Can Mother of Runes stop Chamber of Manipulation?

Asked by Sloanan 7 years ago

Basically the above. I was playing a commander game with some friends and one guy used Chamber of Manipulation to gain control of my commander and essentially lock me out of combat for a few turns. I had a Mother of Runes out. A friend of mine was saying I could use mother to give Alesha protection from blue and make the ability fizzle. Thing is, though, I'm fairly certain that I couldn't, because Chamber of Manipulation grants an ability to a land, which is colorless. We went back and forth about it (odd, simply because I'd usually never argue against something that would help me) and couldn't find any rulings online, so now I'm asking you, my dear compatriots.

acbooster says... Accepted answer #1

You would be correct.

The chamber is giving the ability to the land, meaning that the land is the source and not the chamber, making the ability colorless when it's on the stack.

February 27, 2017 8:06 a.m.

Sloanan says... #2

Just what I needed! Thanks!

February 27, 2017 8:09 a.m.

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