Can you counter an activated ability giving indestructible with an instant?

Asked by Annie3362 1 year ago

My opponent used the ability of Mondrak, Glory Dominus. As far as i could tell, the sacrafices are part of the cost and so I cannot respond by destroying the sacrafices, but I can destroy Mondrak with instants before he becomes indestructible. when the ability resolves mondrak is no longer on the battlefield and so does not get a token. (And the sacrafices would remain in the graveyard.) Is this correct?

Delphen7 says... Accepted answer #1

You are correct on both.

Activated abilities are worded [Cost]:[Effect]. Since the sacrifice comes before the colon, it is part of the cost, and cannot be responded to.

The indestructibility is part of the effect, and responses can be made before Mondrak is indestructible. If he dies, the ability won't have put a counter on Mondrak

April 23, 2023 10:10 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #2

In the future, please remember to hit the green "Mark as Answer" button to indicate your question has been resolved. As this question has been answered for several days, I have gone ahead and marked an answer on your behalf.

May 4, 2023 1:02 a.m.

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