So... Why the hell would anyone want to build yet another Phenax mill deck? The short answer is because I have a soft spot for it. The long answer is that this decklist is an attempted adjustment for the slow pace that often plagues mill decks. This is a rough first draft, not yet playtested.

The deck contains familiar favorites on the creature side, with Consuming Aberration, Tree of Perdition and Bruvac the Grandiloquent. These cards summarize the types of creatures in the deck: Gaining boosts from the milling, using high toughness to mill cards and defend, and enhancing/triggering milling effects. Duskmantle Guildmage sparks two infinite mill combos. There is more emphasis on creatures in this deck to take advantage of Phenax's ability and guard against aggro. More creatures means more flexibility-we aren't relying on a couple powerful sorcery spells and combos to mill out an opponent (or opponents).

Lands are not a large focus and will be adjusted to fit the deck's curve as I play with it more often. Artifacts are not prevalent in this deck and are primarily focused on producing mana for spells that, when combined with Mindcrank or Bruvac, the Grandiloquent, could cripple an opposing library or life total. The enchantments include most of the mainstays for mill.

Instants and sorceries are primarily focused with milling cards, countering spells, and drawing cards. This particular build is slightly more concerned with tutoring and drawing than the average mill EDH deck, though this is by design as the odds of winning increase dramatically against graveyard-based decks when we can eliminate the opposing advantage from our milling. The build may be relatively light on counter spells and spells stealing opposing cards, which may be adjusted, but the primary focus is to eliminate the opponent's odds to draw for a win-con as fast as possible. Mathematically, this appears to be the best way to mill against one oppononent... but multiple? Try not to play mill. The deck does include a higher-than-average volume of cards allowing for the mill of multiple opponents, but against multiple people the odds of winning by milling are far too low to be reliable. Cards like Syr Konrad, the Grim offer ways of disposing of opponents that don't require mill-outs, but time and mana are a concern in these cases.

Thank you for reading, and do provide constructive criticism. The deck was pared down from a 140-card list to get down to 99, so it is likely I'll have considered a suggestion beforehand.


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93% Casual


Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month
Exclude colors WRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.04
Tokens Construct 0/0 C
Folders Yep Cock
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