Copying Mutations

Asked by SquirrelPenguin 3 years ago

What happens when I Quasiduplicate a mutated creature?

Tylord2894 says... #1

Unlike most effects in Magic, Mutate affects the copiable values of a creature. This means that when you Clone (or Quasiduplicate) a mutated creature, the changes from the mutations will be copied too.

A lot of times, people will liken Mutate with Bestow (or Aura in general). This is one of the primary ways that those mechanics differ. There's one important note on this, though. A clone of a Mutated creature won't have the same "Mutate counter" as the original. In other words, triggers that care about "number of times this creature has mutated" (like that of Auspicious Starrix) won't count how many times the copied creature mutated. The Mutation count for the copy starts at zero.

Hope this helps!!

August 28, 2020 6:50 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #2

The state of a Mutated card is called "merged". Characteristics acquired while merging are copiable values. This means that you will get a copy of the "top" card of the Mutated creature with all of the abilities granted via merges.

702.139e A mutated permanent has all abilities of each card and token that represents it. Its other characteristics are derived from the topmost card or token.

721.2a A merged permanent has only the characteristics of its topmost component, unless otherwise specified by the effect that caused them to merge. This is a copiable effect whose timestamp is the time the objects merged. (See rule 613.2.)

August 28, 2020 6:59 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #3

In the future, please remember to hit the green "Mark as Answer" button to show your question has been resolved. Since this question has been answered for a number of days, I have gone ahead and marked an answer on your behalf.

September 4, 2020 11:03 p.m.

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