Novablast Wurm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Novablast Wurm

Creature — Wurm

Whenever Novablast Wurm attacks, destroy all other creatures.

Stardragon on Blowing Stuff Up

2 years ago

I made this deck a while ago, it's nether competitive nor maybe even good idk. It theme is have all indestructible creatures than using non-bounce, non-exile, non -1/-1 and non-sacrifice board wipes to be the only one left on the field with creatures. Worldslayer was the inspiration for this deck since i never see it used was a way to make useable somehow and than why not add more Nukes? I could use some tinkering i think any ideas to make it for fun?

Link Board state getting you down? Try Nukes! not a great name but ehh

Boards wipes atm

Starstorm, Myojin of Cleansing Fire, Novablast Wurm, Blasphemous Act, Duneblast, End Hostilities, Kirtar's Wrath, Martial Coup, Star of Extinction, Sublime Exhalation, Supreme Verdict, Wrath of God, Worldslayer and my commander Child of Alara

Was thinking of adding Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Elspeth Tirel, Ajani Vengeant, Doomskar, Kaya's Wrath, Vanquish the Horde, Mageta the Lion and Phyrexian Rebirth thoughts?

DuTogira on What are people's thoughts on …

2 years ago

Here’s the exact thing about the social contract:
Commander as a format was designed very intentionally by wizards to be the social, fun, lax format.
It was designed to be what wizards has been pushing for YEARS with their premade 60 card decks, but never achieved: fun tabletop magic.
The kind of magic where your first few decks are literally composed of 200$ worth of cards from the 10 precon decks you bought, and you lose to Novablast Wurm because the damn thing can’t be blocked and all 3 pieces of removal in your deck were already spent on Terra Stompers, or you lose to King Macar, the Gold-Cursed + Smuggler's Copter because you hit a land pocket.
The most fun kind of magic I’ve ever played.

Of course, because magic has a winner and a loser, it attracts competitive people. People who have standard, modern, legacy, vintage, Canadian highlander, pauper, and more as competitive, regulated outlets.

The social contract is, at its core, really just an attempt from the glorious, fun loving casuals to get spikes to chill the F out for a game and just enjoy it.

To be completely frank, the only times I have ever seen someone struggle with the social contract in person, is when a new dude comes into the LGS, loses his first game because he got teamed up on, and decides it’ll never happen again.

For commander, for just this ONE format that has no officially sanctioned tournaments or cash rewards, turn off your need to win and just have fun. Note that this is very different from turning off your want to not lose. You can still do that.

I promise that’ll be a better guide to deckbuilding than “no mld, countermagic, combos, otk’s, tutors, or overtuned busted stuff”

libraryjoy on Who dat boi - please help

3 years ago

And this may be more than you were looking for, but here's actually how I deck build. I start with ONE card that I want to use. In the case of the deeper cut, it was Novablast Wurm . Then I figure out what it needs to do - in this case, destroy everyone else's creatures - but not mine! So how do I make mine survive? Make them indestructible. There are other options for this ( Shield of the Oversoul is my favorite), but Dauntless Escort seemed an inexpensive and good option for keeping my whole field alive. But it only works for one turn, so what do I need? Recursion. Preferably repeatable. Enter Sigil of the New Dawn . What if I don't have Dauntless Escort? Then I want to be able to get benefit out of all my creatures dying. There are obviously other ways I could do this, but sacrifice abilities seemed a good option. I could have added black to beef up the sacrifice aspect, but as a general rule, I stick with 2 colors unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. Plus, sacrifice has synergy with recursion. At that point, it was just a matter of a Gatherer search to find green and white creatures with sacrifice and recursion abilities that would not break the bank. And fill in to make sure I include artifact/enchantment removal, card draw, etc. Last, I put in 2 Zirda, the Dawnwaker because I wanted to make it cheaper to recur as much of my board as possible at once, and it also discounts other activated sacrifice abilities. I wished I could use it as the companion for the deck, but there was one card at that point that didn't have an activated ability - the Wurm! And getting rid of it would nerf the whole deck, so it just has to ride it out in the deck. There's probably room for tweaking in there (more Sigil? Artifact removal? Anti-flying?), but I feel like it's a good start that can be adjusted after playtesting. I do feel like this deck would draw a lot of hate, so not something I'd play. I prefer a to innocently build a boardstate until I Overrun my opponents. Did I mention I play a lot of Selesnya? ;)

TheVectornaut on Who dat boi - please help

3 years ago

Hey, I saw your comment. Is this an alternate account for twechsler or is this deck just inspired by theirs? Either way, I'll go into greater depth on some possible build paths. libraryjoy is correct in that if you're (mostly) mono-green, your best way to destroy creatures is often to take advantage of the abilities on your own creatures. You already have the deathtouch style shell so I'd just focus on that. But even with deathtouch, there are a fair number of options for guaranteeing that damage gets dealt. There are the bow/staff cards like I use in my artifact commander deck A Pile of Cans with the deathtouch from Sydri, Galvanic Genius . Then there's fight effects which you can see working with Wren's Run Packmaster in my wolfless wolf deck Size of the Fight in the Dog (although this strategy doesn't require DT if your creatures have high enough power). A final approach is forced combat damage. Since it's been mentioned the least, that's what I'll focus on here.

Forced block cards like Lure , Gift of the Deity , Indrik Umbra , Ochran Assassin , Roar of Challenge , Tempting Licid , Provoke , Irresistible Prey , or Tangle Angler are the core of such a deck. Most of these cards are rather costly in terms of CMC, and I'd consequently only recommend such a deck for slower casual play. It should be pretty strong in creature-heavy metas though. If that sounds reasonable, the next thing you have to decide on are the creatures and supporting cards. These choices aren't always obvious because of the many things a deck like this wants. For example, it may be better to play cheap deathtouch creatures like Deathcap Cultivator , Gifted Aetherborn , Narnam Renegade , Wasteland Viper , and Nightshade Peddler so you can start controlling the board sooner. But if all your DT creatures have low power, they'll only be able to kill 1 or 2 things off a big forced block. Thus, it may be better to instead grant deathtouch with other cards like Basilisk Collar , Deadly Allure , Virulent Swipe , Bow of Nylea , Archetype of Finality , or Ohran Frostfang . Then, you could just run creatures with high attack for their cost. Still, I think there's something to be said of looking for other abilities that interact well with deathtouch. First strike and double strike are the most obvious examples because they can let your creatures survive combat to attack all over again on later turns. Viridian Claw , Glissa, the Traitor , and Grappling Hook see play in such decks for this reason. Alternatively, you can learn from the synergy of the Frostfang that abilities triggering on face damage pair well with deathtouch. Only a fool would block your 1/1 DT with their 3/3, but if that 1/1 is drawing you a card, suddenly that trade sounds more appealing. Cold-Eyed Selkie , Dimir Cutpurse , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , Oakhame Adversary , Ohran Viper , Tomebound Lich , Fynn, the Fangbearer , and Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons are some cards that might fill this role.

I know I've just rattled off a lot of cards here. I'll try putting together a casual deck to demonstrate what I'm talking about when I find the time.

As an aside, I see that you've included Novablast Wurm as the only meaningful white spell in this version of the deck. It's too slow to see play in anything but ramp, but it can definitely be built around as a beefy Wrath of God too. Consider using something like Heroic Intervention or a Dauntless Escort sacrifice to break the symmetry on the board wipe. Also, creatures that grant boons on death like Thragtusk or Wurmcoil Engine could find a home in a self-wipe deck, although the Wurm might be outclassed then by something more traditional like Austere Command , Settle the Wreckage , Kindred Dominance , or Phyrexian Rebirth .

MrKillStar on Angels Brought The Apocalypse

3 years ago

I really like Angel themed decks, but the only problem is, most angels are just super expensive and looking at your deck list, there is just no ramp, except very few cards... Im just gonna type some cards, maybe you'll like some, most likely not all of them, just so you have some larger pool of cards to choose from. :)

Myriad Landscape/Burnished Hart is alright; Land Tax is just auto-include in most decks; Caged Sun is also good, but you need to ramp into it somehow; Sword of the Animist is ok, but you need to swing with a creature and there are no Haste enablers (not even Lightning Greaves.

First of all, I would cut exile board wipes, since it just hurts mono-white without ramp the most (Play of the Game and Perilous Vault). You could hold priority and cast Teferi's Protection, but.. dont really know about that... :D

Sunscour should have really good place in mono-white deck.
Endless Horizons - is something like budget of Land Tax, but can also help to thin your deck after you get enough mana on board.
Planar Bridge,Planar Portal,Thran Temporal Gateway,Belbe's Portal,Cryptic Gateway - to either search for anything or put big stuff directly on board. Urza's Incubator should be there to reduce mana cost of your big angels.

worldslayer -> protect your creatures and artifacts: Show

Card draw in white isnt the best, so using artifacts is really helpful, both for ramp and card draw: Show

Some mana rocks for sure: Show

Some ramp with white creatures and spells: Show

Spell_Slam on Rienne's Crusade

4 years ago

Earnest Fellowship is great in a multicolour-centric deck like yours. It's definitely worth including, but it will be somewhat of a nonbo with some of your targetting spells.

Supply / Demand is either a tutor or an army in a can.

Dragon Arch not only tutors, but will put the creature directly into play for you.

Archon of Valor's Reach can save you from boardwipes or spells you know your opponent might cast. Very useful to have in your deck.

Guildmages' Forum can distribute some free counters occasionally. It's not the most powerful card, but it's free value and filtering on a land.

Pillar of the Paruns is also pretty great in your manabase.

Vivid Revival seems like a great choice for card advantage in your deck, though doesn't necessarily do much when your Commander is out.

You're missing out on some multicoloured ramp creatures: Zhur-Taa Druid is such a good ramp card in multiplayer. It ends up dealing so much damage if played early. Knotvine Mystic seems to fit perfectly. You should definitely pick up a copy of Mirari's Wake.

There are a few boardwipe creatures that could interest you: Novablast Wurm and, if you want to be that guy, Realm Razer.

In terms of cuts, Asmira, Holy Avenger, Bloodshot Cyclops, Gruul Spellbreaker and Conclave Cavalier seem like a good place to start. I would start by adding more ramp since this is what you're missing most.

griffstick on Help with Long Game Voltron …

4 years ago

You could grab Novablast Wurm and Avacyn, Angel of Hope, and keep board wiping.

You could grab Archetype of Imagination and Craterhoof Behemoth and swing for a bunch unblocked.

You could grab Leveler and Laboratory Maniac. And if you play that combo play Fractured Identity and give all your opponents a Leveler for the win.

You could grab Deadeye Navigator and Acidic Slime southbound them together and blink the fuck out of the slime.

There is so many combos that I dont know. Just do some research.

livemagic on Proteus

4 years ago

Blue_Flame Polymorph is not necessary, because it's a sorcery and 4 manas to play.

Novablast Wurm is a overkill counter against tokens deck. Noxious Revival actually is very necessary because the target is always Proteus Staff , so without it the deck doesn't work. Until now I don't needed grave hate cards, but I'll keep your suggestion, thanks for this.

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