Does Mana Reflection double the amount of mana produced when tapping a legendary creature to activate Relic of Legends' second ability?

Asked by JoyTheEnbySliverLover 6 months ago

Probably a dumb question but got to make sure.

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

No, it won't. To "tap something for mana" specifically means to activate a mana ability of that particular thing with in the activation cost. You're tapping the legendary creature to activate Relic of Legends' ability, so that means it doesn't count as "tapping the legendary creature for mana". This is different, for example, from something like Tyvar Kell which actually does give creatures a mana ability of their own, and activating those abilities would count for Mana Reflection.

106.12. To “tap [a permanent] for mana” is to activate a mana ability of that permanent that includes the {T} symbol in its activation cost. See rule 605, “Mana Abilities.”

November 13, 2023 5:02 p.m.

Thank you, Rhadamanthus, for answering my question and explaining it so well.

I will definitely need to find another card to use now since I want to use Mana Reflection for my stuff. I hoped to keep Relic of Legends but since it no longer works for what I want to do in my deck, I'm going to have to replaces it. I now need to find out what works best to replace it lol. Any suggestions?

November 13, 2023 6:05 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #3

I don't know. I really had to stretch to find Tyvar Kell as an example. I could have sworn there was an enchantment of some sort that gave all your creatures a mana ability but I wasn't able to figure out a string of search terms to make it come up (if it exists).

November 13, 2023 7:46 p.m.

Rhadamanthus, I think I found the card already. Was it Cryptolith Rite by any chance? Because that's the one I found. There is also a few more cards. Took me some time to find a search term to narrow it down enough. The other cards are:

Which do you think is better? I feel like Elven Chorus is a little unnecessary as I already have Augur of Autumn in the deck. I don't know. I am just curious to get your opinion but it is fine if you don't have an answer.

November 13, 2023 8:17 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #5

Rhadamanthus - I did a Gatherer search for "creatures you control have" "add" and ":" (so it would have an activated ability somewhere in the text), and came up with a few options. It is a bit over-inclusive, but with only 17 results, it is pretty easy to parse through the non-responsive options. Link to search.

I expect the card you are thinking of is Cryptolith Rite, which is a pretty darn good card and all around better than Relic of Legends.

(Edit: Looks like my post was preempted and OP found the card already!)

November 13, 2023 8:22 p.m. Edited.

Caerwyn, I did but thanks for the comment anyway. Which of the cards I listed do you think is best? Keep in mind, that I have Augur of Autumn in the deck. Also, I should have said this in my previous comment but, the deck is full of legendary creatures.

November 13, 2023 8:32 p.m.

koylucumert says... #7

depending on how big the color issue is, you can play Honor-Worn Shaku instead

November 14, 2023 8:07 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #8

@Caerwyn: I think I was using the word "gain" in my searches instead of "have". Thanks, I'll be sure to remember that for next time.

@JoyTheEnbySliverLover: If this is a commander deck then you should definitely find room for all of those. The redundancy will help your consistency a lot. If this is a "regular" 60-card casual deck then I think maybe 3 copies of Cryptolith Rite will do it.

November 14, 2023 8:45 a.m.

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