Akuta is a terrible commander. So let's kill people with him.

If there’s something I get a kick out of in this glorious format we call Commander, it’s being a little different. It’s slapping down the legendary creature that everyone immediately wants to pick up in their grabby little paws so they can read it. Akuta fits this to a tee. If it’s his first time in a new group, I can watch someone scoop him up, mutter his rules text under their breath, then watch their faces scrunch in bewilderment. Oh, yeah. You read it right – straight outta Saviors.

So what's Akuta's deal? Well, let's take a look:

Akuta at a Glance Show

Okay, not the cheapest thing in the world, but we’re not exactly casting Avacyn, Angel of Hope here. Four mana means he can be seen turn 2 off a Sol Ring, and can be recast once or twice over the course of the game if he finds himself in the command zone again.

Creature type – Spirit

Black has a decently strong showing in the Spirit tribe, but if that’s your shtick, you’re probably using Iname, Death Aspect and running Akuta as one of the 99. So we won’t be doing anything with Akuta’s creature type here.

Combat stats: 3/2

Blegh. Four mana gets us so much more these days. Two toughness is a tough pill to swallow for four mana. 3 power isn’t terrible in mono-black, though. Hopefully his abilities save these underwhelming stats…

Ability #1: Haste

Huh. Well that’s kind of neat. Black doesn’t see haste terribly often. But where’s my evasion? You mean to tell me that four mana only gets me a 3/2 haste? I’m playing Commander with Vulshok Berserker at the helm?! Come on! Xiahou Dun gets frigging horsemanship (read: unblockable), and I get stuck with haste?! This is so fu- …oh there’s one more thing. Okay.

Ability #2: “At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have more cards in hand than each opponent, you may sacrifice a Swamp. If you do, return Akuta from your graveyard to the battlefield.”

Ummmm…… So I guess that makes him kind of hard to deal with? I think? Sacrificing a Swamp every time I want to bring him back is pretty harsh. Better than nothing, I guess. If anything, this means I can be liberal with board wipes and still threaten commander damage with no additional mana investment. Oh wait. I have to have the most cards in hand, too? Wizards, have you seen how people hoard cards in this format?! Give me a break! Okay, so we know what we have in the command zone. What exactly is our 99 looking to do to support him?

The Three Primary Strategies Show

Akuta also doesn't especially mind dying to your own sweepers, as long as his condition is met. Given that we'll be spending our mana on clearing away our opponents' cards (from the hand and/or the field), any of our own creatures that can recur themselves at little or no mana cost will fit the theme nicely. With minimal effort, you can turn your Damnation into a Plague Wind!

So we went to all this trouble to strip our opponents' hands and rain caustic goo on their creatures. Akuta is free... to be promptly outclassed by like 90% of the creatures that see play in Commander. A 3/2 will not get you very far on its own, even if it does deal Commander damage. So we'll be wanting to soup him up with power-boosting Equipment to quicken the clock. Mono-black is actually quite good at this, thanks to Swamps-matter Equipment like Lashwrithe, Nightmare Lash, and Strata Scythe. As with our self-recurring creatures, saving mana on equip costs will go a long way towards keeping up maximum pressure. Free equip costs are especially wonderful!

So you've got your beefy spirit slug plugging away at your opponents after they've run low on cards and board presence. Then the table becomes wise to your commander's true power - so they point a removal spell at Akuta. Sure, whatever. You have the most cards in hand, so just eat a Swamp and get him back!

Akuta promptly eats another removal spell. So you sacrifice a Swamp and get him back again.

Except now you find yourself a bit short of mana to further develop your board. Akuta might stick around, but he's smaller and easier to corral. With scant few lands in play, and a heap in your graveyard, your offensive has finally been stunted.

That's the bad timeline. So let's make a better one, with the help of a suite of cards that keep you from running out of lands. Crucible of Worlds will let you continue making land drops without losing a card from your hand. Sword of the Animist and Myriad Landscape will ramp you. Armillary Sphere and Liliana of the Dark Realms will fill your hand with more lands. Keep 'em coming!

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Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.19
Tokens Bird 1/1 B, Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms, Emblem Liliana, Waker of the Dead, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
Folders Decks for inspiration, Funni
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