Swimmer in Nightmares

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Swimmer in Nightmares

Creature — Nightmare Merfolk

Swimmer in Nightmares gets +3/+0 as long as there or more cards in a single graveyard.

Swimmer in Nightmares can't be blocked as long as you control an Ashiok planeswalker.

ConsumingKiribo on Mindwrack harpy's wrath

3 years ago

inker6405 Great! Well, I have a couple of suggestions if you want a mill deck:

Mindwrack Harpy isn't the best. Reducing it to 2 or 3 copies is a bit better as you want it later in the game but you'll still be happy getting it when you need it. Instead, Ruin Crab or Hedron Crab is a much better idea as you can trigger it multiple times through fetchlands, such as Bad River, Evolving Wilds, Fabled Passage, or Polluted Delta if you got the money.

Glimpse the Unthinkable. 10 cards for 2 mana is a great deal. You can't get that kind of value anywhere else.

Maddening Cacophony adds flexibility. Add Fraying Sanity to increase effectiveness, though if games are going a bit faster than you think, Traumatize.

Next, some cards that fit your description found on gatherer. For a full comprehensive list, here's a large link: gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&text=|[%22mill%20one%20or%20more%20cards%22]|[%22card%20is%20put%20into%20an%20opponent%27s%20graveyard%20from%20anywhere%22] But here are my (budget) recommendations:

Duskmantle Guildmage is good in a mill deck as it helps your opponent lose life more and more easily as an alternate win condition.

Profane Memento is worth sideboarding if you absolutely eat it in the 4rth turn because your opponent was playing burn.

Finally, the best non-budget recommendation that pulls everything together would be a great addition to the deck (the deck is 15 bucks, you can relatively keep this deck at like 30, 40 bucks by adding 1 or 2 of this card)

Bloodchief Ascension. This can be your win con. This deck isn't getting anywhere however unless you'll drop 80 bucks on this card. But the number of cards that are unblockable pull this card together, this entire deck together, yeah you'll stall for 2 or 3 turns, and the deck will only work if this is your first card, but if you are going to break the restrictions and make your budget go wack, this is the card that pulls everything together. All you have to do is drop Swimmer in Nightmares and a Sol Ring since you have no Ashiok, and Sol Ring is restricted in every format it isn't banned in.

Sorry, but you're going to have to drop the Sol Ring.

Next, some useless cards in the deck are:

Boot Nipper, it doesn't do anything except being defensive. You aren't going to need it. You have Murder if the opponent has a really big and intimidating creature well, you can just kill it.

Departed Deckhand, Farbog Revenant it does nothing in this deck. You're attacking your opponent's deck, not their life, so focusing on that contributes nothing and wastes resources for precious deck space for better cards.

Filigree Familiar. Honestly, Divination is better. ANYTHING is better. Visions of Beyond is also a suggestion for mill decks.

Kjeldoran Dead. This does nothing. You'll pass someone's attacks anyway because the average game plays out for 6.5 turns. You'll have enough time to play out your strategy. No one is getting out Emrakul, the Promised End. In fact, not many will actually win by getting out some really big creature. Some will create a value engine, others will spam tokens, or just put pressure on you, in which they've already won once they got their win-con out. A chump blocker isn't going to do anything in this format, but it can do something in commander. This isn't commander.

Lurking Deadeye. How are you going to deal damage in the first place? 2 murders are more mana efficient.

Wall of Frost. A better option for this is Wall of Lost Thoughts.

Swimmer in Nightmares, you need an Ashiok Planeswalker. You have more than enough space for Ashiok, Dream Render as some decks focus on resurrecting the dead. However, this might conflict with what you're going for, but it's a recommendation. (Cling to Dust can do it as well if you come across Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, which hasn't eaten a ban in ANY eternal formats. Not even in Brawl).

tl;dr Again, a lot of cards in here either do nothing or almost do nothing, and without Bloodchief Ascension this deck isn't going to be good. It's a mill deck, but a mill deck isn't good without mill cards. And when only a sixth of the deck is mill cards, that isn't good.

If you're ever confused about deck building, Here's a tip: 25 lands, 20 synergistic (cards that count towards winning) cards, 15 cards that let you do things, draw more cards, destroy inconvenient creatures, or counter Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath. Or Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, and/or the rest of the Eldrazi titans that haven't eaten a ban.

And also ditch one of your Sol Rings, again they are restricted in vintage and banned in every format that isn't commander.

ConsumingKiribo on Mindwrack harpy's wrath

3 years ago

A bit wordy. tl;dr on the bottom.

First, change the format to modern, vintage, or legacy. Specifically vintage as you're using a Sol Ring.

Next, I recommend you swap out Sol Ring for something like Dimir Signet. Sol Ring isn't modern legal, banned in legacy, and restricted in vintage, so it's not a good idea to put it in a deck that isn't commander.

Next, the deck doesn't seem to have a win-con. It seems that the deck focuses on playing creatures that are unblockable, so I'd recommend cards that punish your opponent for letting through creatures. Curiosity or Rogue's Gloves would allow you to replace one of your cards that let you draw extra cards, as it would allow you to keep drawing cards at least once per turn for the rest of the game. However, there are more cards capable of doing this, so I'd recommend going on somewhere similar to the gatherer on WotC's website or somewhere else like scryfall.

Sadly, this also seems like a mill deck or a deck that focuses on getting your opponent to lose by discarding their deck. I wouldn't really recommend multiple strategies in a single non-100 card singleton deck, where games tend to go on for longer than 6 or 7 turns and there's only 1 copy of a card per deck, with probably the only exception being Relentless Rats or Rat Colony. I'd recommend not doing mill if you actually want your deck to be good and not roll the dice to kill off their win-con. If you do want to kill off their win-con, I'd recommend something like Sadistic Sacrament or Unmoored Ego. However, milling your opponent for the sake of milling won't have much value unless you want to win through milling. In fact, some would argue it just helps your opponent. So, remove Towering-Wave Mystic, Swimmer in Nightmares, etc.

If you DO want to go the mill route, I'd suggest something like Ruin Crab. If you still want to go both unblockable AND mill, I'd recommend putting in more rogues and Changeling Outcast and make a deck revolve around Anowon, the Ruin Theif as it helps you mill more and more. With this tactic, you're going for both their life AND their deck, which will give more possibilities for you to win.

In the end, I don't know what the deck wants to do. It doesn't really have too much focus. In the end, however, it's still your first deck, and that's ok. Everyone's first deck is going to suck. Even my first deck SUCKED. Even the one I first made on this site SUCKED. The last advice I'm going to give you on this deck is: find a way to win. You'd be surprised how many forget that.

tl;dr: find a win condition with this deck and focus on how you're going to achieve that win condition.