Stealing extra turns w/ Imp's Mischief

Asked by Metroid_Hybrid 1 year ago

Say one of my opponents in a multi-player game casts a targeted extra turn spell (ie Time Warp) during their turn, and in response I cast Imp's Mischief to steal said extra turn...

Do I take the extra turn immediately after their's exactly as written (irrespective of turn order) or is there an esoteric rule somewhere that forces me to take the turn after my normal one?

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1

There's no rule like that. You just take the turn immediately after the current one, and then gameplay continues to whosever turn it would have been if you hadn't taken that extra turn. Same applies to instant-speed extra turn spells like the infamous Nexus of Fate.

June 4, 2022 6:14 a.m. Edited.

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