Mannichi, the Fevered Dream
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mannichi, the Fevered Dream

Legendary Creature — Spirit

(1)(Red): Switch each creature's power and toughness until end of turn.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Flowstone Wyvern
Spirit Shield
Staff of Zegon
Flowstone Mauler
Greater Forgeling
Adarkar Sentinel

Necrosis24 on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Catapulting Stronghold

Creature - Wall


: Put a creature card with power 2 or less from your hand onto the battlefield tapped and attacking target player. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next endstep. (Activate this ability only on your turn during the declare attackers combat step).


This is a card I would like for my Mannichi, the Fevered Dream deck. Simple yet effective. Sneak Attack is nice but doesn't let me circumvent the defender mechanic.


Necrosis24 on Not using the obvious?

2 years ago

Can’t really say I’ve gone against the grain much, most of my decks do what you would expect. I did build a Yarok, the Desecrated ninja deck, not sure if that really counts tho seeing as ninjas are quite popular with yuriko (also have an energy counter version of the same deck minus ninjas).

Recently I have been interested in somewhat fringe/underwhelming commanders. Just built a Mannichi, the Fevered Dream deck but once again it does what you would expect in mono red.

moo1234 on How do equipment Buffs work …

3 years ago

I could ask a million questions about how Mannichi, the Fevered Dream but they all probably get answered by this question.

If I attach Slagwurm Armor to mannichi. It becomes a 1/8 then I switch it's power and toughness. It will become an 8/1. Then I unattach slagwurm armour, since it was supposed to give a toughness buff does it stay an 8/1, if so can I then reattach the armour to give it another +0/+6 buff making it an 8/7. If so at end of turn does it go back to being a 1/8 or a 7/8

If unattaching the armour removes the "+6/+0" buff and then reattach it (making minnichi a 2/7) at end of turn when it switches back does it become a 7/2

Sorry if that's confusing. If you want me to reword the question, or if I'm completely wrong please let me know

MagicalHacker on None

3 years ago

Thanks for the shoutout Femme_Fatale!

In a nutshell, here's what I've spent my time on Tappedout doing:

  • First, before the invention of EDHREC, I spent a lot of time building decklists for every single commander that could be built around. I eventually stopped when I ran into Mannichi, the Fevered Dream.
  • Secondly, I started making staples lists, inspired by the work of Epochalyptik. I wanted to build the idea into a different direction: Instead of talking about what people play, I wanted to break it down into why certain cards are played, and what other cards also fit that same role. I still maintain these lists to this day (although probably invalidated the need for MagicalHacker - List of All Tutors!)
  • Lastly, I've been building commander decks live on using Tappedout as my beloved deck builder and then uploading the videos to my YouTube channel. After 2 years, I finally hit 1K subscribers and I'm enjoying the ride still :)

Darth_Savage on

5 years ago

To be honest, for Modern, this is low on one drops. I'd probably run Perimeter Captain Dragon's Eye Sentry or Stalwart Shield-Bearers to give you more options on turn 1. High Alert might be a better backup plan than Assault Formation but there isn't much in it, it's certainly worth testing. People do play Twisted Image which is more or less a kill spell against your deck. I think you need to fit a protection spell in Heroic Intervention or Simic Charm would work.

Fortunately no-one plays Mannichi, the Fevered Dream , as this is essentially a board wipe against your deck. On that note, I hope this comment was helpful, good luck brewing your deck.

Darth_Savage on Arcades' Wall

5 years ago

Nobody plays it but Mannichi, the Fevered Dream would wipe out your entire barricade. More seriously people do play Twisted Image which is more or less a kill spell against your deck. I think you need to fit a protection spell in Heroic Intervention or Simic Charm , I'd cut Wall of Mist, since its a vanilla wall. I would generally play more 1 drops than 2 drops, maybe Dragon's Eye Sentry instead of Wall of Tanglecord? Hope this helps, good luck brewing your deck.

wereotter on Thoughts on Will & Rowan …

6 years ago

Merfolk Thaumaturgist and Mannichi, the Fevered Dream play nicely with Will's +2. Turn two creatures into 0/3 and then activate one of them to turn the creatures into 3/0 and kill them.

Echo Mage plays well off both their ultimates. Double level up counters when you have Rowan's emblem as well as copy an instant or sorcery 4x off activating him (on top of the twice if you ultimate Rowan before Will). Level up in general might be viable, Brimstone Mage tapping for 6 damage will be decent.

Arcanis the Omnipotent tapping to draw 6 cards will make him even more powerful here than in other decks.

Also artifacts are another solid route. Copying Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient's ability to copy an artifact's activated ability will be really potent, and using Master Transmuter to return one artifact to hand and pop two onto the battlefield will be insane.

Also back on the note of proliferate effects, there's Skyship Plunderer for a weaker effect, but still effective if you only have one of the pair in play.

Maverick_Titan on P/T Swap After Unblockable

7 years ago

So I am messing around with a high toughness deck with the ability to switch their power and toughness. Can I use Goblin Tunneler to target a creature, say Mirri, Cat Warrior and then after that use Mannichi, the Fevered Dream's effect to switch Mirri's P/T?

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