Rot Shambler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rot Shambler

Creature — Fungus

Whenever another creature you control dies, put a +1/+1 counter on Rot Shambler. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)

Van_Hawk on The Last of Us

3 years ago

I also don't play much with kaladesh cards, but Winding Constrictor gets my attention. I have one or two Sporoloth Ancient, it's always a guy that I plan to use. About big hitter I consider putting Rot Shambler (+1 sinergy with Winding Constrictor) and even Korvold, Fae-Cursed King, dispet not being a fungus (that's a shame).

Yes, it's Yawgmoth, Thran Physician that i'm talking about, just need Slimefoot, the Stowaway, Utopia Mycon and some Thallid.

MindAblaze on Graveyard Shift

4 years ago

So one thing about commander is, because of the length of games and the amount of interaction you see, you want all of your cards to do things. Going through your list there are a number of cards that just fill spots on the curve with no real long term impact. Specifically you have creatures like, but not limited to; Rot Shambler (at least it gets bigger though,) Sporecap Spider, and Yargle, Glutton of Urborg (at least he’s huge, which with the right cards could be useful, he’s decent to sac to Jarad for example...) There are other creatures with stronger static effects, or even useful etb triggers like Eternal Witness and Acidic Slime all the way up to Craterhoof Behemoth.

So then it’s just a matter of what to fill it with. There are so many options, how do you want to win primarily? Go wide with tokens?

StopShot on I've got Spores

5 years ago

You have Font of Fertility in your sideboard and Rampant Growth in your maybeboard. I think the best option would be Sakura-Tribe Elder . While it's not a fungus it gives you a chump blocker and since it's a creature you'd be able to search for it with Adventurous Impulse , you would be able to tap it for mana with Song of Freyalise , you'd be able to exile it for a saproling with Fungal Plots , and sacrificing the elder would put a +1/+1 counter on your Rot Shambler .

shwanerz88 on Prossh, Skyraider of my Friends

5 years ago

Alright update 2

Additions: - Brawn - Smothering Abomination - Champion of Lambholt - Pitiless Plunderer - Beastmaster Ascension - X5 Forest

Cuts: - Wild Pair - Scute Mob - Rot Shambler - Brood Butcher - Domri Rade - Vivid Grove - Vivid Marsh - Zoetic Cavern - Khalni Garden - Fertile Thicket

Wight, monitor and sudden demise I decided to keep for now simply because I do not have better options at the moment.

shwanerz88 on Prossh, Skyraider of my Friends

5 years ago

All solid choices, Thank you for your help it is greatly appreciated.

Some of the cards that are currently on the chopping block for me:

RedmundR2 on

5 years ago

Nice deck, this is pretty similar to one a friend of mine plays. I definitely recommend more answers for what your opponent can do - creature removal and artifact/enchantment removal is key to answer your opponents threats. Fatal Push, Murder, Naturalize can be huge for making sure your opponent cannot do things you cannot deal with and kill you before you can accomplish your plans. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is probably a pipe dream for this deck, Cryptolith Rite or Loam Dryad is highly unlikely to go off and getting to 10 mana with no ramp is very unlikely in a format like modern. From Beyond is also too slow, not only does it not come down until turn 4 but afterwards you're only getting a single token every turn. I would consider removing the top end creatures for cheaper stuff like Rot Shambler. Westvale Abbey  Flip is one of my favorite cards of all time, but since exile is popular in modern it just feels bad to nuke your whole board just to get Path to Exile'd.

Hope this helps!

xDr_Schnugglesx on Fun guy

5 years ago



Avacyn, Angel of Hope doesn't seem super on theme or really that useful. I mean, yeah, it's really good. But it's also 8 mana and for 8 mana I feel like you should be winning the game. Not just protecting your 1/1s or whatever you have out.

Pallid Mycoderm, Rot Shambler, Savage Thallid, Sporecrown Thallid, Sporemound, Sporesower Thallid, and Sporoloth Ancient. I think all of them are either overcosted for what they offer, or don't offer enough. I think the best out of these is Sporemound, but I'm not sure it's good enough. You don't really ramp all that hard, and you'll have so many 1/1s anyway that I don't think it'll matter if you get a couple extra. I think these could all be replaced by more 'value' oriented cards.

Verdant Force is simply overcosted. Remove.

Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is out of place. Populating a 1/1 for 3 mana and a tap is a bad feeling, and gaining 1 life from each is trivial and could be done with Suture Priest or any soul sister (and better too). Also Trostani's mana cost is steeper than it seems (from experience).

Death's Presence is extremely overcosted for what it's trying to do here. You already have Mazirek and Cathars' Crusade for your combo win. This is worse than both.

Fungal Plots is just kinda weak. I'm super against self-gy hate, and this is no exception. You're paying 4 mana and a card for a 1/1, and then you can maybe sac 2 more creatures for some life and a draw. There are much better options for card advantage AND tokens (I'll get into it later).

Grave Pact OR Dictate of Erebos, but not both. I vote Dictate because of the easier mana cost and also Flash (plus $$$$).

Intangible Virtue is out of place. An army of 2/2 vigilance's isn't amazing, especially because your saprolings WANT to die (to slimefoot and Blood Artist and others), so tapping to attack isn't an issue. You already have other, better, team buffs so I don't really think this fits.

Night Soil is just kinda meh. It's a tougher restriction than it seems (both from the same yard).

Along with this, I don't like Necrogenesis in general, but at least it gy-hates opponents and is something you can do if you have mana left up. An early cut if you still wanna cut some stuff, but fine to leave.

Primal Vigor can backfire hard. I don't think it's worth tbh. Also the mana cost is steep for something that doesn't do anything by itself.

True Conviction is just super out of place, and that mana cost is super rough. Absolutely cut. If you were gonna have a mana cost with WWW, it's gonna be Avacyn (but it's gonna be neither).

Verdant Embrace is just too costly for what it does and what you need. If it was like 3 mana and didn't give the +3/+3, that would work, but as is it's too costly and you'll almost certainly not get a lot of value from it because people will murder the creature it's on immediately.

Honestly, I've never liked Second Harvest. It's a terrible card if you're losing and if you cast it and win, you probably would've already won anyway. It seems like win-more to me. Most cards that do nothing on their own I think are kinda meh.

I have no idea how to feel about Vona's Hunger. I'd consider removing just because if you're using this to clear a board, they're gonna keep their best shit anyway, and this is pretty trash against other token decks. The mana cost and instant speed is a nice +, but I'm not sure it's enough here.

Akroma's Memorial should be Eldrazi Monument full-stop. Giving 1/1s a bunch of keywords is useless unless those keywords are either infect or indestructible. This gives neither.

You have a lot of lands. I like running fewer lands (35) but having about ~10 sources of ramp. I'll try to figure some out as we progress.

Fungal Sprouting does nothing on it's own and I am having a tough time envisioning it being really useful. Getting 5 1/1s is great for Ghave, but for 4 mana and sorcery speed, I feel you could be doing more. It's fine for now, but consider it an early cut if needed.

Saproling Symbiosis is a hard no. It's a worse Second Harvest and I hate that card too.

Thelonite Hermit is a no. You're paying 8 mana over 2 turns for 4 1/1s that will be 2/2s for like 2 seconds. Hornet Queen is cheaper and gives you better tokens.

Glare of Subdual. This is a tough one. On the one hand, tapping down the voltron player (Seth's cats or my dragons or Zac's Tuvasa) is super dope. On the other hand, tapping is not removal and it relies on you having a creature to spare to tap. It's also 4 mana. I'd probably remove. If it was 1WG, I'd think it was good.

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is a tough one too. I think if you end up with 30+ creatures, then absolutely go for it. Any less and I think you can do better.

I strongly recommend not having more than 8 enchantments. You have 16 right now and that's just too many without some heavy enchantment recursion.

Okay. We got through it boys. Let's go to our suggestions and recommendations. This next section will include cards in your maybe board that I think are good and should go to mainboard.


Anafenza, the Foremost, because who doesn't like incidental GY hate on an aggressively costed body. 3 mana for a 4/4 that GY hates is something that your opponents need to answer, and more often than not their removal will be worth more to them than Anafenza is worth to you.

Elenda, the Dusk Rose is a card I've always wanted to work and this might be it. Being able to sac a huge board and then herself seems like great value. The issue with Elenda is that she can be exiled, but your commander is a sac outlet which protects against that. I think she could be a powerhouse in this deck ESPECIALLY because her tokens have lifelink. Never underestimate lifelink on tokens.

Juniper Order Ranger is just gravy. 5 mana for a boi that gets progressively larger and boosts your board is something that needs to be answered to. This will either force a boardwipe or spot removal and honestly either a win for you.

Shalai, Voice of Plenty is good. Really good. I don't think it's bad to put it in this deck.

Spike Weaver is a 100% must include. Spore Frog for 1 mana at instant speed multiple times? It's just bonkers (and this is coming from experience).

Retribution of the Ancients is super interesting and could be a powerhouse. I'm inclined to include it as instant speed removal that works on indestructible things at a minimum cost to yourself seems very good. Sure, you'll be using 3-5 counters each time, but ideally that won't be an issue since. Also it's at a mana cost price you just can't do better than.

Everything from maybeboard I didn't mention is a no.

End of Maybeboard Recommendations

Uhh, where's my babe Elspeth, Sun's Champion at?? 6 mana for either a conditional boardwipe that won't hit you that often, or for 3 token bois seems like a good deal. And if you manage to ult, you win. No one can stop a flying army of 3/3s.

Eldrazi Monument. We already talked about it but just wanna have it written down here.

Pir, Imaginative Rascal. Fucking gravy. Works with Ghave super well but also Elspeth and also your dudes who put spore counters on themselves. This is a must include. I'm kind of surprised he wasn't already in the list tbh.

Fecundity can be absolutely nutty. Sure, it helps your opponents, but it is very unlikely it'll help them more than it helps you. Also a may trigger so it won't hurt you if you don't want it to.

Dark Prophecy is also insane, tho the self damage could become hazardous. I'll recommend some things to combat this as the card is a powerhouse, even with the BBB mana cost. Remember, being at 5 life and winning is the same as being at 40 life and winning.

Loyal Guardian is a new card which could do work. Early cut, but I'll put it here if you need to fill out your creatures.

Eternal Witness is good. It's a staple. I hate that it's so important, but it just is. Consider also Skullwinder if you just wanna be different.

Heroic Intervention is the single best protection spell in green. It's basically a green Teferi's Protection for your turn and it cannot be overstated how good it is at the right time. It is the difference between "I win next turn" and "Man nice boardwipe, GG." And for 2 mana too. It's bonkers. Must include.

Anguished Unmaking. You're in Orzhov colors so you need to use them. Maybe the best spot removal ever printed, barring Assassin's Trophy from GRN.

Cryptolith Rite is disgusting. You've played slivers so you know how good Gemhide is. This is too. I think this is a must.

Zulaport Cutthroat is nice redundancy for your combo win and also nice incidental lifegain (which helps counteract Dark Prophecy's life cost).

Forgotten Ancient is bonkers. Will always become a threat and require removal. It's just good.

Hangarback Walker is solid. Dump whatever mana you have into it, gives you something to do EoT, and you'll almost always get the death trigger since your commander is a sac outlet.

Rishkar, Peema Renegade is basically a second Cryptolith Rite. It's just good and low mana cost.

Scavenging Ooze. Graveyard hate is good, and incidental synergy with counter is even better. Just a super efficient card and usually comes something that needs to be removed sooner rather than later. Using the ability as an instant in response to a 'return from graveyard' spell is a joy.

Abzan Charm is good at any point of the game. Removal, counters, card advantage. Maybe the best charm out of all of them. Cannot be overstated. This is a must include.

You have no boardwipes. What the hell. You need at least 4 in almost every deck, but you will be fine with 3 here since you have Elspeth and Dictate of Erebos. I recommend Day of Judgment, Merciless Eviction (best boardwipe ever printed ever), Austere Command (wipe everything but your 0 CMC tokens and you'll usually open a board up for swings) and Living Death. More on Living Death below.

Living Death is a pet card of mine. Mostly because of how bonkers it is. 5 mana for a boardwipe that makes everyone sac their hexproof/indestructible creatures, and then get's you everything you need back. Ideally you'll have something like Aura Shards or Dictate out as you cast this to thin your opponents board afterwards. Also, with Anafenza, Necrogenesis, Scavenging Ooze and Bojuka Bog, you should be getting more value back than anyone else consistently.

Dread Return is good. 4 mana to bring something back is the going rate and saccing 3 creatures to bring something back is double upside since more often than not saccing creatures is good. With Blood Artist that gains you 3 life and someone loses 3, with Fecundity or Dark Prophecy, you just drew 3 cards for FREE. Stupid.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed if you have the money. Mikaeus, the Lunarch if you don't. Neither are super required, but both are good.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is always always always a powerhouse. Clears the board and puts you absurdly far ahead in terms of board presence. If you have the money, put it in.

I know you're not huge on tutors, but Razaketh, the Foulblooded and Sidisi, Undead Vizier are good. Can help find answers or just combo pieces to close out a long game. If you only want one, put Razaketh because at the end of the day, an 8/8 flample for 8 is good.

Carrion Feeder is good because instant speed sac outlets with incidental counter value is good. Sac a creature, get a counter, remove counter to get another creature is good. Essentially, with Fecundity/Dark Prophecy, Ghave, and Carrion Feeder out, they read "Pay 1 mana, draw a card" and that's good. Add in Blood Artist and it's even better, and add in Pir and Ashnod's and you win. 5/6 card combos are still combos. Also Carrion is a 1 mana sac outlet and that's really good.

Requiem Angel is a card I've always wanted to use but never found the place. This might be it, chief. Essentially doubling your token count for ability activations and sac triggers, plus turns your measly 1/1 saps into 1/1 fliers, which is a huge boost.

I'd remove Aura Mutation and replace it with both Putrefy and Mortify. The reason is that I often find myself holding onto Aura Mutation hoping to get good value from it, but oftentimes I should just use it on a 2 drop enchantment like Cryptolith Rite or something. Mortify and Putrify also double as modal cards, making them never a dead card if you draw them.

You need more ramp. There is no way around it. But you need more. Cultivate, Kodamas, Nature's Lore, Farseek, etc etc. No mana rocks besides Sol Ring. You're green, use it. You could also run things like Primal Druid that give value when they die, since this is a sacrifice deck. I'd scryfall "dies/enter search library land battlefield" and choose your favorite.

Mindless Automaton just seems fun. Depending on how easy it is to put counters on stuff, this may work. Early cut for sure.

Thats all I got for now. I'll comment again if I think of more.

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