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The Greatest Show on Earth - Merrow Wizardry

Commander / EDH Casual Combo GWU (Bant) Merfolk Wizards



Presenting The Greatest Show on Earth

- Merrow Wizardry

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Derevi, Empyrial Tactician embraces the party spirit and loves to make merry...

This is a casual and fun deck which capitalizes on the tapping synergies embedded in Derevi, Empyrial Tactician and within the Merfolk tribe.

The deck aims to win in the following ways:

  1. The deck is primarily a combo deck with various lines to victory;

  2. We can also soft lock our opponents' board with Opposition, Surgespanner and the other Tap Shenanigans; or

  3. Let your opponents feel the tidal wrath of the merfolks.

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician takes the path less travelled...

  1. While IXL and RIX feature mainly Simic Merfolks, going into Bant grants us access to many useful merfolks like Judge of Currents and Stonybrook Schoolmaster, awesome spells like Enlightened Tutor, Ghostway and Teferi's Protection.

  2. Derevi, Empyrial Tactician's ability to tap/untap a permanent when our creatures connect and when she ETBs synergises well with the central theme of this deck too.

  3. The deck features the marriage of 2 tribal themes - Merfolk and Wizard, and Derevi, Empyrial Tactician fits well thematically as a wizard herself.

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician hand-picks her compatriots wisely...

You are the chosen one if you:

  1. like casual, fun, non cut-throat play styles;

  2. like amassing a huge army;

  3. enjoy mind boggling and complex interactions and tap/untap shenanigans.

Look elsewhere, you won't swim well with the Mermaids if you:

  1. like summoning big scary monsters that instantly strikes fear in your opponents, think Eldrazi, Dinosaurs, Dragons... RAWR;

  2. consider any decks that doesn't win by turn 4 or earlier slow and boring;

  3. like to be in control with your trustworthy counter magic, board wipes and answers to most, if not all, threats your opponents have.

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician is the master of deception, striking her foes when they least expected...

  1. At this stage, we should lie low and go under the radar as much as possible.

  2. This would allow us to amass a small army of seemingly harmless and weak Merfolks. Don't feel compelled to attack with them at this stage.

  3. Bring Derevi, Empyrial Tactician in where the opportunity arises (since we don't have to worry about her Commander Tax).

  1. Round up our combo pieces, using tutors or the various draw engines in the deck.

  2. Set up the pieces where applicable (some combo pieces are better kept in your hand until the turn you want to combo off (e.g. Isochron Scepter, Paradox Engine) as they are usually the prime targets for removal.

  1. When the stars are aligned, it's time to put pieces in place and combo off for the win.

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician gets the job done, elegantly...


Intruder Alarm + Stonybrook Schoolmaster - Infinite Merfolk Tokens and untaps all your other creatures at the same time for other shenanigans!

Benefactor's Draught + Isochron Scepter or Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter + Either one of the following Citanul Hierophants, Cryptolith Rite or Earthcraft - Infinite Mana

An alternative to Isochron Scepter is Sigil Tracer + Another Wizard:

  1. Cast Benefactor's Draught or Dramatic Reversal

  2. Pay and tap Sigil Tracer and the Wizard to copy the instant on the stack

  3. Let the copy resolve, untapping your creatures

  4. Go to Step 2 and rinse and repeat for as many times as possible (depending on how many you're able to pay), this can go infinite if you've Citanul, Rite or Earthcraft in play with sufficient creatures to keep the combo going

Freed from the Real or Pemmin's Aura enchanted one of the following creatures, with any Tap Outlet. Using Earthcraft, Cryptolith Rite or Paradise Mantle would allow us to go infinite!

A) Fallowsage - Draw a card for each spent to untap the creature. Infinite draws when combined with one of the mana producing tap outlets mentioned above.

B) Judge of Currents - Gain 1 life for each spent or gain infinite life with the above-mentioned tap outlets.

C) Stonybrook Schoolmaster - Produces a 1/1 Merfolk Wizard Token for each spent or produces infinite tokens when combined with the above-mentioned tap outlets.

D) Grimoire Thief - Potential to exile all your opponents' library for instant win!

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician doesn't thrive in solidarity, she loves all the companionship and support she can get...

Here are the different Custom Categories and explanation of individual cards, as well as why certain popular cards were excluded.

Tap Outlets

Azami, Lady of Scrolls - Merfolk Wizards are aplenty for us to profit from the extra card draw

Citanul Hierophants - Turn your creatures into "mana rocks"

Cryptolith Rite - See above

Chord of Calling - Tutor with built in cost reduction by tapping your creatures!

Drowner of Secrets - A possible Wincon by decking out your opponents

Earthcraft - One of the strongest tap outlets with its low CMC and ability to churn out mana via your newly summoned creatures/tokens

Mothdust Changeling - 1 CMC tap outlets are always welcomed

Opposition - Provides some soft lock and control when needed

Sigil Tracer - Unlike the other tap outlets who doesn't not require mana to activate, being able to copy an instant/sorcery spell is a powerful effect still

Smuggler's Copter - A flying tap outlet which provides a looting effect when it attacks, pretty sweet

When your creatures become tapped

Fallowsage - I want more MORE MORE cards!

Judge of Currents - I want more MORE MORE life!

Stonybrook Schoolmaster - I want more MORE MORE creatures!

Surgespanner - Awesome card to kept your opponents' threats in check or use to bounce your own permanents to milk Intruder Alarm effect for its worth.

Notable Exclusions

To Arms! - Similar effects with Benefactor's Draught, possible addition to increase redundancy for more consistent combo wins, a possible inclusion if you've space for it. I went with Benefactor's cause it's a green spell.

Other Merfolk Lords like Merfolk Sovereign and Merfolk Mistbinder - The theme of this deck is to maximize the tap/untap synergies so I've excluded these 2 as they're more suited in a beatdown theme.

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Any constructive feedback and suggestions are welcomed. Have fun folks!


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  1. True-Name Nemesis - Finally got a copy of the card!


  1. Citanul Hierophants - Sadly one of my long serving creature has to make way for True-Name Nemesis. His service will be missed. This also brings my tap outlet down from 11 to 10, which should still suffice, giving our card draws and tutors.


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Revision 15 See all

(8 months ago)

-1 Hullbreacher maybe
+1 Thieving Skydiver maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #36 position overall 5 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 8 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.57
Tokens Merfolk Wizard 1/1 U
Folders Commander Decks, Derevi, Cool Decks, Creative Decks, EDH Decks to Build, cool ideas, Interesse, Cool Decks that Inspire Me
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