Does Hexproof stop Reflector Mage's bounce ability?

Asked by Mtgkhans1989 8 years ago

Relatively new to MTG and only been playing at FNM's for a short while and recently returned after a long time away from the game.

There are a couple of people at the FNM I go to who run Reflector Mages and one stage last week I was playing against one of these players with a Green/Black delirium deck I put together.

I played an Autumnal Gloom  Flip, delirium was in effect so in my end step it triggered and became Ancient of the Equinox  Flip 4/4 Trample Hexproof.

I passed the turn and my opponent cast a Reflector Mage and 'bounced' the Ancient.

My understanding of Hexproof was that it protects the creature or player against any spells or abilities which specifically state "target creature of player" and Reflector Mage's ability is worded as "target creature". In that case does Hexproof not protect Ancient from this?

Korombos says... Accepted answer #1

You are correct. Unless your opponent was running some other spell that allowed them to disregard hexproof, Bonds of Mortality for example, they should not be able to target a creature you control that has hexproof either with spells or abilities. Cards like Altered Ego that say "choose" or have other wording than "target" can get around hexproof.

May 20, 2016 11:38 a.m.

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