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Omnath, the Toolbox Enabler

Commander / EDH Mono-Green Ramp



Omnath, Locus of Mana allows us to play huge toolbox creatures.

Compiled from these articles.

Ondu is a continent in the southwestern quadrant of Zendikar that juts into the Silundi Sea. The continent shows signs of influence from ancient civilizations, but it is nature that dominates here, taking precedence over small settlements of humans, kor, goblins, and merfolk.

Of the legendary places of Ondu, none is surrounded by more controversy than that of the Prison of Omnath. Omnath was supposedly a divine manifestation of the ferocious mana of Zendikar, a being that can be found in some incarnation in many creation myths of the plane. Some call Omnath the "flickering heart," the origin of the primal mana that pulses throughout Zendikar. Despite the uncertainty of Omnath's actual existence, a real site on a high mesa of Ondu has been dubbed the Prison of Omnath.

If one travels to the top of this mesa, through the dense forest that crowns it, and into a murky mire at the grove's heart where shadows move and twist, one can find the binding circle that surrounds the entrance to Omnath's prison. A complex arrangement of strange globular swamp-growths, stone hedrons, and animal bones, the circle creates an eerie sensation in those who approach it. The effect deters living beings from approaching the circle's center, where a huge pit leads deep into the ground - hence, few travelers even come close to opening it. Those who have gotten close have died to the destructive surges of power that lash out from the circle.

According to some, the pit in the center leads into the Soul Stair, an infinitely-long spiral staircase reportedly leading down into the bowels of the world. The Stair connects the relatively rational surface world with a seething, surreal void below, the place where Omnath, a being composed of raw mana, is forever imprisoned.

Religious pilgrims from across Zendikar travel to the Prison of Omnath on a twice-yearly basis to perform the Ritual of Lights, a ceremony designed to protect the world from the release of Omnath. In their view, Omnath is a malevolent, chaotic, primeval force, and its release would represent the destruction of most forms of life. They encircle the site with seventy-seven candles and chant prayers and songs, believing that the ritual strengthens the magical "walls" that make up the Prison.

But Zendikar is changing. The old bonds that have kept Zendikar dormant have been broken.

An assault by land-elementals has interrupted the Ritual of Lights. The attack wounded and killed a number of the humanoid ritualists, ending the chants and scattering the sacred candles.


Many of the Omnath, Locus of Mana decks I saw online go one of two routes:

I'm not Timmy enough to go with the first version, and Voltron decks seem a bit boring to me. But I like EtB effects and green has quite a few good ones.
In this deck, I try to take out all opposing threats with toolbox creatures, for which I run a plethora of tutors.
My wincon is a mixture of the archetypes mentioned above. Once silly things like Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, Grave Pact or Akroma's Memorial are off the board, I go in for huge swings with Omnath, Locus of Mana or with my toolbox creatures.

  • Acidic Slime - Hits everything except creatures and planeswalkers and comes with a Deathtouch body. Always happy to cast him.
  • Reclamation Sage - Acidic Slime's less powerful but cheaper sister.
  • Brutalizer Exarch - I don't want to see this permanent. No, not even in your graveyard!
  • Woodfall Primus - Great body, great effect, great card.
  • Terastodon - A 9/9 for that can singlehandedly destroy all my opponent's dreams or give me tokens in exchange for some land? Yes, please!
  • Bane of Progress - I run quite a lot of artifacts and enchantments, so this potentially fucks me up, too. But there are games where artifacts or enchantments just dominatae the table, so it's important to be able to wipe them.
  • Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury - Not a creature, but too good to pass up.

  • Meteor Golem - It's certainly not the best card out here, but it's solid.
  • The Great Aurora - Nobody expects that one. Basically resets the game, but usually favours me, as I can just cast Omnath, Locus of Mana again and don't lose the stored mana.

  • Sylvan Library - With 40 starting life, this one is very powerful. I usually take all cards, if I'm over 20 life. Not so powerful late-game, but smoothing out my draws is good, too.
  • Lifecrafter's Bestiary - The extra really shouldn't be a problem. The scry is a nice bonus.
  • Regal Force - Even with only 2 or 3 other creatures out, this is good. Flickering it is amazing.
  • Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury - Her ultimate is a Regal Force. But mostly I alternatingly destroy stuff with and make some Llanowar Elves with her first two abilities...
  • Rishkar's Expertise - Even without Omnath on the field, I hvae enough huge creatures to warrant a spot for this.
  • Genesis Wave - Well, it's not really card draw, but insane card advantage. Even for = it hits so much value...

  • Green Sun's Zenith, Chord of Calling, Finale of Devastation - Tutors that put the creatures directly onto the battlefield are great. The Zenith is is also first-turn ramp with Dryad Arbor.
  • Fauna Shaman - A tutorable tutor! And you can activate it more than once! And it gets Genesis into your graveyard! Stupid thing is, I need a creature in my hand, which isn't always the case.
  • Fierce Empath - Finds my bigger creatures and is great to flicker.
  • Woodland Bellower - A very decent body that brings with it one of my smaller toolbox creatures? Sounds good.
  • Brutalizer Exarch - Usually I just tuck something with him, but the tutor ability is there...
  • Citanul Flute - Tutoring and casting Terastodon gets a bit epensive, but in most cases, I have more than enough mana.
  • Eldritch Evolution, Birthing Pod, Wild Pair - What's better than casting your toolbox creatures? Correct, using them to get the next one.
  • Summoner's Pact - Basically a free tutor. If I win that turn, the upkeep cost doesn't matter. Even if I don't win, some threats need an immidiate answer, which may be too expansive for another tutor. I actually lost with this once by casting it second turn and then having my mana elves destroyed :(
  • Planar Bridge - Expensive, but it's repeatable and searches for any permanent. Well worth it.

These are cards that were suggested multiple times or just seem like they would be good in here.

  • Big Stompy Creatures. I realize they are powerful cards and Omnath, Locus of Mana makes them easy to cast. They don't fit in this deck, though. I want to play toolbox creatures that deal with opposing threats. If it's a problem and not a problem solver, it doesn't belong in here.
  • Green EDH staples that aren't creatures. I try to maintain a high creature count for Garruk, Caller of Beasts and all my creature tutors. This is, after all, a toolbox deck.
  • Helix Pinnacle - It was in the first draft. Personally, I think it's kinda boring. Also, I Never. Fucking. Ever. got it off. Either I just hadn't the mana or it was destroyed.
  • Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - I've had two problems with this guy:

    • He's very oppressive. Often, I couldn't just end the game shortly after I played him. So, if noone had an immidiate answer, my opponents sat at the table, doing nothing much (that is the point of him, after all), watching me struggle to end it all. We all saw this as a problem: They asked me to remove him shortly after I came to the same decision.
    • Bribery. I'm okay with my own Terastodon destroying my stuff. But killing a creature can be hard for this deck even without my lands not untapping.
  • Oblivion Stone, Nevinyrral's Disk, All is Dust - I don't really need them. In most games, I just get rid of their stuff and beat them down with Omnath, Locus of Mana and my toolbox creatures. If their board becomes too oppressing, I have The Great Aurora, which works in my favour most of the time.

Ramp. Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, Sol Ring, Joraga Treespeaker or (my favourite) Green Sun's Zenith for Dryad Arbor. I will mulligan to 5 cards to have one of these in my opening hand. If I don't, I sit around, twiddling my thumbs, hearing a sigh of relief from all around me.

Omnath, Locus of Mana. If I did nothing on turn 1, now is the time for Sylvan Library, Fauna Shaman, Wall of Blossoms or Elvish Visionary.

Store mana in Omnath, ramp, occasionally swing with Omnath. Most importantly, react to opposing threats by tutoring for and casting the right answer.

Give Omnath, Locus of Mana evasion or turn your creatures into huge tramplers with Craterhoof Behemoth, Pathbreaker Ibex or Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. Genesis Wave can give you any of that or be just a huge card advantage.

Suggestions are very welcome.

Take a look at my other decks: hyperlocke

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Original Image by James Arnold


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The last sets brought some great cards for this deck.

Strionic Resonator and Planar Portal got upgraded to Panharmonicon and Planar Bridge. Not really much to say about that. These are just so much better...

Cloudthresher got replaced by Lifecrafter's Bestiary. I never liked the Thresher much. It has a huge body, but the effect was too weak. The Bestiary gives me extra card draw, which overweighs that I replaced a creature with a non-creature.

Beast Within got replaced by Eldritch Evolution. Beast is an absolute green staple, so that one was hard. But I want Evolution as another tutor, and running Beast in a toolbox creature deck always irked me a little.

Verdant Confluence got replaced by Loaming Shaman. I realized that it's more important to be able to hose opposing graveyards than to return stuff from my graveyard.

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Revision 58 See all

(10 months ago)

-1 Forest main
-1 Tranquil Frillback maybe
+1 Witch's Clinic main
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.82
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Treasure, Wurm 6/6 G
Folders EDH Decks, interesting Cmandr, Commander, EDH, decks, X Decks, EDH, Watch, EDH, Decks of Intrigue
Ignored suggestions
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