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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



: The next time an unblocked creature of your choice would deal combat damage to you this turn, prevent all but 1 of that damage.

Ender666666 on Guess Who's Back, Back Again, And Again

11 months ago

Thoughts on adding a Forcefield for giggles?

jarncards on hasteland

1 year ago

also Academy Manufactor. Clues are expensive but they are functionally equivalent to night's whisper since you don't go down a card after the first one.

Forcefield might be fun with all of the free mana

Hellkite Tyrant and Revel in Riches are also potential wincons. but nobody at our table wont hate you for playing them. They are they sort of cards that i'll target you from turn zero just for knowing they are in the deck.

Raging_Squiggle on What to do against Rakdos, …

2 years ago

Is the Problem combat damage? If so, Maze of Ith, Glacial Crevasses, and General's Regalia, and Forcefield all work at stopping that. Otherwise, preemptive effects:

Blood Moon, Roiling Vortex (if they cast a colorless creature for free), Ruination, Ensnaring Bridge, and threaten effects.

KibaAlpha on Liesa's, L.E.G.S

3 years ago


I do and thank you.

However my playgroup is okay with collector versions of cards that aren't tournament legal so the Forcefield shown in the deck isn't the actual one I have.

I have a CE version which is quite cheaper but still nearly $300.

KibaAlpha on Liesa's, L.E.G.S

3 years ago


Angel of Destiny has come and gone a few times but I always ended up bringing her back at least until now. I found a couple cards that I like better than Angel of Destiny and Tainted Remedy which was in there to synergize with the angel.

Both have been removed for Aegis of Honor and Forcefield.

StopShot on Counteracting large hexproof creatures.

3 years ago

The subject of this thread revolves around dealing with and counteracting against the commanders: Uril, the Miststalker, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Dragonlord Ojutai, Lazav, Dimir Mastermind, Thrun, the Last Troll as well as commanders that consistently or typically give themselves hexproof through various equipments/auras.

While it may not be the most prevalent strategy these types of commanders can be annoying to deal with. I'd like to create a discussion on what are the best ways to deal with these commanders. Given how niche these commanders can be, running cards that exclusively dedicate themselves to their removal may be detrimental to draw into when playing a game where none of your opponents run them. Therefore cards that can both combat massive hexproof creatures as well as still being useful to have if none of your opponents are playing with big hexproof creatures should be taken into consideration when deciding what is the "best" or "most practical" solution to combating hexproof strategies.

The first cards that come to mind are Arcane Lighthouse, Detection Tower, Bonds of Mortality, Shadowspear and Glaring Spotlight. These cards entirely dedicate themselves to combating hexproof strategies, and while this may be a detriment when used against non-hexproof strategies, these cards do lend themselves some extra utility. Arcane Lighthouse and Detection Tower can be seeded into your manabase so at worst they're just a Wastes however they can be more inefficient in comparison. Given that both are lands, tapping them costs you an extra mana resource effectively making their abilities cost to activate. Not only that, but they have no effect at stripping indestructible which can be a common keyboard which may be used alongside most hexproof strategies. Cards like Bonds of Mortality and Shadowspear cost only one to activate and they can bypass indestructible, however given they're not lands you have to dedicate a nonland slot in your deck to accommodate either of them which means taking out a card that may better synergize with your deck's main strategy in their place. They also lend themselves targets for counter spells and given hexproof decks contain white and/or green, artifact/enchantment removal will pose a high potential risk. This is all not to mention you still need to provide a removal spell in tandem with these cards in order to remove the threat.

Another solution is board wipes. Cards such as Wrath of God, Damnation, Day of Judgment, Supreme Verdict, Blasphemous Act, etc. Mass creature removal is incredibly strong given that its always relevant in most metas making it a highly flexible solution that isn't too narrow to rely upon. It's biggest drawback however is if the massive hexproof creature that needs to be dealt with has indestructible, totem armor or Gift of Immortality. Even a card such as Toxic Deluge can be a risk as you may have to pay a huge amount of life if the creature is incredibly big. Cyclonic Rift is another effective card. One thing to note about boardwipes are they affect the whole table which makes them also more likelier to be countered than by effects that impact a single individual.

A more narrow solution would be through damage prevention effects such as Story Circle, Forcefield, Runed Halo, Rune of Protection: White, etc. Given each card never "targets" they can be used to infinitely "Fog" a problem creature that you can't put up with. These effects are more narrow than boardwipes but broader than hexproof removal. Cards like these still run into problems with artifact/enchantment removal and they don't run enticing side effects such as drawing a card upon entering the battlefield like Bonds of Mortality or giving a creature lifelink and trample like Shadowspear, however you won't need to exhaust your removal spells to keep the large creature(s) either. In more broader metas such as combo, stax and prison, these effects may not be as useful however. More broader variants of these protection cards exist as Ensnaring Bridge, Divine Presence, Peacekeeper and Meekstone though these cards may make multiple opponents unhappy enough to remove them than the more narrower options.

The last effect used to combat large hexproof creatures is sacrifice effects such as: Fleshbag Marauder, Innocent Blood, Vona's Hunger, Liliana's Triumph, Doomfall etc. These effects can bypass not only hexproof but also indestructible, regenerate and totem armor. Their drawback lies in if the player with the large hexproof creature has any other creatures to sacrifice in their place. Because of this caveat this effect isn't too strong unless ran in multiples which can be difficult to commit to in a 100-card format. Instead selective sacrifice effects may be the best way to devote to this solution with cards like: Crackling Doom, Soul Shatter, Slaughter the Strong, Council's Judgment, Renounce the Guilds and Wing Shards. While these cards won't always guarantee the large hexproof creature will be removed, they provide a stronger case than not compared to most traditional sacrifice removal.

Lastly there are counter spells to remove hexproof creatures. While they may be the best all purpose solution they can be rendered ineffective if a Cavern of Souls or some other can not be countered effect is in place. With exception to Withering Boon, the biggest downside to counter spells are they are entirely exclusive to blue meaning other color combinations without blue do not have this option available.

Which method do you rely on to stop massive hexproof creatures? Is there a card or solution set not listed here that you use? If you happen to play EDH decks with big massive hexproof creatures, which effects annoy/counter you the most?

metalmagic on Binder Updated, Lots of Expensive …

4 years ago

Hello again wonderful people of the trading post, I have just finished updating my binder yet again with more cards I have recently acquired. I am always looking to trade, but the cards I am prioritizing over all else are the ones that only have a single copy listed in my Wants. Of course, I will still gladly trade for any of the others in my wants as well, in addition to plenty of cards I may not have listed. I will look through any binders to try to find a potential trade, even if you have nothing from my wants!

Here's a sample of some of the cooler items I added to my binder in this update:

I added many more $10+ and even $20+ cards along with a few cool foils, so check it out! Sort by price to see the good stuff all together.

TangoWithTojo on Derevi Bant EDH

4 years ago

I run a similar style with my Derevi deck, though I use primarily enchantments instead of creatures for one simple reason - Creatures are usually easier to remove. But here's some cards that I'd recommend using if you're going for as much resource denial as possible:

Lands: The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale , Serra's Sanctum , Rishadan Port , Hall of Heliod's Generosity , Yavimaya Hollow , Fabled Passage

Sorceries/Instants: Drain Power , Bant Charm , Tamiyo's Epiphany , Sunder , Armageddon , Flood of Tears , Terminus

Planeswalkers: Teferi, Time Raveler , Teferi, Hero of Dominaria , Estrid, the Masked , Narset, Parter of Veils , Dovin Baan , Dovin, Hand of Control

Creatures: Seedborn Muse , Angus Mackenzie , Lavinia, Azorius Renegade , Sigarda, Host of Herons , Hokori, Dust Drinker , Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker , False Prophet , Baird, Steward of Argive , Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer , Melira, Sylvok Outcast I'd only recommend using Melira if you plan on having Phyrexian Unlife in the deck.

Artifacts: Crawlspace , Norn's Annex , Torpor Orb , Candelabra of Tawnos , Forcefield , Meekstone , Ward of Bones , Gilded Lotus , Thran Dynamo , Everflowing Chalice

Enchantments: Pendrell Mists , Frozen AEther , Blind Obedience , Privileged Position , Greater Auramancy , Back to Basics , Land Equilibrium , Propaganda , War Tax , Collective Restraint , Teferi's Moat , Moat , Humility , Overwhelming Splendor , Leyline of Anticipation , Solemnity , Invoke Prejudice , Mana Reflection , Mechanized Production , Overburden , Rising Waters , Rule of Law , Wilderness Reclamation

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