Tempting Licid

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tempting Licid

Creature — Licid

(Green), Tap: Tempting Licid loses this ability and becomes an Aura enchantment with enchant creature. Attach it to target creature. You may pay (Green) to end this effect.

All creatures able to block enchanted creature do so.

Belfore on Marwyn Elfs

1 month ago

Well you seem to be lacking in flying defense. You could also use some recursion since your token production is only 8 cards I would personally drop the Arboreal Alliance since you are not producing that many tokens. And I know it is a way to use all the mana you can produce but you need some more reusable uses for the mana.

I spent most of this weekend testing your deck against some of mine which are also go wide strategies. And what I kept running into was that your ability to get damage through was struggling. I think you need to get some more sources of trample or bypassing defenders. Another problem I was having was you would be top decking to quickly.I felt it just kept running out of steam.

I personally would drop Arbor Elf for Argothian Elder. It may cost more mana but it would let you untap Nykthos without Yavimaya in play, drop Quirion Ranger for Seeker of Skybreak just a bit less hassle for untapping a creature. even though she gets an interesting trick when you have Ashaya out. I would also drop Woodland Bellower for the Skyshroud Poacher just because it is easier to reuse. Elvish Guidance can have its uses but I think Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is still a bit more useful, for your mana outlet I would absolutely keep Staff of Domination over Thousand-Year Elixir. I am surprised you dropped both Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen and Jagged-Scar Archers since those were your only real answers to flying maybe consider Raking Canopy or Gravity Well to help against flying heavy decks. Mobilize and Vitalize are a little too weak for the card slots I think. I think a couple of more useful options would actually be Taunting Elf, Nemesis Mask, and/or Tempting Licid of those 3 taunting elf is weakest. But what those would allow you to do is get your pumped up elves through with minimal losses and minimal investment for the finishing blow.

I do have more thoughts if you want but as always feedback on what you are aiming for always helps (EG: Going tall, going wide, elf ball, kill through combat, or focusing on I win effects (I don't like I win effects))

DreadKhan on Thantis, the Warweaver

1 month ago

I would take a look at Open the Way, if it doesn't get reprinted in the near future the card is going to get bonkers I suspect, the floor of 3 mana for your next land is both playable and less hassles than a true fetch effect (you don't have to shuffle for it), but if you play it mid game for 6 it's a bit unreal.

Have you ever thought about Mask of Griselbrand? Flying and Lifelink are very good keywords, and this can be a VERY effective form of protection for your Commander, people can't let it die or you get a new hand for almost nothing.

Since people have to attack with everything (and can't send them at you), Rite of the Raging Storm might do some work for you, if an opponent can't deal with 5/1 attackers they are very easily killed.

Not sure how big your Thantis gets, but I like Mandate of Abaddon in my Kresh deck, Kresh can get big enough that this is not just a 4 mana one sided wipe, it also means I'm going to Commander damage someone out of the game.

Not sure how often your Commander gets locked down with stuff like Song of the Dryads, but Angel's Trumpet can be a decent back up.

It's a bit of a weird niche card, but I love Tempting Licid in a Goad deck, this guy can be attached to a creature that you forced to attack at instant speed, and now the opponent that creature is attacking is getting blocked by the kitchen sink, and as soon as those blockers are declared you just detach the licid and go on your merry way. I think most people find the card too confusing to play, but the effect is extremely strong, useful to threaten attacking or blocking creatures. It can also be a one player wipe if your Commander is big enough.

DreadKhan on Goose Mother Voltron

6 months ago

Mark of Sakiko or Bear Umbra might do some work, mostly to enable you to play a lot more stuff? Belt of Giant Strength seems synergistic, it stacks with your +1 counters. Crystal Shard is a pretty good way to get your Commander back in hand, but it can also be used to punish any player who dares use all their mana up (some players are really bad at tracking stuff like this, depending on the playgroup). Rogue's Passage is an interesting way to guarantee the survival of your Goose. If you want more mass removal I have had some luck with Mass Manipulation, it's hard to cast but the effect is pretty strong if you steal more than 1 thing.

I'm not sure if your Goose gets big enough or not, but Tempting Licid is a decent Lure effect, and you can technically attach it to an opponent's creature that attacks (and remove it after blockers are declared) to either wipe out blockers (letting you/others get in) or get a creature killed, you can also use it to put a Lure on something you don't care about so The Goose can get in unblocked (you can save the Licid).

When it comes to ramp and fixing, I find 2 colour decks are extremely forgiving, and having one of those colours be Green makes it even easier to build. One of the annoyances of Enemy Pair decks (like Simic) is that their aren't as many dual lands to choose from, but their are still a few budget range dual lands that come with basic land types, these really pop with stuff like Nature's Lore, which can find a non-Basic Forest, enabling you to get your colours quickly and consistently, but IMHO it's really hard to not hit your colours in a Simic deck. It's really annoying that the only 'budget' typed dual I can think of is Breeding Pool, but that's a long way from budget, and you're only in 2 colours.

If you like +1 counters and drawing cards you might enjoy Generous Patron, if you're desperate you can give your own stuff the counters, but if you want cards you can do so (and still have a body). Another card that might be generally useful is Skullwinder, you can use this to generate political leverage, possibly getting to choose what the opponent will actually get back. Cultural Exchange is an obscure card that can very much take over a game if you time it right, ideally you use it after people have already wiped and hopefully don't have another at the ready. Mass Diminish might be better than Frogify, note that it lasts until your next turn and affects all of a player's creature, yet still comes with Flashback to boot. This is very good with something like Tempting Licid. Transmogrifying Wand might not look very good, but being able to remove the 3 most annoying creatures for a grand total of only 6 mana is pretty sweet, it's also a great deterrent piece once it's out and still has counters, people can't play key creatures until it's dealt with or out of counters. Return of the Wildspeaker is a good way to refill your hand, it's among the best of it's kind, but Momentous Fall is better if you're being wiped or something.

Rhadamanthus on Can Licids Target Opponent's Stuff?

7 months ago

Yes, you can do that. Because Tempting Licid's ability just says "target creature" and doesn't say anything specific about who controls it, that means it can target creatures controlled by any player.

And yes, because the Licid's ability doesn't specify any restrictions on when it can be activated or when you can pay mana to end the effect, that means you can do it any time you'd normally be allowed to activate an ability.

DreadKhan on Can Licids Target Opponent's Stuff?

7 months ago

I assume the answer will be yes, but I'm mostly curious because of Tempting Licid, it seems like it would be played more if it could? I know Zur can fetch up an Aura which can be attached to an opponent's permanent, so I assume that if the card doesn't say you can't you probably can?

To go a bit further, I wonder if their is any reason I can't activate Tempting Licid in response to an attack by an opponent, then detach it after blockers are declared but before damage, meaning I could just keep doing it?

Thank you!

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Sekki, Ghost Piñata

1 year ago

The deck is looking pretty tight, but I have some more thoughts on how to address your "pre-Sekki" concerns.

Farhaven Elf is a worse Wood Elves, but it's still ramp and an effective speed bump against and early attack.

Woodland Bellower isn't a bad inclusion since it can come down before Sekki and tutor up creatures like Tempting Licid, Ulvenwald Tracker, and Champion of Lambholt before Sekki comes down a turn or two later. You could also consider other creature tutors like Worldly Tutor and Green Sun's Zenith.

Thaumatic Compass  Flip isn't a ramp spell per-say, but it does guarantee your land drop for the turn and can turn into a better Maze of Ith to keep you alive until Sekki drops.

You could consider some of the cycling green lands like Tranquil Thicket as additional sources of card draw in the land slot. Play them as lands when you need them or just aggressively cycle them to dig deeper.

I also like Bushwhack as a fight spell/land grab.

As always, awesome deck!

Niko9 on Lure Spells

1 year ago

Not modern for sure, but there was a time with Tempting Licid and Sylvan Basilisk were a combo. Can't think of newer examples but it's a really cool effect and I'm excited to see what people mention.

1empyrean on Chevill, Chevalier Chevreuil

2 years ago

IHATENAMES, I used to run Bow of Nylea and I found that it was decent, but rarely as impactful as I'd like given most of my creatures and the tokens I make already have deathtouch. I ended up swapping it out for Wand of Orcus.

I deliberately chose not to rely on combat based effects, and that is why I don't have more lure effects. I will say that while looking at lure effects, I realised Tempting Licid might be a great fit for the deck. So I will try and figure out what can be swapped out for it.

I may eventually add Pathbreaker Ibex, but it is very similar to Blossoming Bogbeast. Since my focus isn't combat in most cases, I decided to only keep one, and I picked the Bogbeast because It costs one less mana and gives me life. Craterhoof Behemoth is a card I'd run if I had more focus on token generation.

Thanks for the suggestions, even if I'm not exactly taking any of them.

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