Does Savor the Moment skip all untap steps of the extra turn it grants?

Asked by Yesterday 2 years ago

I assume so, and that Savor the Moment is worded similarly to things like Underworld Breach because it's expected to only refer to one instance of that step.

But if I control a Sphinx of the Second Sun as a take an extra turn with Savor the Moment, will I also skip the second untap step of the turn?

Guerric says... #1

Since you are only skipping the untap step of that turn, once that has triggered and resolved, Sphinx should give you a standard beginning phase. So I think you're good to go on that one. The singular wording points that way as you point out, but the phase skipping would be a triggered ability that would resolve once the phase is skipped, so on both counts the extra phase should be as normal. Great question!

May 8, 2022 8:28 p.m.

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #2

Thanks, and while I appreciate the answer, this definitely isn't a triggered ability. Triggered abilities always use the words "When/whenever/at [the beginning of ...]"

Apparently, this was a whole issue when Sphinx of the Second Sun came out, and also applies to if a player somehow manages to get the Sphinx out on the first turn of play while being on the play and not the draw; do they draw a card during the second beginning step?

No, apparently not* in either case. There's a whole-ass thread there to dig into.

I'll leave this up for a bit in case anybody wants to add something, because I feel a little bit weird about answering and closing my own question without leaving room for another perspective.

May 12, 2022 7:06 a.m.

Guerric says... #3

I'd still think "the untap phase" is singular and not referring to "an additional beginning phase," but Gidgetimer could probably give an authoritative answer.

May 12, 2022 8:34 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #4

I saw this and decided against answering it because I don't know for sure. My first inclination was that Sphinx of the Second Sun creates an entire beginning phase, complete with untap step.

Matt Tabak said otherwise though during one of the two periods that he was rules manager. The only source more authoritative than the one you linked would be Jess Dunks being as he is the current Rules Manager.

May 13, 2022 2:42 a.m.

Yesterday says... #5

Cheers. I've bothered him on Twitter. Will update if I get a reply.

May 13, 2022 7:53 a.m.

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