The Predator of Predators

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 365 | 113 COMMENTS | 42857 VIEWS | IN 144 FOLDERS

The top Predator has arrived... —June 25, 2018

So, not to toot my own horn but my deck and love letter to the badass land-dragons better known as Dinosaurs is currently (as of June 25 2018) is the most upvoted Zacama, Primal Calamity, and Dinosaur tribal deck on Tapped Out. Thanks to everyone who gave an upvote, and comment on the page. This deck will continually evolve (yes, that was a pun) as I discover new and interesting cards worth including. So as a gift to anyone who clicked on the page, all I can say is welcome to Jurassic Park.

Two upcoming changes for this deck are the inclusion of Stolen Strategy and the yet to be released Runic Armasaur which will be in for Concerted Effort and Oracle of Mul Daya respectively. Effort wasn't really worth...well...the effort and mana. It hardly made much of an impact when the commander or Akromasaur weren't on the field so out it goes. As for Oracle of Mul Daya, I just didn't want to trade or buy it. Plus, it's not a Dinosaur. Additionally I plan on cutting about 3 or 4 lands to make room for additional spells. I want to include some green or red draw spells, ramp, and graveyard recursion. What does everyone think of Harmonize in EDH? Please let me know in the comments. Also, thanks again to everyone for your suggestions, keep em' comin.

Mortlocke says... #1

  • Agent_Fire, "Why Huatli, Warrior Poet?". Two reasons. 1. Flavor. 2. Because of her third ability - it can be used to help trigger the Enrage abilities of some of the dinos.
  • nsolarz, "Caltrops seems like a tough include.". I totally understand your point on that regard, but I have seen this card work some miracles. One example can be the time this deck faced a Locust God deck. That player had the hardest time getting any of his 1/1 tokens to do much of anything with Caltrops on the board. Even more fun was had when Kinjalli's Sunwing showed up to help slow the Locust God deck even more. This earned me friends shortly after I terrorized the board early on and earned the ire of the whole table. Still, I get your point. Caltrops is extremely niche. What would you put in in it's place? I do want something that could potentially get me Enrage triggers outside of ol' Huatli.

p.s. to both of you - sorry for taking so long to respond to your comments! Thanks for your questions and comments, i'll get better at responding.

April 29, 2018 5:58 p.m.

Cipher001 says... #2

I LOVE the layout page for this deck! The red eye, opening and closing from the category lists, with the tyrant of tyrants himself in the background is a really, really nice touch. I like the deck as well, but the layout especially really caught my eye.

April 30, 2018 2:27 a.m.

Okay, I'm saying it. I love the animation in the panels on this deck page! I've got a few questions regarding how to do it myself though. Number one, what attribute do I have to change in the css code? Or if you do it through your deck page what is the tappedout coding?

My second question is do you have one continued image throughout all the panels or did you have to individually crop the video/gif file?

Really hoping you see this soon! Thanks for the help!

May 29, 2018 10:35 p.m.

Really sorry for double posting, but I just inspect elemented the panel and I see that there's a css file linked, so new question! In the actual description code, how did you declare the panels to be custom? Did you just add the "class=custom" tag to it?

Also, I've honestly never seen anyone use multiple style sheets to change their deck page, I don't mean to sound rude but why do you do it? Do you find it easier to change things when they're in separate documents?

And another thing, great job with comments on your stylesheets! So much easier to read and understand when there are so many comments!

May 29, 2018 10:42 p.m.

Triple post, sorry I feel bad. I found an old article with you and multimedia, here. This looks like the same code that you're using now in your css accordion file, is this the same way of linking the two that you use in your description as well?

May 29, 2018 11:05 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #6

Wow scotchtapedsleeves,

Thanks for all the compliments. Wow...where to begin?

  • "Number one, what attribute do I have to change in the css code? Or if you do it through your deck page what is the tappedout coding?"

    To answer your question, consider the following code:

#custom .panel-heading {
    position: relative;
    height: 80px;
    z-index: 1;
#custom .panel-heading:after {
    background: url(;
    background-size: 100% 524px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-color: black;  
    content: "";
    padding: 0px;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 0;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: -1;  

Then, for the accordion on the page I use:

<center><h1>The Threefold Sun Incarnate</h1></center>

<!--Accordion Block-->
<div id="custom">

For my accordion. Hopefully that answers your questions as to how to create an accordion.

  • "I've honestly never seen anyone use multiple style sheets to change their deck page, I don't mean to sound rude but why do you do it?"

    To answer your question - it's just personal preference. I like to organize my deck pages in two separate css documents. Helps me think.

  • "And another thing, great job with comments on your stylesheets!"

    I always believe in good commenting for coding. No matter what the language. If you're unclear on anything, just ask and i'll be glad to help :)

  • " I found an old article with you and multimedia, here. This looks like the same code that you're using now in your css accordion file, is this the same way of linking the two that you use in your description as well?"

    This is how I link my files:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://dl.blablablalink.css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://dl.blablablalink.css"/>

I found the link format at: user-page beginner css by FancyTuesday

May 31, 2018 11:06 p.m. Edited.

LVL_666 Thanks for the response! I'm planning on working the code into my profile along with a few decks, thanks for the help!

May 31, 2018 11:20 p.m.

shirouu says... #8

Is it an upgrade thing to be able to set the background page of a deck as a picture, or is there coding that you used to set Zacama, Primal Calamity as the background picture.

June 3, 2018 10:19 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #9

shirouu, sorry for not saying anything for sometime. To answer your question - as far as I know, no you don't receive an ability to add custom wallpapers if you are a Supporter of - however, it would be nice to be a supporter anyway ;) I used CSS to create this custom layout for this deckpage.

June 9, 2018 1:52 a.m.

Torekai92 says... #10

If you are worried about counterspells here are some options that could help:

As a web dev myself, love the css and dig the music :) +1 from me!

June 15, 2018 2:26 p.m.

Torekai92 says... #11

Oh dang, I forgot, of course there is Carnage Tyrant as well since he fits the dino theme.

June 15, 2018 2:29 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #12

Torekai92, thanks for posting on the page and the +1. I am worried about counterspells, but I also want to have some graveyard recursion in here is as well. I have been given some suggestions in the past, I just have yet to acquire the cards to try them out. Thanks for all of the various suggestions, and as for Cavern of Souls, i'd love to get it...but I'd rather not pay a premium price to get it. Maybe in the future i'll get my hands on one when the cost goes down. I did take a look at Carnage Tyrant, it looks neat, but I think i'll wait til it rotates out of standard when it becomes less expensive.

June 15, 2018 4:06 p.m.