Mark of the Oni

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mark of the Oni

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

You control enchanted creature.

At end of turn, if you control no Demons, sacrifice Mark of the Oni.

SufferFromEDHD on Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend

10 months ago

Deserted Temple utility.

Mark of the Oni and/or Imp's Mischief very powerful blue effects for your mono black deck.

Definitely Jet Medallion possibly The Immortal Sun.

SufferFromEDHD on Snuggly Cactus (Seizan EDH)

1 year ago

Big fan of Seizan. Was my black stax commander for years until Tergrid was printed. The synergy was too juicy and the switch had to be made. I miss Seizan though as group hug thug is a fun strategy.

Mark of the Oni not many decks this works in. A blue steal effect that's cheaper than blue.

Master of the Feast might be worth a spot.

Rankle, Master of Pranks little Seizan.

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse too expensive but the utility is there and the math is clear.

DreadKhan on Demonology

1 year ago

It's not a fast card, but would Maskwood Nexus be helpful? It makes all your creatures into everything, which synergizes with your diverse payoffs. I think it goes infinite with Rotlung and a free sac outlet like Viscera Seer or Carrion Feeder, or if you're budget is higher Altar of Dementia, because the Zombie token will also be a Cleric with Nexus out. No idea if that's remotely up your ally, but it exists.

As a 1 drop creature there is Changeling Outcast, not a strong creature but it counts as a 1 drop Demon, making Mark of the Oni look much better arguably.

Arievilo on Hell's Gates

2 years ago

Hey zapyourtumor ! Thanks for the great tips already added some to the deck here.

I replaced Fetid Imp with Scourge of the Skyclaves . It fits the cheap creature place better and is a demon so not only helps the priests to summon more demons but also helps with Mark of the Oni . I also think he goes great with Vexing Devil , Blood Crypt and Spawn of Mayhem . Dark Confidant would be perfect but it is too expensive. Even the scourge is a bit expensive to add to the physical deck right now but I'll save up for it and in time I will get it, maybe someday I'll get my hands in some of that dark wizard.

About Mark of the Oni I understand what you are saying but I love the card. It is really fun to play with it so I'll not remove it despite the drawback it has. Regarding Grim Return it is also just a fun card if I get to combo with Archfiend of Depravity (or Desecration Demon you suggested and cast it on my opponent's end turn to take over one of his creatures, or combine it with removal to take one of his creatures for me, so that being said I liked the ideia of having Sin Prodder because, besides the draw help, it seems like a easy way to help me cast Rakdos, Lord of Riots and goes well with it later either.

Thanks for the tip about Lightning Bolt , fits better in the deck than Go for the Throat . I just don't quite understand why you prefer Fatal Push to terminate. As I see it is just +1 mana cost for a more solid removal but I might be missing something so if you could detail more on your thoughts about it I would appreciate it.

Finnally, after altering the virtual version of the deck I finished with 22 lands. Kind of on the fence on keeping the 3rd Rakdos, Lord of Riots or the 2nd Lord of the Void instead of a 23rd land card. What do you think?

I had Master of Cruelties in the main deck at first because I really like it too. Thanks again for your suggestions, really appreciate it

zapyourtumor on Hell's Gates

2 years ago

Cool concept! Here are some of my initial thoughts and comments after reading through the list a few times.

I really don't like Blood Speaker. A 4 mana 3/2 vanilla that tutors a demon to hand for 4 mana everytime - if it let you tutor one onto the battlefield it might actually be playable. I would cut all of these.

The main issues I see with the deck are your disruption package. I would add more efficient removal like Lightning Bolt and Fatal Push over a lot of your Go for the Throats and Terminates (I'd leave 1 Terminate for Murktide decks). Grim Return doesn't seem super great either.

I'd also include hand disruption in a playset of Inquisition of Kozilek, since I assume Thoughtseize is out of your price range. Discard is just a staple in any black midrange deck like this. While these cards might be a little more expensive than the other cards in the deck, Bolt/Push/Inquisition are all modern staples that can slot into most red/black decks and are unlikely to lose their value anytime soon.

Mark of the Oni is cute, so if you really have fun with it in the deck then of course that's fine, it just doesn't seem very good because the best time to drop it is earlier in the game to survive and you can't really play it early game. The only cheap demons I could find are Dream Devourer and Scourge of the Skyclaves which could slot in if you want to keep Mark of the Oni. Only run Scourge if you are running a playset of bolt though. If you have the money for Scourge I'd definitely get it, although it's pretty expensive.

Since you have Skirsdag High Priest, you probably need some lower costed creatures. While Fetid Imp fits the theme, its really bad. I'd cut it. Honestly something like Dark Confidant would be great here since you can tap it to Skirsdag and it gives you some much needed draw power, but it's really expensive. I can't really think of any other good 1-2 cmc black creatures that fit the hell theme (except asmor but she doesn't count lol), but there are definitely some good ones out there.

Some other devils/demons are Sin Prodder (need that draw engine?), Desecration Demon, which gets really brutal with Archfiend of Depravity, and Doom Whisperer. I'm sad that Master of Cruelties probably doesn't fit here since he's my favorite demon.

1empyrean on Tayam's Constellation EDH

3 years ago

linkzero thanks for the comments and suggestions. I have definitely considered all of these suggestions, so let me give you my thoughts on them.

With Cathars' Crusade, I decided not to run it because it can't be brought back with Tayam, which was something I sought to limit as much as possible. The only cards that cost more than 3 are creatures.

Pir, Imaginative Rascal is fine, but Winding Constrictor is cheaper to cast and has a bigger body, while doing the same thing. I didn't feel like running both, or the more limited +1/+1 counter ones. I'm really not focusing on +1/+1 counters here.

Evolution Sage was in my deck list until I realised I didn't have one available. I made due without, and it was one of the things that led to me building a more defensive type deck, which my playgroup appreciated. Additionally, I limited the fetch lands because I didn't want to be searching and shuffling all the time for a tapped land. I did get a Fabled Passage with M21, so I'll probably throw that in soon.

I got a Rishkar, Peema Renegade the other day. Still thinking about what to take out. I have Lost Auramancers in my maybeboard, and I think I'm going to swap it with Daxos the Returned.

My Nikara is tied up in another deck, and its not all that great a fit here, really.

All the rest, the enchantment removal cards, I had to wittle out of my deck and have ready to swap in if a card doesn't really seam to be working out. Its kind of tough to make swaps at the moment. One thing I can say is that I use Mark of the Oni to steal threats, which is often more effective than removal. A big part of the deck revolves around using Tayam's ability to bring aura's out, and because this happens while Tayam's ability resolves and without targeting, opponents can't respond to the aura stealing their creature. It's kind of brutal.

Archangel of Thune is a powerhouse and with 14 cards that can gain life, I usually do just fine with getting it to trigger. You mentioned Skola Grovedancer triggering off of fetch lands, but it also triggers off of Tayam's self-mill, which means it triggers frequently. If nothing else, it can trigger itself with lifelink.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite being an anthem effect means devoted druid can get more -1/-1 counters.

I run the deck as a pillow fort and usually try to focus on protecting my own field before messing with someone else's. I hope that explains my reasoning behind card choices a bit. I would like to fit in Song of the Dryads and Darksteel Mutation, but there really hasn't been a great need with my playgroup.

criddlegakes on Angels and Demon

4 years ago

I would get rid of Demonic Rising, Mark of the Oni, Expedite and Reign of the Pit.

I would replace Demon's Grasp with 4 copies of Terminate.

Demonic Vigor is fine but I wouldn't have 4 and it's low on the priority list of cards to keep.

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