Baloth Woodcrasher

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Baloth Woodcrasher

Creature — Beast

Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, Baloth Woodcrasher gets +4/+4 and gains trample until end of turn.

Caran_Lyg on I fell and landed in Modern.

2 months ago

Thanks legendofa and cartoonywolf. I think all of your suggestions are great. Pithing Needle and spyglass are great form of removal. Kogla, the Titan Ape and Avenger of Zendikar I considered putting those 2 on the CMNDR deck I based this deck from but ended up not adding them because first, the Ape’s 3rd ability targets only 3 Humans in the deck. The Avenger I really wanted to put because it creates chump blockers but its last ability only helps plants. I know it’s a big threat but I only had 2 plus any plants it creates every time a land ETB and didn’t find cards that can create more plants that also had synergy with Landfall. Baloth Woodcrasher I can definitely put there. It worked for my CMNDR deck.

lukecwolf on I fell and landed in Modern.

2 months ago

It's a clever deck, I really admire it.

As for immortal sun, I think it's not bad to top off the curve. All the abilities aren't bad except the first, but it is slow.

I might consider other 5+ cmc cards in its place and perhaps others, considering how much ramp/landfall you have. Kogla, the Titan Ape has been amazing for me in pioneer and modern. You probably already considered Avenger of Zendikar and Baloth Woodcrasher.

Only for mild consideration. Again, I don't think Immortal Sun is particularly awful.

TheVectornaut on Landfall Beast Tribal Deck

3 years ago

I think the weak link in your deck is probably Kalonian Behemoth. It's almost never going to be better than either baloth despite costing more. If you're looking for protection against removal, I've had fun with Whispersilk Cloak on Baloth Woodcrasher in the past. If you want another beast, Leatherback Baloth can come out on turn 2 and still draw a card with its 4 power late game. Spearbreaker Behemoth is another expensive option that offers protection to your largest threats.

More than that though, I'd want more ways to trigger landfall or take advantage of it. Harrow, Explosive Vegetation, New Frontiers, Oracle of Mul Daya, Courser of Kruphix, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Frontier Guide, Sakura-Tribe Scout, and Budoka Gardener  Flip are all options for various budgets. The best include would probably just be fetchlands. The expensive ones are obviously better (ie: Fabled Passage and Prismatic Vista), but Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Myriad Landscape, and Field of Ruin are all fine choices for casual games.

Spell_Slam on "Toss A Coin"

4 years ago

Crossbow Ambush for Geralt's crossbow.

Silverglade Elemental and Boneyard Lurker remind me a bit of a Leshen.

Ridgescale Tusker and Prowling Pangolin are like a Shaelmaar.

Giant Warthog is a... well a boar.

Ravenous Chupacabra reminds me a lot of the rabid, mangey dogs you find across Velen.

Screeching Harpy is pretty self-explanatory. There are lots of others, but the art on this one is pretty on-point with the Witcher.

Chorts and Fiends kind of look like Baloths and those kinds of beasts in Magic. Nessian Demolok is particularly close, but there's also Baloth Woodcrasher, Blastoderm and Garruk's Companion, among many others.

Werewolves... Take your pick. However very few werewolves in Magic depict them quite like they are in Witcher. They're so gross, painful and deformed in that game, so maybe you can choose some based on that.

multimedia on Budget Chulane

4 years ago

Hey, the manabase could use some improvements. To clear some deck price for land upgrades could cut Karametra, God of Harvests, Protean Hulk and Path to Exile. This would provide about $24 to use to improve the manabase.

More mana dorks are good here because they ramp and trigger Chulane. This kind of ramp is better than land ramp spells that only search for basic lands.

Whitemane Lion is a good creature with Chulane because it has flash. Eladamri's Call is a powerful budget creature tutor. Neoform is another powerful budget tutor that puts the creature you tutor for onto the battlefield. Wargate can tutor for any permanent card and put it onto the battlefield. Cards to consider cutting for these are: Baloth Woodcrasher, Moldgraf Monstrosity, Eternity Vessel, Walking Atlas.

Good luck with your deck.

MindAblaze on Windgrace

4 years ago

I don’t like Liege of the Tangle much, especially if your playgroup’s meta runs many boardwipes since the lands stay creatures as long as they have counters on them whether the liege is on the battlefield or not. Making a bunch of 8/8s is powerful for sure though, and if you can manage to only use untapped lands after casting him then it’s probably ok. Then at least you get your use out of him. I’m also on the fence about the Embodiment of Insight, but being able to swing with the above 8/8s and still use them for mana sounds great to me. The 3/3s from the landfall ability may not always be relevant, but still could have purpose.

I’d also suggest finding room for Ramunap Excavator for some redundancy with Crucible of Worlds, since you don’t always want to be using Windgrace’s minus ability to get lands back. Again, powerful ability, definitely use it, but being able to discard a land to draw two cards has been so useful for me.

Gitrog is awesome here, and as much as Omnath is expensive, he does work too. Since you’re using some fetches like Terramorphic Expanse and Jund Panorama I’d recommend Titania, Protector of Argoth too. She’s so good. Even better if you find the budget for cards like Wooded Foothills, Verdant Catacombs, Bloodstained Mire and the other six fetches you can legally run here. The more density of lands that sac themselves the better. Especially if you get Mina and Denn, Wildborn or Gitrog our with them.

Ok. So we’re looking for up to 6 slots for the four you wanted, and possibly the two I suggested. I’m first looking at your high cost cards since you’re adding a couple, and whatever else feels low impact. I’ll try to suggest more than 6 so you can think about their roles and how you see them fitting, cause this is your deck and how it plays is your fun, not mine.

Moldgraf Monstrosity recursion good; random bad, expensive bad, and if it gets exiled by not its ability;bad.

Charnelhoard Wurm; recursion of any card, really good; expensive bad, combat damage reliant, possibly bad.

Thantis, the Warweaver; flavour super cool, ability to speed up games; good, relevant to your decks plan, not really.

Rubblehulk is a huge body, for me his bloodrush ability is probably the most useful thing, otherwise there will be times he does nothing. The ability to get in for lethal off his bloodrush ability is real though.

Etali and Flameblast, not on theme but both super powerful. I like Etali better; that ability is so useful, a bit random but free spells are free spells. That being said flying is a real threat to this deck so having the dragon could be useful too.

Baloth Woodcrasher; just a beater, an on theme beater that could potentially be a really big trampler if you get a bunch of lands entering on the same turn, but nonetheless still just a beater. The multiple fetchland recursion is when I love playing windgrace the most though so I see the appeal. Crash of Rhino Beetles is kind of the same. Although a 15/15 is nothing to scoff at. Zendikar Incarnate fits here too.

Emissary of Grudges; it’s interesting and it’s ability is useful. It’s also late game and I don’t see how it contributes to your game plan. I could be wrong though.

Gyrus, Waker of Corpses is cool but might not be on theme. I’m not sure how often you need your creatures in your graveyard though.

There might be some more effective cards than Lavalanche (single target,) Retreat to Hagra (but deathtouch is nice, and the other ability could have some nice turns in corner cases,) and a few others but functionally I don’t have complaints about them.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I don’t like giving my input without the thought behind it.

Anyway, what do you think?

cascadien on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

4 years ago

so ive worked more on this deck and it seems to play best when i bounce/play a lot of creatures early on in games to overwhelm my opponents before boardwipes and such can play out. i realize this deck is over half creatures which im told is too many but with the abilities of my commander it seemed to make more sense playing creatures with the abilities/effects im after instead of running artifacts and enchantments. one thing im trying to find still is win cons after the fact, im runng things that get big off landfall triggers like Baloth Woodcrasher and have looked into just pumping my creatures with Primal Forcemage , Goldnight Commander / Good-Fortune Unicorn but dont know if its enough to win against good decks so any and all advice is greatly appreciated.

the Bant Bestiarum Vocabulum

Commander / EDH* cascadien


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