Uvilda, Dean of Perfectionp and Counterspells

Asked by 9-lives 1 year ago

Say that I have Mindswipe and I use Uvilda, Dean of Perfection  Flip to exile it and put hone counters on it. Whenever I am finished removing hone counters, does that mean that anytime I wish to cast Mindswipe I can? Or does it have to be immediately after the hone counters are removed? It doesn't say on the card of Uvilda, Dean of Perfection  Flip.

Caerwyn says... Accepted answer #1

Removing the last Hone Counter causes the triggered ability to occur. The ability to cast the spell is part of that triggered ability and you must cast the spell as part of resolution of the ability. If you do not cast the spell at that time you will not be able to cast it later and it will remain in exile.

It is worth noting that it says all of this on the card. “When” is one of the words used to indicate a triggered ability occurs and it specifies the triggering event is the last counter being removed. It also specifies that the casting of the exiled card occurs during resolution of that triggers ability.

One of the Gatherer rulings provides a bit more guidance:

After removing the last hone counter, casting the spell is optional. Timing permissions based on the card's type are ignored. If an effect prohibits you from casting the card or you choose not to cast it, it remains exiled with no hone counters on it, and you won't be able to cast it later.

October 31, 2022 1:19 p.m.

9-lives says... #2

So, if I use Uvilda, Dean of Perfection  Flip with a counterspell, it wouldn't work would it? Considering that I have to cast it on my opponent's turn?

October 31, 2022 3:35 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #3

That is (in effect) correct - Uvilda would not work with Counterspell in the way you intend because you would have to play the Counterspell during the resolution of her ability and cannot wait until they have a spell on the stack.

I am sure I could come up with a set of plays where there would be a valid target for a Counterspell at resolution of Uvilda’a ability, so I am a bit hesitant to say it “wouldn’t work”, but those would be a really weird set of circumstances unlikely to really exist in an actual game-which is why I am careful to say that it would not work in effect or as you intend.

I’ll also note you don’t “have to cast Counterspell on an opponents’ turn” as your post indicated (I think that was just poor phrasing on your part, but I don’t like to assume).

October 31, 2022 3:51 p.m. Edited.

9-lives says... #4

Ahhhh. Many thanks, Caerwyn

October 31, 2022 3:56 p.m.

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