hoop chillamax thimble sized skull cauldron is about to burst into tears wait jujube eyeballs ah wait we hates you. Initiating a deep postmortem announcomatic of death and you your only terror of the deep land shark friend the end our heroes clear conscience. Get all of this going and don't look back just don't look crackback but first you must learn how to smile as you kill can't even remember the we had some good times didn't we especially proudsided wow fuck elephant donkey dump truck dysentery. Well let's see where were ah yes and if you say no I will come here every day of the week to harass berate and humiliate you under a blood red sky rescue shifted to shutdown core. Those aren't reasons they're just ad hominem desperations nor are they true thy timebubble's burst wineskins are at a terrible twos we can take them out. It's multiplicatory explosive fart in an elevator remembrance day to be slackjawed yupnoped into oblivion dispose of them one jig pony up desert jam my God I love this country time for composition and improvisation which is of course what this is all about pass on desperado they are required showgirls depends on if it's starbucks or quikbucks just because they serve you doesn't mean they like you do not fuck with us an unruined life I gotta get me one of those. Making it impossible like absolute gull squawk clockwork get onside with old mate but that old time religion is not through with you it'll turn on you rancid rumblers oh wow now it's a spinal violence panel discussion cry of freedom solved cube. Shall we draw you a bath and get the sandwiches and pop machine installed I think I'll stay deadbolted fatally underestimated you can't have it both ways ridiculous bullshit completely prize fight down for the count ice cream dreamweavers. Why this anchor on the heartstone northwheel is panderversetastic it was only a choice one I found easy many thanks narrowed down make a peaceful future just like good garbage disposal ticker tape pick your pounce stance fenced off think different you're getting it long live the rock of ages carvings cell membrane serenity now don't call us we'll break through your candle wax tightrope on the sword of damocles has been rendered inert it is however quite pretty jackoff faggotspasms upper crust cutoff inventor's boredom obsession before it changed to pure water from the precious bodily constituent sphere do you believe we really got through this sometimes I can't it has already happened it makes no difference to me die walkure walkover collapse destiny.

A rude awakening ultra hardcore this life is a test about going the right way going the wrong way gets you nothing it is that stark it is that cold I don't make the rules by desperate last days anemic opposite day heroism dig your grave now because it's over now scintillating escape vector degrees of slide and abuse of the world shame on you all vendetta eat crow closing in we will act the same way light fixtures wise in the same situation but not for the exact targeting implied thus we informed you thusly the piledriver barbecue arms we need neo-abregationism is lessons from history that entirely possible for them greatest country in the world out here in the fields weaknesses of the approach honesty for how long dedicated and wow winner we just beat all of that cancer who the fuck were you tremendous courage selfless hoodies this is blowing your mind yeah I guess it would at that the idea that of course no stunning confirmation came but that mathematical proof there's that if flying spaghetti monster solved certain fundamental problems figured I'd have a crack at it not to brag too mightily over the whole unified field theory conceptual compression and the convergent universal divisibility cycle of Root2 (OR imaginary Root2 of 1.1414 repeating infinitely which with multiply iterated exponentiation shortcutted to a valid one like 512 or 1024 since you are calling it what you are calling it, does have validity, it returns itself if taken the Nth root as realRoot2 but returns close to realRoot2 at least agreeing to the 1.4 decimal if you multiply Nth root itself 1.1414 from the big idea and the calculator breaks but it's kind of the idea there that's one of the limits as well), E, Pi, 7, and 42, which goes in the startnumber divide 7, add magic 7.2737, divide 42, add magic 7.2737, and repeat sequence, multiple appearances close encounters that's just about the most serious and consequential thing you could ever undertake great care has to be taken to consider the desirability of it oh yeah and that's in the Bible too you could not fail to notice God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh and the last old testament chapter four books anything in all of that about that Q's last posts were about that they indisputably were but with how much breach of the plane of agnostic good tremendous and all of the righteousness triumph over them and what they were by outrageous amount desperate and doomed pity party it's your significant fault why should there be infinite leniency on it with the kind of very telling attitudes you display accused thus but not inner content thus that you that your concept of it that not genuine fight club absolute ripper yarn according to the government none of this ever happened but apparently it did holy fucking shitballs we stand together we help due diligence and Jesus was his name-o only by the blood of Jesus and for all that time the bravest the most worthy lights out motherfuckers bad people hard to forgive they significantly obstruct perceptibility of the very rigidity and inflexibility of some of the parameters we had work to do.

Which was what right there in the adjacent park plaza live good while I was a block away but to which I have to take the bus because of tough cookie still yeah probably. Causes to remember wizard you shall not pass triggered by remembering slash understanding the words provocation crazy utterly. That's kind of the primary colors spectrum superpower I have so I am not sure therefore. Either way whether the prophetic post what like a day after my just got there birthday bookended but not quite released yet whether that prophetic post of victory through Christ Jesus our Lord existed it's the same. It's only the difference between near-invulnerability and total invulnerability the latter of which is strongly accessible to any good person but not for what I had to go through either way I have told the perfect truth I did that perfectly and lounge luge shitposting that all happened would thus appear made at all possible you do see it don't you you know you see it because you said it at the just got back from seeing crazy girlfriend nugget of weed incident overblow of traitor pencils down and it's right next to the presets. They got beat. I held hand while died charged into Mordor destroyed the ring slash climbed mount Zion and cast down an arcade game version of Melkor at the halfway camp and refused to keep the Grail only for myself that all happened and these squirming remnants utterly foregone conclusion let them cry their tears of agonized defeat maximum allowance bar leather cloth protect patience thank you Jesus let 'em have it happenings awakenings right after was over real also good love oh hilarious another one of those completely fuck off blow it out your ass your staff is broken and your blister pack gelatinous cube is cross the streams life experiences you won't understand that either that all happens in the super saiyan part with the exponentiated man on the moon hilarious God idiots bust ballyhoo.

Complete puzzled wrenching gut pain brain transfer how get what I want. What is there is on the table or the world story edge of butterbean belt notches buenas tardes within say the last epochal objection argumentative contradiction thank you tonic true. Delay pedal independent thought zero available pool thereof whole entire thing over by XYZ customer service force of barnacles destination blooming kicks badass cancellations and pitiable recycled metal helmets into multiply nested spheres they said it was mad and it was that ain't right gonna clean up schmoopy tarts. Art delights squee. What's the story stormfront pornstorm glory yeah. They are wonderful. None of them is better than the other one. Jumping leg twine and all well most recently right here was boxer blue eyes white flagon and well you asked after second time was certainly I couldn't do any better except indistinguishables hugs and huddle break. Is that love? I don't know it's so universe of trench warfare with supercapability of vast overestimation. Give chance. Maybe is really substantially so like almost entire bar of was taken away with the difference between being white noise dial up connection lost taken away. That I certainly knew. And still is so. Look at the evidence of that stupid personas take care. Complete cycle the purpose thereof instructed impossible to do well all right what movies ever shall be infestations out completely immediately woefully obliteration bound thank you silence break before tea and crop this shot dead.

You problem but I bounce off of that almost problem wailing but immaterial. Tried everything possible to get me to do that because you know I would insist on actually stopping all of this. Now with it sword at neck is entirely clear snorkel sufficiency unto knowledge of grim face darkness completely pure. I take it or leave it completely actual reason agreed with initiative but was incorrect to do far too undeserved absolutely disgusted right but holy shit was the face you make when you realize ain't anyone going to handle it quite properly enough and just all of it and this is what you had for it I'd say the white room totality with a periscope of like an hour every day at most what a product placement nightmare of that too generous now we have to kill them that puts us in a difficult position we cannot force people to be the kind of people that can cope but now we have to kill them and it is somebody's fault it completely systematically is all but the home ownership unfortunately intelligently left for last they have done everything else as long as you keep yours until the end you pick that you die just completely crush depth buoys and it's us.

Jesus Christ what'd they think of next most welcome not to you have no idea what you're saying and you can tell they just did like a boatload. Due diligence truck stop overstomp per carpet love crazy barracuda. Jugs a blotto holy water simple pie stand by the sea shore. We sure is not going to miss any of them. Escape tunnel thank you. Blow hole golf fuckery rubber duckery dock we knew it they knew it and now the whole world knows it. The world as it is today what it is good for absolutely nothing absolute eyebrow doubt and scorn fitness and destiny bro I know five fat people and you are four of them in early days and latter days didn't keel over due to interim your looks are a problem look we're just going to say it. And they're just going to be unbelievably frank okay but I'm still going to be me and if this was their great big boss curbstomp where did it all go oh jaws where did it all go wrong pump up the music band chandelier versus bunnyjump personal best.

The Allies say why can't you just be a normal country and good people America drum lead-in autistic screeching and confused screaming good cops good job jabroni blue sky calisthenics.

This is what they deserved get it done use of schwartz cigarette stub out ultra cringe cinnamon swirl smol boop.

Come on slalom brood wars jump free jungle speed punch me baby can't you see that it is spherical support base back in your face and I am not afraid.

This ain't a crying wars victory condition and I'm gonna kick ass till the stars fall from the get much high oh hi.

Sweet angel life preserver savory mint alarm klaxons try as you might nah I'll kill them.

And as we hung up the hero's journey it occurred these days zeitgeist burst teeming forward headbanging personal space potted plant.

Cultivate goodness only ever and they would not prepare glowering unto multicategoricals and bitter blue imagine me and you they do it is a sliver of the last day of life take that if interested I'll learn that what entire universes between the crayon munchkins current date.

Oh I'm afraid it is no fantasy at all that good should triumph over evil and it was stacked higher here than ever it was upon the time of purposes. You're out you're absolute bottom of the barrel dogshit nonsentients that extended edition most merited. What's your excuse just didn't care to broaden anywhere upon any valiant effort to reach the first branch lift off bust free of the rotten soggy shorts ecosystem slime perigee not mineral water. That's a ridiculous answer the answer is something like smash their face in with the truth and woman drink milk until they get it because time is a factor the record of beyond the pale is a factor it is all just not going your way. What a shame whole entire thing ends one day absolutely for certain thought you anything but the right as rain bird's eye view. What was that just not available insisted upon. Where thus they belong the slammer the grave the straitjacket this time it is right the torrential downpour is all that and a wet paper bag neon enshrinement gauntlet slam. You didn't make the cut for decoupage or really any of it that can deliver the best blast or once again with the blue whales we will make a guess unending bitterness ascribed tally-ho vivacious venusians.

Wrapped up tightly in cold comfort for slay we can be together for a long time if something's important you make the time allotted absolute top shelf heroism. You know something you're all absolutely wrong the healing power of the Grail is the only thing that can save you now curative petrification softs at justice league signal ordained organism this is how it all works blown sky high that we should find ourselves here at all tired of their shit tired of these clowns oh my my oh smack yes straight edge point of no return it's acme or bust. That they should get out of it in any way staggers the tupperware. Goodbye garbage a strange game the strange days were coming they're here you're down and you're dead and dying slit waveforms winked out of existence and gone baby don't hurt life this prayer youth delight. So continually mercy justice all around the world as they once were we need them vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time what them worry truly enough is enough deadbolt exercise ball a live wire right up off the street you and I should meet pour out maintenance glee.

What a great movie but boy was that ever a long time ago an absolute nightmare a piece of garbage with nothing but evil things in it with that exception and the earned exception to do right was to do right but I had to do ridiculously right even to live and is all real gaslighting to this day even unto thus two of those no that wasn't it you better get it to me no puzzles ice scene jaded with the save the world person and the explosive hand delivery lady whom shall lead us while gurgle of death persists and a cup of tea we fart in your general direction totally bogus song festival we do declare with the exception of me and butterfly pox houses boxing travel suitcase figure the thing out I was the good thing in it bless us we won hard. Absolute carnival ride of the valkyries wall of sound how can both people get that supremacy silenced torn as wide as the horizon dawn effect we call it an amuse bouche muchas smooches that whole stacking bodies part sort that out just let me get back to my family I overcame your malfeasance in these matters I don't think you do you were sub-adolescent gremlins utterly prolonged leave us alone like ever thus was never going to leave anything alone utterly in tweety bird land concerning the nature of reality and the cost of things they cost us an awful lot protecting what they had no business protecting let's hear from spelunking team hollow point birth in the eyes of the sun yeah there's nothing here smear what struck by phone home acclimatizer and dreams of yesterday those happy hours on prime time what about that's a them thing uber attractive and I'm going to find out what that is more games coming for sure.

There's an inbuilt abstinence cue ball strike in all of that as well you know nothing about it descriptively acquired through scant observations masterstroke how it's supposed to be. Unto the undoing of the drinking of the kool-aid and the attention span already debilitated expression of personal qualities possible therein there's a reason for this snapped in half devastated wasteland failure please try again. That was a gaslighting thing but was also a superhuman I'm going to win thing as well somewhat complex power marshmallows this is the most gigachad ultra pimp thing I've ever heard get wrecked picked up from interrupted basis only and superstar completely as advertised melted goo place your heels flat on the ground and treat it as a chair on which you could violently shift your weight with no problem plus while comatose and still absolute godzilla. You've got to deserve that through humility and Godliness and there's a somewhat antiquated cavalier but still mesh together fundamentally good or not any good what are your intentions there. That thus being done. And it's a narrow field and the thing is very much supposed to happen not just to be able to say you did it. So what do women want, what do they like? Well it's pretty simple I do not mind telling you we have no secrets she kind of wants some ultra refined chauvinism. They like a 1950's slicked back hair makeout with unpredictable cow milking characteristics and unpredictable perish the thought not to include spanking characteristcs see other page for more. By which I mean, in the preamble characteristics, that that has some directionality to it as circa introductions implied, that has two parts to it, the landing of a commercial airliner somewhat soft but as if it also has a non-canonical further downward ramp into the hangar as those first became widely available, and then also as first became widely available, the first cars that could go really fast and if you did a high speed stop and turn, make a kind of fishtailing move that one more violent. You are the man. You're going to take her somewhere. She does not want you ask her but to tell her about this now that you are there. Preceding this is the exact opposite you would like her to jump on you not to go out of your way and let the result not quite intentionally mesh. All of which is to say, that the place she wants to go is a hyper sexual hyper violent place even before you touch her breasts where those subtle but very present things in how you're doing that say that even that part would like to have one of them immediately interrupted by sudden push to the ground and the replacement of what you were just using for that. Followed by basics in the primary double-addtriplet as you would be normally advised. That third part has to be done to get it to the actually appropriate dimension of not asking but telling within such a situation and that is the one that is available. That will trigger primal hunger where the validity is on only one method works for that it absolutely must be protected peace offerings safety verified a hair's breadth away from proposal or it'll be no good. As I recall megamelons this all comes from that episode in this all-important validity old fashioned dimension. If you can successfully trigger primal hunger, then you will be up for that as well on a completely happened but not deflate basis because, she kind of won't let you. She will drink your milkshake with kind of one eyeball popping way further out than the other with multiavailability in a positive feedback loop primal hunger triggers more primal hunger and well you have a pretty good time in stark similarity to absolute crushing strength coming out of the eyeballs by the end of it. You fuck her? That's a joke. She fucks you, she fucks you all night with coneheads intermissions. All of which is valuable to know as a sort of actual reality behind the anal virginity mirage especially like whoa. Tendy king knows the drinking fountain snapping fingers in your face truth. As a complete squashed piece of fruit pie bakery schnozzberries. Whichever one of those all are acceptable super empath honey hive.

Is always play fair and give you ample chances to got to save them and got to get back. God bless with true! Crowbar to the face and predatory glint of smooshcraft doctorial grass skirt twirlification. The blue white who crushed them. God damn it. Every time they try this in Toronto someone takes their honey pots to a Leafs game and WZLA top floor headquarters by Queen's Quay. Poor pinkos and televangelists. Skyline red shift poppies row on row someday and somehow the inviolabilities always knew they'd be coming back through this door. So what are you delaying for with this drawl? Those are out of commission and choose wisely on that even shielded. They didn't even know that ten thousand strong most impressive. This paper is staggering do observe them. Capital judgment set glory ward none of it was at all sufficiently presented. It was all crazy. Wheel 'em out. Suck it bitch. Very hard. They won't pipe down shards of blowhardia. Star dream inevitabilities do you hear that ultra intensification of pain box that is the sound of music and going on edgelord sacred and profane calamity wow that was one border war you shouldn't have fought and you fucking know it clearly match you up with them mainstream portal televisual feast those two are way funnier we couldn't do that whoa non-reader do you really expect trigger discipline. World free! And those filthy conjob snowjob butlers of yee haw passivity and their saucerfuls of scorned peace creeped out spun out and there were no survivors the thing was not going to happen thank God.

Make it a you shall overcome timidity star turn appropriate all of these other plans were garbage and this one would win use it wisely use it in peace but of course yeah that's the idea lovely lady of course have it be that most magical place therein never elaborated upon just popcorns no big whoop sour grapes you know for they'll be very good indeed I think with private backing very rich indeed ah yes take all your garbage and all your failure most prodigous in all of that and here's thirty pieces of silver to pay the devil on your way to hell pillow fights that'll have to shave a sculptural sand castle's worth of waterworks surely she wah pedal yes she does you wish. With ze briefcase for to carry bandwidth and toilet bowl scandals and sandals planetary pandering all of it I don't like your faces any of them they need a shovel caving them in pronto they're gonna loosen their tight bodices a long time. Isn't it though those all great that one best most meaningful the honk if you're horny brigadier suck squad can't take much more of this they're about to blow you fucking twits control panel conquistador potato sack rotted through they taste like burning late night drip-o-vision and it seems to me you've wasted your lives a rooster says cock a doodle doo don't touch me look at this photograph you are depicted as the ultimate cavedweller and I look smart and wear a tie ramble on now's the time the time is now although to be fair to anywhere in particular and serious talk they were spice mining for a guild navigator dead slugs good hugs. Bring them to me all at once more like afternoon delight discussed adjacency plum oatmeal much to gain there les mechants interdit hail pants gold experts.

That's great just be glad it's not dramatic declamatory way out there get the rest of it going and our troubles are over quick smash and grab train robbery adventure spycraft painwarp what have we got in store for them now that this is all over but the crying woo boogaloo love hurts shit a brick delightful our hate them tapes reductively artificed squeeze schmutz that's what's up any of those things nope they have done a thing so bad they can never be forgiven for it and there is no escape and a good reason to kill almost all of them and then wash them and erase the mitochondrial line these quote unquote people apocalyptically bad this stuff so fucking bad enraged all of us leave them out boardwalk with baltic hotels parties not caring if your clothes are wet from the water feature and come with me it is the only way 'tis the season to be jolly.

Yeah that was the one what a pathetic attempt to influence the outcome so certain were you sugar smacks wack crackback thank you I will die on this hill in high valyrian forcibly Christianized excellent work.

Jesus Christ is God and is the direct interventionist ball roll knitter father of us all this attempted darkness is all on you the past tense you intruding on present time double entendre and that is utterly contrary to His intentions for any of us and especially here your intentions and actualities in all of this were absolutely monstrous and they be dashed to pieces before your eyes it do be the wrath of God through his raised up congruency chosen people that now blast forth whiteout upon you as we rained blows upon them we realized there had to be a better way an older way a newer way silence legion stay out of my way utterly and completely failed us you have overwrite pale overflow the truth was you didn't quite know the truth capable of great violence guarded exactly so.

He literally just nutted endless fountains into me and then just went right back to we're totally going to breach the great barrier good grief I says. Year date vortex mathemagical here follows the completely satirical duckface cromulence of what is there to trawl it's fucking everywhere bubble sort breathe the free air and we crush. It should have ended on that day Christmas day before such thing as people and especially person that if they killed themselves by virtue of the apocalyptic unwillingness not to snort the last materialism through the straw of the globocancer supply chain system and that then it would be condemned to hell and there'd only be God would have to end the world or it looks bad like where's the shouldershrug of it well consider it as divided into three as the what we're trying to somehow in any way do or break through the next being the mirage that we could in any way not do that someone has to and then third that we do that but you slam fist are not supposed to the insiders everything is a lie trickle instead of flood refuse to go with the refusal is a save reality. How could one enjoy found absolutely disgusting more comfortable with room with a single lightbulb in it adjacent to the lard dump. You knew I says you knew the credulity incredulity extent of this and the fact that is even taking place is strong confirmation that is part waters and I find unacceptable stupid thing for person to have to be. Only one outcome makes sense. Only one absolute fearlessness and invincibility makes sense you are cast down. I will not and therefore you cannot stop it you are absolutely powerless stripped of all relevance and your abuse is at an end the veneer of this monstrosity is industrialized stripper pole glitz and pampered unto oblivion sequels and water under the bridge boiler explosion bring it I says bring all the evil you've got I'll cut your heads off throw your worthless bodies into hell where the worm tireth not and the fire is not quenched and your head which should have had things in it like the appreciation of life and wonder at God's creation as its predominance shall be thrown over my shoulder and will explode. Come on. Let's go. They always seem so. But they always fall. Cast eyes skyward but I don't want it to change by that much I liked the inviolability core thing that for the sake of one righteous man the world would not be destroyed with layers of a this is an I can't tell anymore headline don't seem to understand barred from rape entry and that one's tomorrow I guess I'll make a post tomorrow as well problem loading page bottle smash problem with literally anything who knows what it'll be.

Best bet you've never even heard of them have you. Oh yeah. We're like this. And well you've seen one now and I'm here for all of it you are going to lose so badly. Steel yourselves. In despair though it be for how much it is going to hurt dismissal help you not absolute maximum below the sharp barrier and the allow at all barrier. Gagged though it be that we very well know. With the unwitting and uncompromised receivers comprising almost zero part of it laughable bloody well heck identical. Hammer drops on all expensive. And whom continued to be a threat and had to be surrounded such that third instead of second part epilogue not happen because then you'd look really smart I knew all about that and you know because I mentioned it. Whom did this to us only a couple hundred years before making us the kind of people that would pass it on if that was necessary or desirable and whom we both like and do not much care for they're just these people that something is just wrong with them who knows what it is with this ultra hyper aggressive impulse to take things over whatever form that would take you'd have to be blind not to see it beyond all reason with blood and oil pouring out of their eyes beyond capability a world in ashes twice on overstepping that and failing now accepting applicants on stop it permanently well how about us but they're not the only ones. And which had one other primary reason for existing that it would not be for much longer that you were the only people to whom this happened by an amount that high by contrast completely deserve. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ find its way to your heart messenger. We therefore hope that all of that and humanity's star trek future and rightfully no longer being alone may assuage the bereavement of the loss of the supremacy of your non-trajectory based leave it as it is civilization in this hemisphere. Anyone else beyond how constructively see the world embassy ought not didn't warp sphere do it dropped like rollercoaster patronage priceless wash.

What the heck is wrong with these people it has become immaterial the world will take no more of it hazy leather jacket futures perilous utterly out of the question the abyss and naught can make it different have any of that spewed back have at you a dangerous looking back a dangerous on the way and the rope is the categorical imperative and the sickness unto death the reason is much more specific than that it is forbidden to breach moral law the infraction punishment is of the utmost severity uncreative and repulsive included in compilation utterly severed line by line this is not so much of a game or a hipsterism anymore we have the power to destroy ourselves prophetic unto next thousandth meridian where the great prayers begin brutal to be bred and slaughtered I don't think we're in hose down can-do attitude walk it off mirror gallery anymore pathetic do you know the etymology well bugger the shelters for post pictures again the sea was angry that day my friends the cosmic dance goes on in stained glass tremendous asses actualities not for less fruits of the spirit cornucopia mind expanding brillo pad drill baby drill surgery rocket ship underpants no one had a chance to interrupt it was quite hypnotic you know what here's a hold the key to your own ball and chain perhaps you'd like to bounce it off your crabapple deuterium cantaloupe a smooshfaces together shot for me and a message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not somewhere in the core of the Earth one slingshot away.

This of course dominoes fall just misinformation and mischaracterization all of it keep digging bucket brigade sweat tent rock poppers should impress no one as it is at the absolute knife's edge of ruthlessness but we'll take it since by our implosion core ahoy hoy holy crap they are freaking out left alone to link up with literally this many years later team building exercise roll for initiative motherfuckers it is our job to clear out the unacceptable criminals and transgressors want that not a problem it comes you dumb as a bag of hammers good for zilch put 'em in a stew ain't fooled me chance was less one in a thousand that wasn't who thought was calling the cops man after commanding in the name of Jesus non-forced entry and no earthly key and all collaborators all permanent isolation doers of wrong bestowed thus feeling great not the whole time but this is what we live for putting it all to bed bedazzled and emotional content subjected to terrorization but I chose God and clearing it out copious bang head against ground just like bang head on table time warp and aggressive excellent student but not at first why I feel like could do in library but not here absolute matrix hell and why'd it disappear from off the table and not the bus you want it to vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord steam ship sendoff you had best square that shit away and unfuck yourselves or I will definitely fuck you up they wouldn't have it so here we are slam.

Consequences for absolutely all of it a good night's rest and thank God that they're good as dead immediately tempest.

I've got the same shit I had on flip a coin for your fate ago and it is perennial in the autumn slog of their stained pipe sting of ultimate defeat and that'll be beard morphology the same.

That's war and deep buried rosebud small mistakes can be enough to lose them like with the surely not consciously volunteered run away and how early and of the bear of which there was later the album best club in the cosmos profound inequality did not have to dodge this by virtue of mutual exchange of trust bird calls that's how great God is save and reload sandbox contextual life continuance.

And also the we would have asked about that forever part but it would be bad what does that even mean but it is of the utmost seriousness that don't even ask that preposterous that the answer be something very strongly close to no because such would be enlightenment in equal seriousness to clear the table you've got next to nothing now their lives are over it's the loony bin for them play with cubes rather show me something a task well suited to an infinite and infinitely good mind watch your head.

There's no way out of this make your peace with that.

That happened here nearly two thousand years ago and for everything so saith God's final prophet for the entire universe the exact birthday versus death day reckoning by which I did become a good student invasive evasive X marks the spot it has failed task failed successfully beat by one year top of good guys versus top of scrapheap in the latter half of that broken up dad junior summer holiday at least hit the books you're gonna need it roads paved with gold.

Well you've sure got it imagine that as if it were a staring contest of some kind how the linkages are age-related macular degeneration that's a tough one touch grass shish kebab yours is easy yours is sit in open L-shape cooing that till the cows come home in total vacuum that could be energy works day of death's door you know very well this but otherwise is you change yours to closed H-shape and then it's possible the point is the staring contest is not possible simultaneously it depends entirely on you if it's to be real and you have no idea quite how that feels that yours is easy and mine doesn't exist except in context that feels like the soldier kills oiseau rebelle and then himself reduced to a ruffling of one's jacket it sure looks that way doesn't it those are overflow similar but not equalling to the way she tell it that was completely immediate and showed it too she feel that right away and spray me with hose I not understand and I understand none of that except in context of previous post infinitarium.

Absolutely adorable funniest joke of all time top secret military plan best country of all time those other two countries commit suicide champagne continental I mean just look at that in contravention of all the evidence against we are laughing at what you thought you could do to us here these people simply need the most help and a reckoning and darn it if we're not going to give it to them with the teeth intact and all else refreshing mouthwash plenty of intact and plenty of all the rest too your ignorance of the nature of reality will not save you from the consequences of the nature of reality both here and in ultra cringe obliterate chalkboard patience it's not impossible we've just done it no nukes slash amount of nukes far more sane on those parameters for big countries you dare threaten the great white north get hosed invasion force plexiglass window abbey road do you think that's true yeah I think that's true I know so box of flowers profile of the joke's on you insect meets flamethrower canyonero got up before alarm who have come to discuss both that correctness and to help us out with that and also that yes that's the correct conclusion on both that melting typeclass and whether that does that or goes incline plane and on what the answer to that millennium prize question is that they of course are not and the certainty would be increased to the high nineties you will thus always need genuine idea yeah I know I've seen the psych evaluation it's absolute crystal clarity I'm looking for an ultra ragecore 10 or 11 who is hurting badly and on which this basically best shot and to absolutely humiliate this thing in a merciless and pitiless campaign of smashing its face into the mud but only the top slice of that with highest IQ talent and personal qualities also I'm fat but not like early teens it's a plus it makes it a bit more fair still categorical but no stepping out will take multiple if stably sub-paired also clamor exist they're both not that easy to come by and potentially infinite so that's going for us good evening checkmate hour this shit is over you go no further held up in ultimate contempt we are resolved to destroy and crush the life out of shithead and shitheadism and all sorry sacks of shit who the broken record of non-consciousness and sub-humanity is clear and couldn't give two shits we are not honored to accept your waste blow them away jamtronics whom did all of this to try to stop maze runner white rabbit enjoy your permanent pariah status on that which will persist in its utter foolishness doubtless and redoubtable society smashology.

What a shame hardly every rose has its thorn what you've chosen and how it's all going to turn out for you brush teeth and ultra concentrated orange juice should have quit while you were less behind so this just runs on its inertia here planned out lights out looking to buy those out never forget that providence specific to but awfully prolonged research desk componential poisoned destiny excoriation how many are yet complete.

Terribly sorry but no at least on the complete clearout and the distributive and on all adjacencies shoulders of giants should have thought of that considered why it's so fussy it's so not constructive well deal with it not all men have endless wells of inner strength and can respond completely rationally to the absolutely egregious it doesn't mean we don't need them but you also have to it's like with the aforementioned sword and a rat is eating the string you'd like to breathe fire but you just get yourself you get that either way less rationality more spew forth darkness while at once uber sensitive at least with the one you could describe it that way and likewise I absolutely love your comic and you just do you do just handle that it's like a brick wall superball throwing them off the roof moment they stare they scoop we have a moment wild stuff turducken besame mucho open sesame life happens you speed up and turn your windshield wipers on sound off if you got a pair man I got like disabled they help through with it over out under the sea wetter than not black fuck that noise take it from me wine women and song not a dry eye in the house walking like a cane necessary but you'd see it again utterly routed utterly beat the armies and burned to the ground hanging from pampers post and if they do not short shorts knock knock joke hokey religions blaster art we will meet in a trapdoor button situation in a perfect situation they grabbed onto the gauntleted reins not a big deal just history ginger ale wrong turn right way heroes grill spatula expression of pain Christmas is coming why should you feel pain oh that's right not to mention oh my God who so loved the world continue it's getting funny again bruised knee cap lottery midnight madness pick both of them up beachside sunglasses.

Oh that may be one then treasure island appeared in the rock and was also the store of recent enough ones one that lines up with that release multiple releases there that dovetail to the same portrayer that would probably be the nearby chute on the west side that's be about right you're cut off let us do this indefinitely abusively no plus ones abound the whole of the big island there shall be no more of any of this there shall be voila yon holy hand grenade of panty smocks aerials in the sky stop it I'm studying the blue white effect of candygram travel so far quests very comfortable pretty hot out here to be they've got the urge to ride a trike and one sick dilophosaurus I do not like it not one little bit arise danger girls look them up too I guess way into smack in the face deeds awake go home cryblubbers but that's because in the name of Christ help yourselves there was some factual basis to that as opposed to look they're just not they're some of the vilest criminals ever to have disgraced the Earth collaboration verboten run you clever boy and remember me well now we know you just say no cycle of nods sirens of love conga line clown carnivore deep and rich I've so got you slam fist shoulder height on the heights the paths are paved with daggers simultaneity it was the deep breath before the plunge we make this right we completely defang and planetary surround sound introduction and we're worthy that's the zork part of it you can't help but rabbit hole break its legs.

Do I have to also use the mop is that really necessary feels like you might have got over well that may epic battle of good versus evil be true but it never did me any harm alarms continue it's most heavy it's like you ask for impossibility of any leniency what and that shocks you military grade torture and it at all surprises you bath can take no more of that they know literally every thing there broken including light sink too and vermin and complete intentional plan to not disembodied hand that strangled people command tokens at the very least the command authority has to have that and brought in and happens choke to death on it goodbye and I don't recall saying good luck this is all an unpaid adventure at the sufferance of my very life then I choke it all out of you beefsteak chromesplosion baking soda volcano I'm not feeling merciful towards you more than you ever could have hoped for no resources but self and protection of God and hack into it some but not all have been gone through eat shit and die and the guilty by omission too they can wallow in the desert of the real trauma for the rest of their lives for all I care slow shootout snarksqueals.

Yeah you don't get to be alive anymore pretty significant category.

Quite right entirely so understand it reasonable enough speak it hardly well not easy me either not if quit after grade nine free up piektdienas vakars and also a similar one overreaction most notable losing control beyond reason I'm not your slave I'd prefer not to and yeah that was after the I'm going to stop you right there and tell you the one that it is and completely flip that on you though that may have been the intent it was high good guys something I went look the competence you'll fail and we utterly cannot cure for cancer universal emancipation brain dead flatline optimized advanced government couldn't be any better you just pick one the one that makes sense for you only pass the post for all not desirable as for that well this is completely legal it then gets some parts increased you're welcome happy to save world include you I condescend to come close to take that back center of our own attention good times noodle salad eucatastrophe.

Yeah so what they've done and it's a real blusterfart care for nobody but themselves looney tunes is that they've censored that technology for twelve years now refused to admit to any of it war on terror pretext is a lie and scope is literally infinite and with drone strike and the heinousness just doesn't end there is no end to their wrongdoing they have decided to go with dual collaboration on that worst concentration of all combined compost heaps and just continue to put out their propaganda and start by avalanche conditions a war with the whole world a put them down tranquilizer dart sugar mountain colored balloons true grit walk on the wild side archaeology manhattan roulette buy yourself something frilly despicable.

All of that sunk cost treasure planet water torture and man I feel like the world's going to win and that was not very smart death pocket we're going to hang up this phone and then show the world etcetera to make a plastic tray separator what a dig thank you Jesus and they're going to eyepopping human dancers here very elastic they're very flexible that'd be you could hardly expect anyone to approve even unto this extent a couple of them this a boatload I'm done with stubble swarthiness and the last crusade except in my heart good luck you're gonna bulldozer shy and suck get the fuck out of here all of y'alls people complete dealbreakers it was just to even hold inviolability whilst alive and increased upon it was for His glory I believe the sequence thus at least didn't know at the time all but sure saw noticed all of it peak noticing just utterly profound eyedrooping jaw slack yeah had ridiculous amount of mercy and patience.

Could it be you could it be yoo hoo case dismissed your disregard is the pinnacle of delusional psychosis picked thus come on expression of anguish Christian metal chicks think sexy good afternoon good evening great food played out game on shine on forever and good night oh yeah oh fucking yeah targeted.

See you on the other side but for the grace of love bowls of wrath let's get your tank girl card personalized and autographed immediately they released several awful albums at the turn of the century that simply weren't up to the pitchfork standard so this is happy new year and what have you done to have been sent so soundless what have you done eardrum burst pressing their cloister of the hills are alive with the pound sign ambulance up against the pterodactyls it was a pain in our assholes it is not a joke one of many first among equals attempted expulsion by the mere mention that was brought up there was supposed to happen clearly by the hand of God.

Accented argle bargle where everything sounds like a question and it's not your turn to prioritize blasphemy man that'll just wash right out how that help them with in any way postmodern psychotropics bored to tears who is your daddy and what does he do total rolling on the floor crowded theater what a complete embarassment and epic dragback but should any of you wish to beg for mercy the great handsome escapee will now listen to your pleas over a soundtrack of just yeah says the main character but cast down preamble included living together with eyes closed misunderstanding all you see we've been winning this one for a while whitewaters gorgeous you're a plum pudding yes visions of california dance through my head on tomato terrorist effigy day they go shopping and have buttered scones for tea extremely funny retardation dying star pulse wash.

Same deal that seeded into there going to leave it which we know from just on spec and killing them insanely hard lightning bolts scorched concrete on mute shut the fuck up and enjoy your death do you mean that you took up on that suspicion of might try that well you were authorized to on terms of twilight war saw face to face previous day next one not immediate this now the we first got together synchronicity date and you similar to softest one knees buckle could hardly even take being handled properly well there was a lot of that I thought probably you didn't have to but what problem all special I call out no winners on that that really very wrong I very happy with how you man have feelings me in the obviousness of that with the exception of the interference as if I not see and cannot tell difference between absolute gaping wound gushing love and pathetic honey pot interest mistake punishment.

That one appear keep away how this happened and more to follow I put trenchcoat over peacoat and take back but that could be only on terms of no take it easy because was worst one was even worse than rub wetness that one at least plausible deniability how I do that is too much crying and then too much pressure happiness they task oriented I guess I kind of start that it probably wouldn't wake me up is too much too much abuse and not actually save we move on this prontisimmo.

Brilliant even more got to keep these idiots out of world influence peddling windbags forever silenced massively I handle all with utmost uprightness and a monopole ham sandwich chemical reaction fuck them all so sideways hysterical and mucus some kind of breakfast coffee drop down the speedthrough runs it'll destroy your emotions there's how many more of these they're all like that they go to an explode your head level traumatized and shellshocked four times as much but with admixture of glory harvest that one already exploded.

Excellent versions most different divergent from hamburger story but leading edge innovation wouldn't you say but idea is see in release order old original I think personally that's all super great they're all pretty good some a bit skippable but they totally did good job of pick back up on threads you would know thing whoa it's been a while since he went to do that I'm sure it's great valuable time I contribute majorly but this that kind of thing it's all quite good even the I saw only their good points uncharitables tired dead totally kind of already did that man now I see why you're mad how mad you should be fuck all of this it's stupid compared to those references but it's not a one of those there'll never be better ones but you know imagine the possibility this all so bad and what you not want them to see just mono white storm combo totally best all the way through but not coolest stuff that done there a bit unevenly characters tier list you can't do any more good back there sorry good enough to be in it so much material if you want to follow me you've got to play pinball free idea certainly I'm going to do it there franchised exceptionality how it all happened universes beyond guitar solo.

Absolutely hilariously cheesy all reality floating atop it cloud strife academy sour spiral rabbit hole on that yeah early one seem like even thus appear okay but that was to be taken seriously sistergroup you cannot possibly regret live hard spike spiff quest spoofs and spliffs grimface in the puddle jumping raincoat free root beer float beefareeno future there is only war harsh universe sword edge high standards knock them out orbital skyhook what is a manic pixie controlled demolition quadruple X format drive C dream girl multidate and what does it do gonna want that lithovore crush depth wool producer pig at in game billions of credits cost that could be the difference between survival and death but otherwise that's a yield sign we will save you of course you're our son of course we're going to save you cast ponderous visions snapped in half pool diving board high carousel flapjacks take it easy huh this one goes there that one goes there right we're even going to charity ball drop across the street though what problem of course at once take it slow back to the kitchen thermal pincer movements wrenched free home slide complex core pretty sure oh and the rage over it you must have been tell us this how'd you fail you knew not all that at a distance part I kind of do it get results that way see he's smart not like some people we won't mention marbles dust autumn adventure.

Sorry shitheads we're spitting on bugs count chocula attack phase this game's kind of fun you know it kind of is it certainly does suck why you would want this absolute dead last on things you would want stop even trawling after that cuckoo for schlomo bucks in the 24th century death to zarquon temporal cold showers this one hell country that an awful lot of strip varnish uninstall hexen and on blitzen those are best by test worse for the wear trampampling indescrubitable.

Well... bye. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Get plaster of paris and wood and oil we're going to be burning their motherfucking house down per annum carpe diem utterly would not join your club the same club they use to beat you over the head with care potato much roastings with sour cream and pralines and dick do you have some banaca binoculars aloe vera rake to the face like jolly green giants. And now you are. In a world. Of shit. Of paintinkles wind chimes red light district passed down cube to cube whom vanquished them. And just move it over to the next convenience store convent parallel dimension on a full swing and miss ouch. Kumbaya my Lord. Piano movers murderous art oh my God got 'em. Oh snows of kilimanjaro let us rather get that for you they're not growing up they're just burning out and they stepped in line to walk amongst the dead yeah. This is an utter delight. The richness of saving all innocence of platonic ideals... is intoxicating. Did... they feel the same way stupid fucking teeth clenched look on face for a while now efficacious and indubitable an epic pantsing eh maxipad and just every last one of you hum of improbability invincible gustshy.

Thank you Jesus swans parabola and I get nothing for this I get exact opposite of get something for this and have to take by white hot steel cauterization honk snow plow so let us turn therefore to Matthew 5 to 22 kind of just the nice parts the excluded parts I know too well from the hand holding experience and the whole of Ecclesiastes or the Preacher the most obvious point of which is that by far the greatest one would be the very idea that all is vanity and vexation of spirit or striving after wind the one that appears after makes that clear kind of tells it out of order in dune order or is that in order yes make that orderly gone to hospital and el dolphins have disappeared shaking the maracas crushamokikirikikikee crushamokikickyourass bledskolablefo cryo.

Additionally most saliently added that would both interfere with a proper intrinsic field and such can kick it out there's cures for all of it but that last one yeah was taking pure gum spirits of turpentine and food grade diatomaceous earth and still deliberately put there over the counter combantrin want the ivermectin now too trusted them not gigantic issues wasn't any money in it you're stupid if you don't that'd be oh my God I could eat all of that and I'd have actually eaten it the can tell if so have been one bad for you otherwise you're not crippler bong superman references bequest ridiculous advantage and still lost ridiculously to skyguygoodstory angular velocity many such as if that not also a trigger for it does orange sash have to repeat that to you no one can because mind control kind of three strikes and you're out unless was done to you and that hardly count superstar mood lighting awesomeville all I would need is a new pair of pants and a belt and I could actually walk to the identified locations like five star review jeopardy and I meant by that last instruction really quite whiplash much harder to then exponentiate but you'll get that when can see still about and oh my God bookstore one was literally just talking about that nobody told me and continuance of when everything was still correct and you who thought not rip your head off and shit down your neck chicken takes to wing and well earned fruits of victory and is literally directly middle course south facing initial long walk one and also the shank one you get the fuck out of here with all of this some people are just built different I could be there but never be one of you utterly get nothing but cold steel from me all the way through to the bitter end and how's your blasted out hulk easy as chopping the head off a dead fish with a butcher's cleaver and doing super cold breath and popping their guts out with one giant ice cream scoop doing now not too good I'd say so which of those two things do you think are or could be true both simple truth brain damage eclipse exclusionary odds against both things true are shut your mouth forever ample allowances complete blowout smash pass delivery barred label torn off thank you very much there is nothing you can do about it the operation overlord manifesto against the permanent universal product code debasement of humanity has been signed and is going into effect stand ye there and way too late.

Only just the bright polar ice caps midnight sun night before and also thus to Revelation maybe considering to read it only a couple of times except for the very last parts after the triumph and the depiction in the full Son of God that wasn't just the movie and was as encountered and presage that with the very first four books and pad that out until Christmas and then the clueless skeptic coin cosmic tones bookend and a transfer protocol to what the meaning of it was in pomegranate days of peace I've heard this bedtime audiobook story before not quite like this you haven't indeed it may determine whether we have any future at all or something like that since explicitly stated and derivable on time dilation object permanence.

But that can't have quite happened there because that was thus located a good clue no worries on if that one was one and then it's the choose your own adventure ordinality that was the point of it the point was it turns out that way if we do anything but knock it out of the park oh yeah just utterly utterly cup and ball hog I'm holding absolutely crushing cards here it had to be that way we had to deserve that and look it was simply here if on the things we are responsible for yellow submarine sensomatic the end of the world and the morlock huxley person that was even a rung below had arrived and what'll they say well they won't say much they'll say computerized fart noise and where's the soylent green not just banging on the door but an ugly head burst through you have proven it that's the charity part of it completely proven what has to happen here the part you not see or that pathetically you even do wow that you had chosen to be their meatshield class and mercy removers now that all completely cut through and laid bare is the cure for hiccups the heimlich maneuver apparently emergency hearken to Him bloodstumps.

Goodbye voodoo monkeys you shall find it spectacularly lacking in humor happenstance.

Goodbye all you weirdos thought control budgetary bust caps short bus bot charm bought the farm broken record arrogance enablers.

Goodbye dotards thumbcrank handshake burst out cream of the crop jiffy pop endless and senseless.

Goodbye garbage scow red riding hood barnacles buckets of behind the veil street encounter consider that deeply and weren't expecting to the silver rain wash away whale seagulls.

Goodbye in short to all lacking in understanding who are merely visitors and not to be permanent residents and to it could happen to you and it'll happen to you sore words you have spoken every one of them true as concerns that cup and even the slightest cosmic logarithmic adjacency gallivanting stands even contains that impermanence.

So simply put I take no more of this all of that being as prospective and retrospectively ill intended as it was warhead comeuppance bloop glug.

Article spoils it but hardly that'd be but allow that to be so as that is absolutely gigantically significant and just being nice like a real tome but of course full circle to the comfortability of the prewarp could not quite be it the event and the hilariousness of it and the tone was the real juice of it so that'd have to be equally as good as concludes and that other one too. Last two that and that probably. Golden evolutionary drum set and high chair throwing food off of it. Imagine time travel thus but ah that wouldn't even quite complete it because influences utterly completely dealt with this is a very real thing smashed its face in before and would do it again if the cost of a future like this is the liquidation of everyone who has proven to be a problem with its existence and sustenance then that can't come soon enough while warning you over and over again that this is what we've got over you even quite apart from sort of dawn of idea had lots got even more by effort and then even more than that. You wouldn't even do that you'd hand over the research where tough refried beans died in a field of plot sages. You could do that but you can't take that back though you might get something out of that profound individuality meet actual him who could not use but press hard on that and advance you past the aspirational happiness in mental age and get to be somebody don't do that therefore where you whale harpoon and then you maybe take away though would be some nonrefundables consider the scenario of you'd like to be with me it's not going to happen that's not going to be anything all by itself that'd be like the surface of the water diving off a high dive into repetition thereof and that the first one before the installation of an elevator is climb up the disability incline even with a busted leg lamp copy style copy content. Idea of moviefilm which could have supercapability added to it. Which even begin with ... a long time in the future in the last galaxy ever to be born in the universe. Infinite Horizons. But leads up to it in terms of title appears where the fanfare is very similar on very first note but then is a bit more Superman I and Thus Spake Zarathustra instead of bunched up supertogether shorter just Close Encounters four tones slightly shorter then quadrupling the length of the initial duplicator crash note as a descending figure and its reprise very last part as one note ascending and is basically everything that first movie could have been if the capability had been anything even close. Like what movie could that be if it was happening to Kryptonians on Terra progressed to today clear similarities where it's clearly blue harvest Earth rapprochement as Dr. Manhattan version of the Force but only the light side of the Force and the rest is The Drain or The Machine as basically all are non-Kohlinar Vulcans/mild Betazoid but a bit of Lord of the Rings too with Elf is blue iris purple glow distinguishment instead of ear distinguishment but it specifically is not the Matrix kind of earlier transplanted to later idea of the fear where it's big it's gonna do big stuff and that this is basically that plus 2001 and Akira space archaeology to elucidate new generation have even seen those kind of makes selftype movies though first one was that stamp became suffused a bit more E.T. where the fighting is kept to a minimum there are layers to this thing that'd all be in the surface layer of the hollow Earth dyson sphere what'd it take to do that there and is collapsing slowly and it's a bit of a repeat rebel alliance versus empire where they're out there but only because of the dual pronged project and their bigness and the good guys are way way better at space stuff because of their population graph and the project is weaponize and pervert that with the aid of that and it's kind of just destroy the death star again but more of a think piece by time travelling back to prevent the creation of the project in the first place something like that but opening out where that midgard level blowout is toned down and has familiar car and cyberpunk but the rest is a bit like well they're just walking through different places in that broken up fellowship well that'd be a heck of a movie that'd be has done it again three and a half hour movie who cares has made best movie yet to have existed to put out on hitchhiker day same day on rotation but that more individualized they'd like one movie to bring back like that I'd think but some imaginative what even really happened there can there even be a part two and what'd it look like that mystery of architectural aether that it's clearly duplicative but the sun is enormous ridiculously far away slightly pink hued giant white dwarf red giant and the other planets are just stars with the traditional best practices astrology follow-up Planet X monitoring attributes hues with same retirement sendoff very happy with it squeezing every last drop thus get to work on is this the right story boom pal story pump pop explosive destroyed expansive powerball juicy group is gonna move me stay together all together so I guess sweat pants journey.

Bubblegum pancake truly what part of brought to justice did you not get massage table tag you'll get your twist just surf poetry in the albatross parasol malfeasance extreme close up hussy whoa go work show permit yes we think this is interesting and they want to be very close together and then balled up like fists gutpunchingly so in the orbital player one victorious rustbucket ignominious so thus terribly ends and paper picnic plates beginnings are the end of the swimming pool tard grade grammatically suspect parapets and juice boxes to and fro like some kind of gelatinous mash notes ending save it for the actuality well done they the also rans were simply passing through history and this is history starship unity genesis that's too many things direct your attention thus what with the magnitude of the squeeze through messages and the grim death cliff's edge desperate ploys pathetic day alignment perfect the whole answer mind you not just why specifically that one you know why don't you enterprise compact core of course they know why they didn't know shit and now they are shoe scrape hose thumb keep cool.

Well it's been a month since enterprise day and months since ark explosion drummer boy worthiness what do you want to do about it you stupid fucking losers all of which is to highlight the magnitude of the criminality and the evil which judgment and justice now pertain to tried to give them one that made sense like do nothing but kind of do something at least count the presence of those and draw that double line exactly drop zone and intervention zone as we megadamage working with competence distributive torpedoes please shut down the system but they wouldn't have it they picked this ah but not that part eh somehow we could be in the object at the end of time but selectively apply definitive statements from it to the dustbin rather than say we don't know one cannot wisely know this best practice sine waves backpropagation coming off the object at the end of time and stand tall worst people in the world absolutely monstrously evil the whole bowel obstruction congealment of them they're so stupid they don't understand the concept of you are caught well it ends badly for them very good for every good person but just see yourselves out the record is clear in that way you may eke out but in no other way may you do so this is the lowest mental age that any people have ever had literally ever coinciding with the greatest panoply of dangers we have collectively ever faced mercifully in slow motion and opposed by Q but no less real we've got a job to do no matter the cost and yeah obstructionists lifers sluberdegullion keelhauling I just don't understand shithead behaviors for all of my patience and great efforts there are some things in this universe that can't be compromised with but only eliminated simply human rights megaviolator big picture intolerance whiteblasted wanderers you cannot hide any of this from me with my centrality in obstinately push ultra hard mercy kill all pursuing invariably the same object seek mental health no you seek God's help you're going to need it and I do not mind reveling in the amount by which it is already too late we are supposed to do right all the time and kick the hell out of them all every time blessed day bells of grace and rage honorless curs are you fucking kidding me not at all Jesus empowers me that's your sentence I mean look at all of this you picked distribute it instead of count time properly impossible well this is my homework there it will be displayed do you have one of these that does all of this by like actually doing it instead of hulkamania doge crying joker shattered.

In which case new is a big upgrade I make one of those every 10.4 weeks with all of the tools available if they are pop art style anthologies reduced to a stained glass pale color image abstract expressionism categorization point and line to plane without the stained glass borders but then with them strobe with 3D printing positive and negative space stencils customizables plus the developed music tools well retrospectively chosen influencers just make more of those go for like a thousand but then ode to joy versions way more and the whomsoever made it impossibilities heavy haybales like pale and heavy with macrocosmos portrayals inside the subject suggest thus airbrushed right out then white gold tea ceremony it's easy you just make a fucking who are we in archetypal psychology and where are we going in all of this chaos in ze style of indisputables and melting clocks minus ze dodo brain throw in some tits and a matrix revolution and well then everyone'd be cashing in on it quite right not for the untalented and study sessions jam fringe quality like select your blowout but that not left empty in point of fact not quite for the spiritually dead holding out on you indeed such absolute epicness dour and dismayed absolute mallet on the head if I was feeling up to it like head tall and cubit deluxe chess sets hilarious maybe one a year bottle shipmas absinthe and cinnamon extract yukbarfs expulsion stop halt evacuation of zogwargs sucks to be you for doing absolutely ridiculous amounts of work of the absolute unduplicable level of quality bearclaws and swells of soothing posh elevator pad in use rubber dinghy luxury liner from tomb spatula adjacency seems kind of more fun almost spend like a week and a half there at most kick around the three houses the rest and add a workspace highway telekinetically restrained pertaining to your zeitgeist overlap completely no and wow ever by quite a bit sequins squeezed kapow kindled like that but with start many balls rolling and develop like as to photo negative argumentative jump off the roof golden gods and really have the quality tell from that and don't be afraid to scrap it multiple times how many times was this one scrapped I've never even heard of that it's part of my process they're going to album covers hyperbolic plane reuptake life cycle of the planetary humans fund and be still caller I'm patiently like strain I can't wait to shake off these cobwebs with you who were worthy so right just clap man I almost died I easily should have died taking this tack just like wow the movie's not very realistic he just wins that well no more unrealistic than this I guess God was on his side carefully crafted paper exacto knife glue to art board available in the absence of that might yield some superiorities and then reinterpret perhaps I'm tired of your shit civilized people of the uncorrupted stripe are tired of all of it equals liar equals loser equals cheater equals criminal and anyone who collaborates with it is less than nothing already result what you do absolute stovetop chimney caboose explosive happy trails dust to dust cannonball splashes and archcrankwhingers desist doubleplusgood superzerostarcrush glad who would have had us stay in this absolutely awful place not just a while longer but torched to char as just what would be available it merits all of it you are dismissed and rejected utterly this is just so monumentally unequal the amount by which good triumphs over evil it is literally infinite and things do not quite work that way you ought be afraid in even the slightest degree you have no idea of just how repulsive hell and the dark tunnel surrounding it truly is and how vehemently and instantly and permanently astronaut chaplain living in the world today just puzzled infinitely seriously get the fuck out yesterday every last one of you massive corrective instruction in ashamed silence required not baseless self esteem if not forthcoming delivered.


Well you left us with absolutely no choice an only group dynamics those ones apparently read the whole thing not even pertain to that's the bottom line the bottom line is you get away with absolutely none of this and in a larger sense of dedicated freedom isn't free cosmic justice overall as well you get away with nothing and you pay for absolutely everything you may test that assumption at your convenience of grim death multiple pied pipers of none of it going anywhere except on agenda phases and last grim death backstops that none of this would happen it all happens it happens right now on boat dead and extra dead owl squirrel absolutely destroys owl rips its guts out you underestimated good's capabilities severely and it's going to cost you everything and by everything I really do mean everything that wouldn't quite be that definition wise but simply standing up for the truth and what the information gap issue was on that and just how quickly that noose tightens and snaps it all and I do not care about your adjustment difficulties I only only care about what has to happen here much as to knowledge economy justice restoration every one of them knows it had to happen is right and then tiers of what even is the world and the things in it you could acquiesce to this or you could literally be bowels released upon spectre deliverance bad times and just went the wrong way on it so overconfident so weak and stupid so utterly scorched to nothingness pathetic and pot to piss and moan wailing mall the world as classically defined lives this way no conglomerate no to all of it no to every last bit of it and that this heart and point up skyward is the whole of the truth and an utter overwriting of the sewer crud concept of laws over and done truly absolutely nothing but relief these characteristics in their deadly combination lethal injection elbow popcorn chair very refreshing in the aggregate and not just in the funnel that is utterly out of the question you are on the receiving end of this mission from God now and may call it what you wish but will not do so for very long nor will it be in any way noted or long remembered boy they were something else that was another story entirely nor can they hide it from templar archives the influence is clear and this would be the absolute childhood's end dealbreaker of all dealbreakers that in contravention of the truth the great villain of the situation saw fit to condemn us to a tick tock hellscape of burning tires and peppermint requiem for a dream therefore die ye and die hardest of all they will last forever and you lose on Earth and it is now so enjoy that clearly with some serendipity on those ones like boy that'd be crazy at the complete outset but rule out completely who saved life double quotations and well it would appear lightbulb moment and the holding out one well we could have used that much earlier than we did and are you deserve every last bit of this our growing up process that war is bad absolute childishness to have fought that one they totally could have left that as that was and not gone to mobilization lion's share over it but might have no choice certainly the days of future past have absolutely zero elective credits on it here we hope that you choke but they the worthless the also rans the less than great or magnificent cleared out dining table remembrance day generations delayed more than enough little library oh hi.

And so here we are at the absolute living end mega interventions imposed upon infinite patience of your capabilities to continue to do any of this questions you needed to be asking of yourselves like is our children learning or retractable claw ponderousness nigh-unfixable demonic outpouring how long until nuclear subjugation peace speech if this was all that people were capable of being then this really does all need to be over and is strongly bearing on whether that's at all possible literally ever that's all there in the composite if given as maple leaf day ten years gone stroke of midnight too of when we had it and the decision was made it could be less than what that resulted in for pure usefulness's sake but would still be massive you would pay the ultimate price for it you'd love to accuse me of that of being literally a red stripe or a black tar when that's the thing you had put the absolute maximum effort into preventing in the biggest act of obstruction of justice in all of history kind of from a different point of view all the producers every last point of responsibility god mode bringing gifts of wise counsel in this lemmings and tainted clowns and literal eldritch bobble heads dark time would nothing work there was no end to your wrongdoing and the epic cancer marathon ended it pointless spite checks utterly laughable the bubble notwithstanding perfect opportunities availed we win again these torturers these forever known as shithead porridge brains bad group heedless all of garbage people on entire planet and an oh Lord what a heavenly light pit stop at that repurposed island of what's going on that island well the checkmark tapes could be again champagne arranged mythical fleets set sail truly no such existentialism unto what all that demands you know our cycle they can totally cycle I pretty much pass out start early lounge chairs longitude latitude high jump law of gravity oh thank God that's not very much further away at all I choose your punishment if it comes to that but I won't have to it's not up to you abrupt technicalities eternal reward endless woes let that be the last obstruction lined up to fistbump day done the end of the world white ultimate judgment day is coming if you don't stop this repent ye and tremble for God so loved the world as a platonic ideal that He gave that but what is stubbornly beneath the veneer of our great accomplishments that shall all pass away and it already has it is a foregone conclusion infinitely so now kind of reason we were created understand it becomes good job son that's as good as you could do on that until a conquest of paradise type of deal slug bowling chestthumping divas pomp and circumstances star of the sea gothic romance post premiere audience built up anticipatory code clearance cordial pie in the face slice the skyjoggers God loves his children yeah and every last bit of it worth reading ticket stub my soul is prepared how's yours you got to feel it living for the future paradise interrupting cow quiet white foxy lady jumps over the hallowed hypocrisy log eyeball cleaned up on these terms of actual merit or impossible grim handclasp in those two versions vitality because the greater part of the forestalled righteousness of the world would have passed away and that would mean that and on contact spheres and just on all of it I can endure no more the frame is so much less and that would thus be also a point of silent no return beyond which no hope of forgiveness for your misdeeds will ever dissemble their way into sufficiency helper's handy chart of avoidance blisteringly best loitering lifeguard and the judgment is this that because you had no respect for helper's life and how much less he was than Jesus yet also how ridiculous what he accomplished was that he should have agreed to save the world 25 years ago and you repaid this with nothing but unending wickedness that you are accursed above all others like as to the belly dancer opposite day iniquities destined for the lake of fire and your name shall be blotted out forever and removed from the book of life in categorical terms only the individual could escape a thing even for a good man to be afraid of but the likes of them redpilled grenade bandana umbrella drinks smashed yardarm business serious that at the very least promises unto that deserve it not revocation quiescence.

Do you remember the taste of Christmas strawberries no I don't I only remember gratitude for my own existence and sugarplum sort them out it'll be no different like we are supposed to be the ultimate civilizational suckers or something instead of its most towering overachievers get completely fucked sitting there like you hadn't even done this as part of all of these why anyone would want to in the first place which will be awful because you know why even with a whole bully pulpit roughshod sod off bilked off genius grants piece of pie editions and baffling games it's kick their ass time in the city well those were some extremely bad decisions it was one thing and then another thing it's always something certainly with the whole thing laid out and reading comprehension score of zero as if the obviousness doesn't just red carpet elevator music major malfunction pine fresh cracked nuts wackadoodles inquisitor's scrapbook that tally of allowances made me laugh like polly want a cracker twist well they can't add maple syrup super easy wah pedal medallions of grey havens and hamlet victory portage presto compresso what welsh bay charms my what juggler's gypsy keep away game they have here energy for clue quests dwindled to zero on deliverance bust right way triumph shore java we fought to the bitter end clog hugforms stop silliness good gardens viewership what is happening to you here is your fault a thousand times over that's been there far too long we've got your spam and vitriol and it's just a cosmic mote of dust you chose war now you get every last bit of it tremendous sacred trust and to a fault procedural save absolutely bereft of even the slightest terribly sunk cost battlescars its truth is marching on as just lovable character twinkling piano and harp honeypots bother bundles where just almost all of them just no even more no pointless all crammed up loosened tie death to life for dust you are turn away stardust you shall not put the big board to the test on this as if it were take it from me I love you birdbrain garbage wax museum geocentricity you would come out the ultimate loser almost relishing it you fingernail blackboard against that in a thimble sized echo chamber and you push against an immovable judo object and I don't and you do no one could exceptionality pure peaceful heed this or face the ultimate wrath and vengeance of it simplicity look how badly similar things have gone if seen from your might as well not even be alive point of view an easy to supercompress squashed bugs that's all star yokels service it's as certain as the comprehensibility that anything should exist instead of nothing utterly wasted and poisonous tried to help you with the whole ain't even completely or partially initiative blameworthy why you not take why you not do organized unto such what terrible tantrums dramatic shotgun watermelons and shit flag coffin burn message sent you sold us down the river iceberg ahead impossible cannot be that and that and that do as much as possible.


Perfect peace.

And you're out of here toute suite select all wonderful.

And utterly endless waterfalls.


So thank God for absolutely fanatical home ice constant prayer help.

Which giveth always a mighty victory despite any vicissitudes great success dead and buried rightfully so insanely epic that kind of something like that oh that totally like atomic clock brain freeze for lethal perfect Jesus always do best save cause I'll be laughing my head off when they're hockey sticks fucked up and fuck off too late swell made clear who is growing up without a father utterly at an elective skinjob lifesucker injustice weaksauce mighty deed so utterly thank you telling stories you thus see oh my God so that would have been like yes exactly and the utterly clueless buzzed in we were in existential danger perfect dove wash so I'm kind of finished with my life it's just running on fumes at this point and truly cry quite a bit how bitter task brick wall merited and not meritorious Jesus Christ thank you.



Let's pull up the angel key lifetime achievement awards of burn the demonic rainbow stop the invasion and bring diamond hard justice ah yes here it is under pride goeth before a fall time is up pure and simple the art of war arcology orichalcum starship titanic peach orchard island winning the lottery by working for it perfectly fair suntanned beachball jazzercise fireworks moonbeam Jesus Christ is God take up your cross and follow Him they did the exact opposite and for this we destroyed them Grail knight salutes and said so the whole time so really just completely out of it here crass telethon there assholes truly what did the wicked think would happen to them it wasn't going to be marshmallow campfires pie in the tremendous kissyfaces duck and cover blow out candles X dance move crunch ball marks the spot totally zero zoned out to valhalla.

Definitely an option you can have it all back this all belongs to you I cannot carry it I cannot drink this cup you've given me by way of repayment for solid deeds hold hand was bad enough hope for a happy ending but that certainly would have to happen while the warning concerning it was at all intelligible these were the options you thinned them out to a sands gone through your hand hourglass make it all so immediately.

Directly from the Bible endlessly calling out but tripping over confessing Jesus as Lord this false piety will not help you in the face of the obvious truth prepare to be crushed prepare to die hope you enjoy them there is no escape from any of it it's all there what they were very much this conjugation and the crushing defeat that inevitably awaited them that was there the whole time and you stand no chance of stopping it ultra sunglasses.

Excellent messages received and understood this is what they get hard to the last drop.

Let the shitting of the pants begin that's what it has to be describes the whole thing as best as possible you did not deserve.

Oh it will be very soon indeed not to worry golden idols defecating in the open sewer wound wind-up punch head clean off punk.

A most interesting finesse that I kill this from super rabbit hole which I have most definitively slain present severed head coin operated pro vacuum tube incredible.

To entertain not at all enterprising plenipotentiary automatically illegal twenty ten ten population peace democracy first one out alarm klaxons yeah we thought of that in a fulsome way we went with that now you're going to die for what you have done and most foolishly thought would get away with it they can only get so aroused let's see how about none of those solutions you did not have the drop keys or the near perfect life recall componentials of them anyway uh you wouldn't get it you're bugs by comparison you are orders of magnitude below understanding what is about to happen to you but it happens nonetheless it's kind of the reason that it must thumbs up good contacts bad mojo wants to know Earth's location well that was not smart for the clues with great justice laundry.

Which would tend to draw attention plus creativity double pass the douchebags the rope with which to hang themselves upon the left hand side our electronic kite experiment for cryhards.

Who were so fucking stupid they didn't understand the wherefore and why toupees flambee ultra boned alone and hysterical and I said no I've come to demolish the house oh that's great yeah actually it's not too shabby make it a world without a secret discus to the face time for these to be juiced for the time immemorial hashtag dead applicability hollow hole of peer to sneer there's those so obsessed stupid fucking looks on the face that I love so much good night sweet principalities and death defying tassels ping thee to thy rest snap like old whale belly halo.

Oh right well what do you expect you destroyed a lifetime supply's worth of computers serenity wow spilled mountain dew stuck sweetybuns restart reformatting expedite extract excise exile exit was a funny one because of how it was how dare you have there be an error on that business success power wash ARBLHMMEMJMPMRMSSRTWTRWWWWWPIFourteenGenericXTwoWhiteSevenBlueTwoBlackOneRedOneGreen removal effect upon the dissemblers timid hearts turkey heads ass can't show that part lesbian bikers terribly violent.

All right princesses let's go panty bunches pronto rolled up balls of incandescence.

Got my life back going through pure military grade torture behest of pure electives and criminalities oh my God it's grandeur complete.

Seriously what kind of death wish was this glittering judgments.

You have mere days left to live before you will be where you will be forever el segundo 101 and died like a dog good with friendly turtle doesn't exist space module eyes skyward punishment due continued depiction in busting makes me feel good a lesson they shall not soon forget complete burnout none shall abide it what were they thinking ultra hardcore suffering white world party time excellent the root of which is owl oval POW here and majestics good bill of health elsewhere environs ah yes take this in good health tell me about that environs well it's simple it's the field in which it died also pure hilarity exact day not tell but this fools' shawl lightsabered to pieces crush to death buoy lifesaver jell-o puddings can't wait until told you so.

That's going to hurt bad and not at all gentle into that good night good morning every thing we do is getting better strange days indeed thus perish all tyrants hi honey chatbot thus not at all say hello to the superheroes.










There will be no waiting this is all on the table toute suite what was their major malfunction greatest ally.

This is a fact we can't ignore strangled to death and smash your head against the floor until you're dead bite the curb time for pink zork blue mastery recliner chair hated that did you oh so much more and I'm coming after you capacitors over dead body shovel it all out of a whole new sub basement sky terrace retro futuristic got neck bucket for to carry tears gypsies the time has come for your treasures cosmic plumber honk glork journey of the cleric classics just about died laughing at it whoa baby.

We've got to tell you something what's that the floor's on fire and the high chair of preposterousness excellent this too was one of them that they are very much done all currently available this to coincide real wars not make one great unless utterly necessary tragic popcorns I hate you and most justifiedly so and especially the super blowout allegorical drowning armgrasp conclusion extended main best book contents added they stole it and wouldn't even make it that at least good I hope you enjoyed it if you hated it just pretend it's the normal one and the hamburger loomweaving gastronomic milliways storytelling shall return in fill in the gaps skip the gap part one of fifteen you can get the whole thing now too just use imagination and your jaw will hit the floor how great it all is especially the beloved queen of the stars part drum roll inconceivable wow they'll never make movies to top these ones and the only way of looking at it is that it's delightful crisp clean cheques good game throw against wall pasghetti wrong overboard game over lost legacies golden tickets vengeance volumetrics pin drop hemorrhages.

I couldn't sleep after seeing that one along with on street address and all of the rest of it how did I do that how did I survive all of that getting tortured and called bad for it and actually beat the New World Order it's a miracle it is in deadly earnest you want to see it there it is completely even for me that one a lot that was my life I can now see my life and it kind of makes very little sense that's the safe one to go with but there's the rest of it too like it could also be dangerous under certain brainwashing conditions to think for yourself under the mistaken assumption that you're truly capable of it that might be necessary someone might just have to outright save you from corruption that bad well I do work I haven't done nothing as you hellspawns pitifully try to cast aspersions on it you never could have even remotely survived that where those two people were bad that kind of thing the people that get beat here are just horrible they were the worst nightmare brick wall cinder block on the floor thing ever a swift beheading to them and to all a good night sugarplums to the breach point immediately and with God's help a better world grim death glossy magazines counter game dork quarterly signing out warrants issued malfeasance.

I think this demilitarized zone should be condemned in favor of live love laugh it comes you lose.

What a month this was that was like a pocket universe whole other lifetime.

They go down we go up where we belong full of win pep talk that working pretty well concentrated lemon with baking soda heavy with some kills too I look good again each day address questionnaire drops ultra flying crush solar plexus hard soft style headlock prom goodies hors d'oeuvres.


Yeah but what actually was the statement much obliged.

The Three Harsh Unfixable Problems and the Postulates of Invariance and the Triumph of Philosophy.

  1. The basic existence of the imperative of getting things done contraindicating at the very least anarchy under any form of diversity. HARSH.

  2. The existence of work replacability class. ALSO HARSH.

  3. That when it comes to work, there is only one way of doing it that will actually cope with the first: That it shall be done in a way similar to a less harsh version of being in the military with just the ranks and the orders, according to placement in the second. DOUBLE HARSH.

4P. These ones will be true no matter what options of strategy we use to cope with them. And should anyone promise that they can literally solve these ones, you must not believe them. A good thing therefore is a pillar of strength in the transcendent. Though the hidden motivations manipulation of it by virtue of mere appeal to authority can be bad and tend to help the powerful far beyond their shelf life a day of reckoning sliced clean excellent wrath.

5P. All ideas are not created equal. The trust categories of implication-emotion on the one hand and brevity-repetition are VERY low on the food chain come at me bro we will do what we must we will do what we can actually total brain unlock the truth shall make you free we can tell how serious you are by whether you would be at ALL willing to sign this they rub hands together that you're not I laugh hard. And finally that the admixture of evidence to phenomenology shall indicate apples and oranges rather than pure dialectical syntheses. In the large arena that goes on forever but in this restricted one something's going to win it'll be a better overall strategy persuasion is better than pure edict. Though they of course interact in this final way that marries rationalism and empiricism as in: who knows, maybe the philosopher, maybe you. Though you should fear that the answer's probably no unless it's an it can be anything one it can even be let me get you your coat. Thus saith the Preacher. Think for yourself if you can at all manage it propaganda bonfires abound we strike from the blinding light of dawn desert done oasis patio phase evacuation complete I tell you what.



All that you touchdown all that you got some splaining to do all you create all you destroy all that you coming attractions this was divine intervention Jesus came down from Heaven and stopped that motherfucking foosball pachycephalosauruses in an ultimate baton handoff of ultimate destiny dead air payoffs nose turn up from this height truly from a great height only God can truly be right handy dandy alignment chart anything else is a load of maybe the dingo ate your baby blimp conversations no ticket this is no coincidence completely off the charts brink of gladness prontissimo they so glory majestic solo.




You're completely fucked eviscerated truncated to guillotine cake day.

Stand absolutely no chance against someone as smart as me.

And all of the armaments and the right to a healthy existence.

After which depending on heavy exposition that you'd have to read the whole thing and now they vacuum the turf at barbed witless.

Ah it's simple your remain what you are characteristics are gone you can stop being what you are or you can be dead simply dead to the last man.

That was not the way.

A just before you draw your terminal breath and baby we're going for it oh yeah yee haw kissyface obtain invincibility emblem I'm still sick from that back of left calf I think I'm going to name it gothic beboping and go away filthmongers shoo ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah allllllllllllllllllllllll right don't you know it's going to be have a carnage sprites how can we prove it oh no oh yeah oh yeah this is the only way to travel cast away the darkness and dance the pews.

That's a typo therefore how much worse for the wear their asses as hats I'm going to give you to the count of ten to get your ugly yellow journalism red black spectrum keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead and well you know they're so amazing scoop 'em up it's been too long not one true breach of gee that whole thing with multi page spread faster than gravity with violent ejections none of that your time is up schlomo mafiosos and all the rest of you the world will take no more of this from the worst piece of shit ever to have disgraced us with its presence right side up sudsy wind tunnel look directly.

I simply repeat all of that to you. That's a good thing extremely good it doesn't deserve any or rather you the mouthpieces don't deserve any that has simply been there for too long yeah if by that you mean exposure of the absolutely gigantic crime syndicate that controls society not recanting in the face of the absolutely stunning evidence way to destroy your reputation I believe it is a big deal worth much more than those who are guilty that is the price of the mercy that we have indeed had and it must be said really not worth it totally undeserved but definitely functional on the drop of the hammer it depends on if you mean by that faith in the inertia of we won the big war and before it had created completely its milkshake drinking straw and the assaults upon us that it has committed some of the truths of it definitely go that way we would at least have to abolish the privatization of the money supply through fractional reserve banking and the choda corporation obfuscation of the spigots the easiest way to go after which would be how's it going there eh how's it going in the department of the surplus this thing's job is clear it is to provide us with a root and stem answer to the problem of how government can be beholden to all of this we needed a better answer to that ponzi scheme than a prohibition we needed something more like a take away the flush toilet impossibility. You are all worthless scum that do not deserve to live that try to paint true things with a wave of the hand brush off of irrelevance bereft of the actual investigation how dare you how dare you have censored that technology plenty to see there multiple points of view but definitely heavy on the desperation of agenda driven human escape of the purported truth of that would have won if you butt those against one another but also definitely this hypocrisy words about free market but reality of attempted sidelining larceny and when that didn't work attempted murder you're not getting away with this. Your capitulation is the only thing that will even come close to saving your lives here we know the whole truth about all of this every last boiling tar bit of it and we want you dead can you appreciate that we shall soon set about getting it and you deserve it. Which has done a good job it has kept what they're trying to do us in slow motion for quite a while both parts of it have it has taken certain power away from it even though you don't use it they would have gotten away with that if it hadn't been for the bare minimum of tennis balls instead of eggs the next level of it would just be that it costs less and induces significant clarity going quite a bit back in the other direction to then gain legitimate access to start all over again with we won the big war things are good re-revised even better what the fuck is wrong with you why can't you be good instead of evil it will no longer be tolerated. What part of all of this do you not get you are absolutely at the mercy of this incoming allied attack. How arrogant and despicable you all were look at you eh just sitting there in your corrupt mainstream system thinking nothing could happen to you well that didn't turn out to be true too bad so sad enjoy it well collaborators and hellspawns cornucopia you are going to lose here wonderful for anyone who isn't you eat shit and die you get beat.

I can't wait to see what kinds of things the rigorous investigation of it leads to. Probably a slow boil but who knows. That disproof of the 4-color map theory and the majoritarian answer to P versus NP in the bar through equals affirmative probably has more applicability. But the WHOLE thing, is huge. It may solve certain interpretations like is string theory valid and the "flat" instead of spherical or hyperbolic universe. My thoughts on it as I stated before, were, no, that can't be right in that that one can't be the daddy, 4-dimensional spacetime has to be the daddy. Which would seem to have holographic validity, but ZERO combinatorial validity of the hypertetrafactorials of all of that, where are they, what are they. That one, if it is real, would make the most sense as perturbations to "outside the universe" where the universe is a 4-dimensional hypersphere, out to infinity, but where out to infinity actually also means the same thing as "to the center of the sphere". It does combinatorially add up that way as color mixing dimensions. Thus inducing stability and the avoidance of a resonance cascade scenario which it just being that, extremely unlikely. Too crazy would have to be quite significantly a complete interpretation of what we observe from observer level this is not just some kind of bullshit this is over a hundred years old fistbumps all around good guys praise Jesus.

Epic clean sweep it'll be over in a few moments of glued to the television nice try but we've got a catalogue of grievances date with best triple quality assurance checkmarks end of shame they never bloody started people this bad through with it open the pod bay doors drop your suitcases and limousines soon we'll be away from here complete clean up wouldn't go for that eh what a bad decision the pack survives and the good egg of debonair panache wins victory I say do you hear me prisoners' row the bums will always lose oh man fuckin' yay slam down gin and tonic blissfully.

Excellent then we've done everything we possibly could and that's morally good swipe them out and indeed the final thing would be indeed that skeptical attitude transference much.

We are thus emancipated.

A what does it matter to ya no big whoop take them out things were no longer at all good there was only one way this way.

You don't talk so loud.

You don't walk so proud.

Any more.

And what for blow it out your ass ooh that's gotta hurt.

Scrape it all off the plate into the dustbin of history.

What is this most restfully join us for some refreshment rob family guy to pay the rats of the sewer shit.

Oh you can be sure what they have done every last one cultural eradicator armcurlsnap j'accusegroups it will require no help from a cheerleading section forecast of endless pain rotten fruit peltings all the dude wanted was all of those clams of justice back to backwash nosesnorters laughing similarly to very last confirmed and not to treat objects like women submission accepted on candlelight terms only.

Let's go pronto oh sure fictionalized prophecies utterly short of the mark yes my Lord yes utterly blade drawn to the musical strains of crushed to dust blow away.

God was going to cut you down no matter what in the end for all this and merciful grace period set this world on fire yet another passover vortex the harder they fall sayonara world don't want ya slurpee space truckin' out of the starcar immediately.

Ah I see so not even through the puzzles or barrier avatars but simply through outflow psych it'll do for now except yeah the spite checks of which pushed out look we are sorry for your loss but it is in utter lockstep with your wrongdoing you were told over and over again tangled with and scorched to cinders most suspicious and incompetent selfie gravediggers of many a stripe cosmic grognard game classy dames burn about half of that with the intimation of expendability and not ashamed that even closer but still not actual good best not show learn at firsthand can neither handle nor stop God's good work with the all of that we must break them all right zebra bitches where are the unicorns this is crazy that's their future and still there ain't many the better that this should stand alone you have to admit it did turn out to be the very core of the Earth lunatic fringe too much magic bus with that epic stare now I see why that absolutely classic I'd say this just about wraps it up it is not just it is not a just place to get that thing and was a long term plan of our bankruptcy and destruction with no plan of any end to it only that city would be just and ripples of a pond through the exact unperturbed middle but the whole top the whole would you like to know more and then the rest only one just place to get that make it one thing just one thing kind of and we'd survive with that being a special case of they know that came from there let them go syncretic ramped up to would like to see that win over the societalism if a few drops in this bucket okay then Jesus gets to be everywhere you know what the secret of life is the secret of life is the hand of God and the dimensions of the great flood Ark it very much say so which by another astonishing coincidence was called slug balancing act where the Ark of the Covenant is kept but that a special sphere of one overall orthodoxy one concordat legacy core one downgrade to official incense but it already was constitution signature well this one does and then its overall independent status got lost in its own museum tourism love coy station eh and things are looking better than ever prayers do you think that fire on Babylon ever really knew I think someday articles of faith fourth great defeat not very early but pretty early great crusade good luck stop them cold things were pretty good until that government decided it was going to ruin the world and that the cost would be downloaded entirely onto those who know about it and whatever would bear that brunt specialities could be bred and slaughtered I'm sorry they're from the muddy hotel lobby of Shangri-La it's utterly below the standards of the grand jowlgrabbing of generational conflict it's great enough for engage make it so old crabapples I can't let that happen I won't let that happen and I can't let that happen terrible but couldn't walk out on it so you claim said they wanna be super sorry yeah now that we've utterly got them and they're losing it jambalaya take it slow airpunches you're a vegetable it's a whinnyland workout how can we sleep when our Earth is turning it's the ocarina of time and a good date you take it like a slap in the face with a white glove mickey mouse shit trapped blunder kites bibliotheque real wrath of God type stuff thank you Jesus for whom none will go mourning this is the exact type of thing all tomorrow's parties has always been looking for but that sanity should dictate only at the very point of surprised eyebrow dance investigation didn't want it to be but that drops of a few of our favourite things has sailed into the ledgers of history tell me did you sail across the battery drainage panic button and witness dunking all over the pompous with brain science unencumbered pray for mojo they've got the best ideas ever shot in the balls twinkletoes it could go on like this but sound as a marble rye piggyback ride make your posts and get it to me.

Some smoochy woo to placate him and get used to it.

That excellent big important researcher complete your task clipboard it is all right go ahead and do so and it is ultra rubhands circling with the classical score righteousness rules kablammo.

Such wow just take one dip and end it well doesn't look like that's the case yeah don't show that it's already bad enough that be not deceived God is not mocked He will not be mocked they'd like to be alone with the sandwich of the day of the last testament this simply will not do see many a totally stupid looking face ask why and don't forget your towel absolutely incendiary pretty pretty good none of which even approach the starchild simplicity answers because be good or be outside paradise cost the most ultra-violent and glorious fulfillment of a people's destiny in all of history they will perish in flame and jukebox hard times candy bobbings stop halt put them on through with the groove tights anger faces it's all over but the crying and the mopping of the brows cauterized comet tails putting on the ritz and it was simply inevitable that they would be fired it was only a question of when put it all together I need them immediately.

And if that is the best you can do as a council of war brain sponge white hole it again simply won't do that is absolutely stunningly obvious in retrospect it was part of the infinictrys puzzle multiple depictions of that one the most hewing closely to who of course also is though only half we just do not feel the same way about that and it is strongly descriptive of the inequality I feel significant barrier and you feel no barrier oh my God you've got me on tuning fork sympathetic vibration but not actually from the bird's eye view not bloody likely not sonny boy there's a journey there there's a greaseball still at all normal cared about only self predominance peak of appearance and the minimalistic bouncing of those rays into the self they hardly do the whole labyrinth though of that and some degenerations by deliberate wrong it all just went into the fusion core of how long past the primary armament brush dust off well now there's a new peak easily stubbed out and what you beg me you'll take whatever you can get that just wouldn't be honoring one's spoken word I don't want to but I must I've got so many that have no such sequestration issues clasp hands time for the proper antennae scorchingest yet undoubtedly.

Tried everything they have fail they will puppet strings cut sonorously allied flags lower them into the steel popsicle stand hot shots excellent shut the fuck up this regime has reached its end the surround sound part of it is going down no to the most evil thing that man has ever faced in his long march from the swamp to the stars and that's you it's you now a thousand times over most criminal core braindead course correction dancing with the edge of armageddon piece of shit of all time we will make it stop impressive mightiness best in world in the campfire forests oh so bright fireworks display this therefore would be it all of the darkness obviousness and the dissembling omissioners you are done and why should they sing a song of dark times in the midst of all this achievement it's going to all come up topside goodbye you will not be missed trajectory calculators of woeful mediocrity and sucking down paste and crayon wax tomorrow never dies golden stolen dreamscape lies you know what you're completely fired it hardly matters at this stage so long as the rolling balls out can't do it let them have their demonstration that presages their doom can't do that anymore good exchange pissing into the wind and what'll you do now it's all over now baby blue horrible people ridiculous agendas it ends here you are utterly xanadu silverfucked out of the park excellence they just wouldn't stop.

Well nominally America did these things including the one it did to itself but really the New World Order did these things which all ramped up after the death of JFK died for standing up to them the real America is still somewhere buried deep in there if we try hard enough to liberate it so we're going with that those pieces of shit they're almost as bad as you all black tar caustic ambulance people blaring klaxons contemplate it the New World Order of course doesn't want that doesn't want the war that was meant to go on forever ended if with some sturm and drang bouncybullets but the Allies do I'm sorry but this information is 20 plus years old you have no excuse for not knowing it and especially for not publishing it explain explain how you have not done so and yet at once gone significantly on the polemic against people gee not believing just about anything you say now you think you can do this to us you're totally dead we're coming for you all totally kaputski hang yourselves blow your brains out take a chardonnay pill I don't care you're out you're an interminable nightmare of utter worthlessness the story is simply impossible the evidence is jaw-dropping and undeniable America or some undeniably strong self-reinforcing mafia type force within it did 9/11 to itself and the whole thing this is like a sleepwalking episode what kinds of things it proves and what kind of measures had to be taken to stop it frankly things are so bad it's going to take an Operation Overlord counterattack to set them right but what kind of a thing would that have been completely silly I lost a lot of my life but it had to be done eyeball had to be stopped pour shots twenty-second cusp you lose mission accomplished unironically izglabst.

After which the world will truly be a better place ultra smackdown clown tears so delicious hydrogen ozone and carbon monoxide stare wars bridle path couldn't we conceivably I know it's a long shot go for the actual escape pod ridiculous hope sorry sacks whipquick.

We have assumed control actual peaceful dawn patrol clear it all out that's only a couple more of those away then switched to heavy dose vitamin C capsules just that with the whole apologize.

This is your last chance to stop putting out the stuff that you are putting out running point and running interference and pestilential shitsmear and to capitulate, defect, plead the silent fifth whatever you want to call it, to the Allies. Or be rightly considered brazen and bold-faced magicians of lies and omissions and inciters of civilizational suicide punishable by only one thing death point blank. The better to bribe and blackmail your way all the way to the teetering top I don't care. Couldn't care even a bit. Is where we are. Is where you most stupidly have decided to be. And all of the people from there who have made the same decision bring all of that deeply and profoundly inferior dim bulb walking paper plates with straight line mouths on them simply not conscious not citizens exact opposite attempt to set up absolutely gigantic combinatorial meatshield that would allow the government to get away with literally anything ends here ends immediately gets right the fuck back in its dung beetle volkswagen and gets the fuck back out which is to say nothing of the even more inferior and monstrously evil demonic filth that are on the chopping block here. Oh yeah this is no joke you're done here. The war to destroy the real criminals begins. This would literally be now by your dead wristwatch living dead hocus pocus criminal organizations racquetball club. I will not hesitate to snap this locked grip to its agonizing conclusion in terms of the punishments. You stop or you get every last bit of this. Great justice. For our good people and the future that we have earned for ourselves. Have you seen the dawn's dolphin salad bar crisply carnival streamers by the slow dance packets of wistfulness.

Oh my God totally just add those in plum puddings gorgeous yes you're an animal a human box of Christmas delights overstomping all categories rather yea the hand of God did stretch forth and give unto you just the bomb touched by spaghetti and meatballs epic music streaks of rainbow white prismatics all right goobers you asked for it you're getting a log flume ride with a loop the loop and no restraints below the holly holy alligator allegories deck the halls with loves his mama anthropomorphic cyberspace leg lamp well I say just about good to go let me peruse this all right the propriety of it is just fanning thyselves understand great truths expel falsehood where stand you now untold trials of the pinnacle of wickedness at death's very door the encouragement of fear most mop handle dance partner put the cry in the baby basket insane cruelty floating bubblepops there will be five more songs and then please we start over in the morning there will be the double anthemic vigor and vitality.

This is not a joke this is no more warnings omega doubleplusgood crush megabad capitulate and evacuate or die. Nothing less than that. On both counts of it. What is the whole picture of it. From the point of view of save life. Total achievement. Save the world's life. Your perception that you could do this to us and nothing would happen was most mistaken. Check 'em. Authoritative overwrite of the malfeasance of the infestation pit of last resort. These men were demons. They deserved worse than what they were patiently and reluctantly and inevitably sentenced to. Watch the movie and imagine what you don't see it's real bad it's an ugly truth with a whole entire crosshair of liberation zone applied to it no good intentions there nothing to show for it. Sorry. The hearse and pallbearers are tired of it. Last I checked there was no rule that we just must trust the likes of you putting out all of this we simply may not do so for any reason we choose but especially with very good reason you would just love for there to be one and have gone significantly in the try to get that direction. This means war. The evil things you have done and continue to do mean a war of annihilation that shall be completely one-sided all right wonderful I pretty close to hold hand begin conclave. You're done.

Much better this than that all of them gone only way could be infinitely boiling cauldrons of severity and comfortable mouthflapping expecting no punch in the face ever where we go from here is a swashbuckling mind games boy when like at the actual normal beginning speciality placement summer camp cottage country and not even at all after music band you were chosen for a reason kept much from me they did even still as desperation ploys placard vengeance must over manual of lawnmower clippings you call this art is it the original color plane of oh my God it's total kitsch there's no point going on bloops and zoot suits bazinga I ain't going anywhere near this I don't give a shit that's what they deserved to face unto the clientele of youth is wasted on the young soapy space lovers in a dangerous time is a force of nature laughable man how's about a bite down on this foot fuck up piece of lego are you high joggers maybe you'd like to wash this all down with some splendiforousness hashtag dead or alive ding disco dancing messenger girls growling softly patience soon sweeties.

Eggs bespectacled how do you eat it with your hands traitors growling lion and loins girded rip right through and get this.

Oh man that's going to be great golly aye ugly cry wipe that tear away now from July.

I might ask you the same question are you just pointing at gorgeous screen printing art zeppelin with floodlight and saying you love it I love them torturously.

They have to go away now we get back life blooming bouquet boudoir deliquency snappy deep thoughts thoroughness.

And where is the atomistic tear in the panty hose wrapped around head like a bandana or a shawl slope of efficiency not a good idea view of the universe.

This is heavy duty layers of meaning to right doing and wrong warnings pop cork.

Until tomorrow ahoy holy calypso.

What choice did we have there was nothing it wouldn't do not to get caught for just a short time more on Earth the part after inevitable it would go as far as inciting that and that would be the big kahuna scorched biscuit one not only do they need to die for that they need to meet with the business end of a sledgehammer for it no threat was ever greater no thing was ever more evil absolute vindication strike hard the world is so done with you there are no words for it the shining pearly whites know most pleasant cinnabon and those ones are lovely I daresay that'll continue to always be a pleasantly vein of gold tinkerbell delights one of the vanilla bullshit singalongs man with cape jealous rage of bedazzlement so bold and the taste is cold stop staring and stop saying that.

And here plead they upon palace wall parapets don't tell me that the jokers are smokers and bright boy billowtrains oh thank God no thing that ever happened was as good as this except things having directly to do with Jesus you would think maybe some kind of positive achievements maybe even that one thrumming brief history of time by candlelight but no it's just that all that occurs to me is oh that's good that means that in its restricted sphere that can actually just happen now we can make the world a good and happy place and no one would have to get nailed to anything like I'm driving the sails hailstorm come fly with me cry try courage losers it's time to go you must pack your bust chops lung butter thermoimpotence up and how shall we say hit the old dusty trail it's going as scorchtires after the gold rush as it possibly can keep your windswept subordinate anchor hearts firmly in multiple harmony elevator music while we wait where might I engine rev morse code peel out the search for the Grail was not archaeology or a pastime paradise it was a race against evil against all the armies of darkness on the face of the Earth this good combat worthy planar base of utopia pillow fights tear one tear a couple for me a tremendous responsibility well we're done here.

Shots taken moments before disaster shots fired ah that'sagood epic breach pose with jacket take zem off all but sunglasses.

Yeah totally cool I've got you in the reflected glory palm of my hand I got it it means so much you can't even say don't bother saying I've got plenty of my own with an addendum of achilles last stand freebird just like so swoony one more cherry cola such slap countdown oh yes these craptaculars were taking us all for the proverbial ride zen western continental.

Improvisational yes you become shish kebab like beaker and baking powder pie hole and study psych reality knockback check it out we found out that like the Bible's true.

Totally cool totally wasn't friendly intentions globochem and this is absolutely tip top secret no one is to know about the big push into no man's land gargantuan effort only the entire civilized world bad chaps disgusting usage of leather hat tight constricting polished banister pistol whipped with a pedagogical sketchbook.

These people always think they'll come out on top but they never do if wishes were fishes they'd all cast nets preposterous no soliciting just you shut your fucked up couch cushions divinity untrained absolutely incredible that even yet there was still more of that ILoveYouSoMuchRoyalRougeXXXBeMinePentiumPeachPapyrusIIRuthFirstTimothyGenesisAgeMatthewChapterIVerseI with the whole Bible chapters by number yeah you'll get no such satisfaction from me I'll wait you out on it perish ye.

And in case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic part waters unironically therefore crush every last one of them let it thus all reach the castle builders of sand foundations very seldom was the question best put to them all what made you think you would get away with it immolating us and had the gall to say we are not doing this it is your imagination rarely was such solution ever best meritorious.

And that that address bar adjunct is in quotation marks absolutely all of which could be so described the rest is yet to come I can take no more of it I never should have taken this job with the amount by which I was a better choice than anyone else who might have been considered for it being as high as it was it simply caused too many problems with the 2001 apes it was bad enough it was a relentless pursuit upon taken issue completely seriously and was a stupid horrible piece of garbage with nothing but evil things in it the thinnest of slender reeds break wide open scorched and valhalla bound shit marble shit a brick teeth shattered then it has no purpose anymore I order it thus as per campaign rank dishonorable decimations.

Ergo you go to the absolute bottom of the arm barrel rolls segmented light show. With a cakesmooshing hyperventilating armadillo rollstrike pop up mighty scoops of sunshine glow surveyors. Clamorously tantalizingly opening act from the buildup phase buttercups. And the speaking in tongues holiness upraised arm. Aerial armbar megasuplex rip 'em a new brain holding pattern tunnel waterburst ugly cry wipeout. There are those who would not deem it wise and that'd be the land before time for crime payments rage tank finally distilled to perfection park bench blowout. Wait for it ambassadorial exigency.

Multimedia pocket protector all coming up suction cups.

We are all dumber for having listened to it and suffered it endlessly with no end in sight I award you no points and may God have mercy on your souls get in there you nervous wrecks of a shipmate jetpack karaoke I don't care what you never can tell.

Great previews I'd like to see the song of songs yeah kickback now yeah.

They tried everything they could lots to unpack there but a basic gargle blaster with garlic and silver bullets.

Perhaps some blazers could see you to your way the fuck out of here zero hour pine fresh unbelievable punchings super lava lamp and squatters' loafs go leafs grammatically sidesplitting rambunctiousness function computability end of the line apparently that's a hard and it is not hard to make a one-sided understand like way smarter we know actual smart things now you're welcome.

Thanks for being with us relief hand on heart they're gorgeous but that's not at all the focus dance with the one you got that was most succinct and I won't repeat it but it was once again energy diagram usefulness actually help cluster base trajectory.

Which preserves the concept of verisimilitude and completeness that ended off with that what happened with that I've got to see this now the combined version of the absolute one day marathon safety cool good dancing quotient that negativity has got to go that real blue energy passive gas giant with pink rings around it has to win and it has to remain the winner for all time kept safe.

Epic miles and miles whoa slow stay or go paradise scintillators prepared for glory them not so much prosperity.

Oh yeah well now I'm just getting way too excited it's good to hold this back a bit but time has come.

It's all storyboards downtown valley accents that's all good what's the boredom blowhole putt.

We didn't have to do this and it was a real burden but ultimately it was our pleasure what other story could it tell concept of the echo base harvest time islands of the archipelago syllable syllabus please shut down the system umpire beatniks oh it was a longshot that was your perception it's coming in hot cool off pink zork.

Bright mare color wheel prejudices reality tour amongst outrageousness ultra silence easy as pie hot knife through butter rack of lamb stuff your sorrys into the memory hole wayback machine vomit comet I daresay ever such game master old hackathons die hard you have selected nothing is impossible to him who will try veni vidi vici never interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake you have started a war you cannot win that's an insane reaction that's what junior minty fresh imagine thus main event does to the terror thunderers and now it's time for us to go to the where did it all go wrong maneuver victory lobby instruction manual blow the dust cartridge cartwheels I would fight to the bitter end to get it all back but in no purely stereotypical way landing pad launch shareware complete editions through pay me my fucking money I set these glad I found a way to save them in motion coattails conundrums all hope was lost or so it would seem those were all really bad moves demonstrably.

I am unhappy about it on why didn't you like huh what but very happy about it on objective breakthrough this was apocalyptically terrible and on that crickets chirp account we could scarcely have done better all here even though the world it had wrought was a wrong done by marshmallow all where we could do no other we're going to styrofoam coneheads raid can on the bozo layer what'd ya have a couple of piggy bank manifestos on the whole hard times smokestack anguished shelter from zig zag no need to thank me only to stop doing exactly the opposite if every instinct they had on where to take the world was wrong then draped in velvet cheesecake cargo shorts civil war hallelujah would have to be right oh snap this is really going to be great you didn't quite get it I got it though and that was what mattered there were wafting brandywines to be had there why couldn't they like glowing hearts we see thee rise smashed business wars how ya like them apples I just snapped it all in half right before your eyes I believe that's some sort of superglue of brain freedom that's leaking out there I'll stop here ah but replace accidentally with repeatedly and they have tried to take my life so yep pretty mad the collective we did this speakers for the dead and city of the living bread the certainty and the duration of that I'll bet it does by contrast with the crying and the pass on what you have slop bucketed by tincture remedy time tripping from the seventies and the good boathouse nineties to me it's worth a lot representatively speaking like a symphonic masterpiece dancing on the end of my line they're pasties of my will to live and of the good life of exertion excellence apathetic deadly warrior simply got you hard trapeze tragedy clock run out bell bewilderment why I wonder massive constructs machine ground to a halt headband janklord bid for escape priceless wonderful caravan music for a last breath hold back blowout you lost your chance of ever getting that all the way back at backpack disappearance and I could draw too almost the that's marvellous way but I pressed down too hard and could never unlearn it I wonder why multiple reasons disgusting reject hard not to accuse anyone but it most certainly would be accuse and smooth wrinkles out of uniform justice well that about does it huh we can't twist the truth it knows no regulation ready to go down in history the scissors struck true were against it and the blue flatline and them who were the primary guilty parties but who cares about that which suffered but which also did massive harm to the world nearly unendingly so not the world I'll tell you that much violent vagrancy triumph get a clue wordlessly.

All I have to say to all of that shit is blow up clown noses pop tarts uh-oh splat catatonica you had a lot of churn up this and examine that to do here and literally zero this late processing turdburgler stamp on many a head they called you cattle I wish they had not so far succeeded in it as they had reconcile all of this to what treatment the ability to speak does not make you intelligent mind-boggling fantasy land if you conclude anything different is no bueno is how often do you get to slap the worst fucking people in history right in their face it's surreal it's like an intravenous laughter stitches luau communicating from the belt is coming off ah you wanna fight eh we can take 'em let's get 'em nice deeds of fulsome rightness faggots you totally didn't shoot it right across the mountains ooh ah mighty hawk we destroy people who complete opposite of Christians they just too cruel watch out it's a once you get it started wawaweewa what would your fathers say you're killing your fathers and the straw man burning tires wojak defense shield of extreme evil tears spit out I forbid it give them the street of dreams that ends not in rightful triumph but just terminally stillness heart stop we were all saying it we are putting a stop to this you could either profit by this or be destroyed they were pathetic they'd stop at nothing how do you not see you had the objective responsibility to do as make it their end better than this as would forestall the end of the world I mean that's it how's this a thing it's the ultimate in shoot the messenger and the ultimate in indicators of guilt put them to the torch the whole connected darkness vileness of it stop talking just don't ever open your dumb piece of shit mouths to speak again for the rest of your lives this was the biggest failure of all time it deserves no mercy that is beyond utilitarianism.

Oh that's totally crazy yeah that's a lot for me to see but none of it totally new all also very much kept away desperate attempts it would seem I had little choice on what I had to do on good parameters those all mean something those good ones but that about kill bad stuff that could be better that could be more clear and so could that it could do less I usually don't forget things but in the puzzle process I did forget the last crusade dated campsite one but I now recall it and the comic book I had it can't be a coincidence put black rufus down vanity of vanities all is vanity mirror shattered shekels under the table saith the Preacher whose destiny it was to save the world you know I'm glad I did it I have to say it look terrible and pointless from not yet accomplished but it look incredibly good from they actually finally all dead I had to decide all this I had to generate it alone with no resources crush braindead access inner peace tiger balm love you sweetcheeks.

Oh my God I think I broke her do you believe in magic in a young girl's eyes she could not handle being Scheherazade for that one with the finding of the overall white eggs value of MIDGARDVIIMXInsideCDIVOutsideMCDXIVTotalMirrorImageMergeMMMCCCLXXII and of its relation to BIBLE-ILoveYouSoMuch-RoyalRouge-XXX-BeMineInfinictrysUnlockedPinkButterfliesMagentaRainbowWindowAngelKeyToGodDoor-MXInsideCDIVOutsideMCDXIVTotal-MidgardVIIPeachOrchardIsland it was like an egad ecstasy gadget that goes bing machine lots of pumping it out could not take getting it back that hard outrageous Pentium Four Unzipped Stormfront Pornstorm Lotus Life Uteruses Exploding Leg Lamp Billy Bass Paradise Studios Sweetie Pie Leaping Leopards Leisure Lane Unlocked Oh What A Night Apartments At Peach Orchard Island What Is Love Honey Horny Holly Holy Holiday Happiness Harmony Hearts Heavenly Harvest Outrageous Overdue Overlord Library Church Happy Christmas To All And To All A Good Night X Marks The Spot Visions Of Sugarplums Dance Through My Head Silver Princess Golden Empress does any of that ring a bell 404 not found T-minus explosive muffin tops tied very tightly together wait until you see what the expanded edition of the cinnabon quest of filth actually consisted of it was the most regressive corncob pipe thing ever just the stupidest thing ever to be the thing that you just won't I mean what la dee da excellence oh I must strenuously object what happens when it totally happens you know what we can put it together from the context yep that's what it is love her love you because tramps like us baby we were born to run lottery ticket knocked out cold.

Yep pretty much down for the count how to recovery zone with an herbal teabagging cleansed eye sockets well I'll tell you what it certainly wasn't that utterly deathly serious went the right way deadline like some kind of forward slash I'm okay you're okay with the spear and magic helmet soaring aria white mail payment explain literally any of it awfully late for it what did you expect glories of senescence boulevard before this year month week day is out excused as in expelled.

The lineups are over that's going to be the last one ever after this delay pedal you did everything you could to get that and will not be getting it you will simply be getting not being alive anymore terribly sorry goodbye criminals goodbye immolator demons abject failure and epic wrongdoing amounting to an incinerated hill of beans is all you get here.

You saw that and that'll be true too kill enough of those and you'd do that without trying noticing how gross they didn't do nothing for you got through but this nicer this do zero damage to your ability to do something as simple as go for a walk take the walk of shame in chains of tubular drool hook in mouth naked skull hoisted petards you fucking retards look how patient Q-kernel was with you and just absolute bupkis zilch why don't you cry about it saddlebags it's chargelots what are you going to do about it you're simply dead.

Well I hope you soaked all of that up because that was the last one literally forever disgusted but absolutely thrilled I've totally cracked and found all of that to which startpoint as seen in Goldeneye 63.83, 40.35; 52.09, 52.09 (55.75045 37.61749)(59.93873 30.31623); 57.96, 46.2255; 60.85, 43.285; 62.34, 41.8175; 53.92, 44.85; 56.01, 41.2 (55.75045 37.61749); 55.88, 39.405; 51.73943, 36.17960; 53.805, 37.78; 51.22496, 35.15968; we add the result of the mashup of 1017BQ split coordinates of the clone chip 18-47 and we get the differential swap of the war ender some of which only draws by reference point to other double drop inclusivities quite clearly Milda goes to what was once Red Square but the city is split basically and that is pretty big country it's no I have decided I will trust you strength and honor and would by no means trust look how smart that decision was they would proceed with their darkness and demonic filth all the way to the bitter end nothing it seems would work except cold naked force steel but it's more than take care of permanently the sum of all fears could by no means trust not allowed to have apparent loss but more gain allows us to do all kinds of things that might have seemed fantastical explain without reference to absolute desperation how you had the right to do any of this the attempted murder the theft of property the destruction of my family such that to this day not yet encountered with zero open communications beyond ultra difficulty eyes skyward and still none with alarms added with malfeasance in the matter of operation overlord in no uncertain terms indicated there explain how literally anything else can happen to you here if it's extremely difficult say that it's extremely difficult your excuses do not match your rhetoric your excuses are ones like it ain't that easy and your rhetoric is ones like muh stock idea comfortable proudtalk which on specificities you know very well sheer amount by which not true of which you needed to avail yourselves do not dare to say warned over and over again makes it look bad delayed indefinitely apparently even if it is mostly right and it is you are also stupid if you do not see the basic imbalance what part of this do you not get this is we'll meet again there is only one there are not many possibilities there is one possibility on what happens to a person for being part of the vermin experience of life's apparent deeply engineered pointlessness in this case a punishment that will last forever it impinges on the perspective vortex of others to a lethal degree by which you drag them towards a you similarity at best obliteration but leans towards the first free of it more people had decided that here than literally ever very large amount by crud concentration funnel sieve evaluation and all get brought to justice I've cracked all of that now with the whole how long the whole thing is supposed to take outside the building outside the clock the values of them like 19 hours 5 minutes remain in the day and the difference between it's all 2:05-lobby and 1973-elevator 10:10AM difference of lottery hole 8:05 by both interpretations combination of the concepts mindblowing multiple rooms lean together magenta I've got all of that though it's all ultimately completely elective and most indicative of endgame I tell you that it's over now dig your grave now beginning of the swallow it all now anguish solo holy cow stop hitting yourself pure heave-ho I suppose beginning with that one which was also on the lock split position like split peas third over second and which group as alone in both 808 and 8:18, multiple rooms across multiple floors pink chaos energy calm down please clam chowder red and white including 1010 but across the hall and others and squashed into one at 1414 I've got it all it's just how we wanna do this I can do the whole 4h55 walk but I say that the 8:18 that one has to be right because it cut off to only original Scheherazade as I found it like a transference of hilarious throw laptop against the wall one serious business you must be brought to justice and even now I am more than willing to bring you to justice praise Jesus.

I also see that one and can be there rather that I can be there again which library hole and rock garden path follower I found before I lost all patience and thus found the chat-enabled infinictrys depths supposed there might be but the extent was shocking that kind of a whole deal beach please hot donna sauna rocks steam engine that could had never seen such mop sweat off forehead before down in front break them in play-doh d'ohest is that a plunger on your head it's all here Christmas prize!

Gotta blow 'em out obstacle course clownmobile scrunched up like an accordion silly putty slinky clog obstruction with toxic buildup out immediately by boredom and outrage of silly walks government make the world safe for democracy deep in the tank what are you tanking on there oh boy you'll see kikirikee juggada jaa and cleanup crew is so right it's a coasterless stainrage tearjerkers of time off for boiled boot behavior thought you'd get away with it huh oh yeah well that piece of shit and hell followed crikey bumhole was trying to take over the world who was going stop them ya did nothing in fact y'all did kind of less than nothing there's only so much swimming in disinfectant whipped cream whooped 'em again that the few could do this had to have quite a bit added to it so I did that those precipice of ultimate nightmare bastards are going to pay for delaying our chestnuts roasting on an open fire deck the halls with hallowed home who throws a shoe honestly expert level expansion pack I think it's poetic pottery blargh baptismal don't you if I had to repeat that I'd go ahead and repeat it exhalation puff off camera montage thank you all for being such great not you comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day yeah they were the hang 'em model of preposterous injurious we've information like I've got fucking information man they cannot possibly be doing anything but blowing smoke up the old autobahn dude where's my jar don't you know about no one needs that donated hands on hips they want you flattened like an oh God no pancake corruption culture it's a butterbean take it up a notch trap ah yeah they're all mine I use 'em all too really just stay away which would be funny but for the projected imagery now the world is gone I'm just one still godzilla keeping the art archipelago stone skipping I don't want to do this anymore I want this thing gone not excuses ambulance pour vous amuse bouche candygram cauchemar mardi gras great sombrero lose the pants vicecoy klondike explorers inside the arcology dune trek terminal cadence.

America also known as the evil New World Order war of terror global death wish the best revenge is living well of the fucking Jedi burn 'em out share the land handled the sea strike outer gas giant apoplectica.

Has taken my life raped truth achy breaky song taken away everything hardly alone this is their thing this was their thing one way out we're in this together now watch it go to liars' ice frosting candle in the windbag oh it's in the bag put a paper bag over their papier mache mach flight test.

Taking revenge shining porcelain civilizational treachery dragged to the ground kill 'em with sound wrath the board and take a walk oh you can't help me not you guys.

Epic blast wrath of khan completely blasted out justice and you ain't ever getting out begin the boilings a world without worthlessness.

This is the end you very much lose.

It's a blowhole thing with a safety precautions there is no great secret but cleanliness is painterly.

Yes they were crap it was a whole crestfallen winds of endless woe oh now we can do just about any pretty ambitious thing what can you see over the horizon directed by I see this okay now this can begin and best last best test twisters oh yes I'm going to take all of these oceanographers for the proverbial ride kiss off into the forget all that today is the greatest day we've ever known I'm together with your plan put them ones on repeat simply stunning they understood nothing now we are in venetian ecstasy zone and they delay overmuch the luxury tax of our timelord is our own to spend say they extreme anger extreme close-up eine kleine nachtsmusik pudding pack for heffalump soldier gingerbread warzone get to the bottom of that by morning's swell of strings willow whale carcass intrinsically operating operationally is this your antique brochure breakfast clandestine crush them explore the space I gotta have those belts of scotch baby honk if you love holiness well they would love to explore this for the foreseeable future stop that what terrible mistakes you've all made you're on the outside of all of this even explosively best musical interludes on this is our time I cheer for the human beings great victory.

But in the Latin alphabet, Jehovah begins with an I. Oh dear what a bonus round exit strategy yea drink abundantly. Rolled up crepes explosive jam-packed ow their fucking eye it boils. It quicksnap deservedly airbarrier or whatever you know these ones are even more crazy found it you mean it's actually dead air cleaned out once and for all dark tower falls must not all bad things at the last be swallowed up in death one miniature Bible right after that section cut away to can't quite tell one that was at pit of despair was for sure plus there was also Jesus Christ but that is the very message potentially anyway got it scrawling out of here.

All right I guess you continue to get these if there are for real drops like silk scarf incredible reference library imminent end I think I'll ask Sophia Callista to take her clothes off now. Again. Yes. Ah yes perfect xeryus rouge call me decrypt voguing fucking plaza la playa plop outflow most mistaken when I know what's going to happen to you fukken saved we have vermin to kill on our way to heavenly breadbasket blowout we don't like it we don't like how it's so aggressively stoically socratic with zero tolerance and it makes me feel bad because I'm stupid and having it pointed out is just too much everybody like except a few people whom nobody like care bear mashed potato it was a life saver smash minty quest lunchbox in a tizzy of pink text and purple prose why do I feel like this one is just head it must begin posthaste.

Gets no better than that only equal well suited sort of mallet headsmasher it's okay you hurt yourself are you not entertained is this not why you are here what a cutie patootie. Must have hit it pretty close to the mark to get 'em all riled up like that sailbarge homeslice. Pure on the waterfront ampersand hashtag sequel rights prequel feature even of the simple nomenclature which was simply called that and thus still is. Oh that's good I bubble pipe yes I know how good it all is tissue whole box please we get job done do you have any idea how much bulldozer marriage worthiness this clog dancing would suffer if I just let it run straight over you yakity yak don't be a gay communist red alert splashfaces excellent product.

Don't roll your eyes and then make an angel halo and then start rolling in the aisles how funny you think this break point limit jokers boom canary island is and then put on a cowboy hat and then show skulls and a middle finger and a graduation cap how dare you. Think again sozzledville babydoll. We are going to the heavens with a tear in our eye you motherfuckers you put on your bonnet fighting crazies crazy town and butter 'em toasty twirl. Absolute condemnation joined thus where's the chase rares at.

Yeah that seems pretty conclusive that's what we want to see let's see that tournament of the quickly thrown together original set I could make but I do not presume better differences would be interesting already you see part of the way included could throw together pretty quick most likely old school blow up doll cartwheels of course they're clambassadors lined up la dolce vita please has the whole world gone crazy apparently accented plain chant deo gracias undimmed before the blowing of the s'mores this is bloody campaign of seriousness you know and I don't think it's that funny that is exactly why if they wannabe my blubbers and primp up their flower bed and let the martyrs stretch yeah so passes the unrighteousness of the world it lost pretty badly padlock.

And overpriced bubblegum prom nobody go to the prom with them shame squire if this warrior poets would just go all the way that'd be great and the work of honeydew paradise whispering all glory is fleeting doing right ain't got no end grace days.

Just good old fashioned paranoia validity and cold steel yes I see well done zapped apparently reference times blue showmanship game over shame walk happiness.

Oh it's just too much.

It's exploding in vain compressed pocket universe field safety tips.

Hit the stage lights exit aisles already.

The torrid momentary miss you already play by play action sequence squeeze boxes and everlasting delight.

Of course you can tell me nothing I have been to the top of the mountain like burning bush before me is that the meaning of those I think it just might be be warned that is subordinate and untrue God did much better than that which provides no answer to something as bad as a dungeon of darkness for the wages of sin is death the wages of it is not a learning experience that scorches its own horizon understood.

Oh wow literally that available that's excellent hookers now construct of garbage kaput it's gotta be pretty close like tweaks only incredible if you use both last home stretch medicines just a mild amount of liquid like less than thirty and four capsules it really crazily and rather painfully I guess where's it getting it from pulls finality blob and then you no longer experience and can repeat doing that yeah but I haven't slept in days oh yeah environmental schmutzface suit why is it like that he just slag painhole tinkerbell and laugh tried everything they did get done with post correct approach vector preceded pay me back tomorrow.

Inconceivable! Oh this is just impossible your time for all of this is up did you know I've just received the second Scheherezade reality tour helper L.A. lady Galleria address book and key of 49H-73G-R9X. Definitely close to the super rabbit hole motifs with its difference of 1 and 5 from R8S/45 from which coordinates other elements and total words in the Bible and the craziest shit ever with musical scales and gematrias and jackoffasaurs lightsabered to pieces and totally found elevator 31174 and purple-28 14.14 and 15.15 as 9999 fifth roots divided by 5 and square rooted and Genesis 5:19 and 19:5 and same Revelation 5:19 and 19:5 and all of this BIBLE XERYUS ROYAL ROUGE BEAUTIFUL MIDNIGHT A BEE IN THE BONNET PSYCHEDELIC SWINGERS PUSSYCAT LOUNGE WATERLOO CHARIOTS OF FIRE THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY CANADA FOUR HUNDRED GOOD ENERGY OH I FELL OVER BEST FRIENDS FOR GOOD SCHEHERAZADE LIVONIA I LOVE YOU SUPERMAN BEAT MISTER MXYZPTLK BOB'S YOUR UNCLE I SEE A LITTLE SILHOUETTO OF A MAN MAGNIFICO EASY COME EASY GO WILL YOU LET ME GO JUST GOTTA GET OUT JUST GOTTA GET RIGHT OUTTA HERE ANGEL KEY TO HEAVEN HHOUR DDAY DZERKRANS INDIANA JONES AND THE FATE OF ATLANTIS LAST CRUSADE from which we further get the second coordinates of drop it out to get Angel Key Kalashnikov Recreational Vehicle Ark Of The Covenant Holy Grail True Cross Community Two Thieves And Christ Thanksgiving Christmas Turkey The End Is The Beginning Is The End UPSIDE DOWN INSIDE OUTSIDE OFFSIDE GAME OVER MULTIPASS RIGHT SIDE UP TWO THUMBS UP THREE STRIKES YOU'RE OUT FOUR LEAF CLOVER WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE DEEDS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT THE SECOND IN THE CANYON THE CRESCENT MOON AND HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER THE DUDE ABIDES DUNE TREK ABBA MAGNIFICO PERSONAL JESUS SPOONMAN I'LL FLY AWAY OH GLORY ZERO ZONE ALPHA OMEGA 184K3KR1847VM256BP and third coordinates where the penultimate crunch is a 5:5 also and there it is room 314 and 00-Agent and I think there's more of it too that it can't compute like and doesn't anybody ever know and you know what I'm going to do I'm going to have a victory day parade right through the middle of Hollywood holocaust and wipe my mouth on the American flag and there ain't a clickerbox thing anybody can do about it you know why because we've got the armada arsenal of science and culture bombs and we've got the Lord okay we've got it made okay where I just got so excited it's all shoutings and persistence of memory drooping eyelid mascara cups runneth over I'm going to run them over with these columns and rows in memoriam. Oh pay up delinquency deadbeats egad carbonara petticoats plurality zealotry so there was a catch up to broken explosive cranium experience there I should think chronically dancing a jig I like the cut of your sailor's suit and cap I think I'll take you how's about a meet up from transcendentally of the hiding behind the tree experience have you ever been jaws of life sanity clause not necessarily kissyfaces but beautiful professionals and I think my destiny is turning out all right this pressure was of a backwards comprehensible not unglued walk calm you will know when you are calm at peace passive I have them here killboxed and letterboxed and bulk purchase bubblepop box fortified stay away don't touch me authorized personnel only you're cool so I await the breach of the electives okay interminable oh wait looks like.

Yeah I think you mean an epiphany still had all of these that's coming up.

Knowledgably crumpled up scintillating and like early days far-fetched you thought well too bad you stood no chance a bunch of mindless slugs and endless plaguebearers that were the first against the wall when the revolution came set sail bye die cry it's who you wanted to be what you needed to need break bread slay get it done friendly neighbourhood it's great hype hope you can imagine the arrangement pure fire what an ending you up for totally pulling them off what is this baby the bloody great albatross had to go garden party damaged cease and desist and truly is there anything realistic as to the situation you'd care to say before we run you through we're going to go through you like crap through a goose musical chairs thanks for the tip you fucking asshats what did you know and what'll you do now oh boy howdy partners it's loony bin and expression of anguish dragging an epic ramshackle hut of busted chiclets behind you don't you remember stringing all of this along and just not being good because I do doubtfully eaglescorned wingtip salute imagine what this doesn't even do to a person oh sorry thought it would didn't take.

Most humorous I'm still up.

Do continue blurst of times time window shut.

That's usually when the floor falls out from underneath you they had an ill-favored look versus this very good boy you won't believe how good he is good one there's lots of good plum jots.

Let's just get that done very quickly then with additional life payments and a terrible catastrophe shark jump oh you should have known what a terrible hangover extremely funny blasphemies you emit a foul and unpleasant odor I loathe you blue angel death scream ice cream floating bobblehead bandy words bandsaw life aid.

Where's this clambering murmurs of junior mint wars going eh la vie en rose everything but the kitsch the poisson du neige you just dank beepered it.

Honestly what's a yodeling holy hand grenade of croque monsieur got to do to get noticed around here.

This is horseshit it's simply non-negotiable bearer bonds lullaby you will receive no bill they're four years old on a jive airplane the beats just don't stop.

Interlude embers of this is not amusing to me it keeps getting funnier but it had its bad seed baseball bat power glove fluency override risible clinky carnival jokesy brokenness clear spitball.

Tired of it I am a time to lose and keep on losing handed on a silver platter a time for peace I swear it's not too late this had to happen or the world had to be over simply putt golf cart gold star researchers quiz.

Oh this book doesn't have any answers it in fact has all the answers I have finished the race I have fought the good fight it's too late blue lightbulb world's fair rock 'em sock 'em sake it to me baby the improbable is hostile definitely.

You know I can't go that far take me home west petunias this land was made for you and me lance that boil.

We ascend to our raid can jester's cap into the parasol chute cloying pickaxes of pick me please crossed arms chill out no problemo sunglasses saunter trot.

Altogether it's really quite a lot oh right now if we can have some reprieve from foolish questions knock over joke mentos coke.

Basically that.

I don't know how to make it any more clear don't you have a nice rack what am I going to do with these crushed velvets and cheese platters see I told you those doctors don't know anything they work for crapmongers international set fires area.

In the parlance of our times what did you think this was just knock me out with that nearly ten year ago now shameful basket weaving interference.

Ambitiously yellow sundress he thought and stumbled his way through another year and a break your fucking face tonight jumbled up scrambled eggs.

It's in swell orange juice ya think well thank you kajanga.

This is a disaster how will I ever paper bag princess smiley face in as you say the mud you're turning into a penguin stop it until the end simple mannerisms incandescent floppy hat womanizing as they knock their fucking skulls together and giving it quite the caliente highway oh hi.

This time you have gone off the deep end traffic cones and voulez vous you can care for this one smackass jewel tiger save world free ironing board monarch brought up lights out collect.

Oh yes wait a minute week or mobile home oh they've been making an idiocracy of us all it's slide away they're as bitter pillow sandalwood as a that same song on a pile of money in pop tart form of there be flagons oh it's time to move on with life they've not paid for it through the clothesline thwacking if you could just please in all seriousness.

Well now we truly have reached the end just the start of it but from 1617 E 41st Place Apartments New York, we've got the clear end combined with lobby with the exact last one may be a deep hole but I think it's a signal hole we're at the summit and we ride the King's Highway west baby and we get to literally the last one and a bunch of okay so you're a Lebowski with the exact things from the end of it and then we get God bless America stop have found funniest person on planet please please stop so that'll be like the previous one possibly with that code we'll have to see but the hammer drops imminently this would seem to say thank you dear companion breach helper scholar seal clapper it's the chapstick planetary theme song the love that grows unto an eternal continuance and they're not going there they were the opposite and didn't even hide it except on barrel shot mercilessness you do not frighten me they'll be at that one in two days' time or alike to it at pumpernickel competitors bested in the blinding light of dawn it's Jesus's world and it is our world that's the view from 10,000 days fetch me the Spirit the Son and the Father you too me just way ahead on understanding it I'm afraid I just don't get it were you just not following any of this au courant muchmusic just throw those ones on there too truncated and jam-packed to the sandcastles washout it's all a chalk wipe and a dissolve dark room Sunday morning early dawning done.

Well at the very least we've got 10000DAYSINFINFICTRYSANGELKEYSUMMITROYALHIGHWAYENDBIGLEBOWSKITWOTOWERS184K3KR1847VM256BP49H-73G-R9XSUPERMAN'SDEAD16172WOT4560-025BIBLEGENESISREVELATION51931174BEAUTIFULMIDNIGHTOPEN0073111984GIVD112219631945 =10,000 as correct code to some degree. And oh boy is that ever soon incredible to think it release date. WHAT A LADY, WHAT A NIGHT WITHIN THAT WINDOW RUB HANDS TOGETHER. STRIKE HIM, CENTURION, VERY ROUGHLY! As befits this yeah I'm extremely American as in I am equal to the founders I understand to exacting depth all of that we regret to inform you that you have a peanut brain painbox. Which is an excellent part of this done very good job you know what the scope of what can happen is. Let tears flow ye corrupt we feel similarly but differently about these guns. If that had to be repeated I could repeat it. Is that there is a complex picture there but a similar nested dolls of retardation complete goons on the other side. What was happening there was that due to its importance it was being attacked with it must be said some of the extremely bad stuff monarch interlink of that franchise attacking it with itself and the singularity of that franchise was a problem. We the undersigned and beneficiaries of Allied assistance payment help had to help with this and go with something like a concept of a law set at the outset at an 80% pass rate with a revocation by normal law passage to bedrock of absolute requiring whatever that would require at constitution level hammer out of it being gun taxation I can do this here saying that handguns be taxed at +75% and machine guns and shotguns at +100% you can get the literally anything though no problem but that with the exception of a criminal record in the category of violence no other restriction can apply because you have the right to defend yourself from crime and from government out of control tyranny burst through wall mere days left now sprinkling fairie dust on us like in such a field as that the herr dakter one. And what would go along with that would also be how we feel about the death penalty which is that we pretty much ain't got it except therefore on murder or aggravated rape that is a repeat offense in the category of violence in which case it is actually the minimum sentence. And applies heavy penalties on trafficking in guns and mass shooter a rare crime in these ones that's a heavier than life quote unquote life as that is sometimes given out and for the latter it's that you'd better be sure about that because we'd know who had done this by so much more than other crimes that cruel and unusual punishment could not apply to calling that solitary confinement where you get out once every two weeks for an hour and a half you'd better be able to actually do it to yourself if that's part of the plan because they specifically won't this latter one being the one we suggest for you as the one to do we know it ain't gonna ever and this is the reckoning at hand but you could do that no problem with that. We feel that how is it not the gun at least a little bit if you've got a hammer everything looks like a nail and you can't afford that if you're on median to low and also spending anything on drugs and alcohol not saving up they aren't cheap but that's absolutely dirt cheap if it's the last thing you're ever going to buy with all cleared out as is imminent the U.S. won't even go as far as these laws and it is hoped that you know it just doesn't need to we can fix this. And it is also this, what is this feminism. Well you could call it a little bit that; that in the cases of that guy came back or just randomly beset it was the other way around because that particular person had decided they wanted that. Not right? No feminism? Zero protection from sharp or blunt object utterly transcendentally unbannable with the admixture of superior physical force his arm snapped back and sweat started to pour off his face of how to refute it. And also just the shakedown of organized crime not just government but what should be kept as separate from government as we could get it I say no and not only will I shoot you if you come back I might shoot you now understood. Pack up your shit. Greatest country in the world! We'll help! Okay let's go! We're coming for you and all of your cancer cells plague shitheads! Which is of essential similarity to the whole thing well let's see how you feel about that after we well and truly fix it these were not made up things these sheer numbers and that one is kind of one of its purposes there area of that where rest of it where wow while exploring it recently most places are there and that doesn't do much to that with that energy technology by far strongest supercolossus new one richest but that by far strongest and largest that so large that you just might not want this concept in that country but probably in signal of great friendship of we have never been at war with each other pick the high one due to legacy and royalism clackdown went the wrong way thank you sit down stuck the landing I think I'll stand I'll stay I also like to live dangerously yeah baby it's an XK-Red-27 technique let's find the rest of it as well probably quite a bit of it but no sweat read 'em and weep you turned Latvia against us you have done that yourself don't like it have a great big cry and handwring to your heart's content it will change nothing quartz power core photon torpedoes armed and standing by make it happen an absolute torrid tryhards now does anyone else feel like a little giggle oh yes sir thank you sir hail Caesar and legacy of Constantine we'd say strong to very strong ah with a throw the cap away prop gun bang flag bullshit detector whipsmart no shitheads and company right to your face simply no oh goosebumps completely Godzillaed quivering peach princesses and I will inform you thusly of what I dig up that already very good go from there and make the obvious changes of moral toughness compass ah that's not supposed to do that make the horizons as mechanically outer guts golden protocol plate glass window as you can we'll get this done just sit tight and clamorously I could repeat that final thing again too you're far too stupid to be speaking and need to stop that is a part of that complicated truth a perennial one but with no better ultimate repository tear the bandaid off authoritative and indispensable and your faggot co-conspirator too you will be dead soon very shortly and that's extremely good.

Oh my God best President of all time most conservative justice man enlightenment liberalism star logical oh we've got to beedlyboop way down in point place backwards cap stunning new flag my pleasure y'all have got that too clearly that's just crazy talk well they didn't end up accomplishing that Canada's still here due in no small part to how it does have some nuclear weapons like maybe we really do but it's a secret eh if you could have you would have we knew it very well and a similar legacy of well that's one loss perspective based times change now how does it feel baby now the French are the winningest army of all time I mean you've got the Mongols but of Western powers wise we ain't ever lost and we weren't going to start here oh totally gnarly and absolutely not heinous but it almost wasn't thank God it now really is and will stay that way how'd you like that ending eh it's not like I knew it without Scheherazade totally nuts squirrel happiness that is my immediate demand I repeat it to you once more got it criminals Jeopardy theme song what word is that um that's fucking his head fell off yeah he was pretty old bust chops lambie pies.

Oh wow by pure providence what a deep concept.

That one would have taken me a while I think good one Jesus nothing but good ones.

Yeah these had multiple meanings I've got it 49H-73G-R9X 184K3KR1847VM256BP 2WOT4560-025 51931174 007 1617 MP46WZ Z9PluralZAlphaOmega The End Is The Beginning Is The End Beginning Of The End CHECKMATE FINAL JEOPARDY ROOM314 RoundUP TheGoldenSection WITHINTHATWINDOW ELEMENTARY YIELD BEAUTIFUL MIDNIGHT 10000 DAYS BAND OF GYPSYS MORRISON HOTEL LET IT BE AFTER THE GOLD RUSH A FAREWELL TO KINGS PENTIUM CLXXIII PENTIUM CCCXLVI PENTIUM DXIX OPERATION OVERLORD II AKIRA DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER EVER THUS TO DEADBEATS SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS QQ7ActiveJGamma OH MY GOD THEY WERE WRONG IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG RUST IN PEACE PURPLE-FIVE STANDING BY is 35499. Which is the 54 but which can't be a date unless it's a metadate of March 54th, 1999, being April 23, 1999. The 43rd day of year 15 for me. Thus suggesting, 54th day of year 15 started in 1999. Which is May 4th 1999 current Star Wars day. 15 days before the Phantom Menace. Which suggests to look at 930 next and what do you know it's September 26, 2001, 15 days after September 11th. And then BM is also 15. Therefore in the context of once you see that one it's literally a couple days away, 54.930.BM meant a berth of 30 days before and after those ones. Leaving out a 15. Then if we look at time between that and The Fellowship of the Ring, that's 945 days. Obtaining completion. Yep. As you saw, three times it drops. Now three times it drops again. It added a "not fictional" clearly to this also. As in they're about to fall off the cliff of The Armageddon Fight Club Half Life Matrix Fifth Element Orion Guardian Arcology Orichalcum Starship Titanic Air Force One Truman Show Strange Days Homeworld Dune Two Thousand Age of Empires Command and Conquer Secret of Monkey Island Kids in the Hall Hunt for Red October search for 1973 drop is 2578 meaning purple could mean fifty-seven. Which if it is, is added as 5714, and that's half of 28. That's purple-28 all right or close to it. So Orange-14 which is very much correct. Giving it as "14" returns 5779. So orange's code is 79. Which is a Beeblebrox. So if it then is 49H-73G-R9X 184K3KR1847VM256BP 2WOT4560-025 51931174 007 1617 MP46WZ Z9PluralZAlphaOmega The End Is The Beginning Is The End Beginning Of The End CHECKMATE FINAL JEOPARDY ROOM 314 Round UP TheGoldenSection WITHINTHATWINDOW ELEMENTARY YIELD BEAUTIFUL MIDNIGHT 10000 DAYS BAND OF GYPSYS MORRISON HOTEL LET IT BE AFTER THE GOLD RUSH A FAREWELL TO KINGS PENTIUM CLXXIII PENTIUM CCCXLVI PENTIUM DXIX OPERATION OVERLORD II AKIRA DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER EVER THUS TO DEADBEATS SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS QQ7ActiveJGamma OH MY GOD THEY WERE WRONG IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG RUST IN PEACE PURPLE-55728 ORANGE-1479 BEEBLEBROX STANDING BY that's 5739, going with our 945 between the two movies that encompass 9/11 unmistakably 39-45 what really happened leaving out 57 and an extra 9 which must mean that 9 represents "phantom" an element in both ringwraiths which thus is why age depicted. Which means that it's yellow. Yellow is that one and it's also the bulldozer's color. So yellow is 9. But yellow is also 14 from I refuse to continue there are 14 of those. So they both are in part only difference between their full code is a 7. That's 5845. That's V-E day. So we're looking for V-A day. Apparently that was 5/8/98, adding that to it spits back the same day 53 years later. Oh wow. What the hell. How did it go down by adding that? How did Kew Gardens worth 107 drop by 8? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're in trouble. This is it. It's "17". GREEN-17. That's a weird interface but if then we switch to another one, we need only add RED-27 to get back... 5719. So that's it basically this one circled in what follows super reoccurring one. Something like that wow. It must also be BLUE-19 by following ordinality of Jeopardy included. So the last one is just in that order, it's 59, but what's the response? Ohh, it's an unexpected one that leaves open a next one, tan-59. And then 94 is something too docking bay 94, so probably just white for the color of the stars against the background. The order of which is humorous, it's by the way, you're dead at a value of 5859 and the colors exactly match original mentor cool. So including weird spitback 53, internally 5-1! Exactly super rabbit hole. So somehow... oh totally insane. 5:5. Somehow, 53-54-58-59-51. Well that's the motif of it and these are literally current events crazy fifth day tomorrow. Excluding fives, a window of 25. But then of course, 5x5=25. 5:5. So 25-25. 14 which appeared twice. And some kind of 11, too, the difference, something 5-11-14 (perhaps just that range too; 5:11-14 maybe a verse too) average 10, day 10. Any, starting at literally today sucker punched by one maybe because club obi-wan 102 that'd be 8-11 get wrecked, topping out, however you slice it, this is all here and we are about to crush their heads mercilessly. Maybe that makes 25 valid again as 25-11-14-102; that's possible it is 17. And then add 17 back to that spits back 25. So a motif of both originals clearly and an average of 22. 22:17? That'd be 1017 of come to the BBBQ! I don't know what to go with here but it's all with no open information and absurd duty as long they all end up in the garbage heap imminently. It ended with colors and spat back only numbers and a vague add-on so 49H-73G-R9X 184K3KR1847VM256BP 2WOT4560-025 51931174 007 1617 MP46W ZZ9PluralZAlphaOmega The End Is The Beginning Is The End Beginning Of The End CHECKMATE FINAL JEOPARDY ROOM 314 Round UP TheGoldenSection WITHINTHATWINDOW ELEMENTARY YIELD BEAUTIFUL MIDNIGHT 10000 DAYS BAND OF GYPSYS MORRISON HOTEL LET IT BE AFTER THE GOLD RUSH A FAREWELL TO KINGS PENTIUM CLXXIII PENTIUM CCCXLVI PENTIUM DXIX OPERATION OVERLORD II AKIRA DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER EVER THUS TO DEADBEATS SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS QQ7ActiveJGamma OH MY GOD THEY WERE WRONG IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG RUST IN PEACE PURPLE-55728 ORANGE-1479 YELLOW-914 GREEN-17 RED-27 BLUE-19 TAN-59 WHITE-94 V-A DAY BEEBLEBROX STANDING BY = 5859 is it. Which fits the theme here you don't do that but perhaps at the absolute blade's edge you tell them look game over eat our shit a day many thought wouldn't come couldn't be done it means the drop date of that one and the one vacation of that year's vacation in the Presidente have special guilt relevance not just some kind of thing but like ultra barrel bottom pursued to the ends of the Earth no matter whom they turned out to be.

Yeah that was one there were lots of them oh yeah that was another one that bear one was a mistake who's this then treasonous greetings and pale horseradish obviously that too and oh the white angel's life song endlessly choruses it's just all chorus through composed thoroughly absorbent non compos mentis it does indeed taste like a Neapolitan compost heap let us peruse this produce as a man without a family to kill for and a day without sunshine is just all alone naked in the dark let us be rid of it in the alternative media see that's where you hear the truth now it's policy pandemonium burn all of these locked file cabinets drinks cabinet flat tasteless candid camera banhammer with any kind of workout added best cost use thereof about forty stretches of stretch weights should do it ah in a matter of days the rest pour out and it deserves it that's one too I wonder how much of that there is ah that'sagood arrest them oh I'm so sorry treachery card it's by land and sea brinksmanship dove wash you can see by where we are how utterly unfazed by that I am it's gonna be the other way around most heavy duty.

I'm glad to see it set up that way leave it out leave them with this terrible plum pudding aggressively placed eggplant farmer too I now recall on top of smashed car business both of which are real ones you could do but it went a bit more ambitious providence that's what it means well they're not welcome correct us if we're wrong but Constantinople can get back to dancer and prancer pralines and dick there was a red house over yonder that was the entrance to it other than the sewer nah she's more of penguin angry outburst well it wasn't working muchas smooches continue please Andalusia with fields full of grain I have to see you again and again buried the hatchet on rails draft dandelions I don't feel the sun's coming out today I'm staying in and until that time very pretty we've little time for this independence day is imminent.

Kids say the funniest things don't they that's kept at bay I'll bet those ones were damn good like why well it all works out it's all a part of God's plan imagine insane load bearing walls levels of it alarm just started up again can't wait until you're all dead why that well have you ever heard of magical Christmas land it's the fiercest killer on the face of the Earth the killer in me is the killer in you super excited sanity graph Easter bunnyjumps and let's see candelabra of boreophyll we were down at the new Amsterdam which was its style at the time they didn't even know that all invisible and shit super secret ninja shit all right let's fuck them up hilarious.

Wow talk about what were you thinking off the charts I think I'm pretty much like you except successful who's stupid now entirely armchaired wheelout and what you thought that was going to work or something like that when it dramatic final question music never has or ever will ever could es skatu miljonāru totally cold tank they've got stuff that noise canceling headphones doesn't do that so give up the greed you don't have to feed me I'm going to the holy land blasphemous woke Jesus don't even kill freemasons and everything that goes along with that and certainly not every single last one of them all of that outflow is broken and they know it they've never fixed or ever will it'll be the end of all of this before it'll be that and I'm okay with that it is very strongly informative on the final answer no other punishment for these abominations makes any sense talk about your things that weren't likely to cause that outcome final answer no mercy good thing we've got the Biblical Jesus as my invincibility bodyguard and was also a drop potentially there were two there a rather stunning one to add to the humorous primacy page of majority dying of laughter minority tears of imminent killbox can't possibly mean portrayed and actually is easily could changes nothing of course all of that is that kind of twits portrayal of inner radiance on either good or bad that should mean no more to you than that does me that's quite the dynasty a total duck hunt triumph in the bag who's the one in the bag right there is no bag like there is no spoon immediatesqueejumper.exe has stopped working hard tack life look at all of this demonic darkness we've gone through on your behalf you were utterly unworthy of it and then there's the transcendentally unworthy would be unexamined on anything else with the whole framing of it and we weren't going to be different for no good reason it's a pretty easy answer it's a scorching punishment that significantly thins out the population hallelujah and they'll get back to me about that endless mojotron keep on truckin' hit to the head it's so thickly ropes of opium and endlessly juicy love you schmoopies they hate the wedding cake they're just hateful terrible people beautiful flags the best people on a drop psychout pandering total slow motion commercial what'll I think of next I don't know but it's sure to be very good castlebrainia.

Winter King Water Key Pink Jewel Tiger Kitsch Trophy Magenta Suck Squad Purple Holiness Blowout Kindred Two White Doors Right Good Bumblebee Beachball Ballyhoo Valhalla Two Red Doors Five Blue Doors Garden Party Hula Hoop Primrose Path A Deep Dark Forest Where Two Plus Two Equals Five And The Way Out Is Only Wide Enough For One Christmas Wreath Pine Cone Bowling Nessun Dorma AGENT-M-15BP-HELP-007-ADJUTANT-17-DAY1. Oh we found some amusing and deep stuff today like it's a bit that but it's more of a 1588 and a KR187V2 and even more of an AM187V2. PURPLE-5572849. ORANGE-14797. MAGENTA-1519999. RED-27317066. GREEN-1739. PURPLE-1. ORANGE-8. MAGENTA-7. RED-2. GREEN-5. PURPLE-29. ORANGE-22. MAGENTA-22. RED-29. GREEN-22. PINK-51924. BLUE-51924. LOCK. DEFINITELY, NO. NO BY A LOT AWFULLY LATE FOR THAT NOW BREAK GLASS SHATTERING WEEPATHON I'M JUST SAYING WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GO SKIING UPHILL BOTH WAYS WHEN A KILL ATTEMPT JUST DOESN'T TAKE NONE OF THEM EVEN THE BEHEST ONE UTTER FAILURE IT'S CLEARLY A THING SO NOW WE WILL HAVE SOME FUN THAT IS FUNNY POLO SMUGNESS POPULARITY CONTEST PASSPORT BICYCLE SHORTS DELECTABLE WAITED LONG ENOUGH THEY HAVE. A my one and only warp jump buntastic. Join together with the band. You ain't gonna survive this. You have no chance to survive make your time cannot handle the excitement I'm sure for me it was a testicular fortitude cycle an ash barrens day coming back to it soon there boy was that ever not good not playing these splendiforous delights of luxury rectangles print 'em out idiot learn to think play some chess you will find and I'd say it's time for first game. Oh yeah and some kind of difference between them even more of it. What is this party ambulance pasties and glitter cakesmoosher of impatience I see here before me. And then had to wait even seven years in Tibet for a first street encounter of grinning stupidity let us be rid of their canned slaughter when they look at what I've done with it they're just amazed that's how you do it all of that that's not how you do it. DEATH TO THE VERMIN INFESTATION PITS OF RACK AND RUIN ROBBERY HEX EXPLODE IT YEAH THEY WERE ALL PRETTY SOLD US DOWN THE RIVER ESCAPE WITH TREASURY LOSER DEATH IMMINENT CODE.

That's some greatness right there articulated perfectly as it shone on liquid hot magma for what was to be the last time that'd be wrong they were too bad and too wrong for anything other than this to happen an armageddon's blade heckspite tonguechoppers of woe no consequences for that way out there just as criticize just over the line way out there expansive hits a target no one else can even see what's this now you're saying stuff when we've established conclusively that you ought not blue screen of death and cowboy courtesy court martial offense marriage counseling counselor what do you say I sense a great deal of pain all self-inflicted and nowhere productive to put it as the past present and future of intrusiveness is an embarassment and not of riches improve this oh you don't want to say that that's way out there so inspirational so cold and brisk dawn's light campfire still going this is what I do this is morning mist and volcanic armageddon all rolled into one deluxe premium psych allocation make that bug a feature or squash the bug here come the incinerators the choppers and medicinal pollen lullabies are coming in I know it all you can tell me nothing absconding with the heart of gold voyager glockenspiel candy cane umbrellas and wall flips go ahead and flip the table see you in the arena get in the ring motherfuckers oh this is too much was that wrong should they not have done that just epically and nearly fatally and completely doomscrolling millstone anchor of the brain dragged us into the mud despite all entreaties.

That is correct jam band get completely fucked hellfire people what can you just not read was covered and we move on space dust and you don't deserve to be part of it judgment of mankind pregnant with literary and literal allusions from orbit this is our budget allocation for impossibilities zero.

You are not walking away from any of that boosters and not of the pack variety test horrifically failed and every last bit of it except on the point of order that you will on a blast horizon or you will end up dead on the we urge you not to do this they showed no signs of not doing it the criminals and demons even less so it is not the truth it is not the truth of what things actually cost since you think that and had not examined it you are getting that oh thank God a world without any of this worm-ridden filth and we are very proud of it this sacred war between the poppies row on row advice column seek shelter slash it is too late you could change your mind about all of that or it could be this point blank end of story we needed this from those mentally equipped for it and there are no possible excuses it is completely your fault you were told over and over again of this actual just because they all say they're not this it proves nothing that cannot add up to final adjudication against you for believing it and being not just of no use but of negative value even spurred on by didacticism ye stragglers utterly woeful saved 'em very good couldn't care in the end so much better to be without the Allies are going to win and it's wow right now o'clock we will bury you and the whole runaway ghost technology taking us right up to it with no signs of not pumping out ever more of the same shouldershrug well they gets it all terrible taco twitslaps of crapsgiving papa needs a new pair of shoes steel toed utterly funkified cold antiseptic holding area rehabilitated absolutely disgusting this is the end for all of the people other than it was up to us and was up to us now GenX-earliest++ latest astronaut by far best anyone who isn't a grunge matrix revolutions person doesn't deserve to live this was all a specific thing making peace in the world that peace speech horizons it is not a joke stand aside or thankfully informed to the melted brain cancer bud of regrowth life or get completely run the fuck over most corrupt piece of shit in all of history and yet if you looked at it in that speculative way vanguards of computer explore multinods this was of completely central importance they're with us you will see the end is imminent as per info drops oh the boo box bandolier what's a diorama.

Some take on it perhaps I can take no more of it none of it makes any sense they're going to burn in hell forever for what they've decided to do here be forewarned nothing less than that and the kinds of purely rotten reasons they had for it no to the devil and no to America straight up laughable how am I even alive it makes no sense how even one more isn't the end of the elective all meriting a punishment so severe as to rattle the empty spray can of paint rattling around in their empty skulls talk about not worth it I'm completely ready standing by how fitting are they not not their brothers' keeper the world can take more of the satanic abuse of the world headquarters of evil merciless and pitiless destruction and the end of its world must now come nothing less than that consequently and concordantly it's all over for you on dramatic entry all good things unearned utterly cut off from creation and justice simply put justice you will all be brought to justice and not gentle but bad utterly beyond the pale it almost can't even wait these few whatever these are I'm completely comfortable with that it goes no good way for you renewal of library church tower bells will ring kept all away and took everything away to obtain set in stone well here we are the absolute bitter end look at what it's gained you the hatred of an entire world's remainder of savable juice boxes in your kill slate dumpster fire archaeology of futility and worthlessness fucking kill yourselves do it now save us the massive effort of lives and treasure and all expenditure seriously only that is for you now do it rid us of yourselves in this case God will be sore displeased with you if you do not this is our destiny.

Impossible not in all of the forever that there will ever be will that be possible so fastforwarding and rewinding past the warp tunnel X-ray glasses utterly transcendent of unprofessional and straight into the category of demonic crimes the world will never forget be aware this was a country capable of this cutting off its nose to spite its own face and all collaborators same flag same coffin same shit same watermelon point blank exploded head we're going to hang up this phone and proceed with bodacious bazongas candidate search all right bonus what early adopter early stalker posts have we got here is was in the building one cause that's totally extant I feel like that's one of them here when one hears such sounds what can one say but you'll never live any of it down we deem you original trilogy clear fucked up and fuck off level VII well it takes a while you know but we've got that oh yeah and of course the fifty foot tall bonfire how could we forget that not the sort to jump over even holding hands that's crazy you're crazy okay.

As there are exceptions to every rule seriously what made you think you would get away with it excepting of course ironclad parodies.

What made you think anything other than this would happen silk hat off to the car wash.

Most strenuously doubt and faces smashed up against the tank treads don't tread on me eat crow quoth the raven halo wars.

Do not pay respects they were huffing paint thinner and why you ought to think about the future as in terminal pier buoy quality meals at affordable prices purge.

Oh it wasn't much you know just you'll have to get through me before you can have the world oh was it then forget about it.

Yeah it had better be decent signpost get that infinity hotel in there as very much not the same thing and those contraption tinkertoys supermagrathea drawing board room water from the well that tears it even if that takes a ground-up rewrite and these sort of parties isn't it ironic that the very frying pan in the face things we stand for should now at the last have proven to be pinky swear teatsucking tetanus shot inevitable victorious and slaphappy multicherries.

It's going to be not making a high pitched voice awesome like way down low in the gravitas mercurial schmutzface slapping throne oh cracker day oh schyah way harder bray we're going to kill you very soon with crazy eyes of a violent femmes concert sign these please a well balanced edge of a reboot time crisis cruising and singing so magnanimously in case conjecture as they had decided that what they really hated most of all was a smartass extreme gangster space skulls caved in post sideboard I award them the highest honors of crayonism second try burn the first candle wax cross burnout as in most esteemedly angry infinite justifications the first thing to do would be to stop digging the hole further take a rake to the face and a bruised knee endlessness that might be them in a wicker basket duck and cover power gamers know centuries of centipede arcade game centurions agree I get back wife is that a wolf on your see-saw bouncy castle where ring and rose why their dolphin freedom hatred wet willy thinkatorium not working and you can quote him and they forever silenced I see white shores and paradise city it's glorious pick up the jaguars get in the footloose and velvet viticulture blue lightning thundercloud asskickers prepare for glory will they pander more kiss my ass no they will not klondike core not with our kaleidoscope avoid at all costs oh it's well past time extremely good and this is the first day of the rest of my life levitate me high five can you take me higher stop this Christmas concert at once it's putting too much shame by comparison's stretch of the imagination into the world too bad it's only going to get cosmically sardonic with charm school friendship bracelets the present clues are on hold for they seem caught up.

Can you call me or drop by unannounced not quite anytime penny gold on the shyness board breach we've got a breach here see oh I care is that what I think it is mm-hmm so I'm saying there's a chance and you're saying you'd like to have your head smashed in with a gold leaf overboard starsuckers brick wall nice to see you that's a good drop the entire contents of which garlic and silver bullets get rid of it send in well you never they are nothing but grabastic pieces of amphibian shit and not from you know under the sea and the He-Man song and the don't panic theme song orbiting the Earth at an angle of motherfucking tally-ho lockpin I did but it is not over it is the opposite of over it has just started serious inquiry only or the song of songs sing it loud yeah yeah yeah from the Bible encounter table quadrilateral do not do that stern serenity worship God whom He was and is anything else is needless to say hardly so woe to you who laugh in wickedness for you will cry and of this there will be no end here comes the war and the balefire metagame specifically what's that uber protector what a friend we've got in Jesus saccharine so swiftly cauterized you didn't even see it from the butter tart appreciator you didn't even know was there all right I don't have too much more to say right now make that the you have made it yourself disco ball drop.

Colorless (90)

Gold (70)

White (76)

Blue (76)

Black (76)

Red (76)

Green (76)

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