Flickering Ward interactions

Asked by soli83 3 years ago

If i have a creature and i have cast a Flickering Ward on it and given it protection from blue and my opponen casts a Flickering Ward on my creature and gives it protection from white, does it detatch my Flickering Ward or are all flickering wards immune to being detatched by protection because of this ruling?

Neotrup says... Accepted answer #1

The relevant ability of Flickering Ward is:

Enchanted creature has protection from the chosen color. This effect doesn't remove Flickering Ward.

When a card uses it's own name, it means "this object." So the effect only prevents itself from falling off.

So yes, your opponent's Flickering Ward will remove yours.

March 7, 2021 1:37 p.m.

Nexus964 says... #2

Can I add to the comment of Neotrup: the stack.

if you play the cards their effects go on the stack. Once everyone has played everything the stack will take affect in reverse order so your opponents flickering ward will first be attached and give your creature prot of white (but will not detach it as per the cards text) however, your flickering ward will be bounced as your creature card has received protection from white.

First comment please be gentle :)

March 8, 2021 4:03 p.m.

Polaris says... #3

The stack doesn't matter much in this instance, partly since none of the cards involved have flash and partly because auras being removed because of protection is a state-based action (which doesn't use the stack and in fact happens before players can take actions). Once the Ward enters the battlefield, any auras of the color it gives protection from immediately get unattached from that creature and put into the graveyard.

You can't respond to one Flickering Ward with another, though if you have the mana up you can pay to retrieve your Flickering Ward before the opponent's gives your creature pro white and sends your Ward to the graveyard. Once the opponent's Ward resolves, however, it's too late. You have to activate the ability in response to them casting their Ward.

March 9, 2021 3:22 a.m.

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