Triumphant Reckoning

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Triumphant Reckoning


Return all artifact, enchantment, and planeswalker cards from your graveyard to the battlefield.

jarncards on Stardew

1 year ago

It looks fun. I dont necessarily know if it needs any changes. If nothing else, I would strongly recommend you consider Wood Elemental and Alabaster Leech, since I will be playing against this deck.

Akroma's Will or Garruk's Uprising are good options to make sure damage gets through for mass trample/protection. Run Rancor, you get it back for multiple plays every time its enchanted creature dies

You dont have much to interact with opponent's boards. Or to protect your own outside of avacyn. given the snowball you have where each card you play will draw you 1-5 more, you might be ok without interraction since you might just overwhelm everyone if you want to play it that way, but white gives a lot of the best options for removal.

Archon of Sun's Grace is almost a direct upgrade to Ajani's Chosen. Honestly i think they are both great to run, I would reconsider using them, Avenger of Zendikar, and maybe something like Eldrazi Monument. If you intend to keep it so that you primarilly win through attacking with a couple super beefy guys, Lightmine Field is silly

Food Chain will be REALLY helpful when youve drawn too many cards. both to give mana to play them, and to kill off your card advantage engines before they get you killed. Most enchantress effects are not "may" abilities.

As usual, I consider Reliquary Tower to be a bad card. Since you are going to have even more draw than mana in this deck, personally I would ditch it so I could discard to hand size and take advantage of the mass reanimate cards for enchantments like Brilliant Restoration, Resurgent Belief, Open the Vaults, Triumphant Reckoning, and the Replenish you already run.

They are very expensive mana-wise, but Legion Loyalty and True Conviction would do silly things as wincons in this deck. legion loyalty will give you an obscene number of creatures, enchantment creature ETB triggers, and bonuses to the cards that care about the number you have like all that glitters, and

immakinganezehaldeck on 4c Pile / Bant Loam

1 year ago

Deck is almost complete.

Still need to obtain Commander's Sphere and Triumphant Reckoning

Would like to sub in Binding the Old Gods.

Need to do more play testing, but from what I've done so far it is looking good.

TheOfficialCreator on Pride Month (LGBT+ Tribal)

1 year ago

For reference, those cards are Sol Ring, Mana Confluence, Bearscape, Savor the Moment, Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, Collective Voyage, Heartbeat of Spring, and Triumphant Reckoning.

Liliana, Saheeli, and Huatli are also queer, and Anhelo, the Painter's daughter marries another girl in the SNC story. That daughter is Errant, Street Artist.

SacredAtsira on Light-Paws, Big Stomps, Budget Price

1 year ago

Looks like a solid Light-Paws list, my only recommendations that aren't already in your Maybeboard would be Triumphant Reckoning and Brilliant Restoration.

I used to have a Light-Paws deck and found that these sort of effects are instrumental for games where you get targetted.

Optimator on Just Like Clockwork

2 years ago

Brilliant Restoration and Triumphant Reckoning aren't amazing, but they're worth noting I think.

Farewell and Austere Command would be worth noting. I know you're trying to keep the budget down. Austere is cheap now though. Maybe Organic Extinction would be good? I like End Hostilities a lot in this deck.

Optimator on Tricksy Pixies

2 years ago

I would try to squeeze in Blackblade Reforged. Having a flying lifelinking commander that cares about casting artifacts will make great use of it.

It's a little slow, but Hanna, Ship's Navigator would be an excellent source of card advantage. Fantastic for all your Oblivion Rings and stuff.

You might also consider Mask of Memory, Rogue's Gloves, and Mask of Riddles since you have so many flyers. Dowsing Dagger  Flip would be an excellent choice for ramp for the same reason. It's amazing.

Brilliant Restoration might be too hard to cast, but it's worth noting. Triumphant Reckoning is worse, but easier to cast.

AlistarFiend on Alela, Enchantress of the Fae

2 years ago

MadaSV I am so very happy you like my deck and that it is performing well for you. To answer your question about tutoring... There are so many great things to tutor for, but what I have learned is that you become the target for board wipes very quickly playing this deck and it is best to tutor for Abjure, Mana Drain, Force of Negation or Teferi's Protection unless a board wipe has already occurred, then Replenish or Triumphant Reckoning would be my choices.

MadaSV on Alela, Enchantress of the Fae

2 years ago

Thanks for this deck, it's amazing, +1 from me. I have been trying it for about 8 games now and won 6 of them! I question I have: if you get a tutor early/mid game, what do you look for? What would be your ultimate (or best) win con? I mean, Triumphant Reckoning was for me one time in a late game after a board wipe, but in a normal case, what do you look for?

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