
Commander / EDH alecks


_Moonie_ says... #1

Just a heads up, you're running 104 cards.

Aside from that, though, how do you feel a werewolf EDH works? I've got a werewolf modern I've been considering changing to EDH but I've been worried the mechanics won't work as well in this format.

February 15, 2022 9:42 p.m.

_Moonie_ says... #2

Feed the Pack might be a good wolf token generator if you don't think the CMC is too high

February 16, 2022 3:17 p.m.

alecks says... #3

Hey _Moonie_, thanks for the comments. My paper copy only has 100 cards, kind of using this list as the top cards that I'm deciding between, hoping for some feedback, especially with the creature list. I have a what is now modern deck too, it was standard in the original innistrad block that I had fun playing with. Honestly I think now that we have Tovolar, the tribe is really playable in EDH. With 3 blocks of werewolves, we have a lot of good creatures, and a lot of good support cards. The new daybound ability works better in this format than the old flipping mechanic, but Tovolars ability makes it so that we can reliably flip our werewolves anyway.

Am I missing something about Feed the Pack? It seems like most times I would rather have the creature that I'd be sacrificing, and since it's specifically end step you can't use it to dodge other spells. I've considered it before, it just doesn't feel like it's as good or reliable as Kessig Cagebreakers or Cult of the Waxing Moon.

I'll take a look at your modern deck, I'm curious what you've got. I'd started a list after shadows over innistrad, but I never finished it, and I haven't made one recently either.

February 16, 2022 8:51 p.m.

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