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Nahiri Boom Creativity?

Modern RBW (Mardu)



Enchantment (8)

Instant (3)

Sorcery (4)

Deck Thesis: We can get away with running Flagstones of Trokair for upside AND creativity, if we get rid of the flagstones before we go off either by wildfiring into turn 3 dwarf + creativity, or by busting it and an opponent's land. Boom works with fetchlands too, wildfire kills sagas, and maybe we can imitate the boros boom/bust decks and have archon+creativity as a payoff.

update 1: Ok, so I get that the manabased traditionally would conflict a lot, but boom is pretty ok with fetchlands too, right? you can't do it turn 2 which is obviously a massive downside BUT if we run 1 drop removal we can maximize the t3 boom by for example bolting something with the land we snag, to make it better than just having more pillage in that slot. I'm probably cutting blood moon but I'm just playing with some boros cards for a really bad first draft haha.

update 2: Ok blood moon is gone. Flagstones is awkward with creativity but hear me out, it really only pushes us to turn 5 mine-creativity at worst, and at best we go wildfire flagstones turn 2 fetch up sacred foundry (should I add triome?) plus grabbing a mountain, for turn 3 creativity or nahiri, then we have a metric ton of bolt effects to hopefully sweep up the board as well. Not sure on specifics yet but feels like there *could be some there there. OR we boom flagstones turn 2/3 anyways to pillage and turn it into a sacred foundry putting us right back on track for turn 4 creativity.

Update 3: torn between archon package and emrakul+emmisary, or just a single emrakul. On one hand archons maximize X=1 value in the face of things like solitude, where emrakul emmisary is a toss up, and we really like x=1 on turn 3 as that's part of the strength of the deck is it is possible to t3 something out. On the other hand, we don't get the same kind of value from discarding them off nahiri, but maybe that's only marginal... ulting nahiri with an archon should be a very strong play anyways, but if we plan on that and creativities without the traditional superfriends backup plan creativity has, we may fall flat when we draw the archons especially since we aren't leaving room to hardcast them... unless I sneak 2 mardu triomes in? They still get found off flagstones, and with 25 lands I feel ok having 2 be taplands. 4c and 5c creativity are on 3 triomes. hmm... manabase running out of room though as expected.

Update 4: Archons are the thing to play, I think I'm finding out. Very very torn on the Strike it Rich, I'm splashing 1 to playtest again but it's bad when it's bad, good when good... feels good to have a noncreature artifact maker for a better x=1 target.

I also think if we are leaning this hard on the nahiri get attack trigger plan we need 4 archons not 3, which eats into the deck more than the single emrakul+emmisary. But idk. I have playtested with this deck very little.


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91% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 4 Mythic Rares

24 - 8 Rares

12 - 3 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.34
Tokens Dwarf 1/1 R, Elemental 1/1 R, Treasure
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