Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

Commander / EDH KBK7101


v1.1 - March of the Machine! —May 3, 2023

OUT - Unbreakable Formation, Idol of Oblivion, Inkshield, Deadly Dispute, Ria Ivor, Bane of Bladehold, Search the Premises

IN - Flawless Maneuver, Clever Concealment, Chivalric Alliance, Glimmer Lens, Battle Angels of Tyr, Firemane Commando

This update really focused on the card draw aspect of the deck. The new cards Chivalric Alliance and Firemane Commando were auto-includes for me from the moment they were spoiled. Past those two, a few more additions from ONE, Clever Concealment and Glimmer Lens both seem like they fit really well in here. A straight upgrade from Unbreakable Formation into Flawless Maneuver. Also finally got a copy of Battle Angels of Tyr. Pretty excited about that one! Might need to tweak the manabase slightly to better fit all these cards.

Nothing really sticks out for this deck from Aftermath (a set I am highly conflicted about anyway) so I'm not sure when the next update will be. After Wilds of Eldraine releases? We'll see!

Crow_Umbra says... #1

Congrats on the primer completion (for now lol)! Just when I think I'm done with my primer, I realize I haven't updated since making changes to the deck list, and have to scour for all the cards that have been swapped out.

I hope you've been having fun with the deck irl

March 17, 2023 11:43 a.m.

Venoctus says... #2

Good Deck, i like some if the Card Draw Cards much.

March 21, 2023 12:30 p.m.

Michigone says... #3

Hey KBK7101! Awesome looking Isshin build! Also, good to see you on here Crow-Umbra!

Hey so KBK7101, I came to the realization (with a lot of help from others) that myriad is fantastic in Isshin. And I originally thought to myself, 'Elturel Survivors is amazing in this deck, auto-include!" However, I came to realize that while the trample+myriad aspect is amazing, Survivor's triggered ability is unfortunately not an attack trigger, and so won't be doubled up by Isshin. While making 5 X/4s with trample is still awesome value, just checking that you see the non-bo. One card I have been considering for a while which is adjacent in my mind, is Devilish Valet. Has the trample, also has haste, and if you're making a lot of tokens, it grows exponentially, so at just five tokens produced, it becomes a 32/3. While not myriad, it could easily eliminate one opponent at that power.

One other recommendation, I would 100% switch out Herald of the Host and put in the Battle Angels of Tyr you have sitting in your next update area. Almost the exact same stat line (yes, minus the vigilance, I know), but with massively better triggers. And if all 5 hit, you get 5 triggers of its ability to resolve.

Okay, thanks for listening!

March 24, 2023 9:11 a.m.

Michigone says... #4

Hey KBK7101! Awesome looking Isshin build! Also, good to see you on here Crow-Umbra!

Hey so KBK7101, I came to the realization (with a lot of help from others) that myriad is fantastic in Isshin. And I originally thought to myself, 'Elturel Survivors is amazing in this deck, auto-include!" However, I came to realize that while the trample+myriad aspect is amazing, Survivor's triggered ability is unfortunately not an attack trigger, and so won't be doubled up by Isshin. While making 5 X/4s with trample is still awesome value, just checking that you see the non-bo. One card I have been considering for a while which is adjacent in my mind, is Devilish Valet. Has the trample, also has haste, and if you're making a lot of tokens, it grows exponentially, so at just five tokens produced, it becomes a 32/3. While not myriad, it could easily eliminate one opponent at that power.

One other recommendation, I would 100% switch out Herald of the Host and put in the Battle Angels of Tyr you have sitting in your next update area. Almost the exact same stat line (yes, minus the vigilance, I know), but with massively better triggers. And if all 5 hit, you get 5 triggers of its ability to resolve.

Okay, thanks for listening!

March 24, 2023 9:12 a.m.

KBK7101 says... #5

Yeah, I know that Survivors' ability doesn't double up with Isshin. My token loving heart can't help but love the idea of attacking with it and making like six X/4 tokens with Isshin, though!

You are 100% right about Battle Angels of Tyr and Devilish Valet. Those are two cards that I've been wanting to add but I just don't know what to cut for them. (I'd like to keep Herald of the Host if possible. The more Myriad creatures, the better!)

March 24, 2023 9:29 a.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #6

KBK7101 How has Ria Ivor, Bane of Bladehold been for you in play-testing, or actual games? She could be a potential swap for Battle Angels of Tyr.

I was initially excited at Ria Ivor's potential for token production, especially with Purphoros & similar Impact Tremors effects. The more I play-tested her, the more clunky & telegraphed it felt to pull off.

Idk, I think Battle Angels could be more impactful with the potential for draw, treasures, & chip life gain.

Alternatively, you could swap in Battle Angels over Search the Premises, another card that I felt was too many hoops to jump through to potentially draw a couple cards, the more i played it.

March 24, 2023 10:24 a.m.

KBK7101 says... #7

Crow-Umbra Meant to get back to this a few days ago but forgot. Oops! lol

I don't think I've even drawn Ria Ivor in playtesting so far. Not in goldfishing or on Arena but as I was typing out something about her for the primer... I kinda came to the same realization you did. She's a bit clunky and unintuitive for token generation. Like, putting her trigger on anything that doesn't have evasion (most of the creatures in the deck) is kinda... just... a waste? Maybe not a waste but definitely not too exciting. The real possibility of just having her target get blocked just seems.... lame. I dunno. I feel like Battle Angels of Tyr would be much more beneficial in that spot and will probably make the swap the next time I update the deck.

Search the Premises is another card I'd want to swap out, but I'd like for it to be for more card draw. Any suggestions? Maybe Gruesome Realization?

March 27, 2023 1:21 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #8

There's someone that I mutually follow on Moxfield that built a deck with Ria Ivor in the command zone. They shared with me that the deck felt very slow and clunky, even with consistent access to her. Basically felt like a lot of set-up for creating enough Mite tokens to likely paint a target on your back.

I've liked Gruesome Realization in some of my recent games with it. Most of the time I've used the Draw 2 mode, but I had a game a couple of weeks ago where I used the -1/-1 mode to kill off a Krenko, Mob Boss's growing board of Goblins. Thankfully most of them were small enough to take the hit. I like the flexibility to draw or have some anti-token tech.

I've also recently started trying out Braids, Arisen Nightmare and Seize the Spotlight. I run Seize the Spotlight in my Anhelo, the Painter deck for the copy potential, but figured it could have a spot here as a first main phase play, especially if I have group drain effects on board. Giving an opponents a choice can certainly be a double-edged sword, but I think it can make games fun for the communicative aspect, and players are essentially damned by their own choices.

March 27, 2023 1:30 p.m. Edited.