
Oh hey! Didnt see you there. You're probably wondering why I decided to make a deck around Tymaret, the Murder King; and that is a very valid question. He has a notable reputation as being one of the worst commanders in EDH. But I say BULLOCKS to that! He has some good points and I'll not hear another word on the matter!

Main Concept

Let's take a look at some of Tymaret's good points. His cost is BR; that's REALLY CHEAP in commander. If he dies you won't be hurting as much to cast him again. But you probably won't be casting him again.

His two activated abilities allow you to sacrifice creatures to A) deal 2 damage and B) bring him back from the graveyard to your hand which gives him incredible staying power and AVOIDS COMMANDER TAX. This is nifty because he's a sac outlet both on the field and in the graveyard. Basically you have a sac outlet AT ALL TIMES. The 2 damage isn't really the main draw here; it's the death trigger you care about.

Can you see where this is going yet? This is a straight-up aristocrat deck. Not exactly a "top-tier" strategy, but this deck will definitely give your friend's decks a run for their money and can pull some surprising wins.

Now, the next star of the deck is Gravecrawler. Since Tymaret is a zombie, gravecrawler comes crawling back from the graveyard every time he dies (not that you needed me to explain the obvious). This makes him the perfect fodder for Tymaret's sac outlets. So tutor him to your hand as fast as possible. Now that we've discussed the main concept of the deck, let's move onto win conditions.

Win Conditions

To no ones surprise, an aristocrat deck is trying to win with death triggers; which is why the Tymaret + Gravecrawler combo is so important. However, because several monsters in the deck can come back to the field from the graveyard, we can also win with ETB triggers. Can we go infinite? Why yes. Yes we can. Enter Phyrexian Altar. How does this work? We use triggers like Purphoros, God of the Forge, Impact Tremors, Warstorm Surge, Blood Artist, etc. Use the altar to sac Gravecrawler, use the mana produced to summon him back, then rinse and repeat until your opponent(s) are dead. This is the main way the deck wins. I built in redundancies for the triggers with cards like Judith, the Scourge Diva and Mayhem Devil. Plenty of other redundancies to Phyrexian Altar in Vampiric Rite and Goblin Bombardment to deal damage when you sac. You also have Skullclamp to help with card draw to help get your combo pieces faster.

Securing The Win

There are plenty of tutors and draw cards to help you acquire your combo cards. We are black after all. Notable mentions to Sidisi, Undead Vizier and Diabolic Intent. They act as an obvious set up to acquire phyrexian altar. Then you have the classics like Diabolic Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Entomb, and Buried Alive if you need to dump your enablers to the graveyard.

Gravecrawler is easily the best creature for this strategy since he can come back to the field with no other restriction other than a B mana. Any player worth their salt is going to try and exile him from the graveyard somehow; this is why we need a backup plan. We're running several little guys that can self-revive. The next best thing is Bloodghast. Generally only useful for one death trigger or ETB per turn, but at least he's free to revive from the grave. However, having BB for your mana cost is harder to work with which is why we're running cards like Armillary Sphere and Myriad Landscape to at least ensure we have double black mana. The next 3 creatures all fill the same role for the same cost: Tenacious Dead, Gutterbones, and Reassembling Skeleton.

The Dictates

Now for the truly awful part of the deck. It's a sacrifice-based deck. Did you think I had forgotten about these bad boys? No way. This is how you win if you can't get your actual win cons for some reason, or Phyrexian Altar gets blown up (which is likely to happen). You must simply keep your opponent's boards empty while you hit with small creatures or do chip damage from sacrifice effects and death triggers. Let's start with the important ones: Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos. These are the ones that you want at all times. Assuming you don't have these by turn 5, you have friends to help you. Fleshbag Marauder, Plaguecrafter, and Merciless Executioner.

Time For Murder

Speaking of keeping your opponents creatures off the field: we're gonna run a far amount of removal ranging from Feed the Swarm all the way up to Blasphemous Act. Tymaret is the Murder King after all so why should he be restricted to only your creatures? Tymaret loves being a menace to everyone, even his name is menacing. Though we can thank that to "R" being the most menacing sounding letter in the alphabet.

Mana Ramp and Sacrificial Fodder

Lastly, let's talk about some of the fodder and ramp in the deck. We are of course running the classic Sol Ring and because we are playing a Rakdos deck we are running Rakdos Signet., among other mana rocks/fetch artifacts. We also have sac outlets that act as mana ramp Priest of Forgotten Gods will act as a sac outlet and ramp at the same time.


That's all I have to say about the deck. Anything else I haven't mentioned is mostly just Black and Red good stuff. Even though Tymaret is a relatively weak commander, you'd be wise not to ignore him since we have multiple ways to capitalize on his sac outlets; DEVESTATING ways. Lemme know what you think and +1 plz :)


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92% Casual


Date added 9 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.85
Tokens Demon 5/5 B, Rat 1/1 B, Snake 1/1 B, Treasure
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