The Predator of Predators

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 367 | 113 COMMENTS | 43032 VIEWS | IN 145 FOLDERS

The Great Lizard Skull Cometh! —Feb. 22, 2021

When I started to pilot this deck (Realizing Dinosaurs embody my inner Timmy) i've always intended to acquire a special high-end deck box for it in the same fashion as my Sliver Deck The Queen's Egg. The problem however was that I had a very specific vision (a common problem that plagues me with my decks as well) - I wanted to get a deck box that resembles a Tyrannosaurus Rex's fossilized skull. Currently, there is no such product available - but luckily for me I found an artist who works with metals and cast resins who is willing to take up the task of building me my dream T-Rex Skull deck box - albeit at a pretty penny. Everything is in the early stages at the moment, but what's really awesome is the fact that I at least have a concept image to share:

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