Mind's Eye + Smothering Tithe token interaction

Asked by Jrtobbe94 4 years ago

Looking to make my mono-white EDH deck more reliable. I'm not focused on a winning edge necessarily, but rather, just having mana and card draw to play the game.

So, question time.

I have Mind's Eye on the field and a couple treasure tokens from Smothering Tithe. Can these treasure tokens be sacrificed to draw a card on an opponent's draw step?

I'm assuming a token created by this draw step can't be sacrificed to draw a card with Mind's Eye on the field.

Jrtobbe94 says... #1

After a little research, I'm under the impression that I can sacrifice a token on opponent's upkeep and use that mana to draw a card at their draw step.

I only get the next token at their draw step, so there is no opportunity to sacrifice for the mana needed to draw a card.

June 2, 2020 1:35 p.m.

Tylord2894 says... Accepted answer #2

There's no restriction that states that you can't sacrifice the Treasures from Smothering Tithe during your opponent's draw step. While it is not common for things to happen in one's draw step, there is still a pass of priority there. Also, sacrificing the Treasure in their upkeep will cause that mana to drain from your mana pool when they move to their draw step.

Both Smothering Tithe and Mind's Eye trigger when an opponent draws a card. Since you control both triggers, you get to order them. You can choose to order them so that the Tithe trigger resolves first and then the Eye trigger. This way, if that opponent doesn't pay , you can use the treasure that you just created to pay for the in the Eye trigger.

The sacrifice ability on the Treasure tokens is a mana ability, so you can activate it any time you have priority, while casting a cast, and while a spell/ability is resolving provided it asks you to pay a cost (like the Eye trigger does).

Hope this helps!!

June 2, 2020 1:45 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #3

Jrtobbe94: A correct answer to your question has been up for a while (lots of knowledgeable people read this forum, so you can trust responses that either multiple people agree with or no one responds to contradict/correct). I marked it as the "Accepted answer" so that this topic can move out of the list of unanswered questions. Please remember to take care of this yourself in the future.

June 7, 2020 9:58 p.m.

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