Acidic Soil

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Acidic Soil


Acidic Soil deals damage to each player equal to the number of lands he or she controls.

DreadKhan on Obosh doubling damage

4 weeks ago

Any reason you don't use Brash Taunter? It's great with damage based wipes, suddenly your Blasphemous Act family spells also dome an opponent, if you can double that you'll probably eliminate someone.

In a list that has a decent number of creatures that can deal damage you might look into Basilisk Collar, it's good with many of your creatures, similarly Scavenged Brawler can turn a mediocre creature into a real problem. I'll never forget putting those counters onto a Brash Taunter!

It's probably not the best thing you can be doing, but Crypt Rats and similar effects are endless fun. There is also Exocrine, this weird guy can generate a lot of damage if you've got the mana, yet it also will draw you a card and leave a huge creature. Also, what the heck, Thrashing Wumpus exists too, and can Pestilence twice every turn without croaking, which could add up/cripple your opponents' boards. Very good if you've got Whip out obviously!

Do people run a lot of Blue in your meta? I liked Citadel of Pain a bit in a deck like this, normally this is symmetrical, but with your synergy it might play a lot better. I like Citadel in decks that feature a fairly high MV, where you don't want people to be able to bluff by holding up mana.

Since you don't run a ton of lands, maybe Acidic Soil? That could be 3 mana to win on the spot in some games.

Would Descent into Avernus work in here? It'll speed up games, not sure if your deck is usually one of the faster ones in your pod, if so it should help, if you're normally a slower deck then it's probably going to get you killed.

Fires of Mount Doom is a dual purpose card, offering you a way to slow down a Voltron deck, yet also a way to draw cards. I normally wouldn't bother with Impulse draw, but if your deck isn't really into combos then it plays well enough. Another nifty way to get cards in hand that opponents probably can't take advantage of with Obosh out is Wheel of Misfortune, a card I normally don't like. If you can double that damage (or better), then opponents will be very wary of trying to wheel.

legendofa on How Rankle and torbran interact …

11 months ago

The updated rules text on Acidic Soil makes it clearer that there's only one instance of damage.

"Acidic Soil deals damage to each player equal to the number of lands they control."

Damage is dealt once to each player, from one individual source. Rankle and Torbran would cause Acidic Soil to deal (number of lands) + 2 to each player.

UnleashedHavok on Are You Sure You Want to Do That? V2

1 year ago

Thanks for taking a look Optimator! I appreciate the compliment on my deck. It's pretty heavily inspired by precociousapprentice's list and primer.

I totally get not being able to keep up with WotC's release schedule, that was one of the big reasons why I stepped away from Magic for a bit. That, and the birth of my son a little over 2 years ago lol. Don't know if you know, but the adorable little buggers are time consuming, in the best way.

Now for your suggestions. I really like all of the cards, but not sure whether or not they fit in to the mentality behind this deck and I'll tell you why.

I really like Cut / Ribbons and had not seen it before, but if you look at my card choices, almost everything is at instant speed. I'm already thinking I'm going to cut (hehe) Dusk / Dawn. The reason for this is that I want all of my responses to being attacked to be decisive, and fatal for the aggressor. I do not want to actively agitate the table until I am ready to take control of the game, or win outright. Blowing up people's stuff agitates them, and makes them want retribution. It might be a great card to discard to Key to the City to encourage attacks toward other people at the table, or for a surprise assassination.... hmmmmm. My next question on that would be, what would your suggested cut be to ad in Cut / Ribbons and why, now knowing a bit of the rationale behind the deck.

I have been going back and forth on Exsanguinate, and also Debt to the Deathless. I really like both cards for flavor and use. But I will say that two of the big, swing-y win cons in this deck are Acidic Soil, and Price of Progress. And that is what gives me pause. I will generally get 5-6 lands and then start pitching land cards to Key to the City, assuming I have mana rocks out to supplement the rest of my pool. Pitching lands to Key to the City to allow attacks of my opponents. Encouraging strife, and making it seem as though I am growing weaker. The curve of this deck is low since so many of the answers are 2-3 mana. I've been debating whether or not Exsanguinate would just be a dead draw.

Finally Approach of the Second Sun. This card has absolutely fascinated me since it came out. I love the flavor of the card, the artwork I think is great. Really lovely. It also puts a time-clock on the table, an intense sense of urgency. And I've always thought it would paint a great big target on it's player's forehead. I haven't experienced playing it myself, and haven't been at a table where it has been played so don't know the response to it. To steal from precociousapprentice yet again, the removal in this deck is meant to be surgical, to allow the rest of the table to cultivate their own board states freely as long as I am able to handle them, to appear weak until it is time to take the reins. I'm not sure whether or not Approach of the Second Sun fits in to that.

Again, I am open to discussion. That's what I want from this. I do like the card suggestions, I think they are all solid cards. But I'm not convinced they fit with the mentality of the deck.

temeref on Will They Blame Me If You Go Disappearing

2 years ago

mlequesne thanks! and you're correct; that's why i've got all those burn spells like Acidic Soil. Vicious Shadows is still amazing tho since it procs off of all the deaths of tokens created by both Hostility and Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools. it can become quite the political asset when faced with boardwipes and archenemies!

Rasaru on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

2 years ago

paytongamer Sounds like a blast! Last night's victory came from a main phase Price of Progress + Acidic Soil. There was a Nekusar, the Mindrazer out most of the game, so I was just patient and enjoyed the extra draw until it was time to wipe all 3 players at once :)

I think I'm going to make the following changes..

Blood Moon -> Invasion Plans

Magus of the Moon -> Goblin Trashmaster (lots of artifacts in my meta)

Glimpse of Tomorrow -> Tibalt's Trickery

I might even take out Burnished Hart for a Extraplanar Lens

Since I don't really make a ton of tokens (unless Krenko is out), I've never been satisfied with Glimpse.

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

3 years ago

Ripwater: sdidonato is exactly right, saccing mountains is really only for when you make your final big move. 90% of the games I win aren't even through combat, they are through the ETB and sac effects either all at once, or by grinding everyone down.

The addition of Skirk Fire Marshal and Massive Raid on top of the core of Goblin War Strike , Impact Tremors , and Purphoros, God of the Forge really help to bring down several people a turn, which is especially important when you go all in on saccing your mountains.

Crucible is still a strong play, but I like to use it either slowly, or all at once with the amazing new Nahiri's Lithoforming . I still haven't gotten it off, but those two plus Valakut Exploration seem like a dream combo. Also Lithoforming/Crucible into Acidic Soil / Price of Progress and recovering all your lands is really strong and an absolute blast.

I think the the biggest thing that a lot of us that have some variation of the current deck would agree on is that one of its biggest strengths is that you just form a strat depending on what you draw, which is absolute must with mono-red because you have such a poor ability to fetch or tutor compared to other colors. Trying to build a precise combo sets you up for being slow and getting disrupted, so we just don't really do it.

It is also flexible enough to take it a different route and go infinite goblins/mana with things like Mana Echoes , Goblin Warrens , and the like, but as long as Ib is your commander you are a lot harder predict.

alexjustdoit on [Primer] Political Subterfuge - Marchesa Aikido

3 years ago

Oh, also, Winds of Abandon is a good one if you really want to run another. Especially if you're running stuff like Acidic Soil. Nothing wrong with that if you feel like you'd do better with another boardwipe. Everything is meta dependent.

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