I'm the reason people hate Child of Alara

Commander / EDH Cowmmunist


updates coming soon! —May 1, 2024

Been playing magic way way less these days, but i've gotten bit by the desire to look through my decks and update them, and child is first on the list! gonna add a ton of stuff to the maybeboard as considerations and then in the next week or so i'll put together my new list ??

ThoAlmighty says... #1

No Command Tower or Path of Ancestry for fixing? Seem worth trimming basics for if you're willing to go down to 1 mountain and plains probably

July 8, 2022 1:21 a.m.

Cowmmunist says... #2

ThoAlmighty Thanks for the considerations!

I honestly think I am pretty set on fixing, and I am not comfortable dropping below 2 of each basic land. Several of my ramp spells reference basic lands and I need to be able to react to effects like Ghost Quarter, Field of Ruin, Path to Exile, or opponents Tempt with Discovery and other effects like it. Really need that buffer so I can dish out my own basics, and not be down a land when I play against effects like these, and I think 10 is a good number right now.

For cards like Command Tower and Arcane Lighthouse to find a home here, I'd wonder what you might swap them out with? I'm still in the process of testing out the channel lands and so far I have not been a huge fan of Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire because it can only do 4 damage. Which has actually been a great way to deal with commanders, because it's an ability activated from the hand, not a cast spell. But 4 damage is pretty restrictive, and it has only really helped me in the early game while I am still collecting my colors. For instance it has kept me alive against Edgar Markov who is a very scary aggro deck, and absolutely can blitz down Child.

July 8, 2022 11 a.m.

LautrecLautrec says... #3

This deck is truly a thing of beauty

July 9, 2022 10:51 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #4

Command Beacon seems really good here. Awesome list!

July 14, 2022 9:16 a.m.

Cowmmunist says... #5

Inkmoth yeah, I have been thinking about it for awhile. I've been considering Command Beacon, Cavern of Souls and Boseiju, Who Shelters All because they both bring so much utility, and particularly insurance

I'm probably going to take out Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire because I haven't really been able to get much use out of it. I just really liked how hard it is to counter ✌️

July 14, 2022 9:39 a.m.

Absolute perfection, though you should update the Altar's Reap with Village Rites, but it probably won't make much of a difference.

July 14, 2022 3:51 p.m.

Cowmmunist says... #7

DryadArborGoesInCreaturePile I am unsure of what you mean, I am already playing Village Rites

July 14, 2022 3:59 p.m.

Miwa0609 says... #8

I'm not sure how good it is as you wipe the board a lot probably, but I think i'll still consider Field of the Dead, as you have high diversity in your landbase. And would probably change 1 of each basic land for the snow-covered version to make it even easier to trigger.

July 15, 2022 3:34 p.m.

Miwa0609 says... #9

Vesuva and Thespian's Stage can also be really good. Copying Maze's End, Basilisk Gate or even Field of the Dead that I just recommended are all good targets.

July 15, 2022 3:37 p.m.

Ohhhh I see it now

July 16, 2022 1:26 p.m.

ENZU says... #11

Wincons: (3), I already know this is evil lol.

So....how do you win against this, and what do u do if someone say, destroys maze's end?

(also send me the formatting code for those category boxes plz in the description those are cool)

July 18, 2022 7:57 a.m.

Cowmmunist says... #12

Hav0cD3m0n thank you for the suggestion!

Field of the Dead - I like the idea of this card as a potential win condition, especially with Scapeshift you could make a ton of zombies. But I personally think that it would be very difficult to time, and kind of hard to maintain with child. I think it generally breaks parity with how this deck is played.

Thespian's Stage, Vesuva - Now I really like these, and I've specifically considered Vesuva in the past, but I don't think they would fit the current list. Copying Maze's End can get us gates faster, but I often have to hold Maze's End in hand because of cards like Field of Ruin. Making copies of our Baldur's Gate, or Basilisk Gate seems good, but is it worth the slot? It's something I would have to test, but I can't think of any situations where I would want to tutor for it.

I really appreciate the input, and if you find yourself playing a copy of this deck anywhere for whatever reason definitely let me know your experience! I keep meaning to flesh out the description and add a serious primer. It's in the works, but I'm very very busy with work

July 18, 2022 9:19 a.m.

Cowmmunist says... #13

NewHorizons howdy howdy!

3 Wincons is a little misleading, technically it's only 2 but in that category I have listed the enablers for both strategies. Generally, going for Maze's End is faster and more reliable, but sometimes I draw something like Xenagos or Basilisk Gate early and once I get child out turn 4 or 5 I can just start swinging.

If someone exiles Maze's End I'm still a very control heavy deck with lots of recursion and tutors. Child can one shot people if you get out both Basilisk Gate and Xenagos. All you need is an opening.

You can find all of the formatting you could ever need here.

July 18, 2022 10:09 a.m.

Skeletor3040 says... #14

How do you get that custom card on your commander :O

July 19, 2022 11:31 p.m.

Cowmmunist says... #15

Skeletor3040 You click on the folder in the top right on tappedout, right next to your messages and profile. A drop down menu will have a button that says "Alters". You click on that and it takes you to the page where you can click on a giant button to "Add Alter", and from there it's pretty easy. hope this helps

July 20, 2022 6:12 a.m.

th3giv3r says... #16

I don't want you to get confused: people hate YOU, not your Commander or your deck.

July 20, 2022 12:30 p.m.

Cowmmunist says... #17

th3giv3r maybe people shouldn't get so attached to their permanents? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

July 20, 2022 3:31 p.m.

Skeletor3040 says... #18

Cowmmunist probably not the best place to ask again about it, but what if theres no alters for the card you want? is there a place i can upload my own or do i have to be a member

July 21, 2022 4:19 p.m.

Cowmmunist says... #19

Skeletor3040 oh hey man, I don't mind ✌️

July 23, 2022 9:10 a.m.

DC_Geno says... #20

Steel Prism (Child of Alara Deck) 88 Lands for around $200 bucks. Even I was surprised to almost always get Child of Alara out on turn 5 sometimes 4 and every once in a while turn 6. Once one of the colossus are on the battlefield the game gets tough. The planeswalkers are beasts too. 8 modal lands are insane. I designed it after thinking lets make a deck that has multiple ways to win, forget Maze's End or Urza lands. This deck controls the game in multiple ways, then decides which route it wants to take. Check it out when you have time. It will surprise you!

August 2, 2022 1:09 a.m.

H1v3l0rd says... #21

Before this educational lecture, I would have sworn up and down people just hate Child of Alara because the art is goddamn horrifying, but now I understand that the mechanics are equally nasty. Good show, jolly good show!

August 4, 2022 2:56 a.m.

I might think about Amulet of Vigor to make sure all those gates come in untapped and allows for a same turn Maze's End win from Scapeshift. I am struggling a bit to see what to drop, maybe one of the one off sac cards?

Callous Bloodmage in my opinion is better than Agent of Erebos (though agent can still have its ability triggered without needing to recur it)

If you want a cheaper removal spell than Utter End, Despark is a good option, I run it in most of my BW based decks.

There is also Gateway Plaza if you want another gate, not great, but it is a gate

Definitely a fun looking deck!

August 4, 2022 5:35 p.m.

Cowmmunist says... #23

DawnsRayofLight thank you so much the kind words and recommendations!

I actually used to run an Amulet of Vigor! However, I took it out because i found that without the other "combo pieces" in hand, there's almost zero pay off to playing this card in this list as it currently exists. I would 9/10 times just prefer another piece of interaction.

Callous Bloodmage is an excellent card, but you were able to deduce exactly why I play the Agent in its stead :)

I have been doing a lot of thinking about changing up some of the card choices in the deck since I have not done so in quite some time. Things like Despark, and Vindicate need to come back into consideration. Despark may not specifically make the cut because this deck goes off at 3 mana, and I play twice as many ramp spells as any other kind of spell since it's part of the core strategy, so I'm not afraid to sacrifice efficiency if it means more versatility. I mean, most counter battles I get into are when I try to win which means I generally will have 9-11 lands in play.

August 4, 2022 6:01 p.m.

Tazzadar says... #24

Cowmmunist what are your thoughts about Underworld Breach?

August 5, 2022 8:04 a.m.

Tazzadar says... #25

Gond Gate acts like an amulet of vigor for the gates while being a gate itself. Makes the scapeshift combo better.

August 5, 2022 9:10 a.m.