Who gets control when Sower of Temptation leaves play?

Asked by SirupyTuna 6 years ago

Player 1 has Vorapede in play (owner).

Player 2 plays Sower of Temptation, targetting and gaining control of Vorapede.

Next turn Player 1 plays Phantasmal Image, copying Sower of Temptation targetting and gaining control of Vorapede.

Player 2 plays Snap targetting Phantasmal Image.

Who has control of Vorapede now? Player 1, the owner, or Player 2 who last had control of it, and still has Sower of Temptation in play?

Boza says... #1

Player 2. When a control switching effects ends for any reason, control reverts back to the player who last controlled the permanent.

June 24, 2017 8:52 a.m.

SirupyTuna says... #2

Thanks! Can anyone help point me to a section of the rules that explains this?

June 24, 2017 9:07 a.m.

Raging_Squiggle says... Accepted answer #3

  1. Interaction of Continuous Effects

613.1. The values of an object's characteristics are determined by starting with the actual object. For a card, that means the values of the characteristics printed on that card. For a token or a copy of a spell or card, that means the values of the characteristics defined by the effect that created it. Then all applicable continuous effects are applied in a series of layers in the following order:

613.1b Layer 2: Control-changing effects are applied.

613.6. Within a layer or sublayer, determining which order effects are applied in is usually done using a timestamp system. An effect with an earlier timestamp is applied before an effect with a later timestamp.

613.6b A continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability receives a timestamp at the time its created.

Timestamps never disappear, they are just overridden by newer ones. If the most recent continuous effect ends, the next one in line becomes the most recent, and will be applied. Knowing this, you can determine that Vorapede will return under the control of Player 2, as his timestamp on Sower of Temptation is now the most recent.

June 24, 2017 2:50 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #4

If your question has been answered please select an answer to remove this from the active questions queue.

June 26, 2017 11:49 p.m.

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