How does "You Win The Game" work with loss replacement effects?

Asked by Delphen7 11 months ago

Say Player A controls The Golden Throne. Player B resolves Thassa's Oracle's trigger with no cards in library. B would win the game, which would cause A to be a loser.

But would Golden Throne kick in, and save A? Would it save a theoretical Player C?

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

Under "normal" circumstances there's no interaction here because Thassa's Oracle makes its controller win, not another player lose, so there's no "you lose the game" event for The Golden Throne's replacement effect to replace.

However, if you're playing a multiplayer game with the limited range of influence option, a "you win" effect for a player is turned into a "you lose" effect for the opponents within that player's range of influence. If A and C in your example are in B's range of influence when this happens then A will exile the Throne, go to 1 and stay in the game, B will stay in the game and C will lose.

See section 104 of the Comprehensive Rules for more details: 104. Ending the Game

June 19, 2023 5:49 p.m.

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