Jerrard of the Closed Fist
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jerrard of the Closed Fist

Legendary Creature — Human Knight

Recommendations View more recommendations

Shambling Strider
Leopard-Spotted Jiao
Highland Giant
Lizard Warrior
Nema Siltlurker
Loamdragger Giant

SynergyBuild on Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

5 years ago

Kiyomei, If you want decklists, below are WECIC (Why Every Commander is Competitive) lists:

My best Zirilan of the Claw list:

Mono-Red Stax (WECIC)

Commander / EDH SynergyBuild


My best Hope of Ghirapur list:

My best Commander Greven il-Vec list:

My best Shanna, Sisay's Legacy list:

My best Jerrard of the Closed Fist list:

Gruul Stax (WECIC)

Commander / EDH SynergyBuild


My best Skullbriar, the Walking Grave list:

Golgari Combo (WECIC)

Commander / EDH SynergyBuild


My best Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign list:

My best Tishana, Voice of Thunder list:

Simic Combo (WECIC)

Commander / EDH SynergyBuild


My best Sol'kanar the Swamp King list:

Grixis Combo (WECIC)

Commander / EDH SynergyBuild


My best Ragnar list:

Bant Control (WECIC)

Commander / EDH* SynergyBuild


My best Halfdane list:

Esper Control (WECIC)

Commander / EDH* SynergyBuild


My best Llawan, Cephalid Empress list:

SynergyBuild on Beware the Shrubbery (Competitive Lands Matter)

5 years ago

Before I get started, I recommend Autumn's Veil, Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast as good ways to protect combo-turns from countermagic!

Well, I have always been a fan of lands-matter builds, you know The Gitrog Monster or Tatyova, Benthic Druid, fast-paced combo decks with large amounts of card draw and speed.

Tatyova, Benthic Druid supports lands on the battlefield, The Gitrog Monster supports them in the graveyard, and with Borborygmos Enraged we now have a commander in good colors that supports lands in your hand. Well, almost.

Tatyova, Benthic Druid and The Gitrog Monster support your lands by drawing you cards, which is a very valueable commodity for decks that run a ton of lands, as lands give mana, but not exactly card draw, the two most important resources. Borborygmos Enraged is a tad different, instead it pumps out Lightning Bolts!. This makes it great removal in a competitive scene with a lot of dorks and hatebears if you have the lands to support him blowing everything up, and he can be used to win given enough lands.

Instead of being a commander that cycles through your deck, you are now running a commander that is a win condition if you can cycle through your deck, while also eliminating pesky Spirit of the Labyrinths and Notion Thiefs occasionally. This is not worse by itself, just different to the other "land-storm" strategies that have existed before.

Well then, if you are in colors that make it easy to cycle through your deck, it shouldn't be a problem to pull this off. This would work if you were in or , however you are not, you are in . This will make it harder to make this kind of deck viable, except wait! You aren't a landstorm deck, you are a combo deck that is running Keen Sense and Snake Umbra, which will allow you to turn your commander into a drawing machine!

Okay, then there is a very clear deck in the meta to compare it to, Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, a powerful Tier 2 list, running Curiosity and Ophidian Eye, which can allow for the commander to deal damage, drawing a card, dealing damage, and so forth, and with the commander costing 4 devotion like this one, it would make sense to compare them, even the enchantments costs are the same!

On the side of Borborygmos the enraged, he is in green and so has tons of ramp, along with being a allied color to red, so there is better lands for him, and also has access to land destruction and some better stax effects.

On the side of Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, she is 2 mana less, has blue, which allows access to much better card draw, has Tandem Lookout and Mind Over Matter as well, and so has a couple more options than green for combo-pieces, and also has a commander that can draw cards (getting closer to the combo) than Borborygmos Enraged. It has better tutoring options, as Long-Term Plans, Intuition, Dizzy Spell, etc. It has better interaction in the form of countermagic and removal (Chain of Vapor, Cyclonic Rift, Pongify etc.). This is all good and everything, but what Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind truely has over Borborygmos the enraged is that she can win without being lucky on the draw (doesn't need to find a land to trigger again), and can run a 30-land landbase instead of a 42-land landbase to be consistent.

With all of that stacked against Borborygmos the enraged, does that mean he isn't a competitive commander? Not nessecarily, I personally believe every commander could be competitive. No, I think this deck has taken what Borborygmos the enraged is trying to do incorrectly.

I have been working on a primer for making any commander competitive, Why Every Commander is Competitive, and when I looked through the advice I would give others, I would turn this list into a stax list, you run a couple stax cards, like Destructive Force and Wildfire, and I think it is something that this list should do much much more of.

Imagine if instead of this combo-oriented list (which I hope I have explained why it isn't competitive as a land-storm/combo build at this point), was instead a stax build. You ramp into a Ruination, drop a Trinisphere, and your opponents have nothing. Null Rod there artifact mana, Cursed Totem there dorks, and ramp basic lands to win. Blood Moon them, Magus of the Moon them (tutorable via Imperial Recruiter), and eventually, once you have run all of your opponents out of gas, you plop your commander, and play out a Storm Cauldron, taking everyone down in a turn or two. Maybe you run a Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts combo in the list as a backup.

A deck like that doesn't sound like a deck like The Gitrog Monster or Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, and I promise it is a competitive list. If it sounds like the commander isn't necessary, you wouldn't be wrong. I could build it with Jerrard of the Closed Fist minus the Storm Cauldron part, and it would do about as well.

See Gruul Stax (WECIC) for what I am talking about! That list is a tad different though, it runs dorks and no Cursed Totem, because green dorks are really fast mana.

I want to apologize if it sounds like I am ramming your deck, this is simply what I see. If you would rather me not criticize your list or suggest improvements, I won't do it any more, just say it.

kobold_koenig on Jerrard of the Closed Fist poppeer

7 years ago

Great deck! I'm building my own Jerrard of the Closed Fist pauper EDH deck and I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna use a lot of your deck as inspiration. I'll link your deck from mine once I make it public. Thanks for putting this deck out there. +1

kobold_koenig on Jerrard Pauper

7 years ago

Great deck! I'm building my own Jerrard of the Closed Fist pauper EDH deck and I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna use a lot of your deck as inspiration. I'll link your deck from mine once I make it public. Thanks for putting this deck out there. +1

Gidgetimer on Most Useless Commander?

7 years ago

MagicalHacker A counterpoint to what you posit as the qualities of a strong commander is Arcum Dagsson. He is monocolor and, while his CMC is not high, it is not low. I also do not think I could find anyone who would argue that Arcum isn't tier 1. His powerful abilities more than make up for it though.

As DarkLaw said, the question was about commanders that should never be played, not about how to make the worse possible commander deck. While Jerrard of the Closed Fist or Livonya Silone could helm a mana symbol rmana symbol g goodstuff deck the deck would be much better with just swapping in Xenagos, God of Revels as the commander. You need to judge a commander by how good of a deck can be built around them, or how well they stack up to other commanders in the same colors in a generic good stuff deck. I am not going to say that Myojin of Infinite Rage is a good commander, but I refute your hypothesis that he is worse than other commanders just because of his color identity.

DaringApprentice on All Possible Commanders

7 years ago

These are all the Azorius commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Ayesha Tanaka, Gosta Dirk, Hunding Gjornersen, Ith, High Arcanist, Jedit Ojanen, Kasimir the Lone Wolf, and Tobias Andrion.

These are all the Dimir commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Circu, Dimir Lobotomist, Nebuchadnezzar, Princess Lucrezia, Ramirez DePietro, Riven Turnbull, Sivitri Scarzam, and Ur-Drago.

These are all the Rakdos commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Axelrod Gunnarson, Barktooth Warbeard, Lady Orca, Pavel Maliki, Rakdos the Defiler, and Rohgahh of Kher Keep.

These are all the Gruul commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Jerrard of the Closed Fist, Livonya Silone, Marhault Elsdragon, Stangg, Sunastian Falconer, and The Lady of the Mountain.

These are all the Selesnya commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Daughter of Autumn, Gabriel Angelfire, Jasmine Boreal, Kei Takahashi, Lady Caleria, Lord Magnus, Sir Shandlar of Eberyn, and Torsten Von Ursus.

These are all the Orzhov commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Selenia, Dark Angel.

These are all the Golgari commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Iname as One, Rhys the Exiled, and Thelon of Havenwood.

These are all the Boros commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Munda, Ambush Leader.

These are all the Grixis commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Mishra, Artificer Prodigy.

These are all the Jund commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Bartel Runeaxe.

These are all the Naya commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Jacques le Vert.

These are all the Five-Colored commanders I could find that weren't in your list: Atogatog.