T/O Commander Series Twitch Stream: Our Firsts

TappedOut Commander Series


13 December 2017


TappedOut Commander Series

Twitch Stream: Our Firsts

The Commander Series crew believe you never forget your first. Out of all the decks they've built (poorly) and quickly tossed aside over the years, Stonebrow, Krosan Hero, The Mimeoplasm, and Scion of the Ur-Dragon all hold special places in their hearts. Will Stonebrow smash through to victory, will Mimeoplasm shapeshift into an unstoppable combo monster, or will Scion summon the Ur-Dragon itself swarm the battlefield with a dragon army?

If you’re really into Commander, check out our previous videos at the TappedOut.net YouTube page!

The Commander Series streams live each Monday evening at 7:30pm MST. Don’t forget to follow the TappedOutNet Twitch page to be notified when we go live! Also, zandl is now leading the charge for the TappedOut Standard Series. Be sure to follow TappedOutNet to see it, as all of T/O’s Twitch endeavors happen there.

(Gameplay begins around the 4:30 mark.)

Decklists from the above video can be seen here:

Stonebrow, Krosan Hero

Commander / EDH zandl



Commander / EDH crazygnome103


If you have an idea for a theme we can build around one week, let us know either below or on the YouTube page.
 photo heart.jpgzandl

This article is a follow-up to T/O Commander Series Twitch Stream: Partners The next article in this series is T/O Commander Series Twitch Stream: Custom Commanders 4

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