Diaochan Artful Beauty Help

Commander Deck Help forum

Posted on June 3, 2015, 7:57 p.m. by StevTheRenegade

This is my Diaochan, Artful Beauty multiplayer EDH deck.

Diaochan Dirty Dancing

Diaochan is a very underhyped commander with great artwork that I'd like to work on in order to promote unique gameplay within my 4 man pod playgroup.

When Diaochan is equipped with shroud, protection from red, or indestructible she is able to pick off targets from the board and remain safe from her own ability. (Hexproof or any other ability similar does not work).

This forces the enemy to play politics from each other, in an aggressive way this isn't very political for you personally. ( I hate political puppets as well as group hug. I don't want to make deals with or give gifts to anyone in exchange for anything).

Currently...I see this deck going two ways.

  1. Artificer. In my head the deck can be very close to a [daretti scrap savant]] deck. I imagine artifact creatures with shroud, indestructible, and pro red as well as totems and animate-able artifacts to dodge her own ability.

  2. Borderline creature-less , burn heavy. I imagine red spells being more acceptable with the board being more or less free of creatures via diaochans ability.

I would like some opinions from the community on the choices I have made, and any suggestions I may have missed. Feel free to nudge me in another direction - however...

  1. I do not want to change the commander.

  2. Recommending a ton of good stuff cards(or totally obscure cards) with no explanation does not help at all.

My playgroup plays by the official rules, with our only house rule being 20 infect for EDH instead of 10.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Bulwer says... #2

If you go with the burn-heavy plan, Chandra, the Firebrand would be fun.

Or maybe Chandra Nalaar-- fun times with your Repercussion.

June 5, 2015 1:20 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #3

Burn heavy is probably a bad plan. Even with the board clear of creatures you still have to deal 40 damage per player. That's a lot. Even if they're damaging each other, which they won't be doing since you cleared their creatures.

Just go with artifacts and assemble a combo finish.

June 5, 2015 7:44 p.m.

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