MH1 prices after MH2

Economics forum

Posted on May 13, 2021, 3:08 p.m. by lifemtg

Ok so I’m not much into the economic values of MTG cards, and I don’t keep up with what cards become more valuable when seeing play in modern and legacy. Obviously MH1 cards will go down if reprinted in MH2. But I’ve been wondering if the value of non-reprinted MH1 cards will go up after the release of MH2, or hell, just go up drastic amounts on their own. Some cards I would love having speculation insights on are Wrenn and Six , Hexdrinker , and MH1 lands such as Silent Clearing -foil, as I pulled a few-

RNR_Gaming says... #2

Those cards have somewhat dried up in the market and only have 1 printing - usually the best time to buy is slightly after the release. Everyone opens tons of product now a days so the market is flooded after a few days; with the more low end cards at least. So barring any new modern/legacy decks, bannings or reprints those cards are priced about as low as they're going to get.

May 15, 2021 12:07 a.m.

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