Aphotic Wisps

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aphotic Wisps


Target creature becomes black and gains fear until end of turn.

Draw a card.

Goblin_Guide on Munch

3 years ago

Aaah MAN I can NOT beLIEVE I forgot about Hymn to Tourach, I'm so disappointed in myself.

The comment about the interaction is totally true, I really wanted to try out the strategy of suicide black and didn't really think about interaction too much. I'll probably take your advice and add in some Dismember and some Inquisition of Kozilek, those are both pretty good and well within budget range for me.

Cling to Dust is pretty good, I'll try it out in place of Cremate, the reason I have those (and Aphotic Wisps) is because I just really love cantrip effects; mostly irrational, but I like them nonetheless.

Rouse is really fun as a combat trick with a Death's Shadow, but you might be right about it not having high enough impact on the game; maybe I'll try out Cruel Bargain instead. But, only a couple, I want to keep the CMC down, the other slots will likely be for interaction.

I really enjoy playing Village Rites just as a card, especially post combat with it being the only card in my hand, but yes, it is a really really bad topdeck. I might cut some number for other card draw, but if I ever do end up with Unearth in the main I will likely bump the number up again.

Speaking of Unearth, yes, the sideboard is more of a maybeboard; it's filled mostly with cards I enjoy playing in this strategy, or just don't have room for.

For more removal, I'll mix it up with an assortment of some of the cards you suggested.

Thanks so much for the suggestions Draly, I have virtually no experience with the legacy format so it's nice to have someone with insight to offer.

Draly on Munch

3 years ago

Always happy to see Sui-Black ! It used to be my deck of choice when I first started playing legacy competitively, it's a nice budget option for beginners. It has been a while since I last played it but I still have a good grasp of the format as a whole, so, if I may, I'd like to give you some advice. I think an ideal version deck can reach about 40% winrate when played perfectly (you probably won't win tournaments but you will not get destroyed either), but I also think yours may need a few tweaks. I'll try to be mindful of the budget constraint.

What strikes me when I look at your deck is the lack of interaction, one of the core components that makes Sui-Black viable in legacy is the access to efficient discard. If toughtseize is too expensive Duress and Inquisition of Kozilek can play the role just fine. I also don't think you should neglet Hymn to Tourach, on turn 2 it can sometimes be an instant win if for example you hit your opponents lands.

I'd get rid of Cremate and some number of Rouse and Aphotic Wisps, those cards simply don't do enough. Cremate, unless you know your meta is incredibly graveyard centric is too inconsenquential; yes it's card neutral but you still pay mana and tempo to essentially do nothing. If you still want to have access to this kind of effects for whatever reason I advise you to play Cling to Dust instead which can serve as card advantage later in the game. Regarding the other two, first you seem a little creature light to me, then they are an horrendous top deck, they open the door to 2-for-1s from your opponent and, even in the best case scenario, they're simply not that good. Rouse's kind of effects especially are usually not worth a card.

Similarly I don't really understand the presence of Village Rites... Your deck does not synergize with this kind of effects and I'm not sure you want to sac your already few creatures. If it's there to cash in targets of opposing removal, it's not really worth it. And, once again, terrible top deck. It's the kind of trap cards that feel good when they work but that we don't blame for losing because we usually don't think about what would have happened if we drew something else. You'd better be playing Sign in Blood (which also can double as a burn spell) or Cruel Bargain. Similarly I think Spoils of the Vault is somewhat of a trap too, but the card is both fun and unique enough that I won't complain :p

You could probably play more removal. There are the usual suspects Fatal Push, Dismember, Eliminate, Bloodchief's Thirst... But being mono-B you also have access to more niche options like Gatekeeper of Malakir, Geth's Verdict or even Spinning Darkness.

I won't touch on the SB too much, it needs to be tuned to your meta, but right now it looks more like a "maybe board" to me.

I hope you'll find this useful and I'd encourage you to take a look at this forum http://www.legacy-france.org/index.php?showtopic=13440&st=0 It's in french but decklists are in english and you may find interesting choices of cards in there. I especially like the first list, though it's a bit old and more on the controlling side than yours.

Lanzo493 on theoretically worst deck

3 years ago

Another issue with Celestial Dawn is it makes all your creatures white. So, to make it harder, you'd have to run Cerulean Wisps, Crimson Wisps, Aphotic Wisps, and Viridescent Wisps.

Deathfeather on Shiki no uta

4 years ago

King saproling! Thanks so much for the upvote and suggestions! lets start on the positives, Strata Scythe , Not of This World , Aphotic Wisps , Expedition Map , Eternal Thirst , Blade of the Bloodchief , and Sadistic Glee are all amazing! ill put them into my maybeboard for consideration! they all fit the theme of the deck super well, but the deck is kind of tightly packed as it is, so itll be hard to incorporate them. the other cards are alright in some cases, but the Glaring Spotlight i already have enough anti hexproof with the two lands and shadowspear, Hatred isnt honorable! it one shots my opponent, but then i paid a whole lot of life and i only kill 1 person, so eh. Necrologia for the same reason of paying a lot of life, and then Tsabo's Decree , Wail of the Nim and Manascape Refractor all feel a little underwhelming, but thanks for the suggestions! have a good one!

king-saproling on Shiki no uta

4 years ago

Shiki No Uta is a jam!! Check out the song "Books of War" by Omegah Red/MF Doom when you have a chance, I think you'll like it.

And nice deck, great choice of basic lands haha. These might interest you: Glaring Spotlight, Strata Scythe, Hatred, Necrologia, Tsabo's Decree, Not of This World, Aphotic Wisps, Wail of the Nim, Manascape Refractor, Expedition Map, Eternal Thirst, Blade of the Bloodchief, Sadistic Glee

multimedia on Big Black Deck (K'rrik)

4 years ago

Hey, yes Insidious Dreams is an underrated, underplayed, tutor and it's an instant. If you have or can get Yawgmoth's Will then definitely add it. I didn't see that you're playing Zombie Infestation and you're right it can make a Zombie for Gravecrawler as long as you have two cards to discard which can be faster than Dreadhorde Invasion. I'm honestly not a fan of Infestation, but if it's working for you then great.

Other ways to consider to make your deck more competitive is more speed. Lower the avg. CMC with more one drops; cards that make mana and/or cards that can draw. One drops that draw can draw you cards faster because you don't have to pay mana for them as well as put more counters on Krrik faster. One drops that make mana are helpful to make mana for colorless mana costs of cards to assemble combos faster.

Rain of Filth and Bubbling Muck are powerful when playing a lot of Swamps. Culling the Weak and Sacrifice is good with Krrik or other creatures. All four of these cards can be particularly helpful when you're trying to assemble Aetherflux + Citadel which needs seven colorless mana. Sacrifice makes seven mana by sacing Krrik. Krrik is not needed after you assemble this combo and Sacrifice is an instant. You can pay Phyrexian mana for Citadel, pay Phyrexian mana for Sacrifice, sac Krrik to then make mana to pay for the rest of the combo.

Black one drops that draw to consider (I'm honestly only a fan of Wisps): Aphotic Wisps, Cremate, Scarab Feast, Fade from Memory. Cycling can be paid for with Phyrexian mana.

For your current deck there's less reasons to play so many high CMC creatures because you're winning with combo. Vilis, Razaketh, Pontiff, Sidisi and Gray are the best here. Instead of playing others, you could replace them lower CMC cards or other tutors: Mastermind's Acquisition and Dark Petition which can find important combo pieces. Tutors taking up high CMC card spots can better advance your game plan of winning with a combo rather than just having a big creature on the battlefield.

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