
Asked by proterran98 8 months ago

Question 1: I have Yenna, Redtooth Regent in play. I use her ability to copy Legion's Landing  Flip. I then attack with three creatures. Does the token transform? If so does it die immediately because it’s a legendary, or is the flipped side not legendary due to yenna?

Question 2: I have played Marshal's Anthem and kicked one time a previous turn. I then use Yenna’s ability. Can I pay the multi kicker? Does the token remember the one time it was kicked used the previous turn?

wallisface says... Accepted answer #1

To answer your questions

  1. Tokens can now flip, so your token of Legion's Landing  Flip will be able to. The non-Legendary modification applies to both sides of the card.

  2. You cannot copy or pay any part of the kicker while copying that enchantment. Kicker/Multikicker is an on-cast effect, which your copied tokens skip entirely. Your copied tokens will never count as being kicked.

October 9, 2023 6:29 p.m.

CamraMaan says... #2

Thank you! Was curious about the Legendary status of a flipped token copied with Yenna!

November 10, 2023 12:24 p.m.

sanddeviljack says... #3

You will not be able to transform the Legion's Landing. I think the confusion is stemming from the fact that Incubate tokens are defined as double-faced tokens that can transform (701.51b). The latest version of the rules posted at are from 17 Nov 2023, and state

--701.50c If a spell or ability instructs a player to convert a permanent that isn’t represented by a transforming token or a transforming double-faced card, nothing happens.

If we continue to rules regarding double-faced cards:

--712.9. Only transforming tokens and permanents represented by transforming double-faced cards can transform or convert. (See rule 701.28, “Transform,” and rule 701.50, “Convert.”) If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform or convert any permanent that isn’t a transforming token or isn’t represented by a transforming double-faced card, nothing happens.

The previous reply is correct about the multikicker cost on a token copy.

January 27, 2024 3:33 p.m.

CamraMaan says... #4

Wouldn't the copy be a transforming token...? If not, what exactly is a transforming token? That's not a well-defined term in my magic vocabulary. I was under the impression that a token copy of a transforming card would be a transforming token.

February 3, 2024 10:10 a.m.

proterran98 says... #5

I’ve had two knowledgeable and considerate Judges make a ruling and they are contradictory. Could I have a third knowledgeable judge make a comment on Yenna, Redtooth Regent and Legion's Landing  Flip token transformation ability? Can they transform? If so, is the land side legendary or not due to Yenna?

Thank you.

February 3, 2024 9:33 p.m.

CamraMaan says... #6

From MTG Wiki:

"Double-faced" used to refer only to the physical card. With March of the Machine double-faced tokens were introduced. Transforming double-faced tokens can transform, including tokens that are copies of transforming double-faced permanents.

So yes, a token copy of a transforming double-faced permanent will transform and flip, like wallisface said in the first response.

February 7, 2024 12:06 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #7

Relevant rule proving wallisface correct:

707.8a If an effect creates a token that is a copy of a transforming permanent or a transforming double-faced card not on the battlefield, the resulting token is a transforming token that has both a front face and a back face. The characteristics of each face are determined by the copiable values of the same face of the permanent it is a copy of, as modified by any other copy effects that apply to that permanent. If the token is a copy of a transforming permanent with its back face up, the token enters the battlefield with its back face up. This rule does not apply to tokens that are created with their own set of characteristics and enter the battlefield as a copy of a transforming permanent due to a replacement effect.

February 7, 2024 5:35 p.m.

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