MTG Combo: Jeskai Ascendancy + Sorcerer Class

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Hypersayia9001 on Martial Prowess

8 months ago

Made_Compleat, thanks for commenting. Some interesting things to consider.

Brain Freeze is a decent spell, but I think it'll be a bit too clunky to really get the best benefit. I'd need a storm count of somewhere in the ball park of 85-ish to guarantee a win with it. I'm not against using it to self mill to get a win with Jace, which sounds like it'd be a VERY good win con combined with Archmage Emeritus, Thousand-Year Storm and Veyran, Voice of Duality, or to fill the graveyard for me to cheat something out with Narset, but I wouldn't really consider that ideal in that circumstance because the ideal situation (in my mind, at least) is I'm using Narset to cast something twice.

Astral Steel is a solid-ish buffing spell, but Haze of Rage does similar with the added benefit of having a fairly easy buyback cost, especially with some of the combos I have available. Saying that, Someone I know IRL suggested Feather, the Redeemed, which would return Astral Steel to my hand at the end of turn. So that could actually be quite interesting to try out.

Galvanic Relay isn't bad, but I'd need to have a LOT of potential mana to truly benefit from it. It'll work with the Jeskai Ascendancy + Sorcerer Class combo, but for THAT to work I'd need something like Haze of Rage to build a good storm count and if I reach THAT point the smarter bet is usually to either swing in or Grape Shot

Mind's Desire, however... I like. For a few reasons but the key one is explicitly because of how it can interact with Narset. I find a way to discard it, probably though Jeskai Ascendancy, build up a decent storm count, then swing in with Narset. Exile Mind's Desire to cast a copy of it, during the combat phase, cast as many instants as I've exiled. On the second main, cast everything else. Even if that doesn't WIN I get a VERY solid board state.