I really love the War Doctor. The War Doctor's attack trigger is amazing! And it's quite easy to get counters on him and to double up his triggers. Let me explain:

There is a specific wording on the War Doctor that is similar to Laelia, the Blade Reforged's ruling "If a player is instructed to exile cards from their library "until" a certain event occurs, that player exiles those cards one at a time. Laelia's last ability will trigger that many times." Whenever you exile cards, if you have to check, you get multiple counters (for example, exile until you get a nonland permanent; you have to "check" the card to see if it's a non-land permanent before you exile the next card. It's a separate event and gets you a new time counter each time.) This is why things like Grasp of Fate and The Parting of the Ways are okay (you get one counter for exiling multiple cards) but things like The Day of the Doctor and Plargg and Nassari are fantastic, and nets multiple triggers.

Rose Tyler makes for a nice partner commander. She can get really big really easily and takes focus away from the War Doctor (she's the diversion). Clara Oswald, Yasmin, and Ryan Sinclair would make for pretty good alternative choices as well. Clara doubles the Doctor's effects and Ryan helps exile nonland cards to give the Doctor time counters. Clara is just a tad more expensive than I wanted, and Ryan's ability to cast things is useless (for me) since you won't be able to cast things for their suspended cost and most things are more expensive than his power.

Clara Oswald, or if you want to add Strionic Resonator and Lithoform Engine, would double up the Doctor's effect. There's additionally, tons of protection for the War Doctor, like Plaza of Heroes, Boros Charm, and Robe of Stars among others. Reconnaissance, Maze of Ith, and other-like effects are there to make sure the Doctor doesn't accidentally die to combat damage.

Worldfire is in here for an interesting win. Throw some things into exile or suspend them. Worldfire and then win in subsequent rounds via combat. Hiding some creatures behind Grasp of Fate, The Pandorica, or The Moment would let them survive Worldfire, I believe. Of course you can also use Clever Concealment or Gallifrey Falls / No More to hide creatures as well. And of course, you can accidentally cast Worldfire using The Parting of the Ways or Sibylline Soothsayer.

Additionally, you can win the same way with Out of Time as you can with Worldfire. And sometimes you might cast Out of Time accidentally (keep that in mind, cause it might screw you and everyone else). See The Parting of the Ways.

Edit: Goddammit. I forgot about Norin the Wary. I'm taking out Calibrated Blast.


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91% Casual


Date added 6 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.56
Tokens Dinosaur 2/2 RW, Treasure
Folders Two Colour Commander, Decks I want, ReBuild
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