Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

Commander / EDH KBK7101


v1.2 - Tweaked manabase and SIGNED ISSHINS!! —May 11, 2023

OUT - 1x Swamp, Sulfurous Springs

IN - Bloodstained Mire, Luxury Suite

Slight tweak to the manabase. Snatched the Mire from another deck that didn't really need it. It'll get more use in this one. I only have two and the other one is in my Sengir/Kediss deck. Added in a good handful of foils, as well.

My sister happened to be in the area for Magic Con Minneapolis and managed to grab me a signed foil extended art Isshin and a normal frame foil Isshin along with an Isshin art print! So excited! They all look awesome!

I also swapped out the Dragon Shield Dual Matte Crypt sleeves for the Dragon Shield Great Wave art sleeves. They look SO GOOD!!

Did this really need a new version/revision? Probably not but I'm just so excited that I can't help it!!

Crow_Umbra says... #1

Another solid round of updates! Your deck is looking more and more refined with each new update. I haven't added anything from MOM/MOC into my 99 yet, but I've kept stuff on my radar.

I think it might be worth revisiting Breena, the Demagogue and/or Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant. You could possibly replace Welcoming Vampire, as 8ish of your cards in the 99 have power 2 or less, some of which are token producers so have more extended synergy.

I'm a bit biased since Breena won me my last few games. My meta leans aggro, so she tends to stick around since people can benefit, but she gets huge as a result, or can grow other threats on our side of the board. In those last few games she was at 20+ power both times, and was 1-shotting people by that point in the game. Karazikar even for 1 turn rotation is super helpful for deflecting aggro.

Breena and Karazikar are both high risk/high reward in their own respects, but I think each has a higher ceiling than Welcoming Vampire for both drawing and finishing potential.

May 3, 2023 11:44 a.m.

KBK7101 says... #2

Thanks for the kind words! This was definitely one of those updates that I could physically feel that the deck was better afterwards. You ever have one of those? They don't happen to me very often but they feel really good when they do!

Breena is such a cool card. I love the design and the art but... to be completely honest, the text just confuses me. I know it just breaks down to a "the trigger, the clause, the result" kind of ability but for some reason it just always seems to throw me for a loop whenever I read it. lol I will definitely keep an eye on it, though, as I already have one!

Karazikar isn't one I've looked at too often but it definitely does fit. I might have to get one and test it out eventually. I do kind of like the added chaos that Goad adds to games.

Is it okay if I send you a private message on here? Got a question for you. Completely legitimate, I swear. (if so, how do I do that? lol)

May 3, 2023 11:59 a.m. Edited.

Crow_Umbra says... #3

No prob! I have had that feeling a handful of times over the past year, usually when I upgraded the draw or group slug pieces haha.

Breena is definitely a little confusing at first, but groks the more you play with her. I look at it in the following sequence:

  1. A player (maybe you) is attacking one of your opponents.

  2. Does the defending opponent have more life than another opponent? If yes, proceed to step 3. If no, stop here.

  3. If the defending opponent has more life than another opponent, the attacking player draws 1 card, and you put 2 +1/+1 counters on a creature you control. If Isshin is out on your battlefield, repeat step 3 again.

With Isshin out, the player attacking the opponent with the most life will draw 2 cards, and you will place 2 +1/+1 counters on any creature(s) you control. Since opponents can draw 2 cards, they may attack other players so they can benefit, and you can continue to grow your threats until it's too late lol.

May 3, 2023 12:11 p.m.