How many tokens would Peregrin Took, Xorn and Academy Manufactor make?

Asked by Ev1_ 11 months ago

If i have Peregrin Took, Xorn and Academy Manufactor in play, how many tokens would i make?

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1

All three abilities are replacement effects, and replacement effects can be applied to an event once and the affected player/controller of affected object decided the order. So, it entirely depends on what the original token was and how the abilities are applied.

If the original token wasn't a clue, food, or treasure token you will make the original token plus one clue, one food and two treasures. (Peregrin, Manufacturer, Xorn)

If the original token was a clue, or food ideal applying of the abilities will get you two clues, two food, and three treasure. (Peregrin, Manufacturer, Xorn)

If the original token was a treasure ideal applying of the abilities will get you three of each. (Xorn, Peregrin, Manufacturer)

June 5, 2023 12:41 p.m.

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